mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 09:33:34 -06:00
* Add smart type selection when creating a new alert rule * Auto switch when switch button has not been clicked yet * remove unnecessay code after the last refacgtor * Refactor * Remove unneeded prop * Move SmartAlertTypeDetector to its own file * Fix tests * Refactor: new useSetExpressionAndDataSource hook * Fix expressions not been propagated when switching from one type to another * Change texts * Update tests * Update text in switch button * Update texts and tests * Refactor: move code to getCanSwitch new method * Move smart alert after queries and remove auto-switch * Remove expressions and restore them when switching between grafana and cloud type * Rename previous expression state * Fix tests * Add data source name for data source-managed alert selection * Update reducer when changing cloud data source * PR review suggestions * PR review suggestions 2nd part * PR review suggestions 3th part * Fix canSwitch * Update texts on smart alert --------- Co-authored-by: Virginia Cepeda <virginia.cepeda@grafana.com>
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191 lines
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import { screen, waitFor, waitForElementToBeRemoved, within } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent, { PointerEventsCheckLevel } from '@testing-library/user-event';
import React from 'react';
import { renderRuleEditor, ui } from 'test/helpers/alertingRuleEditor';
import { clickSelectOption } from 'test/helpers/selectOptionInTest';
import { byRole } from 'testing-library-selector';
import { setDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { contextSrv } from 'app/core/services/context_srv';
import { PromApplication } from 'app/types/unified-alerting-dto';
import { searchFolders } from '../../manage-dashboards/state/actions';
import { discoverFeatures } from './api/buildInfo';
import { fetchRulerRules, fetchRulerRulesGroup, fetchRulerRulesNamespace, setRulerRuleGroup } from './api/ruler';
import { ExpressionEditorProps } from './components/rule-editor/ExpressionEditor';
import { disableRBAC, mockDataSource, MockDataSourceSrv } from './mocks';
import { fetchRulerRulesIfNotFetchedYet } from './state/actions';
import * as config from './utils/config';
jest.mock('./components/rule-editor/ExpressionEditor', () => ({
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
ExpressionEditor: ({ value, onChange }: ExpressionEditorProps) => (
<input value={value} data-testid="expr" onChange={(e) => onChange(e.target.value)} />
// there's no angular scope in test and things go terribly wrong when trying to render the query editor row.
// lets just skip it
jest.mock('app/features/query/components/QueryEditorRow', () => ({
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
QueryEditorRow: () => <p>hi</p>,
jest.mock('./components/rule-editor/util', () => {
const originalModule = jest.requireActual('./components/rule-editor/util');
return {
getThresholdsForQueries: jest.fn(() => ({})),
const dataSources = {
default: mockDataSource(
type: 'prometheus',
name: 'Prom',
isDefault: true,
{ alerting: true }
jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => ({
getDataSourceSrv: jest.fn(() => ({
getInstanceSettings: () => dataSources.default,
get: () => dataSources.default,
jest.mock('app/core/components/AppChrome/AppChromeUpdate', () => ({
AppChromeUpdate: ({ actions }: { actions: React.ReactNode }) => <div>{actions}</div>,
jest.spyOn(config, 'getAllDataSources');
// these tests are rather slow because we have to wait for various API calls and mocks to be called
// and wait for the UI to be in particular states, drone seems to time out quite often so
// we're increasing the timeout here to remove the flakey-ness of this test
// ideally we'd move this to an e2e test but it's quite involved to set up the test environment
jest.setTimeout(60 * 1000);
const mocks = {
getAllDataSources: jest.mocked(config.getAllDataSources),
searchFolders: jest.mocked(searchFolders),
api: {
discoverFeatures: jest.mocked(discoverFeatures),
fetchRulerRulesGroup: jest.mocked(fetchRulerRulesGroup),
setRulerRuleGroup: jest.mocked(setRulerRuleGroup),
fetchRulerRulesNamespace: jest.mocked(fetchRulerRulesNamespace),
fetchRulerRules: jest.mocked(fetchRulerRules),
fetchRulerRulesIfNotFetchedYet: jest.mocked(fetchRulerRulesIfNotFetchedYet),
const getLabelInput = (selector: HTMLElement) => within(selector).getByRole('combobox');
describe('RuleEditor cloud', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
contextSrv.isEditor = true;
contextSrv.hasEditPermissionInFolders = true;
it('can create a new cloud alert', async () => {
setDataSourceSrv(new MockDataSourceSrv(dataSources));
name: 'group2',
rules: [],
namespace1: [
name: 'group1',
rules: [],
namespace2: [
name: 'group2',
rules: [],
application: PromApplication.Cortex,
features: {
rulerApiEnabled: true,
await waitForElementToBeRemoved(screen.getAllByTestId('Spinner'));
const removeExpressionsButtons = screen.getAllByLabelText('Remove expression');
const switchToCloudButton = screen.getByText('Switch to data source-managed alert rule');
await userEvent.click(switchToCloudButton);
//expressions are removed after switching to data-source managed
expect(screen.queryAllByLabelText('Remove expression')).toHaveLength(0);
const dataSourceSelect = ui.inputs.dataSource.get();
await userEvent.click(byRole('combobox').get(dataSourceSelect));
await clickSelectOption(dataSourceSelect, 'Prom (default)');
await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.fetchRulerRules).toHaveBeenCalled());
await userEvent.type(await ui.inputs.expr.find(), 'up == 1');
await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.name.get(), 'my great new rule');
await clickSelectOption(ui.inputs.namespace.get(), 'namespace2');
await clickSelectOption(ui.inputs.group.get(), 'group2');
await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.annotationValue(0).get(), 'some summary');
await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.annotationValue(1).get(), 'some description');
// TODO remove skipPointerEventsCheck once https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom/issues/3232 is fixed
await userEvent.click(ui.buttons.addLabel.get(), { pointerEventsCheck: PointerEventsCheckLevel.Never });
await userEvent.type(getLabelInput(ui.inputs.labelKey(0).get()), 'severity{enter}');
await userEvent.type(getLabelInput(ui.inputs.labelValue(0).get()), 'warn{enter}');
// save and check what was sent to backend
await userEvent.click(ui.buttons.save.get());
await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup).toHaveBeenCalled());
{ dataSourceName: 'Prom', apiVersion: 'legacy' },
name: 'group2',
rules: [
alert: 'my great new rule',
annotations: { description: 'some description', summary: 'some summary' },
labels: { severity: 'warn' },
expr: 'up == 1',
for: '1m',