mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Move rotate logic into its own function * Move oauth token sync to session client * Add user to the local cache if refresh tokens are not enabled for the provider so we can skip the check in other requests
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package authnimpl
import (
const (
attributeKeyClient = "authn.client"
var (
errCantAuthenticateReq = errutil.Unauthorized("auth.unauthorized")
errDisabledIdentity = errutil.Unauthorized("identity.disabled")
// make sure service implements authn.Service interface
func ProvideAuthnService(s *Service) authn.Service {
return s
// make sure service implements authn.IdentitySynchronizer interface
func ProvideIdentitySynchronizer(s *Service) authn.IdentitySynchronizer {
return s
func ProvideService(
cfg *setting.Cfg, tracer tracing.Tracer,
orgService org.Service, sessionService auth.UserTokenService,
accessControlService accesscontrol.Service,
apikeyService apikey.Service, userService user.Service,
jwtService auth.JWTVerifierService,
usageStats usagestats.Service,
userProtectionService login.UserProtectionService,
loginAttempts loginattempt.Service, quotaService quota.Service,
authInfoService login.AuthInfoService, renderService rendering.Service,
features *featuremgmt.FeatureManager, oauthTokenService oauthtoken.OAuthTokenService,
socialService social.Service, cache *remotecache.RemoteCache,
ldapService service.LDAP, registerer prometheus.Registerer,
signingKeysService signingkeys.Service, oauthServer oauthserver.OAuth2Server,
) *Service {
s := &Service{
log: log.New("authn.service"),
cfg: cfg,
clients: make(map[string]authn.Client),
clientQueue: newQueue[authn.ContextAwareClient](),
tracer: tracer,
metrics: newMetrics(registerer),
sessionService: sessionService,
postAuthHooks: newQueue[authn.PostAuthHookFn](),
postLoginHooks: newQueue[authn.PostLoginHookFn](),
s.RegisterClient(clients.ProvideRender(userService, renderService))
s.RegisterClient(clients.ProvideAPIKey(apikeyService, userService))
if cfg.LoginCookieName != "" {
s.RegisterClient(clients.ProvideSession(cfg, features, sessionService, oauthTokenService, socialService))
var proxyClients []authn.ProxyClient
var passwordClients []authn.PasswordClient
if s.cfg.LDAPAuthEnabled {
ldap := clients.ProvideLDAP(cfg, ldapService, userService, authInfoService)
proxyClients = append(proxyClients, ldap)
passwordClients = append(passwordClients, ldap)
if !s.cfg.DisableLogin {
grafana := clients.ProvideGrafana(cfg, userService)
proxyClients = append(proxyClients, grafana)
passwordClients = append(passwordClients, grafana)
// if we have password clients configure check if basic auth or form auth is enabled
if len(passwordClients) > 0 {
passwordClient := clients.ProvidePassword(loginAttempts, passwordClients...)
if s.cfg.BasicAuthEnabled {
if !s.cfg.DisableLoginForm {
if s.cfg.AuthProxyEnabled && len(proxyClients) > 0 {
proxy, err := clients.ProvideProxy(cfg, cache, userService, proxyClients...)
if err != nil {
s.log.Error("Failed to configure auth proxy", "err", err)
} else {
if s.cfg.JWTAuthEnabled {
s.RegisterClient(clients.ProvideJWT(jwtService, cfg))
if s.cfg.ExtendedJWTAuthEnabled && features.IsEnabled(featuremgmt.FlagExternalServiceAuth) {
s.RegisterClient(clients.ProvideExtendedJWT(userService, cfg, signingKeysService, oauthServer))
for name := range socialService.GetOAuthProviders() {
oauthCfg := socialService.GetOAuthInfoProvider(name)
if oauthCfg != nil && oauthCfg.Enabled {
clientName := authn.ClientWithPrefix(name)
connector, errConnector := socialService.GetConnector(name)
httpClient, errHTTPClient := socialService.GetOAuthHttpClient(name)
if errConnector != nil || errHTTPClient != nil {
s.log.Error("Failed to configure oauth client", "client", clientName, "err", errors.Join(errConnector, errHTTPClient))
} else {
s.RegisterClient(clients.ProvideOAuth(clientName, cfg, oauthCfg, connector, httpClient))
// FIXME (jguer): move to User package
userSyncService := sync.ProvideUserSync(userService, userProtectionService, authInfoService, quotaService)
orgUserSyncService := sync.ProvideOrgSync(userService, orgService, accessControlService)
s.RegisterPostAuthHook(userSyncService.SyncUserHook, 10)
s.RegisterPostAuthHook(userSyncService.EnableUserHook, 20)
s.RegisterPostAuthHook(orgUserSyncService.SyncOrgRolesHook, 30)
s.RegisterPostAuthHook(userSyncService.FetchSyncedUserHook, 100)
s.RegisterPostAuthHook(sync.ProvidePermissionsSync(accessControlService).SyncPermissionsHook, 110)
s.RegisterPostAuthHook(userSyncService.SyncLastSeenHook, 120)
return s
type Service struct {
log log.Logger
cfg *setting.Cfg
clients map[string]authn.Client
clientQueue *queue[authn.ContextAwareClient]
tracer tracing.Tracer
metrics *metrics
sessionService auth.UserTokenService
// postAuthHooks are called after a successful authentication. They can modify the identity.
postAuthHooks *queue[authn.PostAuthHookFn]
// postLoginHooks are called after a login request is performed, both for failing and successful requests.
postLoginHooks *queue[authn.PostLoginHookFn]
func (s *Service) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, r *authn.Request) (*authn.Identity, error) {
ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "authn.Authenticate")
defer span.End()
var authErr error
for _, item := range s.clientQueue.items {
if item.v.Test(ctx, r) {
identity, err := s.authenticate(ctx, item.v, r)
if err != nil {
// Note: special case for token rotation
// We don't want to fallthrough in this case
if errors.Is(err, authn.ErrTokenNeedsRotation) {
return nil, err
authErr = errors.Join(authErr, err)
// try next
if identity != nil {
return identity, nil
if authErr != nil {
return nil, authErr
return nil, errCantAuthenticateReq.Errorf("cannot authenticate request")
func (s *Service) authenticate(ctx context.Context, c authn.Client, r *authn.Request) (*authn.Identity, error) {
r.OrgID = orgIDFromRequest(r)
identity, err := c.Authenticate(ctx, r)
if err != nil {
s.errorLogFunc(ctx, err)("Failed to authenticate request", "client", c.Name(), "error", err)
return nil, err
if err := s.runPostAuthHooks(ctx, identity, r); err != nil {
s.errorLogFunc(ctx, err)("Failed to run post auth hook", "client", c.Name(), "id", identity.ID, "error", err)
return nil, err
if identity.IsDisabled {
return nil, errDisabledIdentity.Errorf("identity is disabled")
if hc, ok := c.(authn.HookClient); ok {
if err := hc.Hook(ctx, identity, r); err != nil {
s.errorLogFunc(ctx, err)("Failed to run post client auth hook", "client", c.Name(), "id", identity.ID, "error", err)
return nil, err
return identity, nil
func (s *Service) runPostAuthHooks(ctx context.Context, identity *authn.Identity, r *authn.Request) error {
for _, hook := range s.postAuthHooks.items {
if err := hook.v(ctx, identity, r); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Service) RegisterPostAuthHook(hook authn.PostAuthHookFn, priority uint) {
s.postAuthHooks.insert(hook, priority)
func (s *Service) Login(ctx context.Context, client string, r *authn.Request) (identity *authn.Identity, err error) {
ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "authn.Login", trace.WithAttributes(
attribute.String(attributeKeyClient, client),
defer span.End()
defer func() {
for _, hook := range s.postLoginHooks.items {
hook.v(ctx, identity, r, err)
c, ok := s.clients[client]
if !ok {
return nil, authn.ErrClientNotConfigured.Errorf("client not configured: %s", client)
r.SetMeta(authn.MetaKeyIsLogin, "true")
identity, err = s.authenticate(ctx, c, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
namespace, id := identity.NamespacedID()
// Login is only supported for users
if namespace != authn.NamespaceUser || id <= 0 {
return nil, authn.ErrUnsupportedIdentity.Errorf("expected identity of type user but got: %s", namespace)
addr := web.RemoteAddr(r.HTTPRequest)
ip, err := network.GetIPFromAddress(addr)
if err != nil {
s.log.FromContext(ctx).Debug("Failed to parse ip from address", "client", c.Name(), "id", identity.ID, "addr", addr, "error", err)
sessionToken, err := s.sessionService.CreateToken(ctx, &user.User{ID: id}, ip, r.HTTPRequest.UserAgent())
if err != nil {
s.log.FromContext(ctx).Error("Failed to create session", "client", client, "id", identity.ID, "err", err)
return nil, err
identity.SessionToken = sessionToken
return identity, nil
func (s *Service) RegisterPostLoginHook(hook authn.PostLoginHookFn, priority uint) {
s.postLoginHooks.insert(hook, priority)
func (s *Service) RedirectURL(ctx context.Context, client string, r *authn.Request) (*authn.Redirect, error) {
ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "authn.RedirectURL", trace.WithAttributes(
attribute.String(attributeKeyClient, client),
defer span.End()
c, ok := s.clients[client]
if !ok {
return nil, authn.ErrClientNotConfigured.Errorf("client not configured: %s", client)
redirectClient, ok := c.(authn.RedirectClient)
if !ok {
return nil, authn.ErrUnsupportedClient.Errorf("client does not support generating redirect url: %s", client)
return redirectClient.RedirectURL(ctx, r)
func (s *Service) RegisterClient(c authn.Client) {
s.clients[c.Name()] = c
if cac, ok := c.(authn.ContextAwareClient); ok {
s.clientQueue.insert(cac, cac.Priority())
func (s *Service) SyncIdentity(ctx context.Context, identity *authn.Identity) error {
r := &authn.Request{OrgID: identity.OrgID}
// hack to not update last seen on external syncs
r.SetMeta(authn.MetaKeyIsLogin, "true")
return s.runPostAuthHooks(ctx, identity, r)
func (s *Service) errorLogFunc(ctx context.Context, err error) func(msg string, ctx ...any) {
l := s.log.FromContext(ctx)
var grfErr errutil.Error
if errors.As(err, &grfErr) {
return grfErr.LogLevel.LogFunc(l)
return l.Warn
func orgIDFromRequest(r *authn.Request) int64 {
if r.HTTPRequest == nil {
return 0
orgID := orgIDFromQuery(r.HTTPRequest)
if orgID > 0 {
return orgID
return orgIDFromHeader(r.HTTPRequest)
// name of query string used to target specific org for request
const orgIDTargetQuery = "targetOrgId"
func orgIDFromQuery(req *http.Request) int64 {
params := req.URL.Query()
if !params.Has(orgIDTargetQuery) {
return 0
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(params.Get(orgIDTargetQuery), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
return id
// name of header containing org id for request
const orgIDHeaderName = "X-Grafana-Org-Id"
func orgIDFromHeader(req *http.Request) int64 {
header := req.Header.Get(orgIDHeaderName)
if header == "" {
return 0
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(header, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
return id