mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* extract kindsys * reinstate kindsys report This may end up living somewhere else (or not! who knows!), but the important part is that I don't get rid of it right now :) I hate the package layout (kindsysreport/codegen) for the main function and will take pretty much any alternative suggestion, but we can change also change it later. Note that the generated report.json is in a different location - anything using this (ops something) needs to be updated. * kindsysreport in codeowners
391 lines
10 KiB
391 lines
10 KiB
//go:build ignore
// +build ignore
//go:generate go run report.go
package main
import (
const (
// Program's output
reportFileName = "report.json"
// External references
repoBaseURL = "https://github.com/grafana/grafana/tree/main"
docsBaseURL = "https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/next/developers/kinds"
// Local references
coreTSPath = "packages/grafana-schema/src/raw/%s/%s/%s_types.gen.ts"
coreGoPath = "pkg/kinds/%s"
coreCUEPath = "kinds/%s/%s_kind.cue"
composableTSPath = "public/app/plugins/%s/%s/%s.gen.ts"
composableGoPath = "pkg/tsdb/%s/kinds/%s/types_%s_gen.go"
composableCUEPath = "public/app/plugins/%s/%s/%s.cue"
func main() {
report := buildKindStateReport()
reportJSON := elsedie(json.MarshalIndent(report, "", " "))("error generating json output")
file := codejen.NewFile(reportFileName, reportJSON, reportJenny{})
filesystem := elsedie(file.ToFS())("error building in-memory file system")
if _, set := os.LookupEnv("CODEGEN_VERIFY"); set {
if err := filesystem.Verify(context.Background(), ""); err != nil {
die(fmt.Errorf("generated code is out of sync with inputs:\n%s\nrun `make gen-cue` to regenerate", err))
} else if err := filesystem.Write(context.Background(), ""); err != nil {
die(fmt.Errorf("error while writing generated code to disk:\n%s", err))
// static list of planned core kinds so that we can inject ones that
// haven't been started on yet as "planned"
var plannedCoreKinds = []string{
type KindLinks struct {
Schema string
Go string
Ts string
Docs string
type Kind struct {
Category string
Links KindLinks
GrafanaMaturityCount int
CodeOwners []string
// MarshalJSON is overwritten to marshal
// kindsys.SomeKindProperties at root level.
func (k Kind) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
b, err := json.Marshal(k.SomeKindProperties)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var m map[string]interface{}
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &m); err != nil {
return nil, err
m["category"] = k.Category
m["grafanaMaturityCount"] = k.GrafanaMaturityCount
if len(k.CodeOwners) == 0 {
m["codeowners"] = []string{}
} else {
m["codeowners"] = k.CodeOwners
m["links"] = map[string]string{}
for _, ref := range []string{"Schema", "Go", "Ts", "Docs"} {
refVal := reflect.ValueOf(k.Links).FieldByName(ref).String()
if len(refVal) > 0 {
m["links"].(map[string]string)[toCamelCase(ref)] = refVal
} else {
m["links"].(map[string]string)[toCamelCase(ref)] = "n/a"
return json.Marshal(m)
type KindStateReport struct {
Kinds map[string]Kind `json:"kinds"`
Dimensions map[string]Dimension `json:"dimensions"`
func (r *KindStateReport) add(k Kind) {
kName := k.Common().MachineName
r.Kinds[kName] = k
type Dimension map[string]*DimensionValue
type DimensionValue struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Items []string `json:"items"`
Count int `json:"count"`
func (dv *DimensionValue) add(s string) {
dv.Items = append(dv.Items, s)
// emptyKindStateReport is used to ensure certain
// dimension values are present (even if empty) in
// the final report.
func emptyKindStateReport() *KindStateReport {
return &KindStateReport{
Kinds: make(map[string]Kind),
Dimensions: map[string]Dimension{
"maturity": {
"planned": emptyDimensionValue("planned"),
"merged": emptyDimensionValue("merged"),
"experimental": emptyDimensionValue("experimental"),
"stable": emptyDimensionValue("stable"),
"mature": emptyDimensionValue("mature"),
"category": {
"core": emptyDimensionValue("core"),
"composable": emptyDimensionValue("composable"),
func emptyDimensionValue(name string) *DimensionValue {
return &DimensionValue{
Name: name,
Items: make([]string, 0),
Count: 0,
func buildKindStateReport() *KindStateReport {
r := emptyKindStateReport()
b := corekind.NewBase(nil)
groot := filepath.Join(elsedie(os.Getwd())("cannot get cwd"), "..", "..", "..")
of := elsedie(kindsysreport.NewCodeOwnersFinder(groot))("cannot parse .github/codeowners")
seen := make(map[string]bool)
for _, k := range b.All() {
seen[k.Props().Common().Name] = true
lin := k.Lineage()
links := buildCoreLinks(lin, k.Def().Properties)
SomeKindProperties: k.Props(),
Category: "core",
Links: links,
GrafanaMaturityCount: grafanaMaturityAttrCount(lin.Latest().Underlying()),
CodeOwners: findCodeOwners(of, links),
for _, kn := range plannedCoreKinds {
if seen[kn] {
SomeKindProperties: kindsys.CoreProperties{
CommonProperties: kindsys.CommonProperties{
Name: kn,
PluralName: kn + "s",
MachineName: machinize(kn),
PluralMachineName: machinize(kn) + "s",
Maturity: "planned",
Category: "core",
all := kindsys.SchemaInterfaces(nil)
for _, pp := range corelist.New(nil) {
for _, si := range all {
if ck, has := pp.ComposableKinds[si.Name()]; has {
links := buildComposableLinks(pp.Properties, ck.Def().Properties)
SomeKindProperties: ck.Props(),
Category: "composable",
Links: links,
GrafanaMaturityCount: grafanaMaturityAttrCount(ck.Lineage().Latest().Underlying()),
CodeOwners: findCodeOwners(of, links),
} else if may := si.Should(string(pp.Properties.Type)); may {
n := plugindef.DerivePascalName(pp.Properties) + si.Name()
ck := kindsys.ComposableProperties{
SchemaInterface: si.Name(),
CommonProperties: kindsys.CommonProperties{
Name: n,
PluralName: n + "s",
MachineName: machinize(n),
PluralMachineName: machinize(n) + "s",
LineageIsGroup: si.IsGroup(),
Maturity: "planned",
SomeKindProperties: ck,
Category: "composable",
for _, d := range r.Dimensions {
for _, dv := range d {
return r
func buildCoreLinks(lin thema.Lineage, cp kindsys.CoreProperties) KindLinks {
const category = "core"
vpath := fmt.Sprintf("v%v", lin.Latest().Version()[0])
if cp.Maturity.Less(kindsys.MaturityStable) {
vpath = "x"
return KindLinks{
Schema: elsedie(url.JoinPath(repoBaseURL, fmt.Sprintf(coreCUEPath, cp.MachineName, cp.MachineName)))("cannot build schema link"),
Go: elsedie(url.JoinPath(repoBaseURL, fmt.Sprintf(coreGoPath, cp.MachineName)))("cannot build go link"),
Ts: elsedie(url.JoinPath(repoBaseURL, fmt.Sprintf(coreTSPath, cp.MachineName, vpath, cp.MachineName)))("cannot build ts link"),
Docs: elsedie(url.JoinPath(docsBaseURL, category, cp.MachineName, "schema-reference"))("cannot build docs link"),
// used to map names for those plugins that aren't following
// naming conventions, like 'annonlist' which comes from "Annotations list".
var irregularPluginNames = map[string]string{
// Panel
"alertgroups": "alertGroups",
"annotationslist": "annolist",
"dashboardlist": "dashlist",
"nodegraph": "nodeGraph",
"statetimeline": "state-timeline",
"statushistory": "status-history",
"tableold": "table-old",
// Datasource
"googlecloudmonitoring": "cloud-monitoring",
"azuremonitor": "grafana-azure-monitor-datasource",
"microsoftsqlserver": "mssql",
"postgresql": "postgres",
func buildComposableLinks(pp plugindef.PluginDef, cp kindsys.ComposableProperties) KindLinks {
const category = "composable"
schemaInterface := strings.ToLower(cp.SchemaInterface)
pName := strings.Replace(cp.MachineName, schemaInterface, "", 1)
if irr, ok := irregularPluginNames[pName]; ok {
pName = irr
var goLink string
if pp.Backend != nil && *pp.Backend {
goLink = elsedie(url.JoinPath(repoBaseURL, fmt.Sprintf(composableGoPath, pName, schemaInterface, schemaInterface)))("cannot build go link")
return KindLinks{
Schema: elsedie(url.JoinPath(repoBaseURL, fmt.Sprintf(composableCUEPath, string(pp.Type), pName, schemaInterface)))("cannot build schema link"),
Go: goLink,
Ts: elsedie(url.JoinPath(repoBaseURL, fmt.Sprintf(composableTSPath, string(pp.Type), pName, schemaInterface)))("cannot build ts link"),
Docs: elsedie(url.JoinPath(docsBaseURL, category, cp.MachineName, "schema-reference"))("cannot build docs link"),
func grafanaMaturityAttrCount(sch cue.Value) int {
const attr = "grafanamaturity"
aw := new(kindsysreport.AttributeWalker)
return aw.Count(sch, attr)[attr]
func findCodeOwners(of kindsysreport.CodeOwnersFinder, links KindLinks) []string {
owners := elsedie(of.FindFor([]string{
}...))("cannot find code owners")
return owners
func machinize(s string) string {
return strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
switch {
case r >= 'a' && r <= 'z':
case r >= '0' && r <= '9':
case r == '_':
return r
case r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z':
return r + 32
case r == '-':
return '_'
return -1
}, s)
func toCamelCase(s string) string {
return strings.ToLower(string(s[0])) + s[1:]
func toLocalPath(s string) string {
return strings.Replace(s, repoBaseURL+"/", "", 1)
type reportJenny struct{}
func (reportJenny) JennyName() string {
return "ReportJenny"
func elsedie[T any](t T, err error) func(msg string) T {
if err != nil {
return func(msg string) T {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s\n", msg, err)
return t
return func(msg string) T {
return t
func die(err error) {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err, "\n")