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synced 2025-01-27 16:57:14 -06:00
* LibraryPanels: Adds permissions to getAllHandler * Chore: adds a test to verify the permissions * Chore: tests refactor
1464 lines
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1464 lines
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package librarypanels
import (
func TestCreateLibraryPanel(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to create a library panel that already exists, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
command := getCreateCommand(sc.folder.Id, "Text - Library Panel")
resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext, command)
require.Equal(t, 400, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to create a library panel that does not exists, it should succeed",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
var expected = libraryPanelResult{
Result: libraryPanel{
ID: 1,
OrgID: 1,
FolderID: 1,
UID: sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
Name: "Text - Library Panel",
Model: map[string]interface{}{
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"id": float64(1),
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
Meta: LibraryPanelDTOMeta{
CanEdit: true,
ConnectedDashboards: 0,
Created: sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Created,
Updated: sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Updated,
CreatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "signed_in_user",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/37524e1eb8b3e32850b57db0a19af93b",
UpdatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "signed_in_user",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/37524e1eb8b3e32850b57db0a19af93b",
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, sc.initialResult, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
testScenario(t, "When an admin tries to create a library panel where name and panel title differ, it should update panel title",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
command := getCreateCommand(1, "Library Panel Name")
resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext, command)
var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
var expected = libraryPanelResult{
Result: libraryPanel{
ID: 1,
OrgID: 1,
FolderID: 1,
UID: result.Result.UID,
Name: "Library Panel Name",
Model: map[string]interface{}{
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"id": float64(1),
"title": "Library Panel Name",
"type": "text",
Meta: LibraryPanelDTOMeta{
CanEdit: true,
ConnectedDashboards: 0,
Created: result.Result.Meta.Created,
Updated: result.Result.Meta.Updated,
CreatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "signed_in_user",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/37524e1eb8b3e32850b57db0a19af93b",
UpdatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "signed_in_user",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/37524e1eb8b3e32850b57db0a19af93b",
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestConnectLibraryPanel(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to create a connection for a library panel that does not exist, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": "unknown", ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp := sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to create a connection that already exists, it should succeed",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp := sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
resp = sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
func TestDeleteLibraryPanel(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to delete a library panel that does not exist, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
resp := sc.service.deleteHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to delete a library panel that exists, it should succeed",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp := sc.service.deleteHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to delete a library panel in another org, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.OrgId = 2
sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.OrgRole = models.ROLE_ADMIN
resp := sc.service.deleteHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status())
func TestDisconnectLibraryPanel(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to remove a connection with a library panel that does not exist, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": "unknown", ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp := sc.service.disconnectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to remove a connection that does not exist, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp := sc.service.disconnectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to remove a connection that does exist, it should succeed",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp := sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
resp = sc.service.disconnectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
func TestGetLibraryPanel(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to get a library panel that does not exist, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": "unknown"})
resp := sc.service.getHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to get a library panel that exists, it should succeed and return correct result",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp := sc.service.getHandler(sc.reqContext)
var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
var expected = libraryPanelResult{
Result: libraryPanel{
ID: 1,
OrgID: 1,
FolderID: 1,
UID: result.Result.UID,
Name: "Text - Library Panel",
Model: map[string]interface{}{
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"id": float64(1),
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
Meta: LibraryPanelDTOMeta{
CanEdit: true,
ConnectedDashboards: 0,
Created: result.Result.Meta.Created,
Updated: result.Result.Meta.Updated,
CreatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "user_in_db",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad",
UpdatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "user_in_db",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad",
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to get a library panel that exists in an other org, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.OrgId = 2
sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.OrgRole = models.ROLE_ADMIN
resp := sc.service.getHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to get a library panel with 2 connected dashboards, it should succeed and return correct connected dashboards",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp := sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "2"})
resp = sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp = sc.service.getHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
require.Equal(t, int64(2), result.Result.Meta.ConnectedDashboards)
func TestGetAllLibraryPanels(t *testing.T) {
testScenario(t, "When an admin tries to get all library panels and none exists, it should return none",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
resp := sc.service.getAllHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result libraryPanelsResult
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, result.Result)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(result.Result))
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to get all library panels and two exist, it should succeed",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
command := getCreateCommand(sc.folder.Id, "Text - Library Panel2")
resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext, command)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
resp = sc.service.getAllHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result libraryPanelsResult
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
var expected = libraryPanelsResult{
Result: []libraryPanel{
ID: 1,
OrgID: 1,
FolderID: 1,
UID: result.Result[0].UID,
Name: "Text - Library Panel",
Model: map[string]interface{}{
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"id": float64(1),
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
Meta: LibraryPanelDTOMeta{
CanEdit: true,
ConnectedDashboards: 0,
Created: result.Result[0].Meta.Created,
Updated: result.Result[0].Meta.Updated,
CreatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "user_in_db",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad",
UpdatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "user_in_db",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad",
ID: 2,
OrgID: 1,
FolderID: 1,
UID: result.Result[1].UID,
Name: "Text - Library Panel2",
Model: map[string]interface{}{
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"id": float64(1),
"title": "Text - Library Panel2",
"type": "text",
Meta: LibraryPanelDTOMeta{
CanEdit: true,
ConnectedDashboards: 0,
Created: result.Result[1].Meta.Created,
Updated: result.Result[1].Meta.Updated,
CreatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "user_in_db",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad",
UpdatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "user_in_db",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad",
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to get all library panels and two exist but only one is connected, it should succeed and return correct connected dashboards",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
command := getCreateCommand(sc.folder.Id, "Text - Library Panel2")
resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext, command)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": result.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp = sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": result.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "2"})
resp = sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
resp = sc.service.getAllHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var results libraryPanelsResult
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &results)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), results.Result[0].Meta.ConnectedDashboards)
require.Equal(t, int64(2), results.Result[1].Meta.ConnectedDashboards)
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to get all library panels in a different org, none should be returned",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
resp := sc.service.getAllHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result libraryPanelsResult
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(result.Result))
require.Equal(t, int64(1), result.Result[0].FolderID)
require.Equal(t, "Text - Library Panel", result.Result[0].Name)
sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.OrgId = 2
sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.OrgRole = models.ROLE_ADMIN
resp = sc.service.getAllHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
result = libraryPanelsResult{}
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, result.Result)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(result.Result))
testScenario(t, "When an user tries to get all library panels, library panels in folders where the user has no access should not be returned",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
updateFolderACL(t, sc, models.ROLE_EDITOR, models.PERMISSION_EDIT)
command := getCreateCommand(sc.folder.Id, "Editor - Library Panel")
resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext, command)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
cmd := models.CreateFolderCommand{
Uid: "AdminOnlyFolder",
Title: "Admin Only Folder",
createFolder(t, &sc, &cmd)
updateFolderACL(t, sc, models.ROLE_ADMIN, models.PERMISSION_ADMIN)
command = getCreateCommand(sc.folder.Id, "Admin - Library Panel")
resp = sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext, command)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
resp = sc.service.getAllHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result libraryPanelsResult
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(result.Result))
require.Equal(t, int64(1), result.Result[0].FolderID)
require.Equal(t, int64(2), cmd.Result.Id)
require.Equal(t, "Editor - Library Panel", result.Result[0].Name)
require.Equal(t, "Admin - Library Panel", result.Result[1].Name)
sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.OrgRole = models.ROLE_EDITOR
resp = sc.service.getAllHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
result = libraryPanelsResult{}
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(result.Result))
require.Equal(t, int64(1), result.Result[0].FolderID)
require.Equal(t, "Editor - Library Panel", result.Result[0].Name)
sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.OrgRole = models.ROLE_VIEWER
resp = sc.service.getAllHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
result = libraryPanelsResult{}
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, result.Result)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(result.Result))
func TestGetConnectedDashboards(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to get connected dashboards for a library panel that does not exist, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": "unknown"})
resp := sc.service.getConnectedDashboardsHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to get connected dashboards for a library panel that exists, but has no connections, it should return none",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp := sc.service.getConnectedDashboardsHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var dashResult libraryPanelDashboardsResult
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &dashResult)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(dashResult.Result))
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to get connected dashboards for a library panel that exists and has connections, it should return connected dashboard IDs",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "11"})
resp := sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "12"})
resp = sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp = sc.service.getConnectedDashboardsHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var dashResult libraryPanelDashboardsResult
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &dashResult)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(dashResult.Result))
require.Equal(t, int64(11), dashResult.Result[0])
require.Equal(t, int64(12), dashResult.Result[1])
func TestPatchLibraryPanel(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel that does not exist, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
cmd := patchLibraryPanelCommand{}
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": "unknown"})
resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext, cmd)
require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel that exists, it should succeed",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp := sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "2"})
resp = sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
cmd := patchLibraryPanelCommand{
FolderID: 2,
Name: "Panel - New name",
Model: []byte(`
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"id": 1,
"title": "Model - New name",
"type": "text"
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp = sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext, cmd)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
var expected = libraryPanelResult{
Result: libraryPanel{
ID: 1,
OrgID: 1,
FolderID: 2,
UID: sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
Name: "Panel - New name",
Model: map[string]interface{}{
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"id": float64(1),
"title": "Panel - New name",
"type": "text",
Meta: LibraryPanelDTOMeta{
CanEdit: true,
ConnectedDashboards: 2,
Created: sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Created,
Updated: result.Result.Meta.Updated,
CreatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "user_in_db",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad",
UpdatedBy: LibraryPanelDTOMetaUser{
ID: 1,
Name: "signed_in_user",
AvatarUrl: "/avatar/37524e1eb8b3e32850b57db0a19af93b",
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with folder only, it should change folder successfully and return correct result",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
cmd := patchLibraryPanelCommand{
FolderID: 100,
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext, cmd)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
sc.initialResult.Result.FolderID = int64(100)
sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = "user_in_db"
sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarUrl = "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad"
if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with name only, it should change name successfully, sync title and return correct result",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
cmd := patchLibraryPanelCommand{
Name: "New Name",
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext, cmd)
var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
sc.initialResult.Result.Name = "New Name"
sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = "user_in_db"
sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarUrl = "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad"
sc.initialResult.Result.Model["title"] = "New Name"
if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with model only, it should change model successfully and return correct result",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
cmd := patchLibraryPanelCommand{
Model: []byte(`{ "title": "New Model Title", "name": "New Model Name" }`),
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext, cmd)
var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
sc.initialResult.Result.Model = map[string]interface{}{
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"name": "New Model Name",
sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = "user_in_db"
sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarUrl = "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad"
if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When another admin tries to patch a library panel, it should change UpdatedBy successfully and return correct result",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
cmd := patchLibraryPanelCommand{}
sc.reqContext.UserId = 2
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext, cmd)
var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.UpdatedBy.ID = int64(2)
sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = "user_in_db"
sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarUrl = "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad"
if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with a name that already exists, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
command := getCreateCommand(sc.folder.Id, "Another Panel")
resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext, command)
var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
cmd := patchLibraryPanelCommand{
Name: "Text - Library Panel",
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": result.Result.UID})
resp = sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext, cmd)
require.Equal(t, 400, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with a folder where a library panel with the same name already exists, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
createFolder(t, &sc, &models.CreateFolderCommand{
Uid: "NewTestFolder",
Title: "New Test Folder",
command := getCreateCommand(sc.folder.Id, "Text - Library Panel")
resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext, command)
var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
cmd := patchLibraryPanelCommand{
FolderID: 1,
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": result.Result.UID})
resp = sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext, cmd)
require.Equal(t, 400, resp.Status())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel in another org, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
cmd := patchLibraryPanelCommand{
FolderID: sc.folder.Id,
sc.reqContext.OrgId = 2
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext, cmd)
require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status())
func TestLoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to load a dashboard with a library panel, it should copy JSON properties from library panel",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp := sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
dashJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
dash := models.Dashboard{
Id: 1,
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
err := sc.service.LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard(sc.reqContext, &dash)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
"meta": map[string]interface{}{
"canEdit": false,
"connectedDashboards": int64(1),
"created": sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Created,
"updated": sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Updated,
"createdBy": map[string]interface{}{
"id": sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.ID,
"name": "user_in_db",
"avatarUrl": "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad",
"updatedBy": map[string]interface{}{
"id": sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.UpdatedBy.ID,
"name": "user_in_db",
"avatarUrl": "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad",
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
expected := simplejson.NewFromAny(expectedJSON)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected.Interface(), dash.Data.Interface(), getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to load a dashboard with a library panel without uid, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp := sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
dashJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
dash := models.Dashboard{
Id: 1,
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
err := sc.service.LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard(sc.reqContext, &dash)
require.EqualError(t, err, errLibraryPanelHeaderUIDMissing.Error())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to load a dashboard with a library panel that is not connected, it should set correct JSON and continue",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
dashJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
dash := models.Dashboard{
Id: 1,
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
err := sc.service.LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard(sc.reqContext, &dash)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
"type": fmt.Sprintf("Name: \"%s\", UID: \"%s\"", sc.initialResult.Result.Name, sc.initialResult.Result.UID),
expected := simplejson.NewFromAny(expectedJSON)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected.Interface(), dash.Data.Interface(), getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestCleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to store a dashboard with a library panel, it should just keep the correct JSON properties in library panel",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
dashJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
dash := models.Dashboard{
Id: 1,
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
err := sc.service.CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard(&dash)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
expected := simplejson.NewFromAny(expectedJSON)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected.Interface(), dash.Data.Interface(), getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to store a dashboard with a library panel without uid, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
dashJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
dash := models.Dashboard{
Id: 1,
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
err := sc.service.CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard(&dash)
require.EqualError(t, err, errLibraryPanelHeaderUIDMissing.Error())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to store a dashboard with a library panel without name, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
dashJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
dash := models.Dashboard{
Id: 1,
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
err := sc.service.CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard(&dash)
require.EqualError(t, err, errLibraryPanelHeaderNameMissing.Error())
func TestConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to store a dashboard with a library panel, it should connect the two",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
dashJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
dash := models.Dashboard{
Id: int64(1),
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
err := sc.service.ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard(sc.reqContext, &dash)
require.NoError(t, err)
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp := sc.service.getConnectedDashboardsHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var dashResult libraryPanelDashboardsResult
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &dashResult)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, dashResult.Result, 1)
require.Equal(t, int64(1), dashResult.Result[0])
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to store a dashboard with a library panel without uid, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
dashJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
dash := models.Dashboard{
Id: int64(1),
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
err := sc.service.ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard(sc.reqContext, &dash)
require.EqualError(t, err, errLibraryPanelHeaderUIDMissing.Error())
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to store a dashboard with unused/removed library panels, it should disconnect unused/removed library panels",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
command := getCreateCommand(sc.folder.Id, "Unused Libray Panel")
resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext, command)
var unused = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": unused.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp = sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
dashJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
dash := models.Dashboard{
Id: int64(1),
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
err := sc.service.ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard(sc.reqContext, &dash)
require.NoError(t, err)
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp = sc.service.getConnectedDashboardsHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var existingResult libraryPanelDashboardsResult
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &existingResult)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, existingResult.Result, 1)
require.Equal(t, int64(1), existingResult.Result[0])
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": unused.Result.UID})
resp = sc.service.getConnectedDashboardsHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var unusedResult libraryPanelDashboardsResult
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &unusedResult)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, unusedResult.Result, 0)
func TestDisconnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to delete a dashboard with a library panel, it should disconnect the two",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp := sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
dashJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
dash := models.Dashboard{
Id: int64(1),
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
err := sc.service.DisconnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard(sc.reqContext, &dash)
require.NoError(t, err)
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp = sc.service.getConnectedDashboardsHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var dashResult libraryPanelDashboardsResult
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &dashResult)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Empty(t, dashResult.Result)
scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t, "When an admin tries to delete a dashboard with a library panel without uid, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
sc.reqContext.ReplaceAllParams(map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID, ":dashboardId": "1"})
resp := sc.service.connectHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
dashJSON := map[string]interface{}{
"panels": []interface{}{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"libraryPanel": map[string]interface{}{
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
dash := models.Dashboard{
Id: int64(1),
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
err := sc.service.DisconnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard(sc.reqContext, &dash)
require.EqualError(t, err, errLibraryPanelHeaderUIDMissing.Error())
type libraryPanel struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
OrgID int64 `json:"orgId"`
FolderID int64 `json:"folderId"`
UID string `json:"uid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Model map[string]interface{} `json:"model"`
Meta LibraryPanelDTOMeta `json:"meta"`
type libraryPanelResult struct {
Result libraryPanel `json:"result"`
type libraryPanelsResult struct {
Result []libraryPanel `json:"result"`
type libraryPanelDashboardsResult struct {
Result []int64 `json:"result"`
func overrideLibraryPanelServiceInRegistry(cfg *setting.Cfg) LibraryPanelService {
lps := LibraryPanelService{
SQLStore: nil,
Cfg: cfg,
overrideServiceFunc := func(d registry.Descriptor) (*registry.Descriptor, bool) {
descriptor := registry.Descriptor{
Name: "LibraryPanelService",
Instance: &lps,
InitPriority: 0,
return &descriptor, true
return lps
func getCreateCommand(folderID int64, name string) createLibraryPanelCommand {
command := createLibraryPanelCommand{
FolderID: folderID,
Name: name,
Model: []byte(`
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"id": 1,
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text"
return command
type scenarioContext struct {
ctx *macaron.Context
service *LibraryPanelService
reqContext *models.ReqContext
user models.SignedInUser
folder *models.Folder
initialResult libraryPanelResult
func createFolder(t *testing.T, sc *scenarioContext, cmd *models.CreateFolderCommand) {
s := dashboards.NewFolderService(sc.user.OrgId, &sc.user)
err := s.CreateFolder(cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
sc.folder = cmd.Result
func updateFolderACL(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext, roleType models.RoleType, permission models.PermissionType) {
cmd := models.UpdateDashboardAclCommand{
DashboardID: sc.folder.Id,
Items: []*models.DashboardAcl{
DashboardID: sc.folder.Id,
Role: &roleType,
Permission: permission,
Created: time.Now(),
Updated: time.Now(),
err := bus.Dispatch(&cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
func validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t *testing.T, resp response.Response) libraryPanelResult {
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result = libraryPanelResult{}
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
return result
func scenarioWithLibraryPanel(t *testing.T, desc string, fn func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext)) {
testScenario(t, desc, func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
command := getCreateCommand(sc.folder.Id, "Text - Library Panel")
resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext, command)
sc.initialResult = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
fn(t, sc)
// testScenario is a wrapper around t.Run performing common setup for library panel tests.
// It takes your real test function as a callback.
func testScenario(t *testing.T, desc string, fn func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext)) {
t.Run(desc, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := macaron.Context{
Req: macaron.Request{Request: &http.Request{}},
orgID := int64(1)
role := models.ROLE_ADMIN
cfg := setting.NewCfg()
// Everything in this service is behind the feature toggle "panelLibrary"
cfg.FeatureToggles = map[string]bool{"panelLibrary": true}
// Because the LibraryPanelService is behind a feature toggle, we need to override the service in the registry
// with a Cfg that contains the feature toggle so migrations are run properly
service := overrideLibraryPanelServiceInRegistry(cfg)
// We need to assign SQLStore after the override and migrations are done
sqlStore := sqlstore.InitTestDB(t)
service.SQLStore = sqlStore
user := models.SignedInUser{
UserId: 1,
Name: "Signed In User",
Login: "signed_in_user",
Email: "signed.in.user@test.com",
OrgId: orgID,
OrgRole: role,
LastSeenAt: time.Now(),
// deliberate difference between signed in user and user in db to make it crystal clear
// what to expect in the tests
// In the real world these are identical
cmd := &models.CreateUserCommand{
Email: "user.in.db@test.com",
Name: "User In DB",
Login: "user_in_db",
err := sqlstore.CreateUser(context.Background(), cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
sc := scenarioContext{
user: user,
ctx: &ctx,
service: &service,
reqContext: &models.ReqContext{
Context: &ctx,
SignedInUser: &user,
folderCmd := models.CreateFolderCommand{
Uid: "testFolder",
Title: "TestFolder",
createFolder(t, &sc, &folderCmd)
fn(t, sc)
func getCompareOptions() []cmp.Option {
return []cmp.Option{
cmp.Transformer("Time", func(in time.Time) int64 {
return in.UTC().Unix()