mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
691 lines
19 KiB
691 lines
19 KiB
import { SpanStatus, SpanStatusCode } from '@opentelemetry/api';
import { collectorTypes } from '@opentelemetry/exporter-collector';
import { SemanticResourceAttributes } from '@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions';
import differenceInHours from 'date-fns/differenceInHours';
import formatDistance from 'date-fns/formatDistance';
import {
} from '@grafana/data';
import { createGraphFrames } from './graphTransform';
export function createTableFrame(
logsFrame: DataFrame,
datasourceUid: string,
datasourceName: string,
traceRegexs: string[]
): DataFrame {
const tableFrame = new MutableDataFrame({
fields: [
name: 'Time',
type: FieldType.time,
config: {
custom: {
width: 150,
name: 'traceID',
type: FieldType.string,
config: {
displayNameFromDS: 'Trace ID',
custom: { width: 300 },
links: [
title: 'Click to open trace ${__value.raw}',
url: '',
internal: {
query: {
query: '${__value.raw}',
name: 'Message',
type: FieldType.string,
meta: {
preferredVisualisationType: 'table',
if (!logsFrame || traceRegexs.length === 0) {
return tableFrame;
const timeField = logsFrame.fields.find((f) => f.type === FieldType.time);
// Going through all string fields to look for trace IDs
for (let field of logsFrame.fields) {
let hasMatch = false;
if (field.type === FieldType.string) {
const values = field.values.toArray();
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
const line = values[i];
if (line) {
for (let traceRegex of traceRegexs) {
const match = (line as string).match(traceRegex);
if (match) {
const traceId = match[1];
const time = timeField ? timeField.values.get(i) : null;
hasMatch = true;
if (hasMatch) {
return tableFrame;
export function transformTraceList(
response: DataQueryResponse,
datasourceId: string,
datasourceName: string,
traceRegexs: string[]
): DataQueryResponse {
response.data.forEach((data, index) => {
const frame = createTableFrame(data, datasourceId, datasourceName, traceRegexs);
response.data[index] = frame;
return response;
// Don't forget to change the backend code when the id representation changed
function transformBase64IDToHexString(base64: string) {
const raw = atob(base64);
let result = '';
for (let i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) {
const hex = raw.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
result += hex.length === 2 ? hex : '0' + hex;
return result.length > 16 ? result.slice(16) : result;
function transformHexStringToBase64ID(hex: string) {
const hexArray = hex.match(/\w{2}/g) || [];
return btoa(
.map(function (a) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(a, 16));
function getAttributeValue(value: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.common.v1.AnyValue): any {
if (value.stringValue) {
return value.stringValue;
if (value.boolValue !== undefined) {
return Boolean(value.boolValue);
if (value.intValue !== undefined) {
return Number.parseInt(value.intValue as any, 10);
if (value.doubleValue) {
return Number.parseFloat(value.doubleValue as any);
if (value.arrayValue) {
const arrayValue = [];
for (const arValue of value.arrayValue.values) {
return arrayValue;
return '';
function resourceToProcess(resource: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.resource.v1.Resource | undefined) {
const serviceTags: TraceKeyValuePair[] = [];
let serviceName = 'OTLPResourceNoServiceName';
if (!resource) {
return { serviceName, serviceTags };
for (const attribute of resource.attributes) {
if (attribute.key === SemanticResourceAttributes.SERVICE_NAME) {
serviceName = attribute.value.stringValue || serviceName;
serviceTags.push({ key: attribute.key, value: getAttributeValue(attribute.value) });
return { serviceName, serviceTags };
function getSpanTags(
span: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.Span,
instrumentationLibrary?: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.common.v1.InstrumentationLibrary
): TraceKeyValuePair[] {
const spanTags: TraceKeyValuePair[] = [];
if (instrumentationLibrary) {
if (instrumentationLibrary.name) {
spanTags.push({ key: 'otel.library.name', value: instrumentationLibrary.name });
if (instrumentationLibrary.version) {
spanTags.push({ key: 'otel.library.version', value: instrumentationLibrary.version });
if (span.attributes) {
for (const attribute of span.attributes) {
spanTags.push({ key: attribute.key, value: getAttributeValue(attribute.value) });
if (span.status) {
if (span.status.code && (span.status.code as any) !== SpanStatusCode.UNSET) {
key: 'otel.status_code',
value: SpanStatusCode[span.status.code],
if (span.status.message) {
spanTags.push({ key: 'otel.status_description', value: span.status.message });
if (span.status.code === SpanStatusCode.ERROR) {
spanTags.push({ key: 'error', value: true });
if (span.kind !== undefined) {
const split = span.kind.toString().toLowerCase().split('_');
key: 'span.kind',
value: split.length ? split[split.length - 1] : span.kind.toString(),
return spanTags;
function getReferences(span: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.Span) {
const references: TraceSpanReference[] = [];
if (span.links) {
for (const link of span.links) {
const { traceId, spanId } = link;
const tags: TraceKeyValuePair[] = [];
if (link.attributes) {
for (const attribute of link.attributes) {
tags.push({ key: attribute.key, value: getAttributeValue(attribute.value) });
references.push({ traceID: traceId, spanID: spanId, tags });
return references;
function getLogs(span: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.Span) {
const logs: TraceLog[] = [];
if (span.events) {
for (const event of span.events) {
const fields: TraceKeyValuePair[] = [];
if (event.attributes) {
for (const attribute of event.attributes) {
fields.push({ key: attribute.key, value: getAttributeValue(attribute.value) });
logs.push({ fields, timestamp: event.timeUnixNano / 1000000 });
return logs;
export function transformFromOTLP(
traceData: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.ResourceSpans[],
nodeGraph = false
): DataQueryResponse {
const frame = new MutableDataFrame({
fields: [
{ name: 'traceID', type: FieldType.string },
{ name: 'spanID', type: FieldType.string },
{ name: 'parentSpanID', type: FieldType.string },
{ name: 'operationName', type: FieldType.string },
{ name: 'serviceName', type: FieldType.string },
{ name: 'serviceTags', type: FieldType.other },
{ name: 'startTime', type: FieldType.number },
{ name: 'duration', type: FieldType.number },
{ name: 'logs', type: FieldType.other },
{ name: 'references', type: FieldType.other },
{ name: 'tags', type: FieldType.other },
meta: {
preferredVisualisationType: 'trace',
custom: {
traceFormat: 'otlp',
try {
for (const data of traceData) {
const { serviceName, serviceTags } = resourceToProcess(data.resource);
for (const librarySpan of data.instrumentationLibrarySpans) {
for (const span of librarySpan.spans) {
traceID: transformBase64IDToHexString(span.traceId),
spanID: transformBase64IDToHexString(span.spanId),
parentSpanID: transformBase64IDToHexString(span.parentSpanId || ''),
operationName: span.name || '',
startTime: span.startTimeUnixNano! / 1000000,
duration: (span.endTimeUnixNano! - span.startTimeUnixNano!) / 1000000,
tags: getSpanTags(span, librarySpan.instrumentationLibrary),
logs: getLogs(span),
references: getReferences(span),
} as TraceSpanRow);
} catch (error) {
return { error: { message: 'JSON is not valid OpenTelemetry format: ' + error }, data: [] };
let data = [frame];
if (nodeGraph) {
data.push(...(createGraphFrames(frame) as MutableDataFrame[]));
return { data };
* Transforms trace dataframes to the OpenTelemetry format
export function transformToOTLP(data: MutableDataFrame): {
batches: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.ResourceSpans[];
} {
let result: { batches: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.ResourceSpans[] } = {
batches: [],
// Lookup object to see which batch contains spans for which services
let services: { [key: string]: number } = {};
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const span = data.get(i);
// Group spans based on service
if (!services[span.serviceName]) {
services[span.serviceName] = result.batches.length;
resource: {
attributes: [],
droppedAttributesCount: 0,
instrumentationLibrarySpans: [
spans: [],
let batchIndex = services[span.serviceName];
// Populate resource attributes from service tags
if (result.batches[batchIndex].resource!.attributes.length === 0) {
result.batches[batchIndex].resource!.attributes = tagsToAttributes(span.serviceTags);
// Populate instrumentation library if it exists
if (!result.batches[batchIndex].instrumentationLibrarySpans[0].instrumentationLibrary) {
let libraryName = span.tags.find((t: TraceKeyValuePair) => t.key === 'otel.library.name')?.value;
if (libraryName) {
result.batches[batchIndex].instrumentationLibrarySpans[0].instrumentationLibrary = {
name: libraryName,
version: span.tags.find((t: TraceKeyValuePair) => t.key === 'otel.library.version')?.value,
traceId: transformHexStringToBase64ID(span.traceID.padStart(32, '0')),
spanId: transformHexStringToBase64ID(span.spanID),
traceState: '',
parentSpanId: transformHexStringToBase64ID(span.parentSpanID || ''),
name: span.operationName,
kind: getOTLPSpanKind(span.tags) as any,
startTimeUnixNano: span.startTime * 1000000,
endTimeUnixNano: (span.startTime + span.duration) * 1000000,
attributes: tagsToAttributes(span.tags),
droppedAttributesCount: 0,
droppedEventsCount: 0,
droppedLinksCount: 0,
status: getOTLPStatus(span.tags),
events: getOTLPEvents(span.logs),
links: getOTLPReferences(span.references),
return result;
function getOTLPSpanKind(tags: TraceKeyValuePair[]): string | undefined {
let spanKind = undefined;
const spanKindTagValue = tags.find((t) => t.key === 'span.kind')?.value;
switch (spanKindTagValue) {
case 'server':
spanKind = 'SPAN_KIND_SERVER';
case 'client':
spanKind = 'SPAN_KIND_CLIENT';
case 'producer':
case 'consumer':
return spanKind;
* Converts key-value tags to OTLP attributes and removes tags added by Grafana
function tagsToAttributes(tags: TraceKeyValuePair[]): collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.common.v1.KeyValue[] {
return tags
(t) =>
(attributes, tag) => [...attributes, { key: tag.key, value: toAttributeValue(tag) }],
* Returns the correct OTLP AnyValue based on the value of the tag value
function toAttributeValue(tag: TraceKeyValuePair): collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.common.v1.AnyValue {
if (typeof tag.value === 'string') {
return { stringValue: tag.value };
} else if (typeof tag.value === 'boolean') {
return { boolValue: tag.value };
} else if (typeof tag.value === 'number') {
if (tag.value % 1 === 0) {
return { intValue: tag.value };
} else {
return { doubleValue: tag.value };
} else if (typeof tag.value === 'object') {
if (Array.isArray(tag.value)) {
const values: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.common.v1.AnyValue[] = [];
for (const val of tag.value) {
return { arrayValue: { values } };
return { stringValue: tag.value };
function getOTLPStatus(tags: TraceKeyValuePair[]): SpanStatus | undefined {
let status = undefined;
const statusCodeTag = tags.find((t) => t.key === 'otel.status_code');
if (statusCodeTag) {
status = {
code: statusCodeTag.value,
message: tags.find((t) => t.key === 'otel_status_description')?.value,
return status;
function getOTLPEvents(logs: TraceLog[]): collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.Span.Event[] | undefined {
if (!logs || !logs.length) {
return undefined;
let events: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.Span.Event[] = [];
for (const log of logs) {
let event: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.Span.Event = {
timeUnixNano: log.timestamp * 1000000,
attributes: [],
droppedAttributesCount: 0,
name: '',
for (const field of log.fields) {
key: field.key,
value: toAttributeValue(field),
return events;
function getOTLPReferences(
references: TraceSpanReference[]
): collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.Span.Link[] | undefined {
if (!references || !references.length) {
return undefined;
let links: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.Span.Link[] = [];
for (const ref of references) {
let link: collectorTypes.opentelemetryProto.trace.v1.Span.Link = {
traceId: ref.traceID,
spanId: ref.spanID,
attributes: [],
droppedAttributesCount: 0,
if (ref.tags?.length) {
for (const tag of ref.tags) {
key: tag.key,
value: toAttributeValue(tag),
return links;
export function transformTrace(response: DataQueryResponse, nodeGraph = false): DataQueryResponse {
// We need to parse some of the fields which contain stringified json.
// Seems like we can't just map the values as the frame we got from backend has some default processing
// and will stringify the json back when we try to set it. So we create a new field and swap it instead.
const frame: DataFrame = response.data[0];
if (!frame) {
return emptyDataQueryResponse;
try {
} catch (error) {
return { error: { message: 'Unable to parse trace response: ' + error }, data: [] };
let data = [...response.data];
if (nodeGraph) {
return {
* Change fields which are json string into JS objects. Modifies the frame in place.
function parseJsonFields(frame: DataFrame) {
for (const fieldName of ['serviceTags', 'logs', 'tags', 'references']) {
const field = frame.fields.find((f) => f.name === fieldName);
if (field) {
const fieldIndex = frame.fields.indexOf(field);
const values = new ArrayVector();
const newField: Field = {
type: FieldType.other,
for (let i = 0; i < field.values.length; i++) {
const value = field.values.get(i);
values.set(i, value === '' ? undefined : JSON.parse(value));
frame.fields[fieldIndex] = newField;
export type SearchResponse = {
traceID: string;
rootServiceName: string;
rootTraceName: string;
startTimeUnixNano: string;
durationMs: number;
export function createTableFrameFromSearch(data: SearchResponse[], instanceSettings: DataSourceInstanceSettings) {
const frame = new MutableDataFrame({
fields: [
name: 'traceID',
type: FieldType.string,
config: {
unit: 'string',
displayNameFromDS: 'Trace ID',
links: [
title: 'Trace: ${__value.raw}',
url: '',
internal: {
datasourceUid: instanceSettings.uid,
datasourceName: instanceSettings.name,
query: {
query: '${__value.raw}',
queryType: 'traceId',
{ name: 'traceName', type: FieldType.string, config: { displayNameFromDS: 'Trace name' } },
{ name: 'startTime', type: FieldType.string, config: { displayNameFromDS: 'Start time' } },
{ name: 'duration', type: FieldType.number, config: { displayNameFromDS: 'Duration', unit: 'ms' } },
meta: {
preferredVisualisationType: 'table',
if (!data?.length) {
return frame;
// Show the most recent traces
const traceData = data
.sort((a, b) => parseInt(b?.startTimeUnixNano!, 10) / 1000000 - parseInt(a?.startTimeUnixNano!, 10) / 1000000)
for (const trace of traceData) {
return frame;
function transformToTraceData(data: SearchResponse) {
let traceName = '';
if (data.rootServiceName) {
traceName += data.rootServiceName + ' ';
if (data.rootTraceName) {
traceName += data.rootTraceName;
const traceStartTime = parseInt(data.startTimeUnixNano!, 10) / 1000000;
let startTime = dateTimeFormat(traceStartTime);
if (Math.abs(differenceInHours(new Date(traceStartTime), Date.now())) <= 1) {
startTime = formatDistance(new Date(traceStartTime), Date.now(), {
addSuffix: true,
includeSeconds: true,
return {
traceID: data.traceID,
startTime: startTime,
duration: data.durationMs,
const emptyDataQueryResponse = {
data: [
new MutableDataFrame({
fields: [
name: 'trace',
type: FieldType.trace,
values: [],
meta: {
preferredVisualisationType: 'trace',
custom: {
traceFormat: 'otlp',