sh0rez 534ece064b
pkg/web: closure-style middlewares (#51238)
* pkg/web: closure-style middlewares

Switches the middleware execution model from web.Handlers in a slice to
Middlewares are temporarily kept in a slice to preserve ordering, but
prior to execution they are applied, forming a giant call-stack, giving
granular control over the execution flow.

* pkg/middleware: adapt to web.Middleware

* pkg/middleware/recovery: use c.Req over req

c.Req gets updated by future handlers, while req stays static.

The current recovery implementation needs this newer information

* pkg/web: correct middleware ordering

* pkg/webtest: adapt middleware

* pkg/web/hack: set w and r onto web.Context

By adopting std middlewares, it may happen they invoke next(w,r) without
putting their modified w,r into the web.Context, leading old-style
handlers to operate on outdated fields.

pkg/web now takes care of this

* pkg/middleware: selectively use future context

* pkg/web: accept closure-style on Use()

* webtest: Middleware testing

adds a utility function to web/webtest to obtain a http.ResponseWriter,
http.Request and http.Handler the same as a middleware that runs would receive

* *: cleanup

* pkg/web: don't wrap Middleware from Router

* pkg/web: require chain to write response

* *: remove temp files

* webtest: don't require chain write

* *: cleanup
2022-08-09 14:58:50 +02:00

99 lines
3.3 KiB

package middleware
import (
type contextKey struct{}
var routeOperationNameKey = contextKey{}
// ProvideRouteOperationName creates a named middleware responsible for populating
// the context with the route operation name that can be used later in the request pipeline.
// Implements routing.RegisterNamedMiddleware.
func ProvideRouteOperationName(name string) web.Handler {
return func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, c *web.Context) {
ctx := context.WithValue(c.Req.Context(), routeOperationNameKey, name)
c.Req = c.Req.WithContext(ctx)
var unnamedHandlers = []struct {
pathPattern *regexp.Regexp
handler string
{handler: "public-assets", pathPattern: regexp.MustCompile("^/favicon.ico")},
{handler: "public-assets", pathPattern: regexp.MustCompile("^/public/")},
{handler: "/metrics", pathPattern: regexp.MustCompile("^/metrics")},
{handler: "/healthz", pathPattern: regexp.MustCompile("^/healthz")},
{handler: "/robots.txt", pathPattern: regexp.MustCompile("^/robots.txt$")},
// bundle all pprof endpoints under the same handler name
{handler: "/debug/pprof-handlers", pathPattern: regexp.MustCompile("^/debug/pprof")},
// routeOperationName receives the route operation name from context, if set.
func routeOperationName(req *http.Request) (string, bool) {
if val := req.Context().Value(routeOperationNameKey); val != nil {
op, ok := val.(string)
return op, ok
for _, hp := range unnamedHandlers {
if hp.pathPattern.Match([]byte(req.URL.Path)) {
return hp.handler, true
return "", false
func RequestTracing(tracer tracing.Tracer) web.Middleware {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if strings.HasPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/public/") || req.URL.Path == "/robots.txt" || req.URL.Path == "/favicon.ico" {
next.ServeHTTP(w, req)
rw := web.Rw(w, req)
wireContext := otel.GetTextMapPropagator().Extract(req.Context(), propagation.HeaderCarrier(req.Header))
ctx, span := tracer.Start(req.Context(), fmt.Sprintf("HTTP %s %s", req.Method, req.URL.Path), trace.WithLinks(trace.LinkFromContext(wireContext)))
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
next.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// Only call span.Finish when a route operation name have been set,
// meaning that not set the span would not be reported.
// TODO: do not depend on web.Context from the future
if routeOperation, exists := routeOperationName(web.FromContext(req.Context()).Req); exists {
defer span.End()
span.SetName(fmt.Sprintf("HTTP %s %s", req.Method, routeOperation))
status := rw.Status()
span.SetAttributes("http.status_code", status, attribute.Int("http.status_code", status))
span.SetAttributes("http.url", req.RequestURI, attribute.String("http.url", req.RequestURI))
span.SetAttributes("http.method", req.Method, attribute.String("http.method", req.Method))
if status >= 400 {
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, fmt.Sprintf("error with HTTP status code %s", strconv.Itoa(status)))