David 57abf39f25
Logs: Use result range instead of timepicker range for log histogram (#25027)
* Logs: Use result range instead of timepicker range for log histogram

If a logs datasource does not send histogram data for the requested
time range, the logs model computes a timeseries based on the log row
counts, bucketed by an automcatically calculated time interval. Even
when this histogram time series did not span the whole requested time
range it was still rendered in the graph across the whole range, leaving
an empty area at its start. Users find this confusing and are lead to
believe their log data is missing.

This change fixes this by anchoring the start of the timeseries on the
first log row's timestamp from the result, and adds this smaller range
as `visibleRange` to the logs model and passes it through to the logs
component that optionally takes it into account to not render the empty
The interval (bucket size) is also adjusted to account for a potentially
finer resolution on the shorter visible time interval.
The bucketsize multiplier was also changed from 10 to 20 to account for
the space between the chart's bars.

* Aligned visible range with buckets

* Extract bucket size calculation and add test
2020-05-29 15:39:13 +02:00

469 lines
14 KiB

import _ from 'lodash';
import { colors, ansicolor } from '@grafana/ui';
import {
} from '@grafana/data';
import { getThemeColor } from 'app/core/utils/colors';
import { sortInAscendingOrder, deduplicateLogRowsById } from 'app/core/utils/explore';
import { getGraphSeriesModel } from 'app/plugins/panel/graph2/getGraphSeriesModel';
import { decimalSIPrefix } from '@grafana/data/src/valueFormats/symbolFormatters';
export const LogLevelColor = {
[LogLevel.critical]: colors[7],
[LogLevel.warning]: colors[1],
[LogLevel.error]: colors[4],
[]: colors[0],
[LogLevel.debug]: colors[5],
[LogLevel.trace]: colors[2],
[LogLevel.unknown]: getThemeColor('#8e8e8e', '#dde4ed'),
const isoDateRegexp = /\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\dT[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-6]\d[,\.]\d+([+-][0-2]\d:[0-5]\d|Z)/g;
function isDuplicateRow(row: LogRowModel, other: LogRowModel, strategy?: LogsDedupStrategy): boolean {
switch (strategy) {
case LogsDedupStrategy.exact:
// Exact still strips dates
return row.entry.replace(isoDateRegexp, '') === other.entry.replace(isoDateRegexp, '');
case LogsDedupStrategy.numbers:
return row.entry.replace(/\d/g, '') === other.entry.replace(/\d/g, '');
case LogsDedupStrategy.signature:
return row.entry.replace(/\w/g, '') === other.entry.replace(/\w/g, '');
return false;
export function dedupLogRows(rows: LogRowModel[], strategy?: LogsDedupStrategy): LogRowModel[] {
if (strategy === LogsDedupStrategy.none) {
return rows;
return rows.reduce((result: LogRowModel[], row: LogRowModel, index) => {
const rowCopy = { ...row };
const previous = result[result.length - 1];
if (index > 0 && isDuplicateRow(row, previous, strategy)) {
} else {
rowCopy.duplicates = 0;
return result;
}, []);
export function filterLogLevels(logRows: LogRowModel[], hiddenLogLevels: Set<LogLevel>): LogRowModel[] {
if (hiddenLogLevels.size === 0) {
return logRows;
return logRows.filter((row: LogRowModel) => {
return !hiddenLogLevels.has(row.logLevel);
export function makeSeriesForLogs(sortedRows: LogRowModel[], bucketSize: number, timeZone: TimeZone): GraphSeriesXY[] {
// currently interval is rangeMs / resolution, which is too low for showing series as bars.
// Should be solved higher up the chain when executing queries & interval calculated and not here but this is a temporary fix.
// Graph time series by log level
const seriesByLevel: any = {};
const seriesList: any[] = [];
for (const row of sortedRows) {
let series = seriesByLevel[row.logLevel];
if (!series) {
seriesByLevel[row.logLevel] = series = {
lastTs: null,
datapoints: [],
alias: row.logLevel,
target: row.logLevel,
color: LogLevelColor[row.logLevel],
// align time to bucket size - used Math.floor for calculation as time of the bucket
// must be in the past (before to be displayed on the graph
const time = Math.floor(row.timeEpochMs / bucketSize) * bucketSize;
// Entry for time
if (time === series.lastTs) {
series.datapoints[series.datapoints.length - 1][0]++;
} else {
series.datapoints.push([1, time]);
series.lastTs = time;
// add zero to other levels to aid stacking so each level series has same number of points
for (const other of seriesList) {
if (other !== series && other.lastTs !== time) {
other.datapoints.push([0, time]);
other.lastTs = time;
return, i) => {
series.datapoints.sort((a: number[], b: number[]) => a[1] - b[1]);
// EEEP: converts GraphSeriesXY to DataFrame and back again!
const data = toDataFrame(series);
const fieldCache = new FieldCache(data);
const timeField = fieldCache.getFirstFieldOfType(FieldType.time);
timeField.display = getDisplayProcessor({
field: timeField,
const valueField = fieldCache.getFirstFieldOfType(FieldType.number);
valueField.config = {
color: series.color,
const points = getFlotPairs({
xField: timeField,
yField: valueField,
nullValueMode: NullValueMode.Null,
const graphSeries: GraphSeriesXY = {
color: series.color,
label: series.alias,
data: points,
isVisible: true,
yAxis: {
index: 1,
min: 0,
tickDecimals: 0,
seriesIndex: i,
// for now setting the time step to be 0,
// and handle the bar width by setting lineWidth instead of barWidth in flot options
timeStep: 0,
return graphSeries;
function isLogsData(series: DataFrame) {
return series.fields.some(f => f.type === FieldType.time) && series.fields.some(f => f.type === FieldType.string);
* Convert dataFrame into LogsModel which consists of creating separate array of log rows and metrics series. Metrics
* series can be either already included in the dataFrame or will be computed from the log rows.
* @param dataFrame
* @param intervalMs In case there are no metrics series, we use this for computing it from log rows.
export function dataFrameToLogsModel(
dataFrame: DataFrame[],
intervalMs: number | undefined,
timeZone: TimeZone,
absoluteRange?: AbsoluteTimeRange
): LogsModel {
const { logSeries, metricSeries } = separateLogsAndMetrics(dataFrame);
const logsModel = logSeriesToLogsModel(logSeries);
if (logsModel) {
if (metricSeries.length === 0) {
// Create histogram metrics from logs using the interval as bucket size for the line count
if (intervalMs && logsModel.rows.length > 0) {
const sortedRows = logsModel.rows.sort(sortInAscendingOrder);
const { visibleRange, bucketSize } = getSeriesProperties(sortedRows, intervalMs, absoluteRange);
logsModel.visibleRange = visibleRange;
logsModel.series = makeSeriesForLogs(sortedRows, bucketSize, timeZone);
} else {
logsModel.series = [];
} else {
// We got metrics in the dataFrame so process those
logsModel.series = getGraphSeriesModel(
{ showBars: true, showLines: false, showPoints: false },
asTable: false,
isVisible: true,
placement: 'under',
return logsModel;
return {
hasUniqueLabels: false,
rows: [],
meta: [],
series: [],
* Returns a clamped time range and interval based on the visible logs and the given range.
* @param sortedRows Log rows from the query response
* @param intervalMs Dynamnic data interval based on available pixel width
* @param absoluteRange Requested time range
* @param pxPerBar Default: 20, buckets will be rendered as bars, assuming 10px per histogram bar plus some free space around it
export function getSeriesProperties(
sortedRows: LogRowModel[],
intervalMs: number,
absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange,
pxPerBar = 20,
minimumBucketSize = 1000
) {
let visibleRange = absoluteRange;
let resolutionIntervalMs = intervalMs;
let bucketSize = Math.max(resolutionIntervalMs * pxPerBar, minimumBucketSize);
// Clamp time range to visible logs otherwise big parts of the graph might look empty
if (absoluteRange) {
const earliest = sortedRows[0].timeEpochMs;
const latest =;
const visibleRangeMs = latest - earliest;
if (visibleRangeMs > 0) {
// Adjust interval bucket size for potentially shorter visible range
const clampingFactor = visibleRangeMs / ( - absoluteRange.from);
resolutionIntervalMs *= clampingFactor;
// Minimum bucketsize of 1s for nicer graphing
bucketSize = Math.max(Math.ceil(resolutionIntervalMs * pxPerBar), minimumBucketSize);
// makeSeriesForLogs() aligns dataspoints with time buckets, so we do the same here to not cut off data
const adjustedEarliest = Math.floor(earliest / bucketSize) * bucketSize;
visibleRange = { from: adjustedEarliest, to: latest };
return { bucketSize, visibleRange };
function separateLogsAndMetrics(dataFrames: DataFrame[]) {
const metricSeries: DataFrame[] = [];
const logSeries: DataFrame[] = [];
for (const dataFrame of dataFrames) {
if (isLogsData(dataFrame)) {
if (dataFrame.length > 0) {
return { logSeries, metricSeries };
interface LogFields {
series: DataFrame;
timeField: FieldWithIndex;
stringField: FieldWithIndex;
timeNanosecondField?: FieldWithIndex;
logLevelField?: FieldWithIndex;
idField?: FieldWithIndex;
* Converts dataFrames into LogsModel. This involves merging them into one list, sorting them and computing metadata
* like common labels.
export function logSeriesToLogsModel(logSeries: DataFrame[]): LogsModel | undefined {
if (logSeries.length === 0) {
return undefined;
const allLabels: Labels[] = [];
// Find the fields we care about and collect all labels
const allSeries: LogFields[] = => {
const fieldCache = new FieldCache(series);
const stringField = fieldCache.hasFieldNamed('line')
? fieldCache.getFieldByName('line')
: fieldCache.getFirstFieldOfType(FieldType.string);
if (stringField?.labels) {
return {
timeField: fieldCache.getFirstFieldOfType(FieldType.time),
timeNanosecondField: fieldCache.hasFieldWithNameAndType('tsNs', FieldType.time)
? fieldCache.getFieldByName('tsNs')
: undefined,
logLevelField: fieldCache.getFieldByName('level'),
idField: getIdField(fieldCache),
} as LogFields;
const commonLabels = allLabels.length > 0 ? findCommonLabels(allLabels) : {};
const rows: LogRowModel[] = [];
let hasUniqueLabels = false;
for (const info of allSeries) {
const { timeField, timeNanosecondField, stringField, logLevelField, idField, series } = info;
const labels = stringField.labels;
const uniqueLabels = findUniqueLabels(labels, commonLabels);
if (Object.keys(uniqueLabels).length > 0) {
hasUniqueLabels = true;
let seriesLogLevel: LogLevel | undefined = undefined;
if (labels && Object.keys(labels).indexOf('level') !== -1) {
seriesLogLevel = getLogLevelFromKey(labels['level']);
for (let j = 0; j < series.length; j++) {
const ts = timeField.values.get(j);
const time = dateTime(ts);
const tsNs = timeNanosecondField ? timeNanosecondField.values.get(j) : undefined;
const timeEpochNs = tsNs ? tsNs : time.valueOf() + '000000';
const messageValue: unknown = stringField.values.get(j);
// This should be string but sometimes isn't (eg elastic) because the dataFrame is not strongly typed.
const message: string = typeof messageValue === 'string' ? messageValue : JSON.stringify(messageValue);
const hasAnsi = textUtil.hasAnsiCodes(message);
const searchWords = series.meta && series.meta.searchWords ? series.meta.searchWords : [];
let logLevel = LogLevel.unknown;
if (logLevelField && logLevelField.values.get(j)) {
logLevel = getLogLevelFromKey(logLevelField.values.get(j));
} else if (seriesLogLevel) {
logLevel = seriesLogLevel;
} else {
logLevel = getLogLevel(message);
entryFieldIndex: stringField.index,
rowIndex: j,
dataFrame: series,
timeFromNow: dateTimeFormatTimeAgo(ts),
timeEpochMs: time.valueOf(),
timeLocal: dateTimeFormat(ts, { timeZone: 'browser' }),
timeUtc: dateTimeFormat(ts, { timeZone: 'utc' }),
entry: hasAnsi ? ansicolor.strip(message) : message,
raw: message,
labels: stringField.labels || {},
uid: idField ? idField.values.get(j) : j.toString(),
const deduplicatedLogRows = deduplicateLogRowsById(rows);
// Meta data to display in status
const meta: LogsMetaItem[] = [];
if (_.size(commonLabels) > 0) {
label: 'Common labels',
value: commonLabels,
kind: LogsMetaKind.LabelsMap,
const limits = logSeries.filter(series => series.meta && series.meta.limit);
const limitValue = Object.values(
limits.reduce((acc: any, elem: any) => {
acc[elem.refId] = elem.meta.limit;
return acc;
}, {})
).reduce((acc: number, elem: any) => (acc += elem), 0);
if (limits.length > 0) {
label: 'Limit',
value: `${limitValue} (${deduplicatedLogRows.length} returned)`,
kind: LogsMetaKind.String,
// Hack to print loki stats in Explore. Should be using proper stats display via drawer in Explore (rework in 7.1)
let totalBytes = 0;
const queriesVisited: { [refId: string]: boolean } = {};
for (const series of logSeries) {
const totalBytesKey = series.meta?.custom?.lokiQueryStatKey;
// Stats are per query, keeping track by refId
const { refId } = series;
if (refId && !queriesVisited[refId]) {
if (totalBytesKey && series.meta.stats) {
const byteStat = series.meta.stats.find(stat => stat.displayName === totalBytesKey);
if (byteStat) {
totalBytes += byteStat.value;
queriesVisited[refId] = true;
if (totalBytes > 0) {
const { text, suffix } = decimalSIPrefix('B')(totalBytes);
label: 'Total bytes processed',
value: `${text} ${suffix}`,
kind: LogsMetaKind.String,
return {
rows: deduplicatedLogRows,
function getIdField(fieldCache: FieldCache): FieldWithIndex | undefined {
const idFieldNames = ['id'];
for (const fieldName of idFieldNames) {
const idField = fieldCache.getFieldByName(fieldName);
if (idField) {
return idField;
return undefined;