Torkel Ödegaard 591c86e31d
Scene: Consolidate layout props on a layout prop (formerly named size) (#60437)
* Initial prop rename changes

* Updates

* Rename layout to placement

* Fix

* Fixed test

Co-authored-by: Dominik Prokop <>
2022-12-27 09:05:06 +01:00

393 lines
12 KiB

import React from 'react';
import ReactGridLayout from 'react-grid-layout';
import AutoSizer from 'react-virtualized-auto-sizer';
import { SceneObjectBase } from '../../core/SceneObjectBase';
import { SceneComponentProps, SceneLayoutChild, SceneLayoutState, SceneLayoutChildOptions } from '../../core/types';
import { SceneGridRow } from './SceneGridRow';
interface SceneGridLayoutState extends SceneLayoutState {}
export class SceneGridLayout extends SceneObjectBase<SceneGridLayoutState> {
public static Component = SceneGridLayoutRenderer;
private _skipOnLayoutChange = false;
public constructor(state: SceneGridLayoutState) {
placement: {
isDraggable: true,
children: sortChildrenByPosition(state.children),
public toggleRow(row: SceneGridRow) {
const isCollapsed = row.state.isCollapsed;
if (!isCollapsed) {
row.setState({ isCollapsed: true });
// To force re-render
const rowChildren = row.state.children;
if (rowChildren.length === 0) {
row.setState({ isCollapsed: false });
// Ok we are expanding row. We need to update row children y pos (incase they are incorrect) and push items below down
// Code copied from DashboardModel toggleRow()
const rowY = row.state.placement?.y!;
const firstPanelYPos = rowChildren[0].state.placement?.y ?? rowY;
const yDiff = firstPanelYPos - (rowY + 1);
// y max will represent the bottom y pos after all panels have been added
// needed to know home much panels below should be pushed down
let yMax = rowY;
for (const panel of rowChildren) {
// set the y gridPos if it wasn't already set
const newSize = { ...panel.state.placement };
newSize.y = newSize.y ?? rowY;
// make sure y is adjusted (in case row moved while collapsed)
newSize.y -= yDiff;
if (newSize.y > panel.state.placement?.y!) {
panel.setState({ placement: newSize });
// update insert post and y max
yMax = Math.max(yMax, Number(newSize.y!) + Number(newSize.height!));
const pushDownAmount = yMax - rowY - 1;
// push panels below down
for (const child of this.state.children) {
if (child.state.placement?.y! > rowY) {
this.pushChildDown(child, pushDownAmount);
if (child instanceof SceneGridRow && child !== row) {
for (const rowChild of child.state.children) {
if (rowChild.state.placement?.y! > rowY) {
this.pushChildDown(rowChild, pushDownAmount);
row.setState({ isCollapsed: false });
// Trigger re-render
public onLayoutChange = (layout: ReactGridLayout.Layout[]) => {
if (this._skipOnLayoutChange) {
// Layout has been updated by other RTL handler already
this._skipOnLayoutChange = false;
for (const item of layout) {
const child = this.getSceneLayoutChild(item.i);
const nextSize = {
x: item.x,
y: item.y,
width: item.w,
height: item.h,
if (!isItemSizeEqual(child.state.placement!, nextSize)) {
placement: {
this.setState({ children: sortChildrenByPosition(this.state.children) });
* Will also scan row children and return child of the row
public getSceneLayoutChild(key: string) {
for (const child of this.state.children) {
if (child.state.key === key) {
return child;
if (child instanceof SceneGridRow) {
for (const rowChild of child.state.children) {
if (rowChild.state.key === key) {
return rowChild;
throw new Error('Scene layout child not found for GridItem');
public onResizeStop: ReactGridLayout.ItemCallback = (_, o, n) => {
const child = this.getSceneLayoutChild(n.i);
placement: {
width: n.w,
height: n.h,
private pushChildDown(child: SceneLayoutChild, amount: number) {
placement: {
y: child.state.placement?.y! + amount,
* We assume the layout array is storted according to y pos, and walk upwards until we find a row.
* If it is collapsed there is no row to add it to. The default is then to return the SceneGridLayout itself
private findGridItemSceneParent(layout: ReactGridLayout.Layout[], startAt: number): SceneGridRow | SceneGridLayout {
for (let i = startAt; i >= 0; i--) {
const gridItem = layout[i];
const sceneChild = this.getSceneLayoutChild(gridItem.i);
if (sceneChild instanceof SceneGridRow) {
// the closest row is collapsed return null
if (sceneChild.state.isCollapsed) {
return this;
return sceneChild;
return this;
* This likely needs a slighltly different approach. Where we clone or deactivate or and re-activate the moved child
public moveChildTo(child: SceneLayoutChild, target: SceneGridLayout | SceneGridRow) {
const currentParent = child.parent!;
let rootChildren = this.state.children;
const newChild = child.clone({ key: child.state.key });
// Remove from current parent row
if (currentParent instanceof SceneGridRow) {
const newRow = currentParent.clone({
children: currentParent.state.children.filter((c) => c.state.key !== child.state.key),
// new children with new row
rootChildren = => (c === currentParent ? newRow : c));
// if target is also a row
if (target instanceof SceneGridRow) {
const targetRow = target.clone({ children: [, newChild] });
rootChildren = => (c === target ? targetRow : c));
} else {
// target is the main grid
rootChildren = [...rootChildren, newChild];
} else {
// current parent is the main grid remove it from there
rootChildren = rootChildren.filter((c) => c.state.key !== child.state.key);
// Clone the target row and add the child
const targetRow = target.clone({ children: [, newChild] });
// Replace row with new row
rootChildren = => (c === target ? targetRow : c));
return rootChildren;
public onDragStop: ReactGridLayout.ItemCallback = (gridLayout, o, updatedItem) => {
const sceneChild = this.getSceneLayoutChild(updatedItem.i)!;
// Need to resort the grid layout based on new position (needed to to find the new parent)
gridLayout = sortGridLayout(gridLayout);
// Update children positions if they have changed
for (let i = 0; i < gridLayout.length; i++) {
const gridItem = gridLayout[i];
const child = this.getSceneLayoutChild(gridItem.i)!;
const childSize = child.state.placement!;
if (childSize?.x !== gridItem.x || childSize?.y !== gridItem.y) {
placement: {
x: gridItem.x,
y: gridItem.y,
// Update the parent if the child if it has moved to a row or back to the grid
const indexOfUpdatedItem = gridLayout.findIndex((item) => item.i === updatedItem.i);
const newParent = this.findGridItemSceneParent(gridLayout, indexOfUpdatedItem - 1);
let newChildren = this.state.children;
if (newParent !== sceneChild.parent) {
newChildren = this.moveChildTo(sceneChild, newParent);
this.setState({ children: sortChildrenByPosition(newChildren) });
this._skipOnLayoutChange = true;
private toGridCell(child: SceneLayoutChild): ReactGridLayout.Layout {
const size = child.state.placement!;
let x = size.x ?? 0;
let y = size.y ?? 0;
const w = Number.isInteger(Number(size.width)) ? Number(size.width) : DEFAULT_PANEL_SPAN;
const h = Number.isInteger(Number(size.height)) ? Number(size.height) : DEFAULT_PANEL_SPAN;
let isDraggable = Boolean(child.state.placement?.isDraggable);
let isResizable = Boolean(child.state.placement?.isResizable);
if (child instanceof SceneGridRow) {
isDraggable = child.state.isCollapsed ? true : false;
isResizable = false;
return { i: child.state.key!, x, y, h, w, isResizable, isDraggable };
public buildGridLayout(width: number): ReactGridLayout.Layout[] {
let cells: ReactGridLayout.Layout[] = [];
for (const child of this.state.children) {
if (child instanceof SceneGridRow && !child.state.isCollapsed) {
for (const rowChild of child.state.children) {
// Sort by position
cells = sortGridLayout(cells);
if (width < 768) {
// We should not persist the mobile layout
this._skipOnLayoutChange = true;
return => ({ ...cell, w: 24 }));
this._skipOnLayoutChange = false;
return cells;
function SceneGridLayoutRenderer({ model }: SceneComponentProps<SceneGridLayout>) {
const { children } = model.useState();
return (
<AutoSizer disableHeight>
{({ width }) => {
if (width === 0) {
return null;
const layout = model.buildGridLayout(width);
return (
* The children is using a width of 100% so we need to guarantee that it is wrapped
* in an element that has the calculated size given by the AutoSizer. The AutoSizer
* has a width of 0 and will let its content overflow its div.
<div style={{ width: `${width}px`, height: '100%' }}>
Disable draggable if mobile device, solving an issue with unintentionally
moving panels. = 769
isDraggable={width > 768}
containerPadding={[0, 0]}
// @ts-ignore: ignoring for now until we make the size type numbers-only
{ => {
const sceneChild = model.getSceneLayoutChild(gridItem.i)!;
return (
<div key={sceneChild.state.key} style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
<sceneChild.Component model={sceneChild} key={sceneChild.state.key} />
function validateChildrenSize(children: SceneLayoutChild[]) {
if (
(c) =>
!c.state.placement ||
c.state.placement.height === undefined ||
c.state.placement.width === undefined ||
c.state.placement.x === undefined ||
c.state.placement.y === undefined
) {
throw new Error('All children must have a size specified');
function isItemSizeEqual(a: SceneLayoutChildOptions, b: SceneLayoutChildOptions) {
return a.x === b.x && a.y === b.y && a.width === b.width && a.height === b.height;
function sortChildrenByPosition(children: SceneLayoutChild[]) {
return [...children].sort((a, b) => {
return a.state.placement?.y! - b.state.placement?.y! || a.state.placement?.x! - b.state.placement?.x!;
function sortGridLayout(layout: ReactGridLayout.Layout[]) {
return [...layout].sort((a, b) => a.y - b.y || a.x! - b.x);