mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 21:19:28 -06:00
Ensure that settings with the word 'secret' in the name are redacted just as ones with 'password' in the name are. For example, the Google Auth client secret should be redacted now.
639 lines
17 KiB
639 lines
17 KiB
// Copyright 2014 Unknwon
// Copyright 2014 Torkel Ödegaard
package setting
import (
type Scheme string
const (
HTTP Scheme = "http"
HTTPS Scheme = "https"
const (
DEV string = "development"
PROD string = "production"
TEST string = "test"
var (
// App settings.
Env string = DEV
AppUrl string
AppSubUrl string
// build
BuildVersion string
BuildCommit string
BuildStamp int64
// Paths
LogsPath string
HomePath string
DataPath string
PluginsPath string
// Log settings.
LogModes []string
LogConfigs []util.DynMap
// Http server options
Protocol Scheme
Domain string
HttpAddr, HttpPort string
SshPort int
CertFile, KeyFile string
RouterLogging bool
StaticRootPath string
EnableGzip bool
EnforceDomain bool
// Security settings.
SecretKey string
LogInRememberDays int
CookieUserName string
CookieRememberName string
DisableGravatar bool
EmailCodeValidMinutes int
DataProxyWhiteList map[string]bool
// Snapshots
ExternalSnapshotUrl string
ExternalSnapshotName string
ExternalEnabled bool
// User settings
AllowUserSignUp bool
AllowUserOrgCreate bool
AutoAssignOrg bool
AutoAssignOrgRole string
VerifyEmailEnabled bool
LoginHint string
// Http auth
AdminUser string
AdminPassword string
AnonymousEnabled bool
AnonymousOrgName string
AnonymousOrgRole string
// Auth proxy settings
AuthProxyEnabled bool
AuthProxyHeaderName string
AuthProxyHeaderProperty string
AuthProxyAutoSignUp bool
// Basic Auth
BasicAuthEnabled bool
// Session settings.
SessionOptions session.Options
// Global setting objects.
Cfg *ini.File
ConfRootPath string
IsWindows bool
// PhantomJs Rendering
ImagesDir string
PhantomDir string
// for logging purposes
configFiles []string
appliedCommandLineProperties []string
appliedEnvOverrides []string
ReportingEnabled bool
GoogleAnalyticsId string
GoogleTagManagerId string
LdapEnabled bool
LdapConfigFile string
// SMTP email settings
Smtp SmtpSettings
Quota QuotaSettings
type CommandLineArgs struct {
Config string
HomePath string
Args []string
func init() {
IsWindows = runtime.GOOS == "windows"
log.NewLogger(0, "console", `{"level": 0, "formatting":true}`)
func parseAppUrlAndSubUrl(section *ini.Section) (string, string) {
appUrl := section.Key("root_url").MustString("http://localhost:3000/")
if appUrl[len(appUrl)-1] != '/' {
appUrl += "/"
// Check if has app suburl.
url, err := url.Parse(appUrl)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(4, "Invalid root_url(%s): %s", appUrl, err)
appSubUrl := strings.TrimSuffix(url.Path, "/")
return appUrl, appSubUrl
func ToAbsUrl(relativeUrl string) string {
return AppUrl + relativeUrl
func shouldRedactKey(s string) bool {
uppercased := strings.ToUpper(s)
return strings.Contains(uppercased, "PASSWORD") || strings.Contains(uppercased, "SECRET")
func applyEnvVariableOverrides() {
appliedEnvOverrides = make([]string, 0)
for _, section := range Cfg.Sections() {
for _, key := range section.Keys() {
sectionName := strings.ToUpper(strings.Replace(section.Name(), ".", "_", -1))
keyName := strings.ToUpper(strings.Replace(key.Name(), ".", "_", -1))
envKey := fmt.Sprintf("GF_%s_%s", sectionName, keyName)
envValue := os.Getenv(envKey)
if len(envValue) > 0 {
if shouldRedactKey(envKey) {
envValue = "*********"
appliedEnvOverrides = append(appliedEnvOverrides, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", envKey, envValue))
func applyCommandLineDefaultProperties(props map[string]string) {
appliedCommandLineProperties = make([]string, 0)
for _, section := range Cfg.Sections() {
for _, key := range section.Keys() {
keyString := fmt.Sprintf("default.%s.%s", section.Name(), key.Name())
value, exists := props[keyString]
if exists {
if shouldRedactKey(keyString) {
value = "*********"
appliedCommandLineProperties = append(appliedCommandLineProperties, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", keyString, value))
func applyCommandLineProperties(props map[string]string) {
for _, section := range Cfg.Sections() {
for _, key := range section.Keys() {
keyString := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", section.Name(), key.Name())
value, exists := props[keyString]
if exists {
appliedCommandLineProperties = append(appliedCommandLineProperties, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", keyString, value))
func getCommandLineProperties(args []string) map[string]string {
props := make(map[string]string)
for _, arg := range args {
if !strings.HasPrefix(arg, "cfg:") {
trimmed := strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "cfg:")
parts := strings.Split(trimmed, "=")
if len(parts) != 2 {
log.Fatal(3, "Invalid command line argument", arg)
return nil
props[parts[0]] = parts[1]
return props
func makeAbsolute(path string, root string) string {
if filepath.IsAbs(path) {
return path
return filepath.Join(root, path)
func evalEnvVarExpression(value string) string {
regex := regexp.MustCompile(`\${(\w+)}`)
return regex.ReplaceAllStringFunc(value, func(envVar string) string {
envVar = strings.TrimPrefix(envVar, "${")
envVar = strings.TrimSuffix(envVar, "}")
envValue := os.Getenv(envVar)
return envValue
func evalConfigValues() {
for _, section := range Cfg.Sections() {
for _, key := range section.Keys() {
func loadSpecifedConfigFile(configFile string) {
if configFile == "" {
configFile = filepath.Join(HomePath, "conf/custom.ini")
// return without error if custom file does not exist
if !pathExists(configFile) {
userConfig, err := ini.Load(configFile)
userConfig.BlockMode = false
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(3, "Failed to parse %v, %v", configFile, err)
for _, section := range userConfig.Sections() {
for _, key := range section.Keys() {
if key.Value() == "" {
defaultSec, err := Cfg.GetSection(section.Name())
if err != nil {
defaultSec, _ = Cfg.NewSection(section.Name())
defaultKey, err := defaultSec.GetKey(key.Name())
if err != nil {
defaultKey, _ = defaultSec.NewKey(key.Name(), key.Value())
configFiles = append(configFiles, configFile)
func loadConfiguration(args *CommandLineArgs) {
var err error
// load config defaults
defaultConfigFile := path.Join(HomePath, "conf/defaults.ini")
configFiles = append(configFiles, defaultConfigFile)
Cfg, err = ini.Load(defaultConfigFile)
Cfg.BlockMode = false
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(3, "Failed to parse defaults.ini, %v", err)
// command line props
commandLineProps := getCommandLineProperties(args.Args)
// load default overrides
// init logging before specific config so we can log errors from here on
DataPath = makeAbsolute(Cfg.Section("paths").Key("data").String(), HomePath)
// load specified config file
// apply environment overrides
// apply command line overrides
// evaluate config values containing environment variables
// update data path and logging config
DataPath = makeAbsolute(Cfg.Section("paths").Key("data").String(), HomePath)
func pathExists(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil {
return true
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return false
func setHomePath(args *CommandLineArgs) {
if args.HomePath != "" {
HomePath = args.HomePath
HomePath, _ = filepath.Abs(".")
// check if homepath is correct
if pathExists(filepath.Join(HomePath, "conf/defaults.ini")) {
// try down one path
if pathExists(filepath.Join(HomePath, "../conf/defaults.ini")) {
HomePath = filepath.Join(HomePath, "../")
var skipStaticRootValidation bool = false
func validateStaticRootPath() error {
if skipStaticRootValidation {
return nil
if _, err := os.Stat(path.Join(StaticRootPath, "css")); err == nil {
return nil
if _, err := os.Stat(StaticRootPath + "_gen/css"); err == nil {
StaticRootPath = StaticRootPath + "_gen"
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to detect generated css or javascript files in static root (%s), have you executed default grunt task?", StaticRootPath)
func NewConfigContext(args *CommandLineArgs) error {
Env = Cfg.Section("").Key("app_mode").MustString("development")
PluginsPath = Cfg.Section("paths").Key("plugins").String()
server := Cfg.Section("server")
AppUrl, AppSubUrl = parseAppUrlAndSubUrl(server)
Protocol = HTTP
if server.Key("protocol").MustString("http") == "https" {
Protocol = HTTPS
CertFile = server.Key("cert_file").String()
KeyFile = server.Key("cert_key").String()
Domain = server.Key("domain").MustString("localhost")
HttpAddr = server.Key("http_addr").MustString("")
HttpPort = server.Key("http_port").MustString("3000")
RouterLogging = server.Key("router_logging").MustBool(false)
EnableGzip = server.Key("enable_gzip").MustBool(false)
EnforceDomain = server.Key("enforce_domain").MustBool(false)
StaticRootPath = makeAbsolute(server.Key("static_root_path").String(), HomePath)
if err := validateStaticRootPath(); err != nil {
return err
// read security settings
security := Cfg.Section("security")
SecretKey = security.Key("secret_key").String()
LogInRememberDays = security.Key("login_remember_days").MustInt()
CookieUserName = security.Key("cookie_username").String()
CookieRememberName = security.Key("cookie_remember_name").String()
DisableGravatar = security.Key("disable_gravatar").MustBool(true)
// read snapshots settings
snapshots := Cfg.Section("snapshots")
ExternalSnapshotUrl = snapshots.Key("external_snapshot_url").String()
ExternalSnapshotName = snapshots.Key("external_snapshot_name").String()
ExternalEnabled = snapshots.Key("external_enabled").MustBool(true)
// read data source proxy white list
DataProxyWhiteList = make(map[string]bool)
for _, hostAndIp := range security.Key("data_source_proxy_whitelist").Strings(" ") {
DataProxyWhiteList[hostAndIp] = true
// admin
AdminUser = security.Key("admin_user").String()
AdminPassword = security.Key("admin_password").String()
users := Cfg.Section("users")
AllowUserSignUp = users.Key("allow_sign_up").MustBool(true)
AllowUserOrgCreate = users.Key("allow_org_create").MustBool(true)
AutoAssignOrg = users.Key("auto_assign_org").MustBool(true)
AutoAssignOrgRole = users.Key("auto_assign_org_role").In("Editor", []string{"Editor", "Admin", "Read Only Editor", "Viewer"})
VerifyEmailEnabled = users.Key("verify_email_enabled").MustBool(false)
LoginHint = users.Key("login_hint").String()
// anonymous access
AnonymousEnabled = Cfg.Section("auth.anonymous").Key("enabled").MustBool(false)
AnonymousOrgName = Cfg.Section("auth.anonymous").Key("org_name").String()
AnonymousOrgRole = Cfg.Section("auth.anonymous").Key("org_role").String()
// auth proxy
authProxy := Cfg.Section("auth.proxy")
AuthProxyEnabled = authProxy.Key("enabled").MustBool(false)
AuthProxyHeaderName = authProxy.Key("header_name").String()
AuthProxyHeaderProperty = authProxy.Key("header_property").String()
AuthProxyAutoSignUp = authProxy.Key("auto_sign_up").MustBool(true)
authBasic := Cfg.Section("auth.basic")
BasicAuthEnabled = authBasic.Key("enabled").MustBool(true)
// PhantomJS rendering
ImagesDir = filepath.Join(DataPath, "png")
PhantomDir = filepath.Join(HomePath, "vendor/phantomjs")
analytics := Cfg.Section("analytics")
ReportingEnabled = analytics.Key("reporting_enabled").MustBool(true)
GoogleAnalyticsId = analytics.Key("google_analytics_ua_id").String()
GoogleTagManagerId = analytics.Key("google_tag_manager_id").String()
ldapSec := Cfg.Section("auth.ldap")
LdapEnabled = ldapSec.Key("enabled").MustBool(false)
LdapConfigFile = ldapSec.Key("config_file").String()
if VerifyEmailEnabled && !Smtp.Enabled {
log.Warn("require_email_validation is enabled but smpt is disabled")
return nil
func readSessionConfig() {
sec := Cfg.Section("session")
SessionOptions = session.Options{}
SessionOptions.Provider = sec.Key("provider").In("memory", []string{"memory", "file", "redis", "mysql", "postgres", "memcache"})
SessionOptions.ProviderConfig = strings.Trim(sec.Key("provider_config").String(), "\" ")
SessionOptions.CookieName = sec.Key("cookie_name").MustString("grafana_sess")
SessionOptions.CookiePath = AppSubUrl
SessionOptions.Secure = sec.Key("cookie_secure").MustBool()
SessionOptions.Gclifetime = Cfg.Section("session").Key("gc_interval_time").MustInt64(86400)
SessionOptions.Maxlifetime = Cfg.Section("session").Key("session_life_time").MustInt64(86400)
SessionOptions.IDLength = 16
if SessionOptions.Provider == "file" {
SessionOptions.ProviderConfig = makeAbsolute(SessionOptions.ProviderConfig, DataPath)
os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(SessionOptions.ProviderConfig), os.ModePerm)
if SessionOptions.CookiePath == "" {
SessionOptions.CookiePath = "/"
var logLevels = map[string]int{
"Trace": 0,
"Debug": 1,
"Info": 2,
"Warn": 3,
"Error": 4,
"Critical": 5,
func initLogging(args *CommandLineArgs) {
//close any existing log handlers.
// Get and check log mode.
LogModes = strings.Split(Cfg.Section("log").Key("mode").MustString("console"), ",")
LogsPath = makeAbsolute(Cfg.Section("paths").Key("logs").String(), HomePath)
LogConfigs = make([]util.DynMap, len(LogModes))
for i, mode := range LogModes {
mode = strings.TrimSpace(mode)
sec, err := Cfg.GetSection("log." + mode)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(4, "Unknown log mode: %s", mode)
// Log level.
levelName := Cfg.Section("log."+mode).Key("level").In("Trace",
[]string{"Trace", "Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Critical"})
level, ok := logLevels[levelName]
if !ok {
log.Fatal(4, "Unknown log level: %s", levelName)
// Generate log configuration.
switch mode {
case "console":
formatting := sec.Key("formatting").MustBool(true)
LogConfigs[i] = util.DynMap{
"level": level,
"formatting": formatting,
case "file":
logPath := sec.Key("file_name").MustString(filepath.Join(LogsPath, "grafana.log"))
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(logPath), os.ModePerm)
LogConfigs[i] = util.DynMap{
"level": level,
"filename": logPath,
"rotate": sec.Key("log_rotate").MustBool(true),
"maxlines": sec.Key("max_lines").MustInt(1000000),
"maxsize": 1 << uint(sec.Key("max_size_shift").MustInt(28)),
"daily": sec.Key("daily_rotate").MustBool(true),
"maxdays": sec.Key("max_days").MustInt(7),
case "conn":
LogConfigs[i] = util.DynMap{
"level": level,
"reconnectOnMsg": sec.Key("reconnect_on_msg").MustBool(),
"reconnect": sec.Key("reconnect").MustBool(),
"net": sec.Key("protocol").In("tcp", []string{"tcp", "unix", "udp"}),
"addr": sec.Key("addr").MustString(":7020"),
case "smtp":
LogConfigs[i] = util.DynMap{
"level": level,
"user": sec.Key("user").MustString("example@example.com"),
"passwd": sec.Key("passwd").MustString("******"),
"host": sec.Key("host").MustString(""),
"receivers": sec.Key("receivers").MustString("[]"),
"subject": sec.Key("subject").MustString("Diagnostic message from serve"),
case "database":
LogConfigs[i] = util.DynMap{
"level": level,
"driver": sec.Key("driver").String(),
"conn": sec.Key("conn").String(),
case "syslog":
LogConfigs[i] = util.DynMap{
"level": level,
"network": sec.Key("network").MustString(""),
"address": sec.Key("address").MustString(""),
"facility": sec.Key("facility").MustString("local7"),
"tag": sec.Key("tag").MustString(""),
cfgJsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(LogConfigs[i])
log.NewLogger(Cfg.Section("log").Key("buffer_len").MustInt64(10000), mode, string(cfgJsonBytes))
func LogConfigurationInfo() {
var text bytes.Buffer
text.WriteString("Configuration Info\n")
text.WriteString("Config files:\n")
for i, file := range configFiles {
text.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" [%d]: %s\n", i, file))
if len(appliedCommandLineProperties) > 0 {
text.WriteString("Command lines overrides:\n")
for i, prop := range appliedCommandLineProperties {
text.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" [%d]: %s\n", i, prop))
if len(appliedEnvOverrides) > 0 {
text.WriteString("\tEnvironment variables used:\n")
for i, prop := range appliedEnvOverrides {
text.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" [%d]: %s\n", i, prop))
text.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" home: %s\n", HomePath))
text.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" data: %s\n", DataPath))
text.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" logs: %s\n", LogsPath))
text.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" plugins: %s\n", PluginsPath))