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synced 2025-02-11 08:05:43 -06:00
* Load Rich History when the container is opened * Store rich history for each pane separately * Do not update currently opened query history when an item is added It's impossible to figure out if the item should be added or not, because filters are applied in the backend. We don't want to replicate that filtering logic in frontend. One way to make it work could be by refreshing both panes. * Test starring and deleting query history items when both panes are open * Remove e2e dependency on ExploreId * Fix unit test * Assert exact queries * Simplify test * Fix e2e tests * Fix toolbar a11y * Reload the history after an item is added * Fix unit test * Remove references to Explore from generic PageToolbar component * Update test name * Fix test assertion * Add issue item to TODO * Improve test assertion * Simplify test setup * Move query history settings to persistence layer * Fix test import * Fix unit test * Fix unit test * Test local storage settings API * Code formatting * Fix linting errors * Add an integration test * Add missing aria role * Fix a11y issues * Fix a11y issues * Use divs instead of ul/li Otherwis,e pa11y-ci reports the error below claiming there are no children with role=tab: Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children (https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/4.3/aria-required-children?application=axeAPI) (#reactRoot > div > main > div:nth-child(3) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > nav > div:nth-child(2) > ul) <ul class="css-af3vye" role="tablist"><li class="css-1ciwanz"><a href...</ul> * Clean up settings tab * Remove redundant aria label * Remove redundant container * Clean up test assertions
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import { AnyAction } from 'redux';
import { DataSourceSrv, getDataSourceSrv, locationService } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { ExploreUrlState, serializeStateToUrlParam, SplitOpen, UrlQueryMap } from '@grafana/data';
import { GetExploreUrlArguments, stopQueryState } from 'app/core/utils/explore';
import { ExploreId, ExploreItemState, ExploreState, RichHistoryQuery } from 'app/types/explore';
import { paneReducer } from './explorePane';
import { createAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { getUrlStateFromPaneState, makeExplorePaneState } from './utils';
import { ThunkResult } from '../../../types';
import { TimeSrv } from '../../dashboard/services/TimeSrv';
import { PanelModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state';
import { RichHistorySearchFilters, RichHistorySettings } from '../../../core/utils/richHistoryTypes';
// Actions and Payloads
export interface SyncTimesPayload {
syncedTimes: boolean;
export const syncTimesAction = createAction<SyncTimesPayload>('explore/syncTimes');
export const richHistoryUpdatedAction =
createAction<{ richHistory: RichHistoryQuery[]; exploreId: ExploreId }>('explore/richHistoryUpdated');
export const richHistoryStorageFullAction = createAction('explore/richHistoryStorageFullAction');
export const richHistoryLimitExceededAction = createAction('explore/richHistoryLimitExceededAction');
export const richHistorySettingsUpdatedAction = createAction<RichHistorySettings>('explore/richHistorySettingsUpdated');
export const richHistorySearchFiltersUpdatedAction = createAction<{
exploreId: ExploreId;
filters: RichHistorySearchFilters;
* Resets state for explore.
export interface ResetExplorePayload {
force?: boolean;
export const resetExploreAction = createAction<ResetExplorePayload>('explore/resetExplore');
* Close the split view and save URL state.
export interface SplitCloseActionPayload {
itemId: ExploreId;
export const splitCloseAction = createAction<SplitCloseActionPayload>('explore/splitClose');
* Cleans up a pane state. Could seem like this should be in explorePane.ts actions but in case we area closing
* left pane we need to move right state to the left.
* Also this may seem redundant as we have splitClose actions which clears up state but that action is not called on
* URL change.
export interface CleanupPanePayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
export const cleanupPaneAction = createAction<CleanupPanePayload>('explore/cleanupPane');
// Action creators
* Save local redux state back to the URL. Should be called when there is some change that should affect the URL.
* Not all of the redux state is reflected in URL though.
export const stateSave = (options?: { replace?: boolean }): ThunkResult<void> => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const { left, right } = getState().explore;
const orgId = getState().user.orgId.toString();
const urlStates: { [index: string]: string | null } = { orgId };
urlStates.left = serializeStateToUrlParam(getUrlStateFromPaneState(left));
if (right) {
urlStates.right = serializeStateToUrlParam(getUrlStateFromPaneState(right));
} else {
urlStates.right = null;
lastSavedUrl.right = urlStates.right;
lastSavedUrl.left = urlStates.left;
locationService.partial({ ...urlStates }, options?.replace);
// Store the url we saved last se we are not trying to update local state based on that.
export const lastSavedUrl: UrlQueryMap = {};
* Opens a new right split pane by navigating to appropriate URL. It either copies existing state of the left pane
* or uses values from options arg. This does only navigation each pane is then responsible for initialization from
* the URL.
export const splitOpen: SplitOpen = (options): ThunkResult<void> => {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const leftState: ExploreItemState = getState().explore[ExploreId.left];
const leftUrlState = getUrlStateFromPaneState(leftState);
let rightUrlState: ExploreUrlState = leftUrlState;
if (options) {
const datasourceName = getDataSourceSrv().getInstanceSettings(options.datasourceUid)?.name || '';
rightUrlState = {
datasource: datasourceName,
queries: [options.query],
range: options.range || leftState.range,
panelsState: options.panelsState,
const urlState = serializeStateToUrlParam(rightUrlState);
locationService.partial({ right: urlState }, true);
* Close the split view and save URL state. We need to update the state here because when closing we cannot just
* update the URL and let the components handle it because if we swap panes from right to left it is not easily apparent
* from the URL.
export function splitClose(itemId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(splitCloseAction({ itemId }));
export interface NavigateToExploreDependencies {
getDataSourceSrv: () => DataSourceSrv;
getTimeSrv: () => TimeSrv;
getExploreUrl: (args: GetExploreUrlArguments) => Promise<string | undefined>;
openInNewWindow?: (url: string) => void;
export const navigateToExplore = (
panel: PanelModel,
dependencies: NavigateToExploreDependencies
): ThunkResult<void> => {
return async (dispatch) => {
const { getDataSourceSrv, getTimeSrv, getExploreUrl, openInNewWindow } = dependencies;
const datasourceSrv = getDataSourceSrv();
const path = await getExploreUrl({
timeSrv: getTimeSrv(),
if (openInNewWindow && path) {
* Global Explore state that handles multiple Explore areas and the split state
const initialExploreItemState = makeExplorePaneState();
export const initialExploreState: ExploreState = {
syncedTimes: false,
left: initialExploreItemState,
right: undefined,
richHistoryStorageFull: false,
richHistoryLimitExceededWarningShown: false,
* Global Explore reducer that handles multiple Explore areas (left and right).
* Actions that have an `exploreId` get routed to the ExploreItemReducer.
export const exploreReducer = (state = initialExploreState, action: AnyAction): ExploreState => {
if (splitCloseAction.match(action)) {
const { itemId } = action.payload as SplitCloseActionPayload;
const targetSplit = {
left: itemId === ExploreId.left ? state.right! : state.left,
right: undefined,
return {
if (cleanupPaneAction.match(action)) {
const { exploreId } = action.payload as CleanupPanePayload;
// We want to do this only when we remove single pane not when we are unmounting whole explore.
// It needs to be checked like this because in component we don't get new path (which would tell us if we are
// navigating out of explore) before the unmount.
if (!state[exploreId]?.initialized) {
return state;
if (exploreId === ExploreId.left) {
return {
[ExploreId.left]: state[ExploreId.right]!,
[ExploreId.right]: undefined,
} else {
return {
[ExploreId.right]: undefined,
if (syncTimesAction.match(action)) {
return { ...state, syncedTimes: action.payload.syncedTimes };
if (richHistoryStorageFullAction.match(action)) {
return {
richHistoryStorageFull: true,
if (richHistoryLimitExceededAction.match(action)) {
return {
richHistoryLimitExceededWarningShown: true,
if (resetExploreAction.match(action)) {
const payload: ResetExplorePayload = action.payload;
const leftState = state[ExploreId.left];
const rightState = state[ExploreId.right];
if (rightState) {
if (payload.force) {
return initialExploreState;
return {
left: {
queries: state.left.queries,
if (richHistorySettingsUpdatedAction.match(action)) {
const richHistorySettings = action.payload;
return {
if (action.payload) {
const { exploreId } = action.payload;
if (exploreId !== undefined) {
// @ts-ignore
const explorePaneState = state[exploreId];
return { ...state, [exploreId]: paneReducer(explorePaneState, action as any) };
return state;
export default {
explore: exploreReducer,