mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* ValidateInterval doesn't need the entire config * Validation no longer depends on entire folder now that we've dropped foldertitle from api * Don't depend on entire config struct * Export validate group
910 lines
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910 lines
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package api
import (
apimodels "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/api/tooling/definitions"
var allNoData = []apimodels.NoDataState{
var allExecError = []apimodels.ExecutionErrorState{
func config(t *testing.T) *setting.UnifiedAlertingSettings {
baseInterval := time.Duration(rand.Intn(99)+1) * time.Second
result := &setting.UnifiedAlertingSettings{
BaseInterval: baseInterval,
DefaultRuleEvaluationInterval: baseInterval * time.Duration(rand.Intn(9)+1),
t.Logf("Config Base interval is [%v]", result.BaseInterval)
return result
func validRule() apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
forDuration := model.Duration(rand.Int63n(1000))
return apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode{
ApiRuleNode: &apimodels.ApiRuleNode{
For: &forDuration,
Labels: map[string]string{
"test-label": "data",
Annotations: map[string]string{
"test-annotation": "data",
GrafanaManagedAlert: &apimodels.PostableGrafanaRule{
Title: fmt.Sprintf("TEST-ALERT-%d", rand.Int63()),
Condition: "A",
Data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: "A",
QueryType: "TEST",
RelativeTimeRange: apimodels.RelativeTimeRange{
From: 10,
To: 0,
Model: nil,
UID: util.GenerateShortUID(),
NoDataState: allNoData[rand.Intn(len(allNoData))],
ExecErrState: allExecError[rand.Intn(len(allExecError))],
func validGroup(cfg *setting.UnifiedAlertingSettings, rules ...apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode) apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
return apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig{
Name: "TEST-ALERTS-" + util.GenerateShortUID(),
Interval: model.Duration(cfg.BaseInterval * time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10))),
Rules: rules,
func randFolder() *folder.Folder {
title := "TEST-FOLDER-" + util.GenerateShortUID()
return &folder.Folder{
UID: util.GenerateShortUID(),
Title: title,
// URL: "",
// Version: 0,
Created: time.Time{},
Updated: time.Time{},
// UpdatedBy: 0,
// CreatedBy: 0,
// HasACL: false,
ParentUID: uuid.NewString(),
Fullpath: path.Join("parent-folder", title),
func TestValidateCondition(t *testing.T) {
testcases := []struct {
name string
condition string
data []apimodels.AlertQuery
errorMsg string
name: "error when condition is empty",
condition: "",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{},
errorMsg: "condition cannot be empty",
name: "error when data is empty",
condition: "A",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{},
errorMsg: "no query/expressions specified",
name: "error when condition does not exist",
condition: "A",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: "B",
RefID: "C",
errorMsg: "condition A does not exist, must be one of [B,C]",
name: "error when duplicated refId",
condition: "A",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: "A",
RefID: "A",
errorMsg: "refID 'A' is already used by query/expression at index 0",
name: "error when refId is empty",
condition: "A",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: "",
RefID: "A",
errorMsg: "refID is not specified for data query/expression at index 0",
name: "valid case",
condition: "B",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: "A",
RefID: "B",
for _, tc := range testcases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
err := validateCondition(tc.condition, tc.data)
if tc.errorMsg == "" {
require.NoError(t, err)
} else {
require.ErrorContains(t, err, tc.errorMsg)
func TestValidateRuleGroup(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
rules := make([]apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, 0, rand.Intn(4)+1)
for i := 0; i < cap(rules); i++ {
rules = append(rules, validRule())
cfg := config(t)
t.Run("should validate struct and rules", func(t *testing.T) {
g := validGroup(cfg, rules...)
alerts, err := ValidateRuleGroup(&g, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, alerts, len(rules))
t.Run("should default to default interval from config if group interval is 0", func(t *testing.T) {
g := validGroup(cfg, rules...)
g.Interval = 0
alerts, err := ValidateRuleGroup(&g, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, alert := range alerts {
require.Equal(t, int64(cfg.DefaultRuleEvaluationInterval.Seconds()), alert.IntervalSeconds)
require.False(t, alert.HasPause)
t.Run("should show the payload has isPaused field", func(t *testing.T) {
for _, rule := range rules {
isPaused := true
rule.GrafanaManagedAlert.IsPaused = &isPaused
isPaused = !(isPaused)
g := validGroup(cfg, rules...)
alerts, err := ValidateRuleGroup(&g, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, alert := range alerts {
require.True(t, alert.HasPause)
func TestValidateRuleGroupFailures(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
cfg := config(t)
testCases := []struct {
name string
group func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig
assert func(t *testing.T, apiModel *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig, err error)
name: "fail if title is empty",
group: func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
g := validGroup(cfg)
g.Name = ""
return &g
name: "fail if title is too long",
group: func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
g := validGroup(cfg)
for len(g.Name) < store.AlertRuleMaxRuleGroupNameLength {
g.Name += g.Name
return &g
name: "fail if interval is negative",
group: func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
g := validGroup(cfg)
g.Interval = model.Duration(-(rand.Int63n(1000) + 1))
return &g
name: "fail if interval is not aligned with base interval",
group: func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
g := validGroup(cfg)
g.Interval = model.Duration(cfg.BaseInterval + time.Duration(rand.Intn(10)+1)*time.Second)
return &g
name: "fail if two rules have same UID",
group: func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
r1 := validRule()
r2 := validRule()
uid := util.GenerateShortUID()
r1.GrafanaManagedAlert.UID = uid
r2.GrafanaManagedAlert.UID = uid
g := validGroup(cfg, r1, r2)
return &g
assert: func(t *testing.T, apiModel *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig, err error) {
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), apiModel.Rules[0].GrafanaManagedAlert.UID)
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
g := testCase.group()
_, err := ValidateRuleGroup(g, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.Error(t, err)
if testCase.assert != nil {
testCase.assert(t, g, err)
func TestValidateRuleNode_NoUID(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
name := util.GenerateShortUID()
var cfg = config(t)
interval := cfg.BaseInterval * time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10)+1)
testCases := []struct {
name string
rule func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode
assert func(t *testing.T, model *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, rule *models.AlertRule)
name: "coverts api model to AlertRule",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, int64(0), alert.ID)
require.Equal(t, orgId, alert.OrgID)
require.Equal(t, api.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title, alert.Title)
require.Equal(t, api.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition, alert.Condition)
require.Equal(t, AlertQueriesFromApiAlertQueries(api.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data), alert.Data)
require.Equal(t, time.Time{}, alert.Updated)
require.Equal(t, int64(interval.Seconds()), alert.IntervalSeconds)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), alert.Version)
require.Equal(t, api.GrafanaManagedAlert.UID, alert.UID)
require.Equal(t, folder.UID, alert.NamespaceUID)
require.Nil(t, alert.DashboardUID)
require.Nil(t, alert.PanelID)
require.Equal(t, name, alert.RuleGroup)
require.Equal(t, models.NoDataState(api.GrafanaManagedAlert.NoDataState), alert.NoDataState)
require.Equal(t, models.ExecutionErrorState(api.GrafanaManagedAlert.ExecErrState), alert.ExecErrState)
require.Equal(t, time.Duration(*api.ApiRuleNode.For), alert.For)
require.Equal(t, api.ApiRuleNode.Annotations, alert.Annotations)
require.Equal(t, api.ApiRuleNode.Labels, alert.Labels)
name: "coverts api without ApiRuleNode",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode = nil
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, time.Duration(0), alert.For)
require.Nil(t, alert.Annotations)
require.Nil(t, alert.Labels)
name: "defaults to NoData if NoDataState is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.NoDataState = ""
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, models.NoData, alert.NoDataState)
name: "defaults to Alerting if ExecErrState is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.ExecErrState = ""
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, models.AlertingErrState, alert.ExecErrState)
name: "extracts Dashboard UID and Panel Id from annotations",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
models.PanelIDAnnotation: strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()),
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, api.ApiRuleNode.Annotations[models.DashboardUIDAnnotation], *alert.DashboardUID)
panelId, err := strconv.Atoi(api.ApiRuleNode.Annotations[models.PanelIDAnnotation])
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(panelId), *alert.PanelID)
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := testCase.rule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.UID = ""
alert, err := validateRuleNode(r, name, interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
testCase.assert(t, r, alert)
t.Run("accepts empty group name", func(t *testing.T) {
r := validRule()
alert, err := validateRuleNode(&r, "", interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", alert.RuleGroup)
func TestValidateRuleNodeFailures_NoUID(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
cfg := config(t)
testCases := []struct {
name string
interval *time.Duration
rule func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode
assert func(t *testing.T, model *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, err error)
allowedIfNoUId bool
name: "fail if GrafanaManagedAlert is not specified",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert = nil
return &r
name: "fail if title is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title = ""
return &r
name: "fail if title is too long",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
for len(r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title) < store.AlertRuleMaxTitleLength {
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title += r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title
return &r
name: "fail if NoDataState is not known",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.NoDataState = apimodels.NoDataState(util.GenerateShortUID())
return &r
name: "fail if ExecErrState is not known",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.ExecErrState = apimodels.ExecutionErrorState(util.GenerateShortUID())
return &r
name: "fail if there are not data (nil)",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = nil
return &r
name: "fail if there are not data (empty)",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = make([]apimodels.AlertQuery, 0, 1)
return &r
name: "fail if Dashboard UID is specified but not Panel ID",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
return &r
name: "fail if Dashboard UID is specified and Panel ID is NaN",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
models.PanelIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
return &r
name: "fail if PanelID is specified but not Dashboard UID ",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.PanelIDAnnotation: "0",
return &r
name: "fail if Condition is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition = ""
return &r
name: "fail if Data is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = nil
return &r
name: "fail if Condition does not exist",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition = uuid.NewString()
return &r
name: "fail if Data has duplicate ref ID",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = append(r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data, r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data...)
return &r
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := testCase.rule()
if r.GrafanaManagedAlert != nil {
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.UID = ""
interval := cfg.BaseInterval
if testCase.interval != nil {
interval = *testCase.interval
_, err := validateRuleNode(r, "", interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.Error(t, err)
if testCase.assert != nil {
testCase.assert(t, r, err)
func TestValidateRuleNode_UID(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
name := util.GenerateShortUID()
var cfg = config(t)
interval := cfg.BaseInterval * time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10)+1)
testCases := []struct {
name string
rule func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode
assert func(t *testing.T, model *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, rule *models.AlertRule)
name: "use empty Title",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title = ""
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, "", alert.Title)
name: "use empty NoData if NoDataState is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.NoDataState = ""
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, models.NoDataState(""), alert.NoDataState)
name: "use empty Alerting if ExecErrState is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.ExecErrState = ""
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, models.ExecutionErrorState(""), alert.ExecErrState)
name: "use empty Condition and Data if they are empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition = ""
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = nil
if rand.Int63()%2 == 0 {
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = make([]apimodels.AlertQuery, 0)
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, "", alert.Condition)
require.Len(t, alert.Data, 0)
name: "extracts Dashboard UID and Panel Id from annotations",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
models.PanelIDAnnotation: strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()),
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, api.ApiRuleNode.Annotations[models.DashboardUIDAnnotation], *alert.DashboardUID)
panelId, err := strconv.Atoi(api.ApiRuleNode.Annotations[models.PanelIDAnnotation])
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(panelId), *alert.PanelID)
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := testCase.rule()
alert, err := validateRuleNode(r, name, interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
testCase.assert(t, r, alert)
t.Run("accepts empty group name", func(t *testing.T) {
r := validRule()
alert, err := validateRuleNode(&r, "", interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", alert.RuleGroup)
func TestValidateRuleNodeFailures_UID(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
cfg := config(t)
testCases := []struct {
name string
interval *time.Duration
rule func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode
assert func(t *testing.T, model *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, err error)
name: "fail if GrafanaManagedAlert is not specified",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert = nil
return &r
name: "fail if title is too long",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
for len(r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title) < store.AlertRuleMaxTitleLength {
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title += r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title
return &r
name: "fail if there are not data (nil) but condition is set",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = nil
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition = "A"
return &r
name: "fail if there are not data (empty) but condition is set",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = make([]apimodels.AlertQuery, 0, 1)
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition = "A"
return &r
name: "fail if Dashboard UID is specified but not Panel ID",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
return &r
name: "fail if Dashboard UID is specified and Panel ID is NaN",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
models.PanelIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
return &r
name: "fail if PanelID is specified but not Dashboard UID ",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.PanelIDAnnotation: "0",
return &r
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := testCase.rule()
interval := cfg.BaseInterval
if testCase.interval != nil {
interval = *testCase.interval
_, err := validateRuleNode(r, "", interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.Error(t, err)
if testCase.assert != nil {
testCase.assert(t, r, err)
func TestValidateRuleNodeIntervalFailures(t *testing.T) {
cfg := config(t)
testCases := []struct {
name string
interval time.Duration
name: "fail if interval is negative",
interval: -time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10)+1) * time.Second,
name: "fail if interval is 0",
interval: 0,
name: "fail if interval is not multiple of base interval",
interval: cfg.BaseInterval + time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(cfg.BaseInterval.Seconds())-2)+1)*time.Second,
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := validRule()
_, err := validateRuleNode(&r, util.GenerateShortUID(), testCase.interval, rand.Int63(), randFolder().UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.Error(t, err)
func TestValidateRuleNodeNotificationSettings(t *testing.T) {
cfg := config(t)
validNotificationSettings := models.NotificationSettingsGen(models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy(model.AlertNameLabel, models.FolderTitleLabel))
testCases := []struct {
name string
notificationSettings models.NotificationSettings
expErrorContains string
name: "valid notification settings",
notificationSettings: validNotificationSettings(),
name: "missing receiver is invalid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithReceiver("")),
expErrorContains: "receiver",
name: "group by empty is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy()),
name: "group by ... is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy("...")),
name: "group by with alert name and folder name labels is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy(model.AlertNameLabel, models.FolderTitleLabel)),
name: "group by missing alert name label is invalid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy(models.FolderTitleLabel)),
expErrorContains: model.AlertNameLabel,
name: "group by missing folder name label is invalid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy(model.AlertNameLabel)),
expErrorContains: models.FolderTitleLabel,
name: "group wait empty is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupWait(nil)),
name: "group wait positive is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupWait(util.Pointer(1*time.Second))),
name: "group wait negative is invalid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupWait(util.Pointer(-1*time.Second))),
expErrorContains: "group wait",
name: "group interval empty is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupInterval(nil)),
name: "group interval positive is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupInterval(util.Pointer(1*time.Second))),
name: "group interval negative is invalid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupInterval(util.Pointer(-1*time.Second))),
expErrorContains: "group interval",
name: "repeat interval empty is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithRepeatInterval(nil)),
name: "repeat interval positive is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithRepeatInterval(util.Pointer(1*time.Second))),
name: "repeat interval negative is invalid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithRepeatInterval(util.Pointer(-1*time.Second))),
expErrorContains: "repeat interval",
for _, tt := range testCases {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.NotificationSettings = AlertRuleNotificationSettingsFromNotificationSettings([]models.NotificationSettings{tt.notificationSettings})
_, err := validateRuleNode(&r, util.GenerateShortUID(), cfg.BaseInterval*time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10)+1), rand.Int63(), randFolder().UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
if tt.expErrorContains != "" {
require.Error(t, err)
require.ErrorContains(t, err, tt.expErrorContains)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestValidateRuleNodeReservedLabels(t *testing.T) {
cfg := config(t)
for label := range models.LabelsUserCannotSpecify {
t.Run(label, func(t *testing.T) {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Labels = map[string]string{
label: "true",
_, err := validateRuleNode(&r, util.GenerateShortUID(), cfg.BaseInterval*time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10)+1), rand.Int63(), randFolder().UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.Error(t, err)
require.ErrorContains(t, err, label)