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package azuremonitor
import (
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
func TestTimeGrain(t *testing.T) {
Convey("TimeGrain", t, func() {
tgc := &TimeGrain{}
Convey("create ISO 8601 Duration", func() {
Convey("when given a time unit smaller than a day", func() {
minuteKbnDuration := tgc.createISO8601Duration(1, "m")
hourKbnDuration := tgc.createISO8601Duration(2, "h")
minuteDuration := tgc.createISO8601Duration(1, "minute")
hourDuration := tgc.createISO8601Duration(2, "hour")
Convey("should convert it to a time duration", func() {
So(minuteKbnDuration, ShouldEqual, "PT1M")
So(hourKbnDuration, ShouldEqual, "PT2H")
So(minuteDuration, ShouldEqual, "PT1M")
So(hourDuration, ShouldEqual, "PT2H")
Convey("when given the day time unit", func() {
kbnDuration := tgc.createISO8601Duration(1, "d")
duration := tgc.createISO8601Duration(2, "day")
Convey("should convert it to a date duration", func() {
So(kbnDuration, ShouldEqual, "P1D")
So(duration, ShouldEqual, "P2D")
Convey("create ISO 8601 Duration from Grafana interval", func() {
Convey("and interval is less than a minute", func() {
durationMS, _ := tgc.createISO8601DurationFromInterval("100ms")
durationS, _ := tgc.createISO8601DurationFromInterval("59s")
Convey("should be rounded up to a minute as is the minimum interval for Azure Monitor", func() {
So(durationMS, ShouldEqual, "PT1M")
So(durationS, ShouldEqual, "PT1M")
Convey("and interval is more than a minute", func() {
durationM, _ := tgc.createISO8601DurationFromInterval("10m")
durationD, _ := tgc.createISO8601DurationFromInterval("2d")
Convey("should be rounded up to a minute as is the minimum interval for Azure Monitor", func() {
So(durationM, ShouldEqual, "PT10M")
So(durationD, ShouldEqual, "P2D")