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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Alerting: Improve error when receiver used by rule is deleted * Remove RuleUID from public error and data * Improve fallback error in am config post * Refactor to expand to time intervals * Fix message on unchecked errors to be same as before
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package notifier
import (
var (
// ErrAlertmanagerReceiverInUse is primarily meant for when a receiver is used by a rule and is being deleted.
ErrAlertmanagerReceiverInUse = errutil.BadRequest("alerting.notifications.alertmanager.receiverInUse").MustTemplate("receiver [Name: {{ .Public.Receiver }}] is used by rule: {{ .Error }}",
"receiver [Name: {{ .Public.Receiver }}] is used by rule",
// ErrAlertmanagerTimeIntervalInUse is primarily meant for when a time interval is used by a rule and is being deleted.
ErrAlertmanagerTimeIntervalInUse = errutil.BadRequest("alerting.notifications.alertmanager.intervalInUse").MustTemplate("time interval [Name: {{ .Public.Interval }}] is used by rule: {{ .Error }}",
"time interval [Name: {{ .Public.Interval }}] is used by rule",
type UnknownReceiverError struct {
UID string
func (e UnknownReceiverError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("unknown receiver: %s", e.UID)
type AlertmanagerConfigRejectedError struct {
Inner error
func (e AlertmanagerConfigRejectedError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("failed to save and apply Alertmanager configuration: %s", e.Inner.Error())
type configurationStore interface {
GetLatestAlertmanagerConfiguration(ctx context.Context, orgID int64) (*models.AlertConfiguration, error)
// ApplyConfig will apply the given alertmanager configuration for a given org.
// Can be used to force regeneration of autogenerated routes.
func (moa *MultiOrgAlertmanager) ApplyConfig(ctx context.Context, orgId int64, dbConfig *models.AlertConfiguration) error {
am, err := moa.AlertmanagerFor(orgId)
if err != nil {
// It's okay if the alertmanager isn't ready yet, we're changing its config anyway.
if !errors.Is(err, ErrAlertmanagerNotReady) {
return err
err = am.ApplyConfig(ctx, dbConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply configuration: %w", err)
return nil
// GetAlertmanagerConfiguration returns the latest alertmanager configuration for a given org.
// If withAutogen is true, the configuration will be augmented with autogenerated routes.
func (moa *MultiOrgAlertmanager) GetAlertmanagerConfiguration(ctx context.Context, org int64, withAutogen bool) (definitions.GettableUserConfig, error) {
amConfig, err := moa.configStore.GetLatestAlertmanagerConfiguration(ctx, org)
if err != nil {
return definitions.GettableUserConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest configuration: %w", err)
cfg, err := moa.gettableUserConfigFromAMConfigString(ctx, org, amConfig.AlertmanagerConfiguration)
if err != nil {
return definitions.GettableUserConfig{}, err
if moa.featureManager.IsEnabled(ctx, featuremgmt.FlagAlertingSimplifiedRouting) && withAutogen {
// We validate the notification settings in a similar way to when we POST.
// Otherwise, broken settings (e.g. a receiver that doesn't exist) will cause the config returned here to be
// different than the config currently in-use.
// TODO: Preferably, we'd be getting the config directly from the in-memory AM so adding the autogen config would not be necessary.
err := AddAutogenConfig(ctx, moa.logger, moa.configStore, org, &cfg.AlertmanagerConfig, true)
if err != nil {
return definitions.GettableUserConfig{}, err
return cfg, nil
// ActivateHistoricalConfiguration will set the current alertmanager configuration to a previous value based on the provided
// alert_configuration_history id.
func (moa *MultiOrgAlertmanager) ActivateHistoricalConfiguration(ctx context.Context, orgId int64, id int64) error {
config, err := moa.configStore.GetHistoricalConfiguration(ctx, orgId, id)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get historical alertmanager configuration: %w", err)
cfg, err := Load([]byte(config.AlertmanagerConfiguration))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal historical alertmanager configuration: %w", err)
am, err := moa.AlertmanagerFor(orgId)
if err != nil {
// It's okay if the alertmanager isn't ready yet, we're changing its config anyway.
if !errors.Is(err, ErrAlertmanagerNotReady) {
return err
if err := am.SaveAndApplyConfig(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
moa.logger.Error("Unable to save and apply historical alertmanager configuration", "error", err, "org", orgId, "id", id)
return AlertmanagerConfigRejectedError{err}
moa.logger.Info("Applied historical alertmanager configuration", "org", orgId, "id", id)
return nil
// GetAppliedAlertmanagerConfigurations returns the last n configurations marked as applied for a given org.
func (moa *MultiOrgAlertmanager) GetAppliedAlertmanagerConfigurations(ctx context.Context, org int64, limit int) ([]*definitions.GettableHistoricUserConfig, error) {
configs, err := moa.configStore.GetAppliedConfigurations(ctx, org, limit)
if err != nil {
return []*definitions.GettableHistoricUserConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get applied configurations: %w", err)
gettableHistoricConfigs := make([]*definitions.GettableHistoricUserConfig, 0, len(configs))
for _, config := range configs {
appliedAt := strfmt.DateTime(time.Unix(config.LastApplied, 0).UTC())
gettableConfig, err := moa.gettableUserConfigFromAMConfigString(ctx, org, config.AlertmanagerConfiguration)
if err != nil {
// If there are invalid records, skip them and return the valid ones.
moa.logger.Warn("Invalid configuration found in alert configuration history table", "id", config.ID, "orgID", org)
gettableHistoricConfig := definitions.GettableHistoricUserConfig{
ID: config.ID,
TemplateFiles: gettableConfig.TemplateFiles,
TemplateFileProvenances: gettableConfig.TemplateFileProvenances,
AlertmanagerConfig: gettableConfig.AlertmanagerConfig,
LastApplied: &appliedAt,
gettableHistoricConfigs = append(gettableHistoricConfigs, &gettableHistoricConfig)
return gettableHistoricConfigs, nil
func (moa *MultiOrgAlertmanager) gettableUserConfigFromAMConfigString(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, config string) (definitions.GettableUserConfig, error) {
cfg, err := Load([]byte(config))
if err != nil {
return definitions.GettableUserConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal alertmanager configuration: %w", err)
result := definitions.GettableUserConfig{
TemplateFiles: cfg.TemplateFiles,
AlertmanagerConfig: definitions.GettableApiAlertingConfig{
Config: cfg.AlertmanagerConfig.Config,
for _, recv := range cfg.AlertmanagerConfig.Receivers {
receivers := make([]*definitions.GettableGrafanaReceiver, 0, len(recv.PostableGrafanaReceivers.GrafanaManagedReceivers))
for _, pr := range recv.PostableGrafanaReceivers.GrafanaManagedReceivers {
secureFields := make(map[string]bool, len(pr.SecureSettings))
for k := range pr.SecureSettings {
decryptedValue, err := moa.Crypto.getDecryptedSecret(pr, k)
if err != nil {
return definitions.GettableUserConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt stored secure setting: %w", err)
if decryptedValue == "" {
secureFields[k] = true
gr := definitions.GettableGrafanaReceiver{
UID: pr.UID,
Name: pr.Name,
Type: pr.Type,
DisableResolveMessage: pr.DisableResolveMessage,
Settings: pr.Settings,
SecureFields: secureFields,
receivers = append(receivers, &gr)
gettableApiReceiver := definitions.GettableApiReceiver{
GettableGrafanaReceivers: definitions.GettableGrafanaReceivers{
GrafanaManagedReceivers: receivers,
gettableApiReceiver.Name = recv.Name
result.AlertmanagerConfig.Receivers = append(result.AlertmanagerConfig.Receivers, &gettableApiReceiver)
result, err = moa.mergeProvenance(ctx, result, orgID)
if err != nil {
return definitions.GettableUserConfig{}, err
return result, nil
func (moa *MultiOrgAlertmanager) SaveAndApplyAlertmanagerConfiguration(ctx context.Context, org int64, config definitions.PostableUserConfig) error {
// We cannot add this validation to PostableUserConfig as that struct is used for both
// Grafana Alertmanager (where inhibition rules are not supported) and External Alertmanagers
// (including Mimir) where inhibition rules are supported.
if len(config.AlertmanagerConfig.InhibitRules) > 0 {
return errors.New("inhibition rules are not supported")
// Get the last known working configuration
_, err := moa.configStore.GetLatestAlertmanagerConfiguration(ctx, org)
if err != nil {
// If we don't have a configuration there's nothing for us to know and we should just continue saving the new one
if !errors.Is(err, store.ErrNoAlertmanagerConfiguration) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest configuration %w", err)
if err := moa.Crypto.ProcessSecureSettings(ctx, org, config.AlertmanagerConfig.Receivers); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to post process Alertmanager configuration: %w", err)
if err := assignReceiverConfigsUIDs(config.AlertmanagerConfig.Receivers); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to assign missing uids: %w", err)
am, err := moa.AlertmanagerFor(org)
if err != nil {
// It's okay if the alertmanager isn't ready yet, we're changing its config anyway.
if !errors.Is(err, ErrAlertmanagerNotReady) {
return err
if err := am.SaveAndApplyConfig(ctx, &config); err != nil {
moa.logger.Error("Unable to save and apply alertmanager configuration", "error", err)
errReceiverDoesNotExist := ErrorReceiverDoesNotExist{}
if errors.As(err, &errReceiverDoesNotExist) {
return ErrAlertmanagerReceiverInUse.Build(errutil.TemplateData{Public: map[string]interface{}{"Receiver": errReceiverDoesNotExist.Reference}, Error: err})
errTimeIntervalDoesNotExist := ErrorTimeIntervalDoesNotExist{}
if errors.As(err, &errTimeIntervalDoesNotExist) {
return ErrAlertmanagerTimeIntervalInUse.Build(errutil.TemplateData{Public: map[string]interface{}{"Interval": errTimeIntervalDoesNotExist.Reference}, Error: err})
return AlertmanagerConfigRejectedError{err}
return nil
// assignReceiverConfigsUIDs assigns missing UUIDs to receiver configs.
func assignReceiverConfigsUIDs(c []*definitions.PostableApiReceiver) error {
seenUIDs := make(map[string]struct{})
// encrypt secure settings for storing them in DB
for _, r := range c {
switch r.Type() {
case definitions.GrafanaReceiverType:
for _, gr := range r.PostableGrafanaReceivers.GrafanaManagedReceivers {
if gr.UID == "" {
retries := 5
for i := 0; i < retries; i++ {
gen := util.GenerateShortUID()
_, ok := seenUIDs[gen]
if !ok {
gr.UID = gen
if gr.UID == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("all %d attempts to generate UID for receiver have failed; please retry", retries)
seenUIDs[gr.UID] = struct{}{}
return nil
type provisioningStore interface {
GetProvenance(ctx context.Context, o models.Provisionable, org int64) (models.Provenance, error)
GetProvenances(ctx context.Context, org int64, resourceType string) (map[string]models.Provenance, error)
SetProvenance(ctx context.Context, o models.Provisionable, org int64, p models.Provenance) error
DeleteProvenance(ctx context.Context, o models.Provisionable, org int64) error
func (moa *MultiOrgAlertmanager) mergeProvenance(ctx context.Context, config definitions.GettableUserConfig, org int64) (definitions.GettableUserConfig, error) {
if config.AlertmanagerConfig.Route != nil {
provenance, err := moa.ProvStore.GetProvenance(ctx, config.AlertmanagerConfig.Route, org)
if err != nil {
return definitions.GettableUserConfig{}, err
config.AlertmanagerConfig.Route.Provenance = definitions.Provenance(provenance)
cp := definitions.EmbeddedContactPoint{}
cpProvs, err := moa.ProvStore.GetProvenances(ctx, org, cp.ResourceType())
if err != nil {
return definitions.GettableUserConfig{}, err
for _, receiver := range config.AlertmanagerConfig.Receivers {
for _, contactPoint := range receiver.GrafanaManagedReceivers {
if provenance, exists := cpProvs[contactPoint.UID]; exists {
contactPoint.Provenance = definitions.Provenance(provenance)
tmpl := definitions.NotificationTemplate{}
tmplProvs, err := moa.ProvStore.GetProvenances(ctx, org, tmpl.ResourceType())
if err != nil {
return definitions.GettableUserConfig{}, nil
config.TemplateFileProvenances = make(map[string]definitions.Provenance, len(tmplProvs))
for key, provenance := range tmplProvs {
config.TemplateFileProvenances[key] = definitions.Provenance(provenance)
mt := definitions.MuteTimeInterval{}
mtProvs, err := moa.ProvStore.GetProvenances(ctx, org, mt.ResourceType())
if err != nil {
return definitions.GettableUserConfig{}, nil
config.AlertmanagerConfig.MuteTimeProvenances = make(map[string]definitions.Provenance, len(mtProvs))
for key, provenance := range mtProvs {
config.AlertmanagerConfig.MuteTimeProvenances[key] = definitions.Provenance(provenance)
return config, nil