mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 01:53:33 -06:00
* tech: annotations refactor, add tests for regions processing * tech: move d3 to npm and webpack, #9480 * tech: move color scale functions to separate module * fix opacity legend rendering
752 lines
21 KiB
752 lines
21 KiB
import _ from 'lodash';
import $ from 'jquery';
import moment from 'moment';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import kbn from 'app/core/utils/kbn';
import {appEvents, contextSrv} from 'app/core/core';
import {tickStep, getScaledDecimals, getFlotTickSize} from 'app/core/utils/ticks';
import {HeatmapTooltip} from './heatmap_tooltip';
import {mergeZeroBuckets} from './heatmap_data_converter';
import {getColorScale, getOpacityScale} from './color_scale';
let MIN_CARD_SIZE = 1,
export default function link(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
let data, timeRange, panel, heatmap;
// $heatmap is JQuery object, but heatmap is D3
let $heatmap = elem.find('.heatmap-panel');
let tooltip = new HeatmapTooltip($heatmap, scope);
let width, height,
yScale, xScale,
chartWidth, chartHeight,
chartTop, chartBottom,
yAxisWidth, xAxisHeight,
cardPadding, cardRound,
cardWidth, cardHeight,
colorScale, opacityScale,
let selection = {
active: false,
x1: -1,
x2: -1
let padding = {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0},
margin = {left: 25, right: 15, top: 10, bottom: 20},
dataRangeWidingFactor = DATA_RANGE_WIDING_FACTOR;
ctrl.events.on('render', () => {
function setElementHeight() {
try {
var height = ctrl.height || panel.height || ctrl.row.height;
if (_.isString(height)) {
height = parseInt(height.replace('px', ''), 10);
height -= 5; // padding
height -= panel.title ? 24 : 9; // subtract panel title bar
$heatmap.css('height', height + 'px');
return true;
} catch (e) { // IE throws errors sometimes
return false;
function getYAxisWidth(elem) {
let axis_text = elem.selectAll(".axis-y text").nodes();
let max_text_width = _.max(_.map(axis_text, text => {
// Use SVG getBBox method
return text.getBBox().width;
return max_text_width;
function getXAxisHeight(elem) {
let axis_line = elem.select(".axis-x line");
if (!axis_line.empty()) {
let axis_line_position = parseFloat(elem.select(".axis-x line").attr("y2"));
let canvas_width = parseFloat(elem.attr("height"));
return canvas_width - axis_line_position;
} else {
// Default height
return 30;
function addXAxis() {
scope.xScale = xScale = d3.scaleTime()
.domain([timeRange.from, timeRange.to])
.range([0, chartWidth]);
let ticks = chartWidth / DEFAULT_X_TICK_SIZE_PX;
let grafanaTimeFormatter = grafanaTimeFormat(ticks, timeRange.from, timeRange.to);
let timeFormat;
let dashboardTimeZone = ctrl.dashboard.getTimezone();
if (dashboardTimeZone === 'utc') {
timeFormat = d3.utcFormat(grafanaTimeFormatter);
} else {
timeFormat = d3.timeFormat(grafanaTimeFormatter);
let xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale)
let posY = margin.top;
let posX = yAxisWidth;
.attr("class", "axis axis-x")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + posX + "," + posY + ")")
// Remove horizontal line in the top of axis labels (called domain in d3)
function addYAxis() {
let ticks = Math.ceil(chartHeight / DEFAULT_Y_TICK_SIZE_PX);
let tick_interval = tickStep(data.heatmapStats.min, data.heatmapStats.max, ticks);
let {y_min, y_max} = wideYAxisRange(data.heatmapStats.min, data.heatmapStats.max, tick_interval);
// Rewrite min and max if it have been set explicitly
y_min = panel.yAxis.min !== null ? panel.yAxis.min : y_min;
y_max = panel.yAxis.max !== null ? panel.yAxis.max : y_max;
// Adjust ticks after Y range widening
tick_interval = tickStep(y_min, y_max, ticks);
ticks = Math.ceil((y_max - y_min) / tick_interval);
let decimalsAuto = getPrecision(tick_interval);
let decimals = panel.yAxis.decimals === null ? decimalsAuto : panel.yAxis.decimals;
// Calculate scaledDecimals for log scales using tick size (as in jquery.flot.js)
let flot_tick_size = getFlotTickSize(y_min, y_max, ticks, decimalsAuto);
let scaledDecimals = getScaledDecimals(decimals, flot_tick_size);
ctrl.decimals = decimals;
ctrl.scaledDecimals = scaledDecimals;
// Set default Y min and max if no data
if (_.isEmpty(data.buckets)) {
y_max = 1;
y_min = -1;
ticks = 3;
decimals = 1;
data.yAxis = {
min: y_min,
max: y_max,
ticks: ticks
scope.yScale = yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([y_min, y_max])
.range([chartHeight, 0]);
let yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale)
.tickFormat(tickValueFormatter(decimals, scaledDecimals))
.tickSizeInner(0 - width)
.attr("class", "axis axis-y")
// Calculate Y axis width first, then move axis into visible area
let posY = margin.top;
let posX = getYAxisWidth(heatmap) + Y_AXIS_TICK_PADDING;
heatmap.select(".axis-y").attr("transform", "translate(" + posX + "," + posY + ")");
// Remove vertical line in the right of axis labels (called domain in d3)
// Wide Y values range and anjust to bucket size
function wideYAxisRange(min, max, tickInterval) {
let y_widing = (max * (dataRangeWidingFactor - 1) - min * (dataRangeWidingFactor - 1)) / 2;
let y_min, y_max;
if (tickInterval === 0) {
y_max = max * dataRangeWidingFactor;
y_min = min - min * (dataRangeWidingFactor - 1);
tickInterval = (y_max - y_min) / 2;
} else {
y_max = Math.ceil((max + y_widing) / tickInterval) * tickInterval;
y_min = Math.floor((min - y_widing) / tickInterval) * tickInterval;
// Don't wide axis below 0 if all values are positive
if (min >= 0 && y_min < 0) {
y_min = 0;
return {y_min, y_max};
function addLogYAxis() {
let log_base = panel.yAxis.logBase;
let {y_min, y_max} = adjustLogRange(data.heatmapStats.minLog, data.heatmapStats.max, log_base);
y_min = panel.yAxis.min && panel.yAxis.min !== '0' ? adjustLogMin(panel.yAxis.min, log_base) : y_min;
y_max = panel.yAxis.max !== null ? adjustLogMax(panel.yAxis.max, log_base) : y_max;
// Set default Y min and max if no data
if (_.isEmpty(data.buckets)) {
y_max = Math.pow(log_base, 2);
y_min = 1;
scope.yScale = yScale = d3.scaleLog()
.domain([y_min, y_max])
.range([chartHeight, 0]);
let domain = yScale.domain();
let tick_values = logScaleTickValues(domain, log_base);
let decimalsAuto = getPrecision(y_min);
let decimals = panel.yAxis.decimals || decimalsAuto;
// Calculate scaledDecimals for log scales using tick size (as in jquery.flot.js)
let flot_tick_size = getFlotTickSize(y_min, y_max, tick_values.length, decimalsAuto);
let scaledDecimals = getScaledDecimals(decimals, flot_tick_size);
ctrl.decimals = decimals;
ctrl.scaledDecimals = scaledDecimals;
data.yAxis = {
min: y_min,
max: y_max,
ticks: tick_values.length
let yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale)
.tickFormat(tickValueFormatter(decimals, scaledDecimals))
.tickSizeInner(0 - width)
.attr("class", "axis axis-y")
// Calculate Y axis width first, then move axis into visible area
let posY = margin.top;
let posX = getYAxisWidth(heatmap) + Y_AXIS_TICK_PADDING;
heatmap.select(".axis-y").attr("transform", "translate(" + posX + "," + posY + ")");
// Set first tick as pseudo 0
if (y_min < 1) {
heatmap.select(".axis-y").select(".tick text").text("0");
// Remove vertical line in the right of axis labels (called domain in d3)
// Adjust data range to log base
function adjustLogRange(min, max, logBase) {
let y_min, y_max;
y_min = data.heatmapStats.minLog;
if (data.heatmapStats.minLog > 1 || !data.heatmapStats.minLog) {
y_min = 1;
} else {
y_min = adjustLogMin(data.heatmapStats.minLog, logBase);
// Adjust max Y value to log base
y_max = adjustLogMax(data.heatmapStats.max, logBase);
return {y_min, y_max};
function adjustLogMax(max, base) {
return Math.pow(base, Math.ceil(logp(max, base)));
function adjustLogMin(min, base) {
return Math.pow(base, Math.floor(logp(min, base)));
function logScaleTickValues(domain, base) {
let domainMin = domain[0];
let domainMax = domain[1];
let tickValues = [];
if (domainMin < 1) {
let under_one_ticks = Math.floor(logp(domainMin, base));
for (let i = under_one_ticks; i < 0; i++) {
let tick_value = Math.pow(base, i);
let ticks = Math.ceil(logp(domainMax, base));
for (let i = 0; i <= ticks; i++) {
let tick_value = Math.pow(base, i);
return tickValues;
function tickValueFormatter(decimals, scaledDecimals = null) {
let format = panel.yAxis.format;
return function(value) {
return kbn.valueFormats[format](value, decimals, scaledDecimals);
function fixYAxisTickSize() {
.selectAll(".tick line")
.attr("x2", chartWidth);
function addAxes() {
chartHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom;
chartTop = margin.top;
chartBottom = chartTop + chartHeight;
if (panel.yAxis.logBase === 1) {
} else {
yAxisWidth = getYAxisWidth(heatmap) + Y_AXIS_TICK_PADDING;
chartWidth = width - yAxisWidth - margin.right;
xAxisHeight = getXAxisHeight(heatmap);
if (!panel.yAxis.show) {
heatmap.select(".axis-y").selectAll("line").style("opacity", 0);
if (!panel.xAxis.show) {
heatmap.select(".axis-x").selectAll("line").style("opacity", 0);
function addHeatmapCanvas() {
let heatmap_elem = $heatmap[0];
width = Math.floor($heatmap.width()) - padding.right;
height = Math.floor($heatmap.height()) - padding.bottom;
cardPadding = panel.cards.cardPadding !== null ? panel.cards.cardPadding : CARD_PADDING;
cardRound = panel.cards.cardRound !== null ? panel.cards.cardRound : CARD_ROUND;
if (heatmap) {
heatmap = d3.select(heatmap_elem)
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
function addHeatmap() {
if (panel.yAxis.logBase !== 1) {
let log_base = panel.yAxis.logBase;
let domain = yScale.domain();
let tick_values = logScaleTickValues(domain, log_base);
data.buckets = mergeZeroBuckets(data.buckets, _.min(tick_values));
let cardsData = data.cards;
let maxValueAuto = data.cardStats.max;
let maxValue = panel.color.max || maxValueAuto;
let minValue = panel.color.min || 0;
let colorScheme = _.find(ctrl.colorSchemes, {value: panel.color.colorScheme});
colorScale = getColorScale(colorScheme, contextSrv.user.lightTheme, maxValue, minValue);
opacityScale = getOpacityScale(panel.color, maxValue);
let cards = heatmap.selectAll(".heatmap-card").data(cardsData);
cards = cards.enter().append("rect")
.attr("x", getCardX)
.attr("width", getCardWidth)
.attr("y", getCardY)
.attr("height", getCardHeight)
.attr("rx", cardRound)
.attr("ry", cardRound)
.attr("class", "bordered heatmap-card")
.style("fill", getCardColor)
.style("stroke", getCardColor)
.style("stroke-width", 0)
.style("opacity", getCardOpacity);
let $cards = $heatmap.find(".heatmap-card");
$cards.on("mouseenter", (event) => {
tooltip.mouseOverBucket = true;
.on("mouseleave", (event) => {
tooltip.mouseOverBucket = false;
function highlightCard(event) {
let color = d3.select(event.target).style("fill");
let highlightColor = d3.color(color).darker(2);
let strokeColor = d3.color(color).brighter(4);
let current_card = d3.select(event.target);
tooltip.originalFillColor = color;
current_card.style("fill", highlightColor.toString())
.style("stroke", strokeColor.toString())
.style("stroke-width", 1);
function resetCardHighLight(event) {
d3.select(event.target).style("fill", tooltip.originalFillColor)
.style("stroke", tooltip.originalFillColor)
.style("stroke-width", 0);
function setCardSize() {
let xGridSize = Math.floor(xScale(data.xBucketSize) - xScale(0));
let yGridSize = Math.floor(yScale(yScale.invert(0) - data.yBucketSize));
if (panel.yAxis.logBase !== 1) {
let base = panel.yAxis.logBase;
let splitFactor = data.yBucketSize || 1;
yGridSize = Math.floor((yScale(1) - yScale(base)) / splitFactor);
cardWidth = xGridSize - cardPadding * 2;
cardHeight = yGridSize ? yGridSize - cardPadding * 2 : 0;
function getCardX(d) {
let x;
if (xScale(d.x) < 0) {
// Cut card left to prevent overlay
x = yAxisWidth + cardPadding;
} else {
x = xScale(d.x) + yAxisWidth + cardPadding;
return x;
function getCardWidth(d) {
let w;
if (xScale(d.x) < 0) {
// Cut card left to prevent overlay
let cutted_width = xScale(d.x) + cardWidth;
w = cutted_width > 0 ? cutted_width : 0;
} else if (xScale(d.x) + cardWidth > chartWidth) {
// Cut card right to prevent overlay
w = chartWidth - xScale(d.x) - cardPadding;
} else {
w = cardWidth;
// Card width should be MIN_CARD_SIZE at least
w = Math.max(w, MIN_CARD_SIZE);
return w;
function getCardY(d) {
let y = yScale(d.y) + chartTop - cardHeight - cardPadding;
if (panel.yAxis.logBase !== 1 && d.y === 0) {
y = chartBottom - cardHeight - cardPadding;
} else {
if (y < chartTop) {
y = chartTop;
return y;
function getCardHeight(d) {
let y = yScale(d.y) + chartTop - cardHeight - cardPadding;
let h = cardHeight;
if (panel.yAxis.logBase !== 1 && d.y === 0) {
return cardHeight;
// Cut card height to prevent overlay
if (y < chartTop) {
h = yScale(d.y) - cardPadding;
} else if (yScale(d.y) > chartBottom) {
h = chartBottom - y;
} else if (y + cardHeight > chartBottom) {
h = chartBottom - y;
// Height can't be more than chart height
h = Math.min(h, chartHeight);
// Card height should be MIN_CARD_SIZE at least
h = Math.max(h, MIN_CARD_SIZE);
return h;
function getCardColor(d) {
if (panel.color.mode === 'opacity') {
return panel.color.cardColor;
} else {
return colorScale(d.count);
function getCardOpacity(d) {
if (panel.color.mode === 'opacity') {
return opacityScale(d.count);
} else {
return 1;
// Selection and crosshair //
// Shared crosshair and tooltip
appEvents.on('graph-hover', event => {
}, scope);
appEvents.on('graph-hover-clear', () => {
}, scope);
function onMouseDown(event) {
selection.active = true;
selection.x1 = event.offsetX;
mouseUpHandler = function() {
$(document).one("mouseup", mouseUpHandler);
function onMouseUp() {
$(document).unbind("mouseup", mouseUpHandler);
mouseUpHandler = null;
selection.active = false;
let selectionRange = Math.abs(selection.x2 - selection.x1);
if (selection.x2 >= 0 && selectionRange > MIN_SELECTION_WIDTH) {
let timeFrom = xScale.invert(Math.min(selection.x1, selection.x2) - yAxisWidth);
let timeTo = xScale.invert(Math.max(selection.x1, selection.x2) - yAxisWidth);
from: moment.utc(timeFrom),
to: moment.utc(timeTo)
function onMouseLeave() {
function onMouseMove(event) {
if (!heatmap) { return; }
if (selection.active) {
// Clear crosshair and tooltip
selection.x2 = limitSelection(event.offsetX);
drawSelection(selection.x1, selection.x2);
} else {
tooltip.show(event, data);
function emitGraphHoverEvet(event) {
let x = xScale.invert(event.offsetX - yAxisWidth).valueOf();
let y = yScale.invert(event.offsetY);
let pos = {
pageX: event.pageX,
pageY: event.pageY,
x: x, x1: x,
y: y, y1: y,
panelRelY: null
// Set minimum offset to prevent showing legend from another panel
pos.panelRelY = Math.max(event.offsetY / height, 0.001);
// broadcast to other graph panels that we are hovering
appEvents.emit('graph-hover', {pos: pos, panel: panel});
function limitSelection(x2) {
x2 = Math.max(x2, yAxisWidth);
x2 = Math.min(x2, chartWidth + yAxisWidth);
return x2;
function drawSelection(posX1, posX2) {
if (heatmap) {
let selectionX = Math.min(posX1, posX2);
let selectionWidth = Math.abs(posX1 - posX2);
if (selectionWidth > MIN_SELECTION_WIDTH) {
.attr("class", "heatmap-selection")
.attr("x", selectionX)
.attr("width", selectionWidth)
.attr("y", chartTop)
.attr("height", chartHeight);
function clearSelection() {
selection.x1 = -1;
selection.x2 = -1;
if (heatmap) {
function drawCrosshair(position) {
if (heatmap) {
let posX = position;
posX = Math.max(posX, yAxisWidth);
posX = Math.min(posX, chartWidth + yAxisWidth);
.attr("class", "heatmap-crosshair")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + posX + ",0)")
.attr("x1", 1)
.attr("y1", chartTop)
.attr("x2", 1)
.attr("y2", chartBottom)
.attr("stroke-width", 1);
function drawSharedCrosshair(pos) {
if (heatmap && ctrl.dashboard.graphTooltip !== 0) {
let posX = xScale(pos.x) + yAxisWidth;
function clearCrosshair() {
if (heatmap) {
function render() {
data = ctrl.data;
panel = ctrl.panel;
timeRange = ctrl.range;
if (!setElementHeight() || !data) {
// Draw default axes and return if no data
if (_.isEmpty(data.buckets)) {
scope.yAxisWidth = yAxisWidth;
scope.xAxisHeight = xAxisHeight;
scope.chartHeight = chartHeight;
scope.chartWidth = chartWidth;
scope.chartTop = chartTop;
// Register selection listeners
$heatmap.on("mousedown", onMouseDown);
$heatmap.on("mousemove", onMouseMove);
$heatmap.on("mouseleave", onMouseLeave);
function grafanaTimeFormat(ticks, min, max) {
if (min && max && ticks) {
let range = max - min;
let secPerTick = (range/ticks) / 1000;
let oneDay = 86400000;
let oneYear = 31536000000;
if (secPerTick <= 45) {
return "%H:%M:%S";
if (secPerTick <= 7200 || range <= oneDay) {
return "%H:%M";
if (secPerTick <= 80000) {
return "%m/%d %H:%M";
if (secPerTick <= 2419200 || range <= oneYear) {
return "%m/%d";
return "%Y-%m";
return "%H:%M";
function logp(value, base) {
return Math.log(value) / Math.log(base);
function getPrecision(num) {
let str = num.toString();
let dot_index = str.indexOf(".");
if (dot_index === -1) {
return 0;
} else {
return str.length - dot_index - 1;