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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
1325 lines
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1325 lines
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import { cloneDeep, defaults as _defaults, filter, indexOf, isEqual, map, maxBy, pull } from 'lodash';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import {
PanelModel as IPanelModel,
} from '@grafana/data';
import { RefreshEvent, TimeRangeUpdatedEvent, config } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { Dashboard, DashboardLink } from '@grafana/schema';
import { DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_COLOR } from '@grafana/ui';
import { contextSrv } from 'app/core/services/context_srv';
import { sortedDeepCloneWithoutNulls } from 'app/core/utils/object';
import { isAngularDatasourcePluginAndNotHidden } from 'app/features/plugins/angularDeprecation/utils';
import { variableAdapters } from 'app/features/variables/adapters';
import { onTimeRangeUpdated } from 'app/features/variables/state/actions';
import { GetVariables, getVariablesByKey } from 'app/features/variables/state/selectors';
import { PromQuery } from 'app/plugins/datasource/prometheus/types';
import { CoreEvents, DashboardMeta, KioskMode } from 'app/types';
import { DashboardMetaChangedEvent, DashboardPanelsChangedEvent, RenderEvent } from 'app/types/events';
import { appEvents } from '../../../core/core';
import { dispatch } from '../../../store/store';
import {
} from '../../variables/types';
import { isAllVariable } from '../../variables/utils';
import { getTimeSrv } from '../services/TimeSrv';
import { mergePanels, PanelMergeInfo } from '../utils/panelMerge';
import { DashboardMigrator } from './DashboardMigrator';
import { PanelModel, autoMigrateAngular } from './PanelModel';
import { TimeModel } from './TimeModel';
import { deleteScopeVars, isOnTheSameGridRow } from './utils';
export interface CloneOptions {
saveVariables?: boolean;
saveTimerange?: boolean;
message?: string;
export type DashboardLinkType = 'link' | 'dashboards';
export class DashboardModel implements TimeModel {
/** @deprecated use UID */
id: any;
// TODO: use propert type and fix all the places where uid is set to null
uid: any;
title: string;
description: any;
tags: any;
style: any;
timezone: any;
weekStart: any;
editable: any;
graphTooltip: DashboardCursorSync;
time: any;
liveNow: boolean;
private originalTime: any;
timepicker: any;
templating: { list: any[] };
private originalTemplating: any;
annotations: { list: AnnotationQuery[] };
refresh: string;
snapshot: any;
schemaVersion: number;
version: number;
revision?: number; // Only used for dashboards managed by plugins
links: DashboardLink[];
gnetId: any;
panels: PanelModel[];
panelInEdit?: PanelModel;
panelInView?: PanelModel;
fiscalYearStartMonth?: number;
private panelsAffectedByVariableChange: number[] | null;
private appEventsSubscription: Subscription;
private lastRefresh: number;
private timeRangeUpdatedDuringEdit = false;
private originalDashboard: Dashboard | null = null;
// ------------------
// not persisted
// ------------------
// repeat process cycles
declare meta: DashboardMeta;
events: EventBusExtended;
private getVariablesFromState: GetVariables;
static nonPersistedProperties: { [str: string]: boolean } = {
events: true,
meta: true,
panels: true, // needs special handling
templating: true, // needs special handling
originalTime: true,
originalTemplating: true,
originalLibraryPanels: true,
panelInEdit: true,
panelInView: true,
getVariablesFromState: true,
formatDate: true,
appEventsSubscription: true,
panelsAffectedByVariableChange: true,
lastRefresh: true,
timeRangeUpdatedDuringEdit: true,
originalDashboard: true,
data: Dashboard,
meta?: DashboardMeta,
options?: {
// By default this uses variables from redux state
getVariablesFromState?: GetVariables;
// Force the loader to migrate panels
autoMigrateOldPanels?: boolean;
) {
this.getVariablesFromState = options?.getVariablesFromState ?? getVariablesByKey;
this.events = new EventBusSrv();
this.id = data.id || null;
// UID is not there for newly created dashboards
this.uid = data.uid || null;
this.revision = data.revision ?? undefined;
this.title = data.title ?? 'No Title';
this.description = data.description;
this.tags = data.tags ?? [];
this.timezone = data.timezone ?? '';
this.weekStart = data.weekStart ?? '';
this.editable = data.editable !== false;
this.graphTooltip = data.graphTooltip || 0;
this.time = data.time ?? { from: 'now-6h', to: 'now' };
this.timepicker = data.timepicker ?? {};
this.liveNow = Boolean(data.liveNow);
this.templating = this.ensureListExist(data.templating);
this.annotations = this.ensureListExist(data.annotations);
this.refresh = data.refresh || '';
this.snapshot = data.snapshot;
this.schemaVersion = data.schemaVersion ?? 0;
this.fiscalYearStartMonth = data.fiscalYearStartMonth ?? 0;
this.version = data.version ?? 0;
this.links = data.links ?? [];
this.gnetId = data.gnetId || null;
this.panels = map(data.panels ?? [], (panelData) => new PanelModel(panelData));
// Deep clone original dashboard to avoid mutations by object reference
this.originalDashboard = cloneDeep(data);
this.originalTemplating = cloneDeep(this.templating);
this.originalTime = cloneDeep(this.time);
this.formatDate = this.formatDate.bind(this);
// Auto-migrate old angular panels
if (options?.autoMigrateOldPanels || !config.angularSupportEnabled || config.featureToggles.autoMigrateOldPanels) {
for (const p of this.panelIterator()) {
const newType = autoMigrateAngular[p.type];
if (!p.autoMigrateFrom && newType) {
p.autoMigrateFrom = p.type;
p.type = newType;
this.panelsAffectedByVariableChange = null;
this.appEventsSubscription = new Subscription();
this.lastRefresh = Date.now();
this.appEventsSubscription.add(appEvents.subscribe(VariablesChanged, this.variablesChangedHandler.bind(this)));
appEvents.subscribe(VariablesTimeRangeProcessDone, this.variablesTimeRangeProcessDoneHandler.bind(this))
appEvents.subscribe(VariablesChangedInUrl, this.variablesChangedInUrlHandler.bind(this))
addBuiltInAnnotationQuery() {
const found = this.annotations.list.some((item) => item.builtIn === 1);
if (found) {
datasource: { uid: '-- Grafana --', type: 'grafana' },
name: 'Annotations & Alerts',
type: 'dashboard',
enable: true,
hide: true,
builtIn: 1,
private initMeta(meta?: DashboardMeta) {
meta = meta || {};
meta.canShare = meta.canShare !== false;
meta.canSave = meta.canSave !== false;
meta.canStar = meta.canStar !== false;
meta.canEdit = meta.canEdit !== false;
meta.canDelete = meta.canDelete !== false;
meta.showSettings = meta.canEdit;
meta.canMakeEditable = meta.canSave && !this.editable;
meta.hasUnsavedFolderChange = false;
if (!this.editable) {
meta.canEdit = false;
meta.canDelete = false;
meta.canSave = false;
this.meta = meta;
* @deprecated Returns the wrong type please do not use
getSaveModelCloneOld(options?: CloneOptions): DashboardModel {
const optionsWithDefaults = _defaults(options || {}, {
saveVariables: true,
saveTimerange: true,
// make clone
let copy: any = {};
for (const property in this) {
if (DashboardModel.nonPersistedProperties[property] || !this.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
copy[property] = cloneDeep(this[property]);
copy.templating = this.getTemplatingSaveModel(optionsWithDefaults);
if (!optionsWithDefaults.saveTimerange) {
copy.time = this.originalTime;
// get panel save models
copy.panels = this.getPanelSaveModels();
// sort by keys
copy = sortedDeepCloneWithoutNulls(copy);
copy.getVariables = () => copy.templating.list;
return copy;
* Returns the persisted save model (schema) of the dashboard
getSaveModelClone(options?: CloneOptions): Dashboard {
const clone = this.getSaveModelCloneOld(options);
// This is a bit messy / hacky but it's how we clean the model of any nulls / undefined / infinity
const cloneJSON = JSON.stringify(clone);
const cloneSafe = JSON.parse(cloneJSON);
return cloneSafe;
* This will load a new dashboard, but keep existing panels unchanged
* This function can be used to implement:
* 1. potentially faster loading dashboard loading
* 2. dynamic dashboard behavior
* 3. "live" dashboard editing
* @internal and experimental
updatePanels(panels: IPanelModel[]): PanelMergeInfo {
const info = mergePanels(this.panels, panels ?? []);
if (info.changed) {
this.panels = info.panels ?? [];
this.events.publish(new DashboardPanelsChangedEvent());
return info;
private getPanelSaveModels() {
// Todo: Remove panel.type === 'add-panel' when we remove the emptyDashboardPage toggle
return this.panels
(panel) =>
this.isSnapshotTruthy() || !(panel.type === 'add-panel' || panel.repeatPanelId || panel.repeatedByRow)
.map((panel) => {
// Clean libarary panels on save
if (panel.libraryPanel) {
const { id, title, libraryPanel, gridPos } = panel;
return {
libraryPanel: {
uid: libraryPanel.uid,
name: libraryPanel.name,
// If we save while editing we should include the panel in edit mode instead of the
// unmodified source panel
if (this.panelInEdit && this.panelInEdit.id === panel.id) {
return this.panelInEdit.getSaveModel();
return panel.getSaveModel();
.map((model) => {
if (this.isSnapshotTruthy()) {
return model;
// Clear any scopedVars from persisted mode. This cannot be part of getSaveModel as we need to be able to copy
// panel models with preserved scopedVars, for example when going into edit mode.
delete model.scopedVars;
// Clear any repeated panels from collapsed rows
if (model.type === 'row' && model.panels && model.panels.length > 0) {
model.panels = model.panels
.filter((rowPanel: PanelModel) => !rowPanel.repeatPanelId)
.map((model: PanelModel) => {
delete model.scopedVars;
return model;
return model;
private getTemplatingSaveModel(options: CloneOptions) {
const originalVariables = this.originalTemplating?.list ?? [];
const currentVariables = this.getVariablesFromState(this.uid);
const saveModels = currentVariables.map((variable) => {
const variableSaveModel = variableAdapters.get(variable.type).getSaveModel(variable, options.saveVariables);
if (!options.saveVariables) {
const original = originalVariables.find(
({ name, type }: any) => name === variable.name && type === variable.type
if (!original) {
return variableSaveModel;
if (variable.type === 'adhoc') {
variableSaveModel.filters = original.filters;
} else {
variableSaveModel.current = original.current;
variableSaveModel.options = original.options;
return variableSaveModel;
const saveModelsWithoutNull = sortedDeepCloneWithoutNulls(saveModels);
return { list: saveModelsWithoutNull };
timeRangeUpdated(timeRange: TimeRange) {
this.events.publish(new TimeRangeUpdatedEvent(timeRange));
dispatch(onTimeRangeUpdated(this.uid, timeRange));
if (this.panelInEdit) {
this.timeRangeUpdatedDuringEdit = true;
startRefresh(event: VariablesChangedEvent = { refreshAll: true, panelIds: [] }) {
this.events.publish(new RefreshEvent());
this.lastRefresh = Date.now();
if (this.panelInEdit && (event.refreshAll || event.panelIds.includes(this.panelInEdit.id))) {
for (const panel of this.panels) {
if (!this.otherPanelInFullscreen(panel) && (event.refreshAll || event.panelIds.includes(panel.id))) {
render() {
this.events.publish(new RenderEvent());
for (const panel of this.panels) {
panelInitialized(panel: PanelModel) {
const lastResult = panel.getQueryRunner().getLastResult();
if (!this.otherPanelInFullscreen(panel) && !lastResult) {
otherPanelInFullscreen(panel: PanelModel) {
return (this.panelInEdit || this.panelInView) && !(panel.isViewing || panel.isEditing);
initEditPanel(sourcePanel: PanelModel): PanelModel {
this.panelInEdit = sourcePanel.getEditClone();
this.timeRangeUpdatedDuringEdit = false;
return this.panelInEdit;
exitPanelEditor() {
this.panelInEdit = undefined;
if (this.panelsAffectedByVariableChange || this.timeRangeUpdatedDuringEdit) {
panelIds: this.panelsAffectedByVariableChange ?? [],
refreshAll: this.timeRangeUpdatedDuringEdit,
this.panelsAffectedByVariableChange = null;
this.timeRangeUpdatedDuringEdit = false;
initViewPanel(panel: PanelModel) {
this.panelInView = panel;
exitViewPanel(panel: PanelModel) {
this.panelInView = undefined;
private refreshIfPanelsAffectedByVariableChange() {
if (!this.panelsAffectedByVariableChange) {
this.startRefresh({ panelIds: this.panelsAffectedByVariableChange, refreshAll: false });
this.panelsAffectedByVariableChange = null;
private ensurePanelsHaveUniqueIds() {
const ids = new Set<number>();
let nextPanelId = this.getNextPanelId();
for (const panel of this.panelIterator()) {
if (!panel.id || ids.has(panel.id)) {
panel.id = nextPanelId++;
private ensureListExist(data: any = {}) {
data.list ??= [];
return data;
getNextPanelId() {
let max = 0;
for (const panel of this.panelIterator()) {
if (panel.id > max) {
max = panel.id;
return max + 1;
*panelIterator() {
for (const panel of this.panels) {
yield panel;
const rowPanels = panel.panels ?? [];
for (const rowPanel of rowPanels) {
yield rowPanel;
forEachPanel(callback: (panel: PanelModel, index: number) => void) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.panels.length; i++) {
callback(this.panels[i], i);
getPanelById(id: number, includeCollapsed = false): PanelModel | null {
if (this.panelInEdit && this.panelInEdit.id === id) {
return this.panelInEdit;
if (includeCollapsed) {
for (const panel of this.panelIterator()) {
if (panel.id === id) {
return panel;
return null;
} else {
return this.panels.find((p) => p.id === id) ?? null;
canEditPanel(panel?: PanelModel | null): boolean | undefined | null {
return Boolean(this.meta.canEdit && panel && !panel.repeatPanelId && panel.type !== 'row');
canEditPanelById(id: number): boolean | undefined | null {
return this.canEditPanel(this.getPanelById(id));
addPanel(panelData: any) {
panelData.id = this.getNextPanelId();
this.panels.unshift(new PanelModel(panelData));
this.events.publish(new DashboardPanelsChangedEvent());
updateMeta(updates: Partial<DashboardMeta>) {
this.meta = { ...this.meta, ...updates };
this.events.publish(new DashboardMetaChangedEvent());
makeEditable() {
this.editable = true;
canMakeEditable: false,
canEdit: true,
canSave: true,
sortPanelsByGridPos() {
this.panels.sort((panelA, panelB) => {
if (panelA.gridPos.y === panelB.gridPos.y) {
return panelA.gridPos.x - panelB.gridPos.x;
} else {
return panelA.gridPos.y - panelB.gridPos.y;
clearUnsavedChanges(savedModel: Dashboard, options: CloneOptions) {
for (const panel of this.panels) {
panel.configRev = 0;
if (this.panelInEdit) {
// Remember that we have a saved a change in panel editor so we apply it when leaving panel edit
this.panelInEdit.hasSavedPanelEditChange = this.panelInEdit.configRev > 0;
this.panelInEdit.configRev = 0;
this.originalDashboard = savedModel;
this.originalTemplating = savedModel.templating;
if (options.saveTimerange) {
this.originalTime = savedModel.time;
hasUnsavedChanges() {
const changedPanel = this.panels.find((p) => p.hasChanged);
return Boolean(changedPanel);
cleanUpRepeats() {
if (this.isSnapshotTruthy() || !this.hasVariables()) {
// cleanup scopedVars
const panelsToRemove = this.panels.filter((p) => (!p.repeat || p.repeatedByRow) && p.repeatPanelId);
// remove panels
pull(this.panels, ...panelsToRemove);
panelsToRemove.map((p) => p.destroy());
processRepeats() {
if (this.isSnapshotTruthy() || !this.hasVariables() || this.panelInView) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.panels.length; i++) {
const panel = this.panels[i];
if (panel.repeat) {
this.repeatPanel(panel, i);
this.events.publish(new DashboardPanelsChangedEvent());
cleanUpRowRepeats(rowPanels: PanelModel[]) {
const panelIds = rowPanels.map((row) => row.id);
// Remove repeated panels whose parent is in this row as these will be recreated later in processRowRepeats
const panelsToRemove = rowPanels.filter((p) => !p.repeat && p.repeatPanelId && panelIds.includes(p.repeatPanelId));
pull(rowPanels, ...panelsToRemove);
pull(this.panels, ...panelsToRemove);
processRowRepeats(row: PanelModel) {
if (this.isSnapshotTruthy() || !this.hasVariables()) {
let rowPanels = row.panels ?? [];
if (!row.collapsed) {
const rowPanelIndex = this.panels.findIndex((p) => p.id === row.id);
rowPanels = this.getRowPanels(rowPanelIndex);
for (const panel of rowPanels) {
if (panel.repeat) {
const panelIndex = this.panels.findIndex((p) => p.id === panel.id);
this.repeatPanel(panel, panelIndex);
getPanelRepeatClone(sourcePanel: PanelModel, valueIndex: number, sourcePanelIndex: number) {
// if first clone return source
if (valueIndex === 0) {
return sourcePanel;
const m = sourcePanel.getSaveModel();
m.id = this.getNextPanelId();
const clone = new PanelModel(m);
// insert after source panel + value index
this.panels.splice(sourcePanelIndex + valueIndex, 0, clone);
clone.repeatPanelId = sourcePanel.id;
clone.repeat = undefined;
if (this.panelInView?.id === clone.id) {
this.panelInView = clone;
return clone;
getRowRepeatClone(sourceRowPanel: PanelModel, valueIndex: number, sourcePanelIndex: number) {
// if first clone, return source
if (valueIndex === 0) {
if (!sourceRowPanel.collapsed) {
const rowPanels = this.getRowPanels(sourcePanelIndex);
sourceRowPanel.panels = rowPanels;
return sourceRowPanel;
const clone = new PanelModel(sourceRowPanel.getSaveModel());
// for row clones we need to figure out panels under row to clone and where to insert clone
let rowPanels: PanelModel[], insertPos: number;
if (sourceRowPanel.collapsed) {
rowPanels = cloneDeep(sourceRowPanel.panels) ?? [];
clone.panels = rowPanels;
// insert copied row after preceding row
insertPos = sourcePanelIndex + valueIndex;
} else {
rowPanels = this.getRowPanels(sourcePanelIndex);
clone.panels = rowPanels.map((panel) => panel.getSaveModel());
// insert copied row after preceding row's panels
insertPos = sourcePanelIndex + (rowPanels.length + 1) * valueIndex;
this.panels.splice(insertPos, 0, clone);
return clone;
repeatPanel(panel: PanelModel, panelIndex: number) {
const variable = this.getPanelRepeatVariable(panel);
if (!variable) {
if (panel.type === 'row') {
this.repeatRow(panel, panelIndex, variable);
const selectedOptions = this.getSelectedVariableOptions(variable);
const maxPerRow = panel.maxPerRow || 4;
let xPos = 0;
let yPos = panel.gridPos.y;
for (let index = 0; index < selectedOptions.length; index++) {
const option = selectedOptions[index];
let copy;
copy = this.getPanelRepeatClone(panel, index, panelIndex);
copy.scopedVars ??= {};
copy.scopedVars[variable.name] = option;
if (panel.repeatDirection === REPEAT_DIR_VERTICAL) {
if (index > 0) {
yPos += copy.gridPos.h;
copy.gridPos.y = yPos;
} else {
// set width based on how many are selected
// assumed the repeated panels should take up full row width
copy.gridPos.w = Math.max(GRID_COLUMN_COUNT / selectedOptions.length, GRID_COLUMN_COUNT / maxPerRow);
copy.gridPos.x = xPos;
copy.gridPos.y = yPos;
xPos += copy.gridPos.w;
// handle overflow by pushing down one row
if (xPos + copy.gridPos.w > GRID_COLUMN_COUNT) {
xPos = 0;
yPos += copy.gridPos.h;
// Update gridPos for panels below
const yOffset = yPos - panel.gridPos.y;
if (yOffset > 0) {
const panelBelowIndex = panelIndex + selectedOptions.length;
for (const curPanel of this.panels.slice(panelBelowIndex)) {
if (isOnTheSameGridRow(panel, curPanel)) {
curPanel.gridPos.y += yOffset;
repeatRow(panel: PanelModel, panelIndex: number, variable: TypedVariableModel) {
const selectedOptions = this.getSelectedVariableOptions(variable);
for (let optionIndex = 0; optionIndex < selectedOptions.length; optionIndex++) {
const curOption = selectedOptions[optionIndex];
const rowClone = this.getRowRepeatClone(panel, optionIndex, panelIndex);
setScopedVars(rowClone, variable, curOption);
const rowHeight = this.getRowHeight(rowClone);
const panelsInRow = rowClone.panels || [];
let panelBelowIndex;
if (panel.collapsed) {
// For a collapsed row, just copy its panels, set scoped vars and proper IDs
for (const panelInRow of panelsInRow) {
setScopedVars(panelInRow, variable, curOption);
if (optionIndex > 0) {
this.updateRepeatedPanelIds(panelInRow, true);
// push nth row clone's y-pos down by n
rowClone.gridPos.y += optionIndex;
panelBelowIndex = panelIndex + optionIndex + 1;
} else {
// insert after row panel
const insertPos = panelIndex + (panelsInRow.length + 1) * optionIndex + 1;
panelsInRow.forEach((panelInRow, i) => {
setScopedVars(panelInRow, variable, curOption);
if (optionIndex > 0) {
const panelInRowClone = new PanelModel(panelInRow);
this.updateRepeatedPanelIds(panelInRowClone, true);
// For exposed row, set correct grid y-position and add it to dashboard panels
panelInRowClone.gridPos.y += rowHeight * optionIndex;
this.panels.splice(insertPos + i, 0, panelInRowClone);
rowClone.panels = [];
rowClone.gridPos.y += rowHeight * optionIndex;
panelBelowIndex = insertPos + panelsInRow.length;
// Update gridPos for panels below if we inserted more than 1 repeated row panel
if (selectedOptions.length > 1) {
for (const panel of this.panels.slice(panelBelowIndex)) {
panel.gridPos.y += rowHeight;
updateRepeatedPanelIds(panel: PanelModel, repeatedByRow?: boolean) {
panel.repeatPanelId = panel.id;
panel.id = this.getNextPanelId();
if (repeatedByRow) {
panel.repeatedByRow = true;
} else {
panel.repeat = undefined;
return panel;
getSelectedVariableOptions(variable: any) {
let selectedOptions: any[];
if (isAllVariable(variable)) {
selectedOptions = variable.options.slice(1, variable.options.length);
} else {
selectedOptions = filter(variable.options, { selected: true });
return selectedOptions;
getRowHeight(rowPanel: PanelModel): number {
if (!rowPanel.panels || rowPanel.panels.length === 0) {
return 0;
} else if (rowPanel.collapsed) {
// A collapsed row will always have height 1
return 1;
const maxYPos = maxBy(rowPanel.panels, ({ gridPos }) => gridPos.y + gridPos.h)!.gridPos;
return maxYPos.y + maxYPos.h - rowPanel.gridPos.y;
removePanel(panel: PanelModel) {
this.panels = this.panels.filter((item) => item !== panel);
this.events.publish(new DashboardPanelsChangedEvent());
removeRow(row: PanelModel, removePanels: boolean) {
const needToggle = (!removePanels && row.collapsed) || (removePanels && !row.collapsed);
if (needToggle) {
expandRows() {
const collapsedRows = this.panels.filter((p) => p.type === 'row' && p.collapsed);
for (const row of collapsedRows) {
collapseRows() {
const collapsedRows = this.panels.filter((p) => p.type === 'row' && !p.collapsed);
for (const row of collapsedRows) {
isSubMenuVisible() {
return (
this.links.length > 0 ||
this.getVariables().some((variable) => variable.hide !== 2) ||
this.annotations.list.some((annotation) => !annotation.hide)
getPanelInfoById(panelId: number) {
const panelIndex = this.panels.findIndex((p) => p.id === panelId);
return panelIndex >= 0 ? { panel: this.panels[panelIndex], index: panelIndex } : null;
duplicatePanel(panel: PanelModel) {
const newPanel = panel.getSaveModel();
newPanel.id = this.getNextPanelId();
delete newPanel.repeat;
delete newPanel.repeatIteration;
delete newPanel.repeatPanelId;
delete newPanel.scopedVars;
if (newPanel.alert) {
delete newPanel.thresholds;
delete newPanel.alert;
// does it fit to the right?
if (panel.gridPos.x + panel.gridPos.w * 2 <= GRID_COLUMN_COUNT) {
newPanel.gridPos.x += panel.gridPos.w;
} else {
// add below
newPanel.gridPos.y += panel.gridPos.h;
return newPanel;
formatDate(date: DateTimeInput, format?: string) {
return dateTimeFormat(date, {
timeZone: this.getTimezone(),
destroy() {
for (const panel of this.panels) {
toggleRow(row: PanelModel) {
const rowIndex = indexOf(this.panels, row);
if (!row.collapsed) {
const rowPanels = this.getRowPanels(rowIndex);
// remove panels
pull(this.panels, ...rowPanels);
// save panel models inside row panel
row.panels = rowPanels.map((panel: PanelModel) => panel.getSaveModel());
row.collapsed = true;
if (rowPanels.some((panel) => panel.hasChanged)) {
// emit change event
this.events.publish(new DashboardPanelsChangedEvent());
row.collapsed = false;
const rowPanels = row.panels ?? [];
const hasRepeat = rowPanels.some((p: PanelModel) => p.repeat);
// This is set only for the row being repeated.
const rowRepeatVariable = row.repeat;
if (rowPanels.length > 0) {
// Use first panel to figure out if it was moved or pushed
// If the panel doesn't have gridPos.y, use the row gridPos.y instead.
// This can happen for some generated dashboards.
const firstPanelYPos = rowPanels[0].gridPos.y ?? row.gridPos.y;
const yDiff = firstPanelYPos - (row.gridPos.y + row.gridPos.h);
// start inserting after row
let insertPos = rowIndex + 1;
// y max will represent the bottom y pos after all panels have been added
// needed to know home much panels below should be pushed down
let yMax = row.gridPos.y;
for (const panel of rowPanels) {
// When expanding original row that's repeated, set scopedVars for repeated row panels.
if (rowRepeatVariable) {
const variable = this.getPanelRepeatVariable(row);
panel.scopedVars ??= {};
if (variable) {
const selectedOptions = this.getSelectedVariableOptions(variable);
panel.scopedVars = {
[variable.name]: selectedOptions[0],
// set the y gridPos if it wasn't already set
panel.gridPos.y ?? (panel.gridPos.y = row.gridPos.y); // (Safari 13.1 lacks ??= support)
// make sure y is adjusted (in case row moved while collapsed)
panel.gridPos.y -= yDiff;
// insert after row
this.panels.splice(insertPos, 0, new PanelModel(panel));
// update insert post and y max
insertPos += 1;
yMax = Math.max(yMax, panel.gridPos.y + panel.gridPos.h);
const pushDownAmount = yMax - row.gridPos.y - 1;
// push panels below down
for (const panel of this.panels.slice(insertPos)) {
panel.gridPos.y += pushDownAmount;
row.panels = [];
if (hasRepeat) {
// sort panels
// emit change event
this.events.publish(new DashboardPanelsChangedEvent());
* Will return all panels after rowIndex until it encounters another row
getRowPanels(rowIndex: number): PanelModel[] {
const panelsBelowRow = this.panels.slice(rowIndex + 1);
const nextRowIndex = panelsBelowRow.findIndex((p) => p.type === 'row');
// Take all panels up to next row, or all panels if there are no other rows
const rowPanels = panelsBelowRow.slice(0, nextRowIndex >= 0 ? nextRowIndex : this.panels.length);
return rowPanels;
/** @deprecated */
on<T>(event: AppEvent<T>, callback: (payload?: T) => void) {
console.log('DashboardModel.on is deprecated use events.subscribe');
this.events.on(event, callback);
/** @deprecated */
off<T>(event: AppEvent<T>, callback: (payload?: T) => void) {
console.log('DashboardModel.off is deprecated');
this.events.off(event, callback);
cycleGraphTooltip() {
this.graphTooltip = (this.graphTooltip + 1) % 3;
sharedTooltipModeEnabled() {
return this.graphTooltip > 0;
sharedCrosshairModeOnly() {
return this.graphTooltip === 1;
getRelativeTime(date: DateTimeInput) {
return dateTimeFormatTimeAgo(date, {
timeZone: this.getTimezone(),
isSnapshot() {
return this.snapshot !== undefined;
getTimezone(): TimeZone {
return this.timezone ? this.timezone : contextSrv?.user?.timezone;
private updateSchema(old: any) {
const migrator = new DashboardMigrator(this);
hasTimeChanged() {
const { time, originalTime } = this;
// Compare moment values vs strings values
return !(
isEqual(time, originalTime) ||
(isEqual(dateTime(time?.from), dateTime(originalTime?.from)) &&
isEqual(dateTime(time?.to), dateTime(originalTime?.to)))
autoFitPanels(viewHeight: number, kioskMode?: UrlQueryValue) {
const currentGridHeight = Math.max(...this.panels.map((panel) => panel.gridPos.h + panel.gridPos.y));
const navbarHeight = 55;
const margin = 20;
let visibleHeight = viewHeight - navbarHeight - margin;
// add back navbar height
if (kioskMode && kioskMode !== KioskMode.TV) {
visibleHeight += navbarHeight;
const visibleGridHeight = Math.floor(visibleHeight / (GRID_CELL_HEIGHT + GRID_CELL_VMARGIN));
const scaleFactor = currentGridHeight / visibleGridHeight;
for (const panel of this.panels) {
panel.gridPos.y = Math.round(panel.gridPos.y / scaleFactor) || 1;
panel.gridPos.h = Math.round(panel.gridPos.h / scaleFactor) || 1;
templateVariableValueUpdated() {
getPanelByUrlId(panelUrlId: string) {
const panelId = parseInt(panelUrlId ?? '0', 10);
// First try to find it in a collapsed row and exand it
const collapsedPanels = this.panels.filter((p) => p.collapsed);
for (const panel of collapsedPanels) {
const hasPanel = panel.panels?.some((rp) => rp.id === panelId);
hasPanel && this.toggleRow(panel);
return this.getPanelById(panelId);
toggleLegendsForAll() {
const panelsWithLegends = this.panels.filter(isPanelWithLegend);
// determine if more panels are displaying legends or not
const onCount = panelsWithLegends.filter((panel) => panel.legend.show).length;
const offCount = panelsWithLegends.length - onCount;
const panelLegendsOn = onCount >= offCount;
for (const panel of panelsWithLegends) {
panel.legend.show = !panelLegendsOn;
toggleExemplarsForAll() {
for (const panel of this.panels) {
for (const target of panel.targets) {
if (!(target.datasource && target.datasource.type === 'prometheus')) {
const promTarget = target as PromQuery;
promTarget.exemplar = !promTarget.exemplar;
getVariables() {
return this.getVariablesFromState(this.uid);
canEditAnnotations(dashboardUID?: string) {
let canEdit = true;
// dashboardUID is falsy when it is an organizational annotation
if (!dashboardUID) {
canEdit = !!this.meta.annotationsPermissions?.organization.canEdit;
} else {
canEdit = !!this.meta.annotationsPermissions?.dashboard.canEdit;
if (config.featureToggles.annotationPermissionUpdate) {
return canEdit;
return this.canEditDashboard() && canEdit;
canDeleteAnnotations(dashboardUID?: string) {
let canDelete = true;
// dashboardUID is falsy when it is an organizational annotation
if (!dashboardUID) {
canDelete = !!this.meta.annotationsPermissions?.organization.canDelete;
} else {
canDelete = !!this.meta.annotationsPermissions?.dashboard.canDelete;
if (config.featureToggles.annotationPermissionUpdate) {
return canDelete;
return canDelete && this.canEditDashboard();
canAddAnnotations() {
// When the builtin annotations are disabled, we should not add any in the UI
const found = this.annotations.list.find((item) => item.builtIn === 1);
if (found?.enable === false) {
return false;
// If RBAC is enabled there are additional conditions to check.
if (config.featureToggles.annotationPermissionUpdate) {
return Boolean(this.meta.annotationsPermissions?.dashboard.canAdd);
return Boolean(this.meta.annotationsPermissions?.dashboard.canAdd) && this.canEditDashboard();
canEditDashboard() {
return Boolean(this.meta.canEdit || this.meta.canMakeEditable);
shouldUpdateDashboardPanelFromJSON(updatedPanel: PanelModel, panel: PanelModel) {
const shouldUpdateGridPositionLayout = !isEqual(updatedPanel?.gridPos, panel?.gridPos);
if (shouldUpdateGridPositionLayout) {
this.events.publish(new DashboardPanelsChangedEvent());
getDefaultTime() {
return this.originalTime;
private getPanelRepeatVariable(panel: PanelModel) {
return this.getVariablesFromState(this.uid).find((variable) => variable.name === panel.repeat);
private isSnapshotTruthy() {
return this.snapshot;
private hasVariables() {
return this.getVariablesFromState(this.uid).length > 0;
public hasVariablesChanged(): boolean {
const originalVariables = this.originalTemplating?.list ?? [];
const currentVariables = this.getTemplatingSaveModel({ saveVariables: true }).list;
if (originalVariables.length !== currentVariables.length) {
return false;
return !isEqual(currentVariables, originalVariables);
private variablesTimeRangeProcessDoneHandler(event: VariablesTimeRangeProcessDone) {
const processRepeats = event.payload.variableIds.length > 0;
this.variablesChangedHandler(new VariablesChanged({ panelIds: [], refreshAll: true }), processRepeats);
private variablesChangedHandler(event: VariablesChanged, processRepeats = true) {
if (processRepeats) {
if (event.payload.refreshAll || getTimeSrv().isRefreshOutsideThreshold(this.lastRefresh)) {
this.startRefresh({ refreshAll: true, panelIds: [] });
if (this.panelInEdit || this.panelInView) {
this.panelsAffectedByVariableChange = event.payload.panelIds.filter(
(id) => id !== (this.panelInEdit?.id ?? this.panelInView?.id)
private variablesChangedInUrlHandler(event: VariablesChangedInUrl) {
getOriginalDashboard() {
return this.originalDashboard;
hasAngularPlugins(): boolean {
return this.panels.some((panel) => {
// Return false for plugins that are angular but have angular.hideDeprecation = false
const isAngularPanel = panel.isAngularPlugin() && !panel.plugin?.meta.angular?.hideDeprecation;
let isAngularDs = false;
if (panel.datasource?.uid) {
isAngularDs = isAngularDatasourcePluginAndNotHidden(panel.datasource?.uid);
return isAngularPanel || isAngularDs;
function isPanelWithLegend(panel: PanelModel): panel is PanelModel & Pick<Required<PanelModel>, 'legend'> {
return Boolean(panel.legend);
function setScopedVars(panel: PanelModel, variable: TypedVariableModel, variableOption: any) {
panel.scopedVars ??= {};
panel.scopedVars[variable.name] = variableOption;