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synced 2025-02-20 11:48:34 -06:00
* Update thema to latest * Deal with s/Library/*Runtime/ * Commit new, working results of codegen * We like pointers now * Always take runtime arg for NewBase() * Sketchy handwavy pass at entity meta framework * Little nibbles * Update pkg/framework/coremodel/entityframework.cue Co-authored-by: Artur Wierzbicki <wierzbicki.artur.94@gmail.com> * Move file into new framework location * Introduce loaders, Go code * Complete rename to kind * Flesh out framework, add svg/dashboard examples * Cruft removal * Remove generated kind go files from gitignore * Refine maturity concept, add SlotKind * Update embed and go deps * Export PrefixWithGrafanaCUE * Make the loader actually work, holy crap * Many small tweaks to type.cue * Add Apache 2 licensing exceptions for kinds * Add new kinds dir, start of generator * Roll back to earlier oapi-codegen * Introduce new grafana-specific CUE loaders * Introduce new tidy code generators framework * Catch up kind framework with tinkering * Add slices for the generators * Add write/verify step to main generator * Many renames * Split up kind framework cue files * Use kind.Decl within generated kinds * Create kind.SomeDecl wrapper type to cache lineages * Better names again * Get one generated implemented, hopefully * Copy dashboard schema into new kind.cue * Small fixes to make the initial gen work * Put svg kind in its new home * Add generated Go dashboard type * More renames and cleanups * Add base kind registry and generator * Stop blacklisting *_gen.go files This is not the Go best practice, anyway. All we actually want to ignore for enterprise is generated wire files. * Change codegen output directories pkg/kind -> pkg/kinds pkg/registry/kindreg -> pkg/registry/corekind * Rename pkg/framework/kind to pkg/kindsys * Add core structured kind generator * Add plural and machine names to kind spec * Copy playlist over to kind system * Consolidate kindsys files * Add raw kind generator * Update CODEOWNERS for kind framework * Touch up comments a bit * More docs tweaks * Remove generated types to reduce noise for review * Split each generator into its own file * Rename Slot kind to Composable kind * Add handwavy types for customkind loading * Guard against init calls to framework loader * First pass at doc on extending the kind system * Improve attribute example in docs * Fix wire imports * Add basic TS types generator * Fix composable kind category def * No need for a separate file with generate directive * Catch dashboard schema up * Rename generator types to something saner and generic * Make version configurable in ts/go generators * Add CommonMeta to ease property access * Add kindsys prop indicating whether lineage is group * Put all kind categories back in a single file * Finish with kindsys group props * Refactor maturity progression per discussion - Replace "committed" with "merged" - All kindcats can use all maturity levels, at least for now * Convert ts veneer index generator to modular system * Move over to new jennywrites framework * Strip down old coremodel generator * Use public version of jennywrites * Pull latest thema * Commit generated Go types * Add header injection postprocessor * Move sdboyer/jennywrites to grafana/codejen * Tweak header output * Remove dashboard and playlist coremodels * Fix up backend dashboards devenv test * Fix TS import patterns to new gen filename * Update internal imports, remove coremodel registry * Fix compilation errors, wire generation * Export and replace the prefix dropper * More Go struct and field name changes * Last name fixes, hopefully * Fix lint errors * Last lint error Co-authored-by: Artur Wierzbicki <wierzbicki.artur.94@gmail.com>
450 lines
13 KiB
450 lines
13 KiB
package codegen
import (
tsast "github.com/grafana/cuetsy/ts/ast"
// CUE import paths, mapped to corresponding TS import paths. An empty value
// indicates the import path should be dropped in the conversion to TS. Imports
// not present in the list are not not allowed, and code generation will fail.
var importMap = map[string]string{
"github.com/grafana/thema": "",
"github.com/grafana/grafana/packages/grafana-schema/src/schema": "@grafana/schema",
func init() {
allow := pfs.PermittedCUEImports()
strsl := make([]string, 0, len(importMap))
for p := range importMap {
strsl = append(strsl, p)
if strings.Join(strsl, "") != strings.Join(allow, "") {
panic("CUE import map is not the same as permitted CUE import list - these files must be kept in sync!")
// MapCUEImportToTS maps the provided CUE import path to the corresponding
// TypeScript import path in generated code.
// Providing an import path that is not allowed results in an error. If a nil
// error and empty string are returned, the import path should be dropped in
// generated code.
func MapCUEImportToTS(path string) (string, error) {
i, has := importMap[path]
if !has {
return "", fmt.Errorf("import %q in models.cue is not allowed", path)
return i, nil
// ExtractPluginTrees attempts to create a *pfs.Tree for each of the top-level child
// directories in the provided fs.FS.
// Errors returned from [pfs.ParsePluginFS] are placed in the option map. Only
// filesystem traversal and read errors will result in a non-nil second return
// value.
func ExtractPluginTrees(parent fs.FS, rt *thema.Runtime) (map[string]PluginTreeOrErr, error) {
ents, err := fs.ReadDir(parent, ".")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading fs root directory: %w", err)
ptrees := make(map[string]PluginTreeOrErr)
for _, plugdir := range ents {
subpath := plugdir.Name()
sub, err := fs.Sub(parent, subpath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating subfs for path %s: %w", subpath, err)
var either PluginTreeOrErr
if ptree, err := pfs.ParsePluginFS(sub, rt); err == nil {
either.Tree = (*PluginTree)(ptree)
} else {
either.Err = err
ptrees[subpath] = either
return ptrees, nil
// PluginTreeOrErr represents either a *pfs.Tree, or the error that occurred
// while trying to create one.
// TODO replace with generic option type after go 1.18
type PluginTreeOrErr struct {
Err error
Tree *PluginTree
// PluginTree is a pfs.Tree. It exists so we can add methods for code generation to it.
// It is, for now, tailored specifically to Grafana core's codegen needs.
type PluginTree pfs.Tree
func (pt *PluginTree) GenerateTypeScriptAST() (*tsast.File, error) {
t := (*pfs.Tree)(pt)
f := &tsast.File{}
tf := tvars_autogen_header{
GeneratorPath: "public/app/plugins/gen.go", // FIXME hardcoding is not OK
LineagePath: "models.cue",
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := tmpls.Lookup("autogen_header.tmpl").Execute(&buf, tf)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error executing header template: %w", err)
f.Doc = &tsast.Comment{
Text: buf.String(),
pi := t.RootPlugin()
slotimps := pi.SlotImplementations()
if len(slotimps) == 0 {
return nil, nil
for _, im := range pi.CUEImports() {
if tsim, err := convertImport(im); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if tsim.From.Value != "" {
f.Imports = append(f.Imports, tsim)
for slotname, lin := range slotimps {
v := thema.LatestVersion(lin)
sch := thema.SchemaP(lin, v)
// Inject a node for the const with the version
f.Nodes = append(f.Nodes, tsast.Raw{
// TODO need call expressions in cuetsy tsast to be able to do these properly
Data: fmt.Sprintf("export const %sModelVersion = Object.freeze([%v, %v]);", slotname, v[0], v[1]),
// TODO this is hardcoded for now, but should ultimately be a property of
// whether the slot is a grouped lineage:
// https://github.com/grafana/thema/issues/62
if isGroupLineage(slotname) {
tsf, err := cuetsy.GenerateAST(sch.UnwrapCUE(), cuetsy.Config{
Export: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error translating %s lineage to TypeScript: %w", slotname, err)
f.Nodes = append(f.Nodes, tsf.Nodes...)
} else {
pair, err := cuetsy.GenerateSingleAST(strings.Title(lin.Name()), sch.UnwrapCUE(), cuetsy.TypeInterface)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error translating %s lineage to TypeScript: %w", slotname, err)
f.Nodes = append(f.Nodes, pair.T)
if pair.D != nil {
f.Nodes = append(f.Nodes, pair.D)
return f, nil
func isGroupLineage(slotname string) bool {
sl, has := coremodel.AllSlots()[slotname]
if !has {
panic("unknown slotname name: " + slotname)
return sl.IsGroup()
type GoGenConfig struct {
// Types indicates whether corresponding Go types should be generated from the
// latest version in the lineage(s).
Types bool
// ThemaBindings indicates whether Thema bindings (an implementation of
// ["github.com/grafana/thema".LineageFactory]) should be generated for
// lineage(s).
ThemaBindings bool
// DocPathPrefix allows the caller to optionally specify a path to be prefixed
// onto paths generated for documentation. This is useful for io/fs-based code
// generators, which typically only have knowledge of paths relative to the fs.FS
// root, typically an encapsulated subpath, but docs are easier to understand when
// paths are relative to a repository root.
// Note that all paths are normalized to use slashes, regardless of the
// OS running the code generator.
DocPathPrefix string
func (pt *PluginTree) GenerateGo(path string, cfg GoGenConfig) (WriteDiffer, error) {
t := (*pfs.Tree)(pt)
wd := NewWriteDiffer()
all := t.SubPlugins()
if all == nil {
all = make(map[string]pfs.PluginInfo)
all[""] = t.RootPlugin()
for subpath, plug := range all {
fullp := filepath.Join(path, subpath)
if cfg.Types {
gwd, err := pgenGoTypes(plug, path, subpath, cfg.DocPathPrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error generating go types for %s: %w", fullp, err)
if err = wd.Merge(gwd); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error merging file set to generate for %s: %w", fullp, err)
if cfg.ThemaBindings {
twd, err := pgenThemaBindings(plug, path, subpath, cfg.DocPathPrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error generating thema bindings for %s: %w", fullp, err)
if err = wd.Merge(twd); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error merging file set to generate for %s: %w", fullp, err)
return wd, nil
func pgenGoTypes(plug pfs.PluginInfo, path, subpath, prefix string) (WriteDiffer, error) {
wd := NewWriteDiffer()
for slotname, lin := range plug.SlotImplementations() {
lowslot := strings.ToLower(slotname)
rt := lin.Runtime()
sch := thema.SchemaP(lin, thema.LatestVersion(lin))
// FIXME gotta hack this out of thema in order to deal with our custom imports :scream:
f, err := openapi.GenerateSchema(sch, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("thema openapi generation failed: %w", err)
str, err := yaml.Marshal(rt.Context().BuildFile(f))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cue-yaml marshaling failed: %w", err)
loader := openapi3.NewLoader()
oT, err := loader.LoadFromData([]byte(str))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("loading generated openapi failed; %w", err)
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err = tmpls.Lookup("autogen_header.tmpl").Execute(buf, tvars_autogen_header{
GeneratorPath: "public/app/plugins/gen.go", // FIXME hardcoding is not OK
LineagePath: filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join(prefix, subpath, "models.cue")),
LineageCUEPath: slotname,
GenLicense: true,
}); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error generating file header: %w", err)
cgopt := codegen.Options{
GenerateTypes: true,
SkipPrune: true,
SkipFmt: true,
UserTemplates: map[string]string{
"imports.tmpl": "package {{ .PackageName }}",
"typedef.tmpl": tmplTypedef,
if isGroupLineage(slotname) {
cgopt.ExcludeSchemas = []string{lin.Name()}
gostr, err := codegen.Generate(oT, lin.Name(), cgopt)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("openapi generation failed: %w", err)
fmt.Fprint(buf, gostr)
finalpath := filepath.Join(path, subpath, fmt.Sprintf("types_%s_gen.go", lowslot))
byt, err := postprocessGoFile(genGoFile{
path: finalpath,
walker: PrefixDropper(strings.Title(lin.Name())),
in: buf.Bytes(),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
wd[finalpath] = byt
return wd, nil
func pgenThemaBindings(plug pfs.PluginInfo, path, subpath, prefix string) (WriteDiffer, error) {
wd := NewWriteDiffer()
bindings := make([]tvars_plugin_lineage_binding, 0)
for slotname, lin := range plug.SlotImplementations() {
lv := thema.LatestVersion(lin)
bindings = append(bindings, tvars_plugin_lineage_binding{
SlotName: slotname,
LatestMajv: lv[0],
LatestMinv: lv[1],
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := tmpls.Lookup("plugin_lineage_file.tmpl").Execute(buf, tvars_plugin_lineage_file{
PackageName: sanitizePluginId(plug.Meta().Id),
PluginType: string(plug.Meta().Type),
PluginID: plug.Meta().Id,
SlotImpls: bindings,
HasModels: len(bindings) != 0,
Header: tvars_autogen_header{
GeneratorPath: "public/app/plugins/gen.go", // FIXME hardcoding is not OK
GenLicense: true,
LineagePath: filepath.Join(prefix, subpath),
}); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error executing plugin lineage file template: %w", err)
fullpath := filepath.Join(path, subpath, "pfs_gen.go")
if byt, err := postprocessGoFile(genGoFile{
path: fullpath,
in: buf.Bytes(),
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
wd[fullpath] = byt
return wd, nil
// Plugin IDs are allowed to contain characters that aren't allowed in CUE
// package names, Go package names, TS or Go type names, etc.
// TODO expose this as standard
func sanitizePluginId(s string) string {
return strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
switch {
case r >= 'a' && r <= 'z':
case r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z':
case r >= '0' && r <= '9':
case r == '_':
return r
case r == '-':
return '_'
return -1
}, s)
// FIXME unexport this and refactor, this is way too one-off to be in here
func GenPluginTreeList(trees []TreeAndPath, prefix, target string, ref bool) (WriteDiffer, error) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
vars := tvars_plugin_registry{
Header: tvars_autogen_header{
GenLicense: true,
Plugins: make([]struct {
PkgName, Path, ImportPath string
NoAlias bool
}, 0, len(trees)),
type tpl struct {
PkgName, Path, ImportPath string
NoAlias bool
// No sub-plugin support here. If we never allow subplugins in core, that's probably fine.
// But still worth noting.
for _, pt := range trees {
rp := (*pfs.Tree)(pt.Tree).RootPlugin()
vars.Plugins = append(vars.Plugins, tpl{
PkgName: sanitizePluginId(rp.Meta().Id),
NoAlias: sanitizePluginId(rp.Meta().Id) != filepath.Base(pt.Path),
ImportPath: filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join(prefix, pt.Path)),
Path: path.Join(append(strings.Split(prefix, "/")[3:], pt.Path)...),
tmplname := "plugin_registry.tmpl"
if ref {
tmplname = "plugin_registry_ref.tmpl"
if err := tmpls.Lookup(tmplname).Execute(buf, vars); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed executing plugin registry template: %w", err)
byt, err := postprocessGoFile(genGoFile{
path: target,
in: buf.Bytes(),
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error postprocessing plugin registry: %w", err)
wd := NewWriteDiffer()
wd[target] = byt
return wd, nil
// FIXME unexport this and refactor, this is way too one-off to be in here
type TreeAndPath struct {
Tree *PluginTree
// path relative to path prefix UUUGHHH (basically {panel,datasource}/<dir>}
Path string
// TODO convert this to use cuetsy ts types, once import * form is supported
func convertImport(im *ast.ImportSpec) (tsast.ImportSpec, error) {
tsim := tsast.ImportSpec{}
pkg, err := MapCUEImportToTS(strings.Trim(im.Path.Value, "\""))
if err != nil || pkg == "" {
// err should be unreachable if paths has been verified already
// Empty string mapping means skip it
return tsim, err
tsim.From = tsast.Str{Value: pkg}
if im.Name != nil && im.Name.String() != "" {
tsim.AsName = im.Name.String()
} else {
sl := strings.Split(im.Path.Value, "/")
final := sl[len(sl)-1]
if idx := strings.Index(final, ":"); idx != -1 {
tsim.AsName = final[idx:]
} else {
tsim.AsName = final
return tsim, nil