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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
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273 lines
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package loganalytics
import (
type TraceQueries struct {
TraceExploreQuery string
TraceParentExploreQuery string
TraceLogsExploreQuery string
func buildTracesQuery(operationId string, parentSpanID *string, traceTypes []string, filters []dataquery.AzureTracesFilter, resultFormat *dataquery.ResultFormat, resources []string) string {
types := traceTypes
if len(types) == 0 {
types = Tables
filteredTypes := make([]string, 0)
// If the result format is set to trace then we filter out all events that are of the type traces as they don't make sense when visualised as a span
if resultFormat != nil && *resultFormat == dataquery.ResultFormatTrace {
filteredTypes = slices.Filter(filteredTypes, types, func(s string) bool { return s != "traces" })
} else {
filteredTypes = types
if len(filteredTypes) == 0 {
return ""
resourcesQuery := strings.Join(filteredTypes, ",")
if len(resources) > 0 {
intermediate := make([]string, 0)
for _, resource := range resources {
for _, table := range filteredTypes {
intermediate = append(intermediate, fmt.Sprintf("app('%s').%s", resource, table))
resourcesQuery += "," + strings.Join(intermediate, ",")
tagsMap := make(map[string]bool)
var tags []string
for _, t := range filteredTypes {
tableTags := getTagsForTable(t)
for _, i := range tableTags {
if tagsMap[i] {
if i == "cloud_RoleInstance" || i == "cloud_RoleName" || i == "customDimensions" || i == "customMeasurements" {
tags = append(tags, i)
tagsMap[i] = true
whereClause := ""
if operationId != "" {
whereClause = fmt.Sprintf("| where (operation_Id != '' and operation_Id == '%s') or (customDimensions.ai_legacyRootId != '' and customDimensions.ai_legacyRootId == '%s')", operationId, operationId)
parentWhereClause := ""
if parentSpanID != nil && *parentSpanID != "" {
parentWhereClause = fmt.Sprintf("| where (operation_ParentId != '' and operation_ParentId == '%s')", *parentSpanID)
filtersClause := ""
if len(filters) > 0 {
for _, filter := range filters {
if len(filter.Filters) == 0 {
operation := "in"
if filter.Operation == "ne" {
operation = "!in"
filterValues := []string{}
for _, val := range filter.Filters {
filterValues = append(filterValues, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, val))
filtersClause += fmt.Sprintf("| where %s %s (%s)", filter.Property, operation, strings.Join(filterValues, ","))
propertiesFunc := "bag_merge(customDimensions, customMeasurements)"
if len(tags) > 0 {
propertiesFunc = fmt.Sprintf("bag_merge(bag_pack_columns(%s), customDimensions, customMeasurements)", strings.Join(tags, ","))
errorProperty := `| extend error = todynamic(iff(itemType == "exception", "true", "false"))`
baseQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`set truncationmaxrecords=10000; set truncationmaxsize=67108864; union isfuzzy=true %s`, resourcesQuery)
propertiesStaticQuery := `| extend duration = iff(isnull(column_ifexists("duration", real(null))), toreal(0), column_ifexists("duration", real(null)))` +
`| extend spanID = iff(itemType == "pageView" or isempty(column_ifexists("id", "")), tostring(new_guid()), column_ifexists("id", ""))` +
`| extend operationName = iff(isempty(column_ifexists("name", "")), column_ifexists("problemId", ""), column_ifexists("name", ""))` +
`| extend serviceName = cloud_RoleName` +
`| extend serviceTags = bag_pack_columns(cloud_RoleInstance, cloud_RoleName)`
propertiesQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`| extend tags = %s`, propertiesFunc)
projectClause := `| project-rename traceID = operation_Id, parentSpanID = operation_ParentId, startTime = timestamp, resource = _ResourceId` +
`| project startTime, itemType, serviceName, duration, traceID, spanID, parentSpanID, operationName, serviceTags, tags, itemId, resource` +
`| order by startTime asc`
return baseQuery + whereClause + parentWhereClause + propertiesStaticQuery + errorProperty + propertiesQuery + filtersClause + projectClause
func buildTracesLogsQuery(operationId string, resources []string) string {
types := Tables
selectors := "union " + strings.Join(types, ",\n") + "\n"
if len(resources) > 0 {
intermediate := make([]string, 0)
for _, resource := range resources {
for _, table := range types {
intermediate = append(intermediate, fmt.Sprintf("app('%s').%s", resource, table))
types = intermediate
selectors = strings.Join(append([]string{"union *"}, types...), ",\n") + "\n"
query := selectors
query += fmt.Sprintf(`| where operation_Id == "%s"`, operationId)
return query
func buildTraceQueries(query backend.DataQuery, dsInfo types.DatasourceInfo, tracesQuery dataquery.AzureTracesQuery, operationId string, resultFormat dataquery.ResultFormat, queryResources []string) (string, *TraceQueries, error) {
traceExploreQuery := ""
traceParentExploreQuery := ""
traceLogsExploreQuery := ""
traceIdVariable := "${__data.fields.traceID}"
parentSpanIdVariable := "${__data.fields.parentSpanID}"
var err error
traceQueries := TraceQueries{}
queryString := buildTracesQuery(operationId, nil, tracesQuery.TraceTypes, tracesQuery.Filters, &resultFormat, queryResources)
if operationId == "" {
traceExploreQuery = buildTracesQuery(traceIdVariable, nil, tracesQuery.TraceTypes, tracesQuery.Filters, &resultFormat, queryResources)
traceParentExploreQuery = buildTracesQuery(traceIdVariable, &parentSpanIdVariable, tracesQuery.TraceTypes, tracesQuery.Filters, &resultFormat, queryResources)
traceLogsExploreQuery = buildTracesLogsQuery(traceIdVariable, queryResources)
} else {
traceExploreQuery = queryString
traceParentExploreQuery = buildTracesQuery(operationId, &parentSpanIdVariable, tracesQuery.TraceTypes, tracesQuery.Filters, &resultFormat, queryResources)
traceLogsExploreQuery = buildTracesLogsQuery(operationId, queryResources)
traceExploreQuery, err = macros.KqlInterpolate(query, dsInfo, traceExploreQuery, "TimeGenerated")
if err != nil {
return "", &traceQueries, fmt.Errorf("failed to create traces explore query: %s", err)
traceQueries.TraceExploreQuery = traceExploreQuery
traceParentExploreQuery, err = macros.KqlInterpolate(query, dsInfo, traceParentExploreQuery, "TimeGenerated")
if err != nil {
return "", &traceQueries, fmt.Errorf("failed to create parent span traces explore query: %s", err)
traceQueries.TraceParentExploreQuery = traceParentExploreQuery
traceLogsExploreQuery, err = macros.KqlInterpolate(query, dsInfo, traceLogsExploreQuery, "TimeGenerated")
if err != nil {
return "", &traceQueries, fmt.Errorf("failed to create traces logs explore query: %s", err)
traceQueries.TraceLogsExploreQuery = traceLogsExploreQuery
return queryString, &traceQueries, nil
func buildAppInsightsQuery(ctx context.Context, query backend.DataQuery, dsInfo types.DatasourceInfo, appInsightsRegExp *regexp.Regexp, logger log.Logger) (*AzureLogAnalyticsQuery, error) {
dashboardTime := true
timeColumn := ""
queryJSONModel := types.TracesJSONQuery{}
err := json.Unmarshal(query.JSON, &queryJSONModel)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode the Azure Traces query object from JSON: %w", err)
azureTracesTarget := queryJSONModel.AzureTraces
resultFormat := ParseResultFormat(azureTracesTarget.ResultFormat, dataquery.AzureQueryTypeAzureTraces)
resources := azureTracesTarget.Resources
if query.QueryType == string(dataquery.AzureQueryTypeTraceql) {
subscription, err := utils.GetFirstSubscriptionOrDefault(ctx, dsInfo, logger)
if err != nil {
errorMessage := fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve subscription for trace exemplars query: %w", err)
return nil, utils.ApplySourceFromError(errorMessage, err)
resources = []string{fmt.Sprintf("/subscriptions/%s", subscription)}
resourceOrWorkspace := resources[0]
appInsightsQuery := appInsightsRegExp.Match([]byte(resourceOrWorkspace))
resourcesMap := make(map[string]bool, 0)
if len(resources) > 1 {
for _, resource := range resources {
resourcesMap[strings.ToLower(resource)] = true
// Remove the base resource as that's where the query is run anyway
delete(resourcesMap, strings.ToLower(resourceOrWorkspace))
operationId := ""
if queryJSONModel.AzureTraces.OperationId != nil && *queryJSONModel.AzureTraces.OperationId != "" {
operationId = *queryJSONModel.AzureTraces.OperationId
resourcesMap, err = getCorrelationWorkspaces(ctx, resourceOrWorkspace, resourcesMap, dsInfo, operationId)
if err != nil {
errorMessage := fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve correlation resources for operation ID - %s: %s", operationId, err)
return nil, utils.ApplySourceFromError(errorMessage, err)
queryResources := make([]string, 0)
for resource := range resourcesMap {
queryResources = append(queryResources, resource)
if query.QueryType == string(dataquery.AzureQueryTypeTraceql) {
resources = queryResources
resourceOrWorkspace = resources[0]
queryString, traceQueries, err := buildTraceQueries(query, dsInfo, queryJSONModel.AzureTraces, operationId, resultFormat, queryResources)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
apiURL := getApiURL(resourceOrWorkspace, appInsightsQuery, false)
rawQuery, err := macros.KqlInterpolate(query, dsInfo, queryString, "TimeGenerated")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
timeColumn = "timestamp"
return &AzureLogAnalyticsQuery{
RefID: query.RefID,
ResultFormat: resultFormat,
URL: apiURL,
JSON: query.JSON,
TimeRange: query.TimeRange,
Query: rawQuery,
Resources: resources,
QueryType: dataquery.AzureQueryType(query.QueryType),
TraceExploreQuery: traceQueries.TraceExploreQuery,
TraceParentExploreQuery: traceQueries.TraceParentExploreQuery,
TraceLogsExploreQuery: traceQueries.TraceLogsExploreQuery,
AppInsightsQuery: appInsightsQuery,
DashboardTime: dashboardTime,
TimeColumn: timeColumn,
}, nil