mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Alerting: Fix simplified routes '...' groupBy creating invalid routes There were a few ways to go about this fix: 1. Modifying our copy of upstream validation to allow this 2. Modify our notification settings validation to prevent this 3. Normalize group by on save 4. Normalized group by on generate Option 4. was chosen as the others have a mix of the following cons: - Generated routes risk being incompatible with upstream/remote AM - Awkward FE UX when using '...' - Rule definition changing after save and potential pitfalls with TF With option 4. generated routes stay compatible with external/remote AMs, FE doesn't need to change as we allow mixed '...' and custom label groupBys, and settings we save to db are the same ones requested. In addition, it has the slight benefit of allowing us to hide the internal implementation details of `alertname, grafana_folder` from the user in the future, since we don't need to send them with every FE or TF request. * Safer use of DefaultNotificationSettingsGroupBy * Fix missed API tests
909 lines
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909 lines
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package api
import (
apimodels "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/api/tooling/definitions"
var allNoData = []apimodels.NoDataState{
var allExecError = []apimodels.ExecutionErrorState{
func config(t *testing.T) *setting.UnifiedAlertingSettings {
baseInterval := time.Duration(rand.Intn(99)+1) * time.Second
result := &setting.UnifiedAlertingSettings{
BaseInterval: baseInterval,
DefaultRuleEvaluationInterval: baseInterval * time.Duration(rand.Intn(9)+1),
t.Logf("Config Base interval is [%v]", result.BaseInterval)
return result
func validRule() apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
forDuration := model.Duration(rand.Int63n(1000))
uid := util.GenerateShortUID()
return apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode{
ApiRuleNode: &apimodels.ApiRuleNode{
For: &forDuration,
Labels: map[string]string{
"test-label": "data",
Annotations: map[string]string{
"test-annotation": "data",
GrafanaManagedAlert: &apimodels.PostableGrafanaRule{
Title: fmt.Sprintf("TEST-ALERT-%s", uid),
Condition: "A",
Data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: "A",
QueryType: "TEST",
RelativeTimeRange: apimodels.RelativeTimeRange{
From: 10,
To: 0,
Model: nil,
UID: uid,
NoDataState: allNoData[rand.Intn(len(allNoData))],
ExecErrState: allExecError[rand.Intn(len(allExecError))],
func validGroup(cfg *setting.UnifiedAlertingSettings, rules ...apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode) apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
return apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig{
Name: "TEST-ALERTS-" + util.GenerateShortUID(),
Interval: model.Duration(cfg.BaseInterval * time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10))),
Rules: rules,
func randFolder() *folder.Folder {
title := "TEST-FOLDER-" + util.GenerateShortUID()
return &folder.Folder{
UID: util.GenerateShortUID(),
Title: title,
// URL: "",
// Version: 0,
Created: time.Time{},
Updated: time.Time{},
// UpdatedBy: 0,
// CreatedBy: 0,
// HasACL: false,
ParentUID: uuid.NewString(),
Fullpath: path.Join("parent-folder", title),
func TestValidateCondition(t *testing.T) {
testcases := []struct {
name string
condition string
data []apimodels.AlertQuery
errorMsg string
name: "error when condition is empty",
condition: "",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{},
errorMsg: "condition cannot be empty",
name: "error when data is empty",
condition: "A",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{},
errorMsg: "no query/expressions specified",
name: "error when condition does not exist",
condition: "A",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: "B",
RefID: "C",
errorMsg: "condition A does not exist, must be one of [B,C]",
name: "error when duplicated refId",
condition: "A",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: "A",
RefID: "A",
errorMsg: "refID 'A' is already used by query/expression at index 0",
name: "error when refId is empty",
condition: "A",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: "",
RefID: "A",
errorMsg: "refID is not specified for data query/expression at index 0",
name: "valid case",
condition: "B",
data: []apimodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: "A",
RefID: "B",
for _, tc := range testcases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
err := validateCondition(tc.condition, tc.data)
if tc.errorMsg == "" {
require.NoError(t, err)
} else {
require.ErrorContains(t, err, tc.errorMsg)
func TestValidateRuleGroup(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
rules := make([]apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, 0, rand.Intn(4)+1)
for i := 0; i < cap(rules); i++ {
rules = append(rules, validRule())
cfg := config(t)
t.Run("should validate struct and rules", func(t *testing.T) {
g := validGroup(cfg, rules...)
alerts, err := ValidateRuleGroup(&g, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, alerts, len(rules))
t.Run("should default to default interval from config if group interval is 0", func(t *testing.T) {
g := validGroup(cfg, rules...)
g.Interval = 0
alerts, err := ValidateRuleGroup(&g, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, alert := range alerts {
require.Equal(t, int64(cfg.DefaultRuleEvaluationInterval.Seconds()), alert.IntervalSeconds)
require.False(t, alert.HasPause)
t.Run("should show the payload has isPaused field", func(t *testing.T) {
for _, rule := range rules {
isPaused := true
rule.GrafanaManagedAlert.IsPaused = &isPaused
isPaused = !(isPaused)
g := validGroup(cfg, rules...)
alerts, err := ValidateRuleGroup(&g, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, alert := range alerts {
require.True(t, alert.HasPause)
func TestValidateRuleGroupFailures(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
cfg := config(t)
testCases := []struct {
name string
group func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig
assert func(t *testing.T, apiModel *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig, err error)
name: "fail if title is empty",
group: func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
g := validGroup(cfg)
g.Name = ""
return &g
name: "fail if title is too long",
group: func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
g := validGroup(cfg)
for len(g.Name) < store.AlertRuleMaxRuleGroupNameLength {
g.Name += g.Name
return &g
name: "fail if interval is negative",
group: func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
g := validGroup(cfg)
g.Interval = model.Duration(-(rand.Int63n(1000) + 1))
return &g
name: "fail if interval is not aligned with base interval",
group: func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
g := validGroup(cfg)
g.Interval = model.Duration(cfg.BaseInterval + time.Duration(rand.Intn(10)+1)*time.Second)
return &g
name: "fail if two rules have same UID",
group: func() *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig {
r1 := validRule()
r2 := validRule()
uid := util.GenerateShortUID()
r1.GrafanaManagedAlert.UID = uid
r2.GrafanaManagedAlert.UID = uid
g := validGroup(cfg, r1, r2)
return &g
assert: func(t *testing.T, apiModel *apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig, err error) {
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), apiModel.Rules[0].GrafanaManagedAlert.UID)
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
g := testCase.group()
_, err := ValidateRuleGroup(g, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.Error(t, err)
if testCase.assert != nil {
testCase.assert(t, g, err)
func TestValidateRuleNode_NoUID(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
name := util.GenerateShortUID()
var cfg = config(t)
interval := cfg.BaseInterval * time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10)+1)
testCases := []struct {
name string
rule func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode
assert func(t *testing.T, model *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, rule *models.AlertRule)
name: "coverts api model to AlertRule",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, int64(0), alert.ID)
require.Equal(t, orgId, alert.OrgID)
require.Equal(t, api.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title, alert.Title)
require.Equal(t, api.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition, alert.Condition)
require.Equal(t, AlertQueriesFromApiAlertQueries(api.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data), alert.Data)
require.Equal(t, time.Time{}, alert.Updated)
require.Equal(t, int64(interval.Seconds()), alert.IntervalSeconds)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), alert.Version)
require.Equal(t, api.GrafanaManagedAlert.UID, alert.UID)
require.Equal(t, folder.UID, alert.NamespaceUID)
require.Nil(t, alert.DashboardUID)
require.Nil(t, alert.PanelID)
require.Equal(t, name, alert.RuleGroup)
require.Equal(t, models.NoDataState(api.GrafanaManagedAlert.NoDataState), alert.NoDataState)
require.Equal(t, models.ExecutionErrorState(api.GrafanaManagedAlert.ExecErrState), alert.ExecErrState)
require.Equal(t, time.Duration(*api.ApiRuleNode.For), alert.For)
require.Equal(t, api.ApiRuleNode.Annotations, alert.Annotations)
require.Equal(t, api.ApiRuleNode.Labels, alert.Labels)
name: "coverts api without ApiRuleNode",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode = nil
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, time.Duration(0), alert.For)
require.Nil(t, alert.Annotations)
require.Nil(t, alert.Labels)
name: "defaults to NoData if NoDataState is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.NoDataState = ""
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, models.NoData, alert.NoDataState)
name: "defaults to Alerting if ExecErrState is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.ExecErrState = ""
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, models.AlertingErrState, alert.ExecErrState)
name: "extracts Dashboard UID and Panel Id from annotations",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
models.PanelIDAnnotation: strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()),
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, api.ApiRuleNode.Annotations[models.DashboardUIDAnnotation], *alert.DashboardUID)
panelId, err := strconv.Atoi(api.ApiRuleNode.Annotations[models.PanelIDAnnotation])
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(panelId), *alert.PanelID)
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := testCase.rule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.UID = ""
alert, err := validateRuleNode(r, name, interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
testCase.assert(t, r, alert)
t.Run("accepts empty group name", func(t *testing.T) {
r := validRule()
alert, err := validateRuleNode(&r, "", interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", alert.RuleGroup)
func TestValidateRuleNodeFailures_NoUID(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
cfg := config(t)
testCases := []struct {
name string
interval *time.Duration
rule func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode
assert func(t *testing.T, model *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, err error)
allowedIfNoUId bool
name: "fail if GrafanaManagedAlert is not specified",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert = nil
return &r
name: "fail if title is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title = ""
return &r
name: "fail if title is too long",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
for len(r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title) < store.AlertRuleMaxTitleLength {
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title += r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title
return &r
name: "fail if NoDataState is not known",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.NoDataState = apimodels.NoDataState(util.GenerateShortUID())
return &r
name: "fail if ExecErrState is not known",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.ExecErrState = apimodels.ExecutionErrorState(util.GenerateShortUID())
return &r
name: "fail if there are not data (nil)",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = nil
return &r
name: "fail if there are not data (empty)",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = make([]apimodels.AlertQuery, 0, 1)
return &r
name: "fail if Dashboard UID is specified but not Panel ID",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
return &r
name: "fail if Dashboard UID is specified and Panel ID is NaN",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
models.PanelIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
return &r
name: "fail if PanelID is specified but not Dashboard UID ",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.PanelIDAnnotation: "0",
return &r
name: "fail if Condition is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition = ""
return &r
name: "fail if Data is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = nil
return &r
name: "fail if Condition does not exist",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition = uuid.NewString()
return &r
name: "fail if Data has duplicate ref ID",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = append(r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data, r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data...)
return &r
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := testCase.rule()
if r.GrafanaManagedAlert != nil {
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.UID = ""
interval := cfg.BaseInterval
if testCase.interval != nil {
interval = *testCase.interval
_, err := validateRuleNode(r, "", interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.Error(t, err)
if testCase.assert != nil {
testCase.assert(t, r, err)
func TestValidateRuleNode_UID(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
name := util.GenerateShortUID()
var cfg = config(t)
interval := cfg.BaseInterval * time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10)+1)
testCases := []struct {
name string
rule func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode
assert func(t *testing.T, model *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, rule *models.AlertRule)
name: "use empty Title",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title = ""
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, "", alert.Title)
name: "use empty NoData if NoDataState is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.NoDataState = ""
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, models.NoDataState(""), alert.NoDataState)
name: "use empty Alerting if ExecErrState is empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.ExecErrState = ""
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, models.ExecutionErrorState(""), alert.ExecErrState)
name: "use empty Condition and Data if they are empty",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition = ""
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = nil
if rand.Int63()%2 == 0 {
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = make([]apimodels.AlertQuery, 0)
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, "", alert.Condition)
require.Len(t, alert.Data, 0)
name: "extracts Dashboard UID and Panel Id from annotations",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
models.PanelIDAnnotation: strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()),
return &r
assert: func(t *testing.T, api *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, alert *models.AlertRule) {
require.Equal(t, api.ApiRuleNode.Annotations[models.DashboardUIDAnnotation], *alert.DashboardUID)
panelId, err := strconv.Atoi(api.ApiRuleNode.Annotations[models.PanelIDAnnotation])
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(panelId), *alert.PanelID)
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := testCase.rule()
alert, err := validateRuleNode(r, name, interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
testCase.assert(t, r, alert)
t.Run("accepts empty group name", func(t *testing.T) {
r := validRule()
alert, err := validateRuleNode(&r, "", interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", alert.RuleGroup)
func TestValidateRuleNodeFailures_UID(t *testing.T) {
orgId := rand.Int63()
folder := randFolder()
cfg := config(t)
testCases := []struct {
name string
interval *time.Duration
rule func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode
assert func(t *testing.T, model *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode, err error)
name: "fail if GrafanaManagedAlert is not specified",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert = nil
return &r
name: "fail if title is too long",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
for len(r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title) < store.AlertRuleMaxTitleLength {
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title += r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title
return &r
name: "fail if there are not data (nil) but condition is set",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = nil
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition = "A"
return &r
name: "fail if there are not data (empty) but condition is set",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data = make([]apimodels.AlertQuery, 0, 1)
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition = "A"
return &r
name: "fail if Dashboard UID is specified but not Panel ID",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
return &r
name: "fail if Dashboard UID is specified and Panel ID is NaN",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.DashboardUIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
models.PanelIDAnnotation: util.GenerateShortUID(),
return &r
name: "fail if PanelID is specified but not Dashboard UID ",
rule: func() *apimodels.PostableExtendedRuleNode {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations = map[string]string{
models.PanelIDAnnotation: "0",
return &r
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := testCase.rule()
interval := cfg.BaseInterval
if testCase.interval != nil {
interval = *testCase.interval
_, err := validateRuleNode(r, "", interval, orgId, folder.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.Error(t, err)
if testCase.assert != nil {
testCase.assert(t, r, err)
func TestValidateRuleNodeIntervalFailures(t *testing.T) {
cfg := config(t)
testCases := []struct {
name string
interval time.Duration
name: "fail if interval is negative",
interval: -time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10)+1) * time.Second,
name: "fail if interval is 0",
interval: 0,
name: "fail if interval is not multiple of base interval",
interval: cfg.BaseInterval + time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(cfg.BaseInterval.Seconds())-2)+1)*time.Second,
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := validRule()
_, err := validateRuleNode(&r, util.GenerateShortUID(), testCase.interval, rand.Int63(), randFolder().UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.Error(t, err)
func TestValidateRuleNodeNotificationSettings(t *testing.T) {
cfg := config(t)
validNotificationSettings := models.NotificationSettingsGen(models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy(model.AlertNameLabel, models.FolderTitleLabel))
testCases := []struct {
name string
notificationSettings models.NotificationSettings
expErrorContains string
name: "valid notification settings",
notificationSettings: validNotificationSettings(),
name: "missing receiver is invalid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithReceiver("")),
expErrorContains: "receiver",
name: "group by empty is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy()),
name: "group by ... is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy("...")),
name: "group by with alert name and folder name labels is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy(model.AlertNameLabel, models.FolderTitleLabel)),
name: "group by missing alert name label is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy(models.FolderTitleLabel)),
name: "group by missing folder name label is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupBy(model.AlertNameLabel)),
name: "group wait empty is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupWait(nil)),
name: "group wait positive is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupWait(util.Pointer(1*time.Second))),
name: "group wait negative is invalid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupWait(util.Pointer(-1*time.Second))),
expErrorContains: "group wait",
name: "group interval empty is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupInterval(nil)),
name: "group interval positive is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupInterval(util.Pointer(1*time.Second))),
name: "group interval negative is invalid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithGroupInterval(util.Pointer(-1*time.Second))),
expErrorContains: "group interval",
name: "repeat interval empty is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithRepeatInterval(nil)),
name: "repeat interval positive is valid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithRepeatInterval(util.Pointer(1*time.Second))),
name: "repeat interval negative is invalid",
notificationSettings: models.CopyNotificationSettings(validNotificationSettings(), models.NSMuts.WithRepeatInterval(util.Pointer(-1*time.Second))),
expErrorContains: "repeat interval",
for _, tt := range testCases {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := validRule()
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.NotificationSettings = AlertRuleNotificationSettingsFromNotificationSettings([]models.NotificationSettings{tt.notificationSettings})
_, err := validateRuleNode(&r, util.GenerateShortUID(), cfg.BaseInterval*time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10)+1), rand.Int63(), randFolder().UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
if tt.expErrorContains != "" {
require.Error(t, err)
require.ErrorContains(t, err, tt.expErrorContains)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestValidateRuleNodeReservedLabels(t *testing.T) {
cfg := config(t)
for label := range models.LabelsUserCannotSpecify {
t.Run(label, func(t *testing.T) {
r := validRule()
r.ApiRuleNode.Labels = map[string]string{
label: "true",
_, err := validateRuleNode(&r, util.GenerateShortUID(), cfg.BaseInterval*time.Duration(rand.Int63n(10)+1), rand.Int63(), randFolder().UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(cfg))
require.Error(t, err)
require.ErrorContains(t, err, label)