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package bus
import (
// HandlerFunc defines a handler function interface.
type HandlerFunc interface{}
// Msg defines a message interface.
type Msg interface{}
// ErrHandlerNotFound defines an error if a handler is not found
var ErrHandlerNotFound = errors.New("handler not found")
// TransactionManager defines a transaction interface
type TransactionManager interface {
InTransaction(ctx context.Context, fn func(ctx context.Context) error) error
// Bus type defines the bus interface structure
type Bus interface {
Dispatch(ctx context.Context, msg Msg) error
Publish(ctx context.Context, msg Msg) error
// InTransaction starts a transaction and store it in the context.
// The caller can then pass a function with multiple DispatchCtx calls that
// all will be executed in the same transaction. InTransaction will rollback if the
// callback returns an error.
InTransaction(ctx context.Context, fn func(ctx context.Context) error) error
AddHandler(handler HandlerFunc)
AddEventListener(handler HandlerFunc)
// SetTransactionManager allows the user to replace the internal
// noop TransactionManager that is responsible for managing
// transactions in `InTransaction`
SetTransactionManager(tm TransactionManager)
// InProcBus defines the bus structure
type InProcBus struct {
logger log.Logger
handlers map[string]HandlerFunc
handlersWithCtx map[string]HandlerFunc
listeners map[string][]HandlerFunc
listenersWithCtx map[string][]HandlerFunc
txMng TransactionManager
func ProvideBus() *InProcBus {
return globalBus
// InTransaction defines an in transaction function
func (b *InProcBus) InTransaction(ctx context.Context, fn func(ctx context.Context) error) error {
return b.txMng.InTransaction(ctx, fn)
// temp stuff, not sure how to handle bus instance, and init yet
var globalBus = New()
// New initialize the bus
func New() *InProcBus {
return &InProcBus{
logger: log.New("bus"),
handlers: make(map[string]HandlerFunc),
handlersWithCtx: make(map[string]HandlerFunc),
listeners: make(map[string][]HandlerFunc),
listenersWithCtx: make(map[string][]HandlerFunc),
txMng: &noopTransactionManager{},
// Want to get rid of global bus
func GetBus() Bus {
return globalBus
// SetTransactionManager function assign a transaction manager to the bus.
func (b *InProcBus) SetTransactionManager(tm TransactionManager) {
b.txMng = tm
// DispatchCtx function dispatch a message to the bus context.
func (b *InProcBus) Dispatch(ctx context.Context, msg Msg) error {
var msgName = reflect.TypeOf(msg).Elem().Name()
span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "bus - "+msgName)
defer span.Finish()
span.SetTag("msg", msgName)
withCtx := true
var handler = b.handlersWithCtx[msgName]
if handler == nil {
withCtx = false
handler = b.handlers[msgName]
if handler == nil {
return ErrHandlerNotFound
var params = []reflect.Value{}
if withCtx {
params = append(params, reflect.ValueOf(ctx))
} else if setting.Env == setting.Dev {
b.logger.Warn("DispatchCtx called with message handler registered using AddHandler and should be changed to use AddHandler", "msgName", msgName)
params = append(params, reflect.ValueOf(msg))
ret := reflect.ValueOf(handler).Call(params)
err := ret[0].Interface()
if err == nil {
return nil
return err.(error)
// PublishCtx function publish a message to the bus listener.
func (b *InProcBus) Publish(ctx context.Context, msg Msg) error {
var msgName = reflect.TypeOf(msg).Elem().Name()
var params = []reflect.Value{}
if listeners, exists := b.listenersWithCtx[msgName]; exists {
params = append(params, reflect.ValueOf(ctx))
params = append(params, reflect.ValueOf(msg))
if err := callListeners(listeners, params); err != nil {
return err
if listeners, exists := b.listeners[msgName]; exists {
params = append(params, reflect.ValueOf(msg))
if setting.Env == setting.Dev {
b.logger.Warn("PublishCtx called with message listener registered using AddEventListener and should be changed to use AddEventListenerCtx", "msgName", msgName)
if err := callListeners(listeners, params); err != nil {
return err
span, _ := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "bus - "+msgName)
defer span.Finish()
span.SetTag("msg", msgName)
return nil
func callListeners(listeners []HandlerFunc, params []reflect.Value) error {
for _, listenerHandler := range listeners {
ret := reflect.ValueOf(listenerHandler).Call(params)
e := ret[0].Interface()
if e != nil {
err, ok := e.(error)
if ok {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("expected listener to return an error, got '%T'", e)
return nil
func (b *InProcBus) AddHandler(handler HandlerFunc) {
handlerType := reflect.TypeOf(handler)
queryTypeName := handlerType.In(1).Elem().Name()
b.handlersWithCtx[queryTypeName] = handler
// GetHandlerCtx returns the handler function for the given struct name.
func (b *InProcBus) GetHandlerCtx(name string) HandlerFunc {
return b.handlersWithCtx[name]
func (b *InProcBus) AddEventListener(handler HandlerFunc) {
handlerType := reflect.TypeOf(handler)
eventName := handlerType.In(1).Elem().Name()
_, exists := b.listenersWithCtx[eventName]
if !exists {
b.listenersWithCtx[eventName] = make([]HandlerFunc, 0)
b.listenersWithCtx[eventName] = append(b.listenersWithCtx[eventName], handler)
// AddHandler attaches a handler function to the global bus context.
// Package level function.
func AddHandler(implName string, handler HandlerFunc) {
// AddEventListenerCtx attaches a handler function to the event listener.
// Package level function.
func AddEventListener(handler HandlerFunc) {
func Dispatch(ctx context.Context, msg Msg) error {
return globalBus.Dispatch(ctx, msg)
func Publish(ctx context.Context, msg Msg) error {
return globalBus.Publish(ctx, msg)
func GetHandlerCtx(name string) HandlerFunc {
return globalBus.GetHandlerCtx(name)
func ClearBusHandlers() {
globalBus = New()
type noopTransactionManager struct{}
func (*noopTransactionManager) InTransaction(ctx context.Context, fn func(ctx context.Context) error) error {
return fn(ctx)