Andrej Ocenas 3f144bdd05 Provisioning: Fix unmarshaling nested jsonData values (#20399)
Problem was that yaml unmarshal returned nested maps as
 map[interface{}]interface{} which are then not marshal-able 
to json because of that interface{} key type. This adds explicit 
casting of the keys in the yaml value types to string which 
then makes the values marshal-able to JSON in DB.

Fixes: #11537
2019-11-18 11:06:39 +01:00

248 lines
5.6 KiB

package values
import (
. ""
func TestValues(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Values", t, func() {
os.Setenv("INT", "1")
os.Setenv("STRING", "test")
os.Setenv("EMPTYSTRING", "")
os.Setenv("BOOL", "true")
Convey("IntValue", func() {
type Data struct {
Val IntValue `yaml:"val"`
d := &Data{}
Convey("Should unmarshal simple number", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: 1`, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "1")
Convey("Should unmarshal env var", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: $INT`, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "$INT")
Convey("Should ignore empty value", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: `, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldEqual, 0)
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "")
Convey("StringValue", func() {
type Data struct {
Val StringValue `yaml:"val"`
d := &Data{}
Convey("Should unmarshal simple string", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: test`, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldEqual, "test")
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "test")
Convey("Should unmarshal env var", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: $STRING`, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldEqual, "test")
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "$STRING")
Convey("Should ignore empty value", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: `, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldEqual, "")
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "")
Convey("empty var should have empty value", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: $EMPTYSTRING`, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldEqual, "")
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "$EMPTYSTRING")
Convey("$$ should be a literal $", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: $$`, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldEqual, "$")
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "$$")
Convey("$$ should be a literal $ and not expanded within a string", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: mY,Passwo$$rd`, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldEqual, "mY,Passwo$rd")
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "mY,Passwo$$rd")
Convey("BoolValue", func() {
type Data struct {
Val BoolValue `yaml:"val"`
d := &Data{}
Convey("Should unmarshal bool value", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: true`, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldBeTrue)
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "true")
Convey("Should unmarshal explicit string", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: "true"`, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldBeTrue)
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "true")
Convey("Should unmarshal env var", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: $BOOL`, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldBeTrue)
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "$BOOL")
Convey("Should ignore empty value", func() {
unmarshalingTest(`val: `, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldBeFalse)
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldEqual, "")
Convey("JSONValue", func() {
type Data struct {
Val JSONValue `yaml:"val"`
d := &Data{}
Convey("Should unmarshal variable nesting", func() {
doc := `
one: 1
two: $STRING
- 1
- two
- three:
inside: $STRING
- six:
onemore: $INT
multiline: >
Some text with $STRING
anchor: &label $INT
anchored: *label
unmarshalingTest(doc, d)
type stringMap = map[string]interface{}
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldResemble, stringMap{
"one": 1,
"two": "test",
"three": []interface{}{
"three": stringMap{
"inside": "test",
"six": stringMap{
"empty": interface{}(nil),
"four": stringMap{
"nested": stringMap{
"onemore": "1",
"multiline": "Some text with test\n",
"anchor": "1",
"anchored": "1",
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldResemble, stringMap{
"one": 1,
"two": "$STRING",
"three": []interface{}{
"three": stringMap{
"inside": "$STRING",
"six": stringMap{
"empty": interface{}(nil),
"four": stringMap{
"nested": stringMap{
"onemore": "$INT",
"multiline": "Some text with $STRING\n",
"anchor": "$INT",
"anchored": "$INT",
Convey("StringMapValue", func() {
type Data struct {
Val StringMapValue `yaml:"val"`
d := &Data{}
Convey("Should unmarshal mapping", func() {
doc := `
one: 1
two: "test string"
three: $STRING
four: true
unmarshalingTest(doc, d)
So(d.Val.Value(), ShouldResemble, map[string]string{
"one": "1",
"two": "test string",
"three": "test",
"four": "true",
So(d.Val.Raw, ShouldResemble, map[string]string{
"one": "1",
"two": "test string",
"three": "$STRING",
"four": "true",
Reset(func() {
func unmarshalingTest(document string, out interface{}) {
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(document), out)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)