Matthias Loibl fbc195549f
Parca: Update supported version to v0.19+ (#89826)
* pkg/tsdb/parca: Upgrade to using the flamegraph arrow

* pkg/tsdb/parca: Delete code for old flamegraphs

* pkg/tsdb/parca: Fix golangci-lint error in test

* pkg/tsdb/parca: Handle errors nicely

* docs/sources/datasource: Add Parca v0.19+ support note

* pkg/tsdb/parca: Don't use arrow table reader

As pointed out during reviews, it's not really needed and we can read the record directly.
2024-08-15 17:31:03 +02:00

385 lines
12 KiB

package parca
import (
v1alpha1 ""
type queryModel struct {
const (
queryTypeProfile = string(dataquery.ParcaQueryTypeProfile)
queryTypeMetrics = string(dataquery.ParcaQueryTypeMetrics)
queryTypeBoth = string(dataquery.ParcaQueryTypeBoth)
// query processes single Parca query transforming the response to data.Frame packaged in DataResponse
func (d *ParcaDatasource) query(ctx context.Context, pCtx backend.PluginContext, query backend.DataQuery) backend.DataResponse {
ctxLogger := logger.FromContext(ctx)
ctx, span := tracing.DefaultTracer().Start(ctx, "datasource.parca.query", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.String("query_type", query.QueryType)))
defer span.End()
var qm queryModel
response := backend.DataResponse{}
err := json.Unmarshal(query.JSON, &qm)
if err != nil {
response.Error = err
ctxLogger.Error("Failed to unmarshall query", "error", err, "function", logEntrypoint())
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, response.Error.Error())
return response
if query.QueryType == queryTypeMetrics || query.QueryType == queryTypeBoth {
seriesResp, err := d.client.QueryRange(ctx, makeMetricRequest(qm, query))
if err != nil {
response.Error = err
ctxLogger.Error("Failed to process query", "error", err, "queryType", query.QueryType, "function", logEntrypoint())
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, response.Error.Error())
return response
response.Frames = append(response.Frames, seriesToDataFrame(seriesResp, utils.Depointerizer(qm.ProfileTypeId))...)
if query.QueryType == queryTypeProfile || query.QueryType == queryTypeBoth {
ctxLogger.Debug("Querying SelectMergeStacktraces()", "queryModel", qm, "function", logEntrypoint())
resp, err := d.client.Query(ctx, makeProfileRequest(qm, query))
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "invalid report type") {
response.Error = fmt.Errorf("try updating Parca to v0.19+: %v", err)
} else {
response.Error = err
ctxLogger.Error("Failed to process query", "error", err, "queryType", query.QueryType, "function", logEntrypoint())
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, response.Error.Error())
return response
frame, err := responseToDataFrames(resp)
if err != nil {
response.Error = err
ctxLogger.Error("Failed to convert the response to a data frame", "error", err, "queryType", query.QueryType)
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, response.Error.Error())
return response
response.Frames = append(response.Frames, frame)
return response
func makeProfileRequest(qm queryModel, query backend.DataQuery) *connect.Request[v1alpha1.QueryRequest] {
return &connect.Request[v1alpha1.QueryRequest]{
Msg: &v1alpha1.QueryRequest{
Mode: v1alpha1.QueryRequest_MODE_MERGE,
Options: &v1alpha1.QueryRequest_Merge{
Merge: &v1alpha1.MergeProfile{
Query: fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", utils.Depointerizer(qm.ProfileTypeId), utils.Depointerizer(qm.LabelSelector)),
Start: &timestamppb.Timestamp{
Seconds: query.TimeRange.From.Unix(),
End: &timestamppb.Timestamp{
Seconds: query.TimeRange.To.Unix(),
// nolint:staticcheck
ReportType: v1alpha1.QueryRequest_REPORT_TYPE_FLAMEGRAPH_ARROW,
func makeMetricRequest(qm queryModel, query backend.DataQuery) *connect.Request[v1alpha1.QueryRangeRequest] {
return &connect.Request[v1alpha1.QueryRangeRequest]{
Msg: &v1alpha1.QueryRangeRequest{
Query: fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", utils.Depointerizer(qm.ProfileTypeId), utils.Depointerizer(qm.LabelSelector)),
Start: &timestamppb.Timestamp{
Seconds: query.TimeRange.From.Unix(),
End: &timestamppb.Timestamp{
Seconds: query.TimeRange.To.Unix(),
Limit: uint32(query.MaxDataPoints),
type CustomMeta struct {
ProfileTypeID string
// responseToDataFrames turns Parca response to data.Frame. We encode the data into a nested set format where we have
// [level, value, label] columns and by ordering the items in a depth first traversal order we can recreate the whole
// tree back.
func responseToDataFrames(resp *connect.Response[v1alpha1.QueryResponse]) (*data.Frame, error) {
if flameResponse, ok := resp.Msg.Report.(*v1alpha1.QueryResponse_FlamegraphArrow); ok {
return arrowToNestedSetDataFrame(flameResponse.FlamegraphArrow)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown report type returned from query. update parca")
func seriesToDataFrame(seriesResp *connect.Response[v1alpha1.QueryRangeResponse], profileTypeID string) []*data.Frame {
frames := make([]*data.Frame, 0, len(seriesResp.Msg.Series))
for _, series := range seriesResp.Msg.Series {
frame := data.NewFrame("series")
frame.Meta = &data.FrameMeta{PreferredVisualization: "graph"}
frames = append(frames, frame)
fields := data.Fields{}
timeField := data.NewField("time", nil, []time.Time{})
fields = append(fields, timeField)
labels := data.Labels{}
for _, label := range series.Labelset.Labels {
labels[label.Name] = label.Value
valueField := data.NewField(strings.Split(profileTypeID, ":")[1], labels, []int64{})
for _, sample := range series.Samples {
fields = append(fields, valueField)
frame.Fields = fields
return frames
func arrowToNestedSetDataFrame(flamegraph *v1alpha1.FlamegraphArrow) (*data.Frame, error) {
frame := data.NewFrame("response")
frame.Meta = &data.FrameMeta{PreferredVisualization: "flamegraph"}
levelField := data.NewField("level", nil, []int64{})
valueField := data.NewField("value", nil, []int64{})
valueField.Config = &data.FieldConfig{Unit: normalizeUnit(flamegraph.Unit)}
selfField := data.NewField("self", nil, []int64{})
selfField.Config = &data.FieldConfig{Unit: normalizeUnit(flamegraph.Unit)}
labelField := data.NewField("label", nil, []string{})
frame.Fields = data.Fields{levelField, valueField, selfField, labelField}
arrowReader, err := ipc.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(flamegraph.GetRecord()))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer arrowReader.Release()
rec := arrowReader.Record()
fi, err := newFlamegraphIterator(rec)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create flamegraph iterator: %w", err)
fi.iterate(func(name string, level, value, self int64) {
return frame, nil
const (
FlamegraphFieldMappingFile = "mapping_file"
FlamegraphFieldLocationAddress = "location_address"
FlamegraphFieldFunctionName = "function_name"
FlamegraphFieldChildren = "children"
FlamegraphFieldCumulative = "cumulative"
FlamegraphFieldFlat = "flat"
type flamegraphIterator struct {
columnChildren *array.List
columnChildrenValues *array.Uint32
columnCumulative func(i int) int64
columnMappingFile *array.Dictionary
columnMappingFileDict *array.Binary
columnFunctionName *array.Dictionary
columnFunctionNameDict *array.Binary
columnLocationAddress *array.Uint64
nameBuilder *bytes.Buffer
addressBuilder *bytes.Buffer
func newFlamegraphIterator(rec arrow.Record) (*flamegraphIterator, error) {
schema := rec.Schema()
columnChildren := rec.Column(schema.FieldIndices(FlamegraphFieldChildren)[0]).(*array.List)
columnChildrenValues := columnChildren.ListValues().(*array.Uint32)
columnCumulative := uintValue(rec.Column(schema.FieldIndices(FlamegraphFieldCumulative)[0]))
columnMappingFile := rec.Column(schema.FieldIndices(FlamegraphFieldMappingFile)[0]).(*array.Dictionary)
columnMappingFileDict := columnMappingFile.Dictionary().(*array.Binary)
columnFunctionName := rec.Column(schema.FieldIndices(FlamegraphFieldFunctionName)[0]).(*array.Dictionary)
columnFunctionNameDict := columnFunctionName.Dictionary().(*array.Binary)
columnLocationAddress := rec.Column(schema.FieldIndices(FlamegraphFieldLocationAddress)[0]).(*array.Uint64)
return &flamegraphIterator{
columnChildren: columnChildren,
columnChildrenValues: columnChildrenValues,
columnCumulative: columnCumulative,
columnMappingFile: columnMappingFile,
columnMappingFileDict: columnMappingFileDict,
columnFunctionName: columnFunctionName,
columnFunctionNameDict: columnFunctionNameDict,
columnLocationAddress: columnLocationAddress,
nameBuilder: &bytes.Buffer{},
addressBuilder: &bytes.Buffer{},
}, nil
func (fi *flamegraphIterator) iterate(fn func(name string, level, value, self int64)) {
type rowNode struct {
row int
level int64
childrenStart, childrenEnd := fi.columnChildren.ValueOffsets(0)
stack := make([]rowNode, 0, childrenEnd-childrenStart)
var childrenValue int64 = 0
for i := int(childrenStart); i < int(childrenEnd); i++ {
child := int(fi.columnChildrenValues.Value(i))
childrenValue += fi.columnCumulative(child)
stack = append(stack, rowNode{row: child, level: 1})
cumulative := fi.columnCumulative(0)
fn("total", 0, cumulative, cumulative-childrenValue)
for {
if len(stack) == 0 {
// shift stack
node := stack[0]
stack = stack[1:]
childrenValue = 0
// Get the children for this node and add them to the stack if they exist.
start, end := fi.columnChildren.ValueOffsets(node.row)
children := make([]rowNode, 0, end-start)
for i := start; i < end; i++ {
child := fi.columnChildrenValues.Value(int(i))
if fi.columnChildrenValues.IsValid(int(child)) {
childrenValue += fi.columnCumulative(int(child))
children = append(children, rowNode{row: int(child), level: node.level + 1})
// prepend the new children to the top of the stack
stack = append(children, stack...)
cumulative := fi.columnCumulative(node.row)
name := fi.nodeName(node.row)
fn(name, node.level, cumulative, cumulative-childrenValue)
func (fi *flamegraphIterator) nodeName(row int) string {
if fi.columnMappingFile.IsValid(row) {
m := fi.columnMappingFileDict.ValueString(fi.columnMappingFile.GetValueIndex(row))
fi.nameBuilder.WriteString(" ")
if fi.columnFunctionName.IsValid(row) {
if f := fi.columnFunctionNameDict.ValueString(fi.columnFunctionName.GetValueIndex(row)); f != "" {
return fi.nameBuilder.String()
if fi.columnLocationAddress.IsValid(row) {
a := fi.columnLocationAddress.Value(row)
fi.addressBuilder.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(a, 16))
if fi.nameBuilder.Len() == 0 && fi.addressBuilder.Len() == 0 {
return "<unknown>"
} else {
return fi.nameBuilder.String() + fi.addressBuilder.String()
// uintValue is a wrapper to read different uint sizes.
// Parca returns values encoded depending on the max value in an array.
func uintValue(arr arrow.Array) func(i int) int64 {
switch b := arr.(type) {
case *array.Uint64:
return func(i int) int64 {
return int64(b.Value(i))
case *array.Uint32:
return func(i int) int64 {
return int64(b.Value(i))
case *array.Uint16:
return func(i int) int64 {
return int64(b.Value(i))
case *array.Uint8:
return func(i int) int64 {
return int64(b.Value(i))
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %T", b))
func getLastItem(path string) string {
parts := strings.Split(path, "/")
return parts[len(parts)-1]
func normalizeUnit(unit string) string {
if unit == "nanoseconds" {
return "ns"
if unit == "count" {
return "short"
return unit