George Robinson ec1d93c8ab
Alerting: Upload images to Slack via files.upload (#59163)
This commit makes a number of changes to how images work in Slack

It adds support for uploading images to Slack via the files.upload
API when the contact point has a token. Images are no longer linked
via a URL if a token is present.

Each image uploaded to Slack is posted as a reply to the original
notification. Up to maxImagesPerThreadTs images can be posted as
replies before a final message is sent with:

  There are no images than can be shown here. To see the panels for
  all firing and resolved alerts please check Grafana

Incoming Webhooks cannot upload files via files.upload and so webhooks
require the image to be uploaded to cloud storage and linked via URL.
2022-12-02 09:41:24 +00:00

580 lines
18 KiB

package channels
import (
secretsManager ""
func TestSlackIncomingWebhook(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
alerts []*types.Alert
expectedMessage *slackMessage
expectedError string
settings string
name: "Message is sent",
settings: `{
"icon_emoji": ":emoji:",
"recipient": "#test",
"url": ""
alerts: []*types.Alert{{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1"},
expectedMessage: &slackMessage{
Channel: "#test",
Username: "Grafana",
IconEmoji: ":emoji:",
Attachments: []attachment{
Title: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
TitleLink: "http://localhost/alerting/list",
Text: "**Firing**\n\nValue: [no value]\nLabels:\n - alertname = alert1\n - lbl1 = val1\nAnnotations:\n - ann1 = annv1\nSilence: http://localhost/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3Dalert1&matcher=lbl1%3Dval1\n",
Fallback: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
Fields: nil,
Footer: "Grafana v" + setting.BuildVersion,
FooterIcon: "",
Color: "#D63232",
}, {
name: "Message is sent with image URL",
settings: `{
"icon_emoji": ":emoji:",
"recipient": "#test",
"url": ""
alerts: []*types.Alert{{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1", "__dashboardUid__": "abcd", "__panelId__": "efgh", "__alertImageToken__": "image-with-url"},
expectedMessage: &slackMessage{
Channel: "#test",
Username: "Grafana",
IconEmoji: ":emoji:",
Attachments: []attachment{
Title: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
TitleLink: "http://localhost/alerting/list",
Text: "**Firing**\n\nValue: [no value]\nLabels:\n - alertname = alert1\n - lbl1 = val1\nAnnotations:\n - ann1 = annv1\nSilence: http://localhost/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3Dalert1&matcher=lbl1%3Dval1\nDashboard: http://localhost/d/abcd\nPanel: http://localhost/d/abcd?viewPanel=efgh\n",
Fallback: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
Fields: nil,
Footer: "Grafana v" + setting.BuildVersion,
FooterIcon: "",
Color: "#D63232",
ImageURL: "",
}, {
name: "Message is sent and image on local disk is ignored",
settings: `{
"icon_emoji": ":emoji:",
"recipient": "#test",
"url": ""
alerts: []*types.Alert{{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1", "__dashboardUid__": "abcd", "__panelId__": "efgh", "__alertImageToken__": "image-on-disk"},
expectedMessage: &slackMessage{
Channel: "#test",
Username: "Grafana",
IconEmoji: ":emoji:",
Attachments: []attachment{
Title: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
TitleLink: "http://localhost/alerting/list",
Text: "**Firing**\n\nValue: [no value]\nLabels:\n - alertname = alert1\n - lbl1 = val1\nAnnotations:\n - ann1 = annv1\nSilence: http://localhost/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3Dalert1&matcher=lbl1%3Dval1\nDashboard: http://localhost/d/abcd\nPanel: http://localhost/d/abcd?viewPanel=efgh\n",
Fallback: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
Fields: nil,
Footer: "Grafana v" + setting.BuildVersion,
FooterIcon: "",
Color: "#D63232",
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
notifier, recorder, err := setupSlackForTests(t, test.settings)
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = notify.WithGroupKey(ctx, "alertname")
ctx = notify.WithGroupLabels(ctx, model.LabelSet{"alertname": ""})
ok, err := notifier.Notify(ctx, test.alerts...)
if test.expectedError != "" {
assert.EqualError(t, err, test.expectedError)
assert.False(t, ok)
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, ok)
// When sending a notification to an Incoming Webhook there should a single request.
// This is different from PostMessage where some content, such as images, are sent
// as replies to the original message
require.Len(t, recorder.requests, 1)
// Get the request and check that it's sending to the URL of the Incoming Webhook
r := recorder.requests[0]
assert.Equal(t, notifier.settings.URL, r.URL.String())
// Check that the request contains the expected message
b, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
message := slackMessage{}
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(b, &message))
for i, v := range message.Attachments {
// Need to update the ts as these cannot be set in the test definition
test.expectedMessage.Attachments[i].Ts = v.Ts
assert.Equal(t, *test.expectedMessage, message)
func TestSlackPostMessage(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
alerts []*types.Alert
expectedMessage *slackMessage
expectedReplies []interface{} // can contain either slackMessage or map[string]struct{} for multipart/form-data
expectedError string
settings string
name: "Message is sent",
settings: `{
"icon_emoji": ":emoji:",
"recipient": "#test",
"token": "1234"
alerts: []*types.Alert{{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1", "__dashboardUid__": "abcd", "__panelId__": "efgh"},
expectedMessage: &slackMessage{
Channel: "#test",
Username: "Grafana",
IconEmoji: ":emoji:",
Attachments: []attachment{
Title: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
TitleLink: "http://localhost/alerting/list",
Text: "**Firing**\n\nValue: [no value]\nLabels:\n - alertname = alert1\n - lbl1 = val1\nAnnotations:\n - ann1 = annv1\nSilence: http://localhost/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3Dalert1&matcher=lbl1%3Dval1\nDashboard: http://localhost/d/abcd\nPanel: http://localhost/d/abcd?viewPanel=efgh\n",
Fallback: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
Fields: nil,
Footer: "Grafana v" + setting.BuildVersion,
FooterIcon: "",
Color: "#D63232",
}, {
name: "Message is sent with two firing alerts",
settings: `{
"title": "{{ .Alerts.Firing | len }} firing, {{ .Alerts.Resolved | len }} resolved",
"icon_emoji": ":emoji:",
"recipient": "#test",
"token": "1234"
alerts: []*types.Alert{{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1"},
}, {
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val2"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv2"},
expectedMessage: &slackMessage{
Channel: "#test",
Username: "Grafana",
IconEmoji: ":emoji:",
Attachments: []attachment{
Title: "2 firing, 0 resolved",
TitleLink: "http://localhost/alerting/list",
Text: "**Firing**\n\nValue: [no value]\nLabels:\n - alertname = alert1\n - lbl1 = val1\nAnnotations:\n - ann1 = annv1\nSilence: http://localhost/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3Dalert1&matcher=lbl1%3Dval1\n\nValue: [no value]\nLabels:\n - alertname = alert1\n - lbl1 = val2\nAnnotations:\n - ann1 = annv2\nSilence: http://localhost/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3Dalert1&matcher=lbl1%3Dval2\n",
Fallback: "2 firing, 0 resolved",
Fields: nil,
Footer: "Grafana v" + setting.BuildVersion,
FooterIcon: "",
Color: "#D63232",
}, {
name: "Message is sent and image is uploaded",
settings: `{
"icon_emoji": ":emoji:",
"recipient": "#test",
"token": "1234"
alerts: []*types.Alert{{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1", "__dashboardUid__": "abcd", "__panelId__": "efgh", "__alertImageToken__": "image-on-disk"},
expectedMessage: &slackMessage{
Channel: "#test",
Username: "Grafana",
IconEmoji: ":emoji:",
Attachments: []attachment{
Title: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
TitleLink: "http://localhost/alerting/list",
Text: "**Firing**\n\nValue: [no value]\nLabels:\n - alertname = alert1\n - lbl1 = val1\nAnnotations:\n - ann1 = annv1\nSilence: http://localhost/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3Dalert1&matcher=lbl1%3Dval1\nDashboard: http://localhost/d/abcd\nPanel: http://localhost/d/abcd?viewPanel=efgh\n",
Fallback: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
Fields: nil,
Footer: "Grafana v" + setting.BuildVersion,
FooterIcon: "",
Color: "#D63232",
expectedReplies: []interface{}{
// check that the following parts are present in the multipart/form-data
"file": {},
"channels": {},
"initial_comment": {},
"thread_ts": {},
}, {
name: "Message is sent to custom URL",
settings: `{
"icon_emoji": ":emoji:",
"recipient": "#test",
"endpointUrl": "",
"token": "1234"
alerts: []*types.Alert{{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1"},
expectedMessage: &slackMessage{
Channel: "#test",
Username: "Grafana",
IconEmoji: ":emoji:",
Attachments: []attachment{
Title: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
TitleLink: "http://localhost/alerting/list",
Text: "**Firing**\n\nValue: [no value]\nLabels:\n - alertname = alert1\n - lbl1 = val1\nAnnotations:\n - ann1 = annv1\nSilence: http://localhost/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3Dalert1&matcher=lbl1%3Dval1\n",
Fallback: "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
Fields: nil,
Footer: "Grafana v" + setting.BuildVersion,
FooterIcon: "",
Color: "#D63232",
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
notifier, recorder, err := setupSlackForTests(t, test.settings)
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = notify.WithGroupKey(ctx, "alertname")
ctx = notify.WithGroupLabels(ctx, model.LabelSet{"alertname": ""})
ok, err := notifier.Notify(ctx, test.alerts...)
if test.expectedError != "" {
assert.EqualError(t, err, test.expectedError)
assert.False(t, ok)
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, ok)
// When sending a notification via PostMessage some content, such as images,
// are sent as replies to the original message
require.Len(t, recorder.requests, len(test.expectedReplies)+1)
// Get the request and check that it's sending to the URL
r := recorder.requests[0]
assert.Equal(t, notifier.settings.URL, r.URL.String())
// Check that the request contains the expected message
b, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
message := slackMessage{}
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(b, &message))
for i, v := range message.Attachments {
// Need to update the ts as these cannot be set in the test definition
test.expectedMessage.Attachments[i].Ts = v.Ts
assert.Equal(t, *test.expectedMessage, message)
// Check that the replies match expectations
for i := 1; i < len(recorder.requests); i++ {
r = recorder.requests[i]
assert.Equal(t, "", r.URL.String())
media, params, err := mime.ParseMediaType(r.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
require.NoError(t, err)
if media == "multipart/form-data" {
// Some replies are file uploads, so check the multipart form
checkMultipart(t, test.expectedReplies[i-1].(map[string]struct{}), r.Body, params["boundary"])
} else {
b, err = io.ReadAll(r.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
message = slackMessage{}
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(b, &message))
assert.Equal(t, test.expectedReplies[i-1], message)
// slackRequestRecorder is used in tests to record all requests.
type slackRequestRecorder struct {
requests []*http.Request
func (s *slackRequestRecorder) fn(_ context.Context, r *http.Request, _ log.Logger) (string, error) {
s.requests = append(s.requests, r)
return "", nil
// checkMulipart checks that each part is present, but not its contents
func checkMultipart(t *testing.T, expected map[string]struct{}, r io.Reader, boundary string) {
m := multipart.NewReader(r, boundary)
visited := make(map[string]struct{})
for {
part, err := m.NextPart()
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
require.NoError(t, err)
visited[part.FormName()] = struct{}{}
assert.Equal(t, expected, visited)
func setupSlackForTests(t *testing.T, settings string) (*SlackNotifier, *slackRequestRecorder, error) {
tmpl := templateForTests(t)
externalURL, err := url.Parse("http://localhost")
require.NoError(t, err)
tmpl.ExternalURL = externalURL
f, err := os.Create(t.TempDir() + "test.png")
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
if err := os.Remove(f.Name()); err != nil {
t.Logf("failed to delete test file: %s", err)
images := &fakeImageStore{
Images: []*models.Image{{
Token: "image-on-disk",
Path: f.Name(),
}, {
Token: "image-with-url",
URL: "",
settingsJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(settings))
require.NoError(t, err)
secretsService := secretsManager.SetupTestService(t, fakes.NewFakeSecretsStore())
notificationService := mockNotificationService()
c := FactoryConfig{
Config: &NotificationChannelConfig{
Name: "slack_testing",
Type: "slack",
Settings: settingsJSON,
SecureSettings: make(map[string][]byte),
ImageStore: images,
NotificationService: notificationService,
DecryptFunc: secretsService.GetDecryptedValue,
Template: tmpl,
sn, err := buildSlackNotifier(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
sr := &slackRequestRecorder{}
sn.sendFn = sr.fn
return sn, sr, nil
func TestCreateSlackNotifierFromConfig(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
settings string
expectedError string
name: "Missing token",
settings: `{
"recipient": "#testchannel"
expectedError: "token must be specified when using the Slack chat API",
}, {
name: "Missing recipient",
settings: `{
"token": "1234"
expectedError: "recipient must be specified when using the Slack chat API",
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
n, _, err := setupSlackForTests(t, test.settings)
if test.expectedError != "" {
assert.Nil(t, n)
assert.EqualError(t, err, test.expectedError)
} else {
assert.NotNil(t, n)
assert.Nil(t, err)
func TestSendSlackRequest(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
response string
statusCode int
expectError bool
name: "Example error",
response: `{
"ok": false,
"error": "too_many_attachments"
statusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
expectError: true,
name: "Non 200 status code, no response body",
statusCode: http.StatusMovedPermanently,
expectError: true,
name: "Success case, normal response body",
response: `{
"ok": true,
"channel": "C1H9RESGL",
"ts": "1503435956.000247",
"message": {
"text": "Here's a message for you",
"username": "ecto1",
"bot_id": "B19LU7CSY",
"attachments": [
"text": "This is an attachment",
"id": 1,
"fallback": "This is an attachment's fallback"
"type": "message",
"subtype": "bot_message",
"ts": "1503435956.000247"
statusCode: http.StatusOK,
expectError: false,
name: "No response body",
statusCode: http.StatusOK,
expectError: true,
name: "Success case, unexpected response body",
statusCode: http.StatusOK,
response: `{"test": true}`,
expectError: true,
name: "Success case, ok: true",
statusCode: http.StatusOK,
response: `{"ok": true}`,
expectError: false,
name: "200 status code, error in body",
statusCode: http.StatusOK,
response: `{"ok": false, "error": "test error"}`,
expectError: true,
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(tt *testing.T) {
server := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
_, err := w.Write([]byte(test.response))
require.NoError(tt, err)
defer server.Close()
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, server.URL, nil)
require.NoError(tt, err)
_, err = sendSlackRequest(context.Background(), req, log.New("test"))
if !test.expectError {
require.NoError(tt, err)
} else {
require.Error(tt, err)