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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
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371 lines
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package channels
import (
func TestTeamsNotifier(t *testing.T) {
tmpl := templateForTests(t)
externalURL, err := url.Parse("http://localhost")
require.NoError(t, err)
tmpl.ExternalURL = externalURL
cases := []struct {
name string
settings string
alerts []*types.Alert
response *mockResponse
expMsg map[string]interface{}
expInitError string
expMsgError error
name: "Default config with one alert",
settings: `{"url": "http://localhost"}`,
alerts: []*types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1", "__dashboardUid__": "abcd", "__panelId__": "efgh"},
expMsg: map[string]interface{}{
"attachments": []map[string]interface{}{{
"content": map[string]interface{}{
"$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json",
"body": []map[string]interface{}{{
"color": "attention",
"size": "large",
"text": "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
"type": "TextBlock",
"weight": "bolder",
"wrap": true,
}, {
"text": "**Firing**\n\nValue: [no value]\nLabels:\n - alertname = alert1\n - lbl1 = val1\nAnnotations:\n - ann1 = annv1\nSilence: http://localhost/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3Dalert1&matcher=lbl1%3Dval1\nDashboard: http://localhost/d/abcd\nPanel: http://localhost/d/abcd?viewPanel=efgh\n",
"type": "TextBlock",
"wrap": true,
}, {
"actions": []map[string]interface{}{{
"title": "View URL",
"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
"url": "http://localhost/alerting/list",
"type": "ActionSet",
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"version": "1.4",
"msTeams": map[string]interface{}{
"width": "Full",
"contentType": "application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive",
"summary": "[FIRING:1] (val1)",
"type": "message",
expMsgError: nil,
}, {
name: "Custom config with multiple alerts",
settings: `{
"url": "http://localhost",
"title": "{{ .CommonLabels.alertname }}",
"sectiontitle": "Details",
"message": "{{ len .Alerts.Firing }} alerts are firing, {{ len .Alerts.Resolved }} are resolved"
alerts: []*types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1"},
}, {
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val2"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv2"},
expMsg: map[string]interface{}{
"attachments": []map[string]interface{}{{
"content": map[string]interface{}{
"$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json",
"body": []map[string]interface{}{{
"color": "attention",
"size": "large",
"text": "alert1",
"type": "TextBlock",
"weight": "bolder",
"wrap": true,
}, {
"text": "2 alerts are firing, 0 are resolved",
"type": "TextBlock",
"wrap": true,
}, {
"actions": []map[string]interface{}{{
"title": "View URL",
"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
"url": "http://localhost/alerting/list",
"type": "ActionSet",
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"version": "1.4",
"msTeams": map[string]interface{}{
"width": "Full",
"contentType": "application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive",
"summary": "alert1",
"type": "message",
expMsgError: nil,
}, {
name: "Missing field in template",
settings: `{
"url": "http://localhost",
"title": "{{ .CommonLabels.alertname }}",
"sectiontitle": "Details",
"message": "I'm a custom template {{ .NotAField }} bad template"
alerts: []*types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1"},
}, {
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val2"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv2"},
expMsg: map[string]interface{}{
"attachments": []map[string]interface{}{{
"content": map[string]interface{}{
"$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json",
"body": []map[string]interface{}{{
"color": "attention",
"size": "large",
"text": "alert1",
"type": "TextBlock",
"weight": "bolder",
"wrap": true,
}, {
"text": "I'm a custom template ",
"type": "TextBlock",
"wrap": true,
}, {
"actions": []map[string]interface{}{{
"title": "View URL",
"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
"url": "http://localhost/alerting/list",
"type": "ActionSet",
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"version": "1.4",
"msTeams": map[string]interface{}{
"width": "Full",
"contentType": "application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive",
"type": "message",
expMsgError: nil,
}, {
name: "Invalid template",
settings: `{
"url": "http://localhost",
"title": "{{ .CommonLabels.alertname }}",
"sectiontitle": "Details",
"message": "I'm a custom template {{ {.NotAField }} bad template"
alerts: []*types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1"},
}, {
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val2"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv2"},
expMsg: map[string]interface{}{
"attachments": []map[string]interface{}{{
"content": map[string]interface{}{
"$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json",
"body": []map[string]interface{}{{
"color": "attention",
"size": "large",
"text": "alert1",
"type": "TextBlock",
"weight": "bolder",
"wrap": true,
}, {
"text": "",
"type": "TextBlock",
"wrap": true,
}, {
"actions": []map[string]interface{}{{
"title": "View URL",
"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
"url": "http://localhost/alerting/list",
"type": "ActionSet",
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"version": "1.4",
"msTeams": map[string]interface{}{
"width": "Full",
"contentType": "application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive",
"type": "message",
expMsgError: nil,
}, {
name: "Error in initing",
settings: `{}`,
expInitError: `could not find url property in settings`,
}, {
name: "webhook returns error message in body with 200",
settings: `{"url": "http://localhost"}`,
alerts: []*types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "alert1", "lbl1": "val1"},
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"ann1": "annv1", "__dashboardUid__": "abcd", "__panelId__": "efgh"},
response: &mockResponse{
status: 200,
body: "some error message",
error: nil,
expMsgError: errors.New("send notification to Teams: webhook failed validation: some error message"),
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(c.name, func(t *testing.T) {
settingsJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(c.settings))
require.NoError(t, err)
m := &NotificationChannelConfig{
Name: "teams_testing",
Type: "teams",
Settings: settingsJSON,
webhookSender := CreateNotificationService(t)
originalClient := notifications.NetClient
defer func() {
clientStub := newMockClient(c.response)
fc := FactoryConfig{
Config: m,
ImageStore: &UnavailableImageStore{},
NotificationService: webhookSender,
Template: tmpl,
pn, err := NewTeamsNotifier(fc)
if c.expInitError != "" {
require.Error(t, err)
require.Equal(t, c.expInitError, err.Error())
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx := notify.WithGroupKey(context.Background(), "alertname")
ctx = notify.WithGroupLabels(ctx, model.LabelSet{"alertname": ""})
ok, err := pn.Notify(ctx, c.alerts...)
if c.expMsgError != nil {
require.False(t, ok)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Equal(t, c.expMsgError.Error(), err.Error())
require.True(t, ok)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, clientStub.lastRequest.URL.String())
expBody, err := json.Marshal(c.expMsg)
require.NoError(t, err)
body, err := io.ReadAll(clientStub.lastRequest.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.JSONEq(t, string(expBody), string(body))
type mockClient struct {
response mockResponse
lastRequest *http.Request
type mockResponse struct {
status int
body string
error error
func (c *mockClient) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// Do Nothing
c.lastRequest = req
return makeResponse(c.response.status, c.response.body), c.response.error
func newMockClient(resp *mockResponse) *mockClient {
client := &mockClient{}
if resp != nil {
client.response = *resp
} else {
client.response = mockResponse{
status: 200,
body: "1",
error: nil,
return client
func makeResponse(status int, body string) *http.Response {
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: status,
Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(body)),