mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 16:15:42 -06:00
* Grafana Enterprise Packaging: Set to conflict with `grafana`, not replace When `grafana` and `grafana-enterprise` are in the same RPM repository, grafana-enterprise takes precedence over Grafana This is not what we want. Users should be able to install either OSS or Enterprise * Set it only one way. It's how it's currently tested
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package packaging
import (
var (
ErrorNoBinaries = errors.New("no binaries found")
ErrorNoDebArch = errors.New("deb architecture not defined")
ErrorNoRPMArch = errors.New("rpm architecture not defined")
const (
maxAttempts = 3
enterpriseSfx = "-enterprise"
enterprise2Sfx = "-enterprise2"
DefaultDebDBBucket = "grafana-aptly-db"
DefaultDebRepoBucket = "grafana-repo"
DefaultRPMRepoBucket = "grafana-repo"
DefaultTTLSeconds = "300"
// PackageRegexp returns a regexp for matching packages corresponding to a certain Grafana edition.
func PackageRegexp(edition config.Edition) *regexp.Regexp {
var sfx string
switch edition {
case config.EditionOSS:
case config.EditionEnterprise:
sfx = "-enterprise"
case config.EditionEnterprise2:
sfx = "-enterprise2"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized edition %q", edition))
rePkg, err := regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf(`^grafana%s(?:-rpi)?[-_][^-_]+.*$`, sfx))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to compile regexp: %s", err))
return rePkg
// PackageGrafana packages Grafana for various variants.
func PackageGrafana(
ctx context.Context,
version string,
grafanaDir string,
cfg config.Config,
edition config.Edition,
variants []config.Variant,
shouldSign bool,
p syncutil.WorkerPool,
) error {
if err := packageGrafana(ctx, edition, version, grafanaDir, variants, shouldSign, p); err != nil {
return err
if err := signRPMPackages(edition, cfg, grafanaDir); err != nil {
return err
if err := checksumPackages(grafanaDir, edition); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func packageGrafana(
ctx context.Context,
edition config.Edition,
version string,
grafanaDir string,
variants []config.Variant,
shouldSign bool,
p syncutil.WorkerPool,
) error {
distDir := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "dist")
exists, err := fs.Exists(distDir)
if err != nil {
return err
if !exists {
log.Printf("directory %s doesn't exist - creating...", distDir)
if err := os.MkdirAll(distDir, 0o755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't create dist: %w", err)
var m pluginsManifest
manifestPath := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "plugins-bundled", "external.json")
manifestB, err := os.ReadFile(manifestPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open plugins manifest %q: %w", manifestPath, err)
if err := json.Unmarshal(manifestB, &m); err != nil {
return err
g, ctx := errutil.GroupWithContext(ctx)
for _, v := range variants {
packageVariant(ctx, v, edition, version, grafanaDir, shouldSign, g, p, m)
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// packageVariant packages Grafana for a certain variant.
func packageVariant(
ctx context.Context,
v config.Variant,
edition config.Edition,
version string,
grafanaDir string,
shouldSign bool,
g *errutil.Group,
p syncutil.WorkerPool,
m pluginsManifest,
) {
p.Schedule(g.Wrap(func() error {
// We've experienced spurious packaging failures, so retry on failure.
i := 0
for {
if err := realPackageVariant(ctx, v, edition, version, grafanaDir, m, shouldSign); err != nil {
if i < maxAttempts {
log.Printf("Packaging for variant %s, %s edition failed: %s, trying again", v, edition, err)
return err
return nil
// signRPMPackages signs the RPM packages.
func signRPMPackages(edition config.Edition, cfg config.Config, grafanaDir string) error {
log.Printf("Signing %s RPM packages...", edition)
var sfx string
switch edition {
case config.EditionOSS:
case config.EditionEnterprise:
sfx = enterpriseSfx
case config.EditionEnterprise2:
sfx = enterprise2Sfx
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unrecognized edition %s", edition))
rpms, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "dist", fmt.Sprintf("grafana%s-*.rpm", sfx)))
if err != nil {
return err
rpmArgs := append([]string{"--addsign"}, rpms...)
log.Printf("Invoking rpm with args: %+v", rpmArgs)
cmd := exec.Command("rpm", rpmArgs...)
if output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to sign RPM packages: %s", output)
if err := os.Remove(cfg.GPGPassPath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove %q: %w", cfg.GPGPassPath, err)
log.Printf("Verifying %s RPM packages...", edition)
// The output changed between rpm versions
reOutput := regexp.MustCompile("(?:digests signatures OK)|(?:pgp.+OK)")
for _, p := range rpms {
cmd := exec.Command("rpm", "-K", p)
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to verify RPM signature: %w", err)
if !reOutput.Match(output) {
return fmt.Errorf("RPM package %q not verified: %s", p, output)
return nil
// checksumPackages generates package checksums with SHA-256.
func checksumPackages(grafanaDir string, edition config.Edition) error {
log.Printf("Checksumming %s packages...", edition)
distDir := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "dist")
rePkg := PackageRegexp(edition)
if err := filepath.Walk(distDir, func(fpath string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
var pathErr *os.PathError
if errors.As(err, &pathErr) {
log.Printf("path error in walk function for file %q: %s", pathErr.Path, pathErr.Err.Error())
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("walking through dist folder failed: %w", err)
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
fname := filepath.Base(fpath)
if strings.HasSuffix(fname, ".sha256") || strings.HasSuffix(fname, ".version") || !rePkg.MatchString(fname) {
log.Printf("Ignoring non-package %q", fpath)
return nil
return shaFile(fpath)
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("checksumming packages in %q failed: %w", distDir, err)
log.Printf("Successfully checksummed %s packages", edition)
return nil
func shaFile(fpath string) error {
fd, err := os.Open(fpath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open %q: %w", fpath, err)
defer func() {
if err := fd.Close(); err != nil {
h := sha256.New()
_, err = io.Copy(h, fd)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read %q: %w", fpath, err)
out, err := os.Create(fpath + ".sha256")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create %q: %w", fpath+".sha256", err)
defer func() {
if err := out.Close(); err != nil {
log.Println("failed to close file", out.Name())
if _, err = fmt.Fprintf(out, "%x\n", h.Sum(nil)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write %q: %w", out.Name(), err)
return nil
// createPackage creates a Linux package.
func createPackage(srcDir string, options linuxPackageOptions) error {
cliBinary := "grafana-cli"
serverBinary := "grafana-server"
packageRoot, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "grafana-linux-pack")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create temporary directory: %w", err)
defer func() {
if err := os.RemoveAll(packageRoot); err != nil {
for _, dname := range []string{
} {
dpath := filepath.Join(packageRoot, dname)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dpath, 0o755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to make directory %q: %w", dpath, err)
if err := fs.CopyFile(options.cliBinaryWrapperSrc, filepath.Join(packageRoot, "usr", "sbin", cliBinary)); err != nil {
return err
if err := fs.CopyFile(filepath.Join(srcDir, "bin", serverBinary),
filepath.Join(packageRoot, "usr", "sbin", serverBinary)); err != nil {
return err
if err := fs.CopyFile(options.initdScriptSrc, filepath.Join(packageRoot, options.initdScriptFilePath)); err != nil {
return err
if err := fs.CopyFile(options.defaultFileSrc, filepath.Join(packageRoot, options.etcDefaultFilePath)); err != nil {
return err
if err := fs.CopyFile(options.systemdFileSrc, filepath.Join(packageRoot, options.systemdServiceFilePath)); err != nil {
return err
if err := fs.CopyRecursive(srcDir, filepath.Join(packageRoot, options.homeDir)); err != nil {
return err
homeBinDir := filepath.Join(packageRoot, options.homeBinDir)
if err := os.RemoveAll(homeBinDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove %q: %w", homeBinDir, err)
if err := os.MkdirAll(homeBinDir, 0o755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to make directory %q: %w", homeBinDir, err)
// The grafana-cli binary is exposed through a wrapper to ensure a proper
// configuration is in place. To enable that, we need to store the original
// binary in a separate location to avoid conflicts.
if err := fs.CopyFile(filepath.Join(srcDir, "bin", cliBinary), filepath.Join(homeBinDir, cliBinary)); err != nil {
return err
if err := executeFPM(options, packageRoot, srcDir); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func executeFPM(options linuxPackageOptions, packageRoot, srcDir string) error {
name := "grafana"
vendor := "Grafana"
if options.edition == config.EditionEnterprise || options.edition == config.EditionEnterprise2 {
vendor += " Enterprise"
if options.edition == config.EditionEnterprise2 {
name += enterprise2Sfx
} else if options.edition == config.EditionEnterprise {
name += enterpriseSfx
if options.goArch == config.ArchARM && options.goArm == "6" {
name += "-rpi"
pkgVersion := packageVersion(options)
args := []string{
"-s", "dir",
"--description", "Grafana",
"-C", packageRoot,
"--url", "https://grafana.com",
"--maintainer", "contact@grafana.com",
"--config-files", options.initdScriptFilePath,
"--config-files", options.etcDefaultFilePath,
"--config-files", options.systemdServiceFilePath,
"--after-install", options.postinstSrc,
"--version", pkgVersion,
"-p", "dist/",
"--name", name,
"--vendor", vendor,
"-a", string(options.packageArch),
if options.edition == config.EditionEnterprise || options.edition == config.EditionEnterprise2 || options.goArch == config.ArchARMv6 {
args = append(args, "--conflicts", "grafana")
if options.edition == config.EditionOSS {
args = append(args, "--license", "\"AGPLv3\"")
switch options.packageType {
case packageTypeRpm:
args = append(args, "-t", "rpm", "--rpm-posttrans", "packaging/rpm/control/posttrans")
case packageTypeDeb:
args = append(args, "-t", "deb", "--deb-no-default-config-files")
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unrecognized package type %d", options.packageType))
for _, dep := range options.depends {
args = append(args, "--depends", dep)
args = append(args, ".")
distDir := filepath.Join(options.grafanaDir, "dist")
log.Printf("Generating package in %q (source directory %q)", distDir, srcDir)
cmdStr := "fpm"
for _, arg := range args {
if strings.Contains(arg, " ") {
arg = fmt.Sprintf("'%s'", arg)
cmdStr += fmt.Sprintf(" %s", arg)
log.Printf("Creating %s package: %s...", options.packageType, cmdStr)
const rvmPath = "/etc/profile.d/rvm.sh"
exists, err := fs.Exists(rvmPath)
if err != nil {
return err
if exists {
cmdStr = fmt.Sprintf("source %q && %s", rvmPath, cmdStr)
log.Printf("Sourcing %q before running fpm", rvmPath)
cmd := exec.Command("/bin/bash", "-c", cmdStr)
cmd.Dir = options.grafanaDir
if output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to run fpm: %s", output)
return nil
// copyPubDir copies public/ from grafanaDir to tmpDir.
func copyPubDir(grafanaDir, tmpDir string) error {
srcPubDir := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "public")
tgtPubDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "public")
log.Printf("Copying %q to %q...", srcPubDir, tgtPubDir)
if err := fs.CopyRecursive(srcPubDir, tgtPubDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to copy %q to %q: %w", srcPubDir, tgtPubDir, err)
return nil
// copyBinaries copies binaries from grafanaDir into tmpDir.
func copyBinaries(grafanaDir, tmpDir string, args grafana.BuildArgs, edition config.Edition) error {
tgtDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "bin")
if err := os.MkdirAll(tgtDir, 0o755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to make directory %q: %w", tgtDir, err)
binDir := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "bin", grafana.BinaryFolder(edition, args))
files, err := os.ReadDir(binDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to list files in %q: %w", binDir, err)
if len(files) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w in %s", ErrorNoBinaries, binDir)
for _, file := range files {
srcPath := filepath.Join(binDir, file.Name())
tgtPath := filepath.Join(tgtDir, file.Name())
if err := fs.CopyFile(srcPath, tgtPath); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// copyScripts copies scripts from grafanaDir into tmpDir.
func copyScripts(grafanaDir, tmpDir string) error {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "scripts"), 0o755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create dir %q: %w", filepath.Join(tmpDir, "scripts"), err)
scriptsDir := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "scripts")
infos, err := os.ReadDir(scriptsDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to list files in %q: %w", scriptsDir, err)
for _, file := range infos {
info, err := file.Info()
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
if info.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
path := ""
path = filepath.Join(scriptsDir, info.Name())
if err := fs.CopyFile(path, filepath.Join(tmpDir, "scripts", info.Name())); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to copy %q to %q: %w", path, tmpDir, err)
return nil
// copyConfFiles copies configuration files from grafanaDir into tmpDir.
func copyConfFiles(grafanaDir, tmpDir string) error {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "conf"), 0o755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create dir %q: %w", filepath.Join(tmpDir, "conf"), err)
confDir := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "conf")
infos, err := os.ReadDir(confDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to list files in %q: %w", confDir, err)
for _, info := range infos {
fpath := filepath.Join(confDir, info.Name())
if err := fs.CopyRecursive(fpath, filepath.Join(tmpDir, "conf", info.Name())); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// copyPlugins copies plugins from grafanaDir into tmpDir.
func copyPlugins(ctx context.Context, v config.Variant, grafanaDir, tmpDir string, m pluginsManifest, shouldSign bool) error {
log.Printf("Copying plugins for package variant %s...", v)
variant2Sfx := map[config.Variant]string{
config.VariantLinuxAmd64: "linux_amd64",
config.VariantDarwinAmd64: "darwin_amd64",
config.VariantWindowsAmd64: "windows_amd64.exe",
tgtDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "plugins-bundled")
exists, err := fs.Exists(tgtDir)
if err != nil {
return err
if !exists {
if err := os.MkdirAll(tgtDir, 0o755); err != nil {
return err
pluginsDir := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "plugins-bundled")
// External plugins.
for _, pm := range m.Plugins {
srcDir := filepath.Join(pluginsDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", pm.Name, pm.Version))
dstDir := filepath.Join(tgtDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", pm.Name, pm.Version))
log.Printf("Copying external plugin %q to %q...", srcDir, dstDir)
jsonB, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(srcDir, "plugin.json"))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read %q: %w", filepath.Join(srcDir, "plugin.json"), err)
var plugJSON map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonB, &plugJSON); err != nil {
return err
plugExe, ok := plugJSON["executable"].(string)
var wantExe string
if ok && strings.TrimSpace(plugExe) != "" {
sfx := variant2Sfx[v]
if sfx == "" {
log.Printf("External plugin %s-%s doesn't have an executable for variant %s - ignoring",
pm.Name, pm.Version, v)
wantExe = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", plugExe, sfx)
log.Printf("The external plugin should contain an executable %q", wantExe)
exists, err := fs.Exists(filepath.Join(srcDir, wantExe))
if err != nil {
return err
if !exists {
log.Printf("External plugin %s-%s doesn't have an executable of the right format: %q - ignoring",
pm.Name, pm.Version, wantExe)
if err := filepath.Walk(srcDir, func(pth string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("Handling %q", pth)
relPath := strings.TrimPrefix(pth, srcDir)
relPath = strings.TrimPrefix(relPath, "/")
dstPath := filepath.Join(dstDir, relPath)
if info.IsDir() {
log.Printf("Making directory %q", dstPath)
return os.MkdirAll(dstPath, info.Mode())
if wantExe != "" {
m, err := regexp.MatchString(fmt.Sprintf(`^%s_[^/]+$`, plugExe), relPath)
if err != nil {
return err
if m && relPath != wantExe {
// Ignore other executable variants
log.Printf("Ignoring executable variant %q", pth)
return nil
log.Printf("Copying %q to %q", pth, dstPath)
return fs.CopyFile(pth, dstPath)
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to copy external plugin %q to %q: %w", srcDir, dstDir, err)
if shouldSign {
if err := plugins.BuildManifest(ctx, dstDir, true); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to generate signed manifest for external plugin %q: %w", dstDir, err)
return copyInternalPlugins(pluginsDir, tmpDir)
func copyInternalPlugins(pluginsDir, tmpDir string) error {
tgtDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "plugins-bundled", "internal")
srcDir := filepath.Join(pluginsDir, "dist")
exists, err := fs.Exists(tgtDir)
if err != nil {
return err
if !exists {
if err := os.MkdirAll(tgtDir, 0o755); err != nil {
return err
// Copy over internal plugins.
fis, err := os.ReadDir(srcDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to list internal plugins in %q: %w", srcDir, err)
for _, fi := range fis {
srcPath := filepath.Join(srcDir, fi.Name())
if !fi.IsDir() {
log.Printf("Ignoring non-directory %q", srcPath)
dstPath := filepath.Join(tgtDir, fi.Name())
log.Printf("Copying internal plugin %q to %q...", srcPath, dstPath)
if err := fs.CopyRecursive(srcPath, dstPath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to copy %q to %q: %w", srcPath, dstPath, err)
return nil
func realPackageVariant(ctx context.Context, v config.Variant, edition config.Edition, version, grafanaDir string,
m pluginsManifest, shouldSign bool) error {
log.Printf("Packaging Grafana %s for %s...", edition, v)
enableDeb := false
enableRpm := false
switch v {
case config.VariantLinuxAmd64:
enableDeb = true
enableRpm = true
case config.VariantArmV6:
enableDeb = true
case config.VariantArmV7:
enableDeb = true
enableRpm = true
case config.VariantArm64:
enableDeb = true
enableRpm = true
tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create temporary directory: %w", err)
defer func() {
if err := os.RemoveAll(tmpDir); err != nil {
args := grafana.VariantBuildArgs(v)
if err := copyPubDir(grafanaDir, tmpDir); err != nil {
return err
if err := copyBinaries(grafanaDir, tmpDir, args, edition); err != nil {
return err
if err := copyScripts(grafanaDir, tmpDir); err != nil {
return err
if err := copyConfFiles(grafanaDir, tmpDir); err != nil {
return err
if err := copyPlugins(ctx, v, grafanaDir, tmpDir, m, shouldSign); err != nil {
return err
if v == config.VariantWindowsAmd64 {
toolsDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tools")
if err := os.MkdirAll(toolsDir, 0o755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create tools dir %q: %w", toolsDir, err)
if err := fs.CopyFile("/usr/local/go/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip",
filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tools", "zoneinfo.zip")); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "VERSION"), []byte(version), 0664); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write %s/VERSION: %w", tmpDir, err)
if err := createArchive(tmpDir, edition, v, version, grafanaDir); err != nil {
return err
if enableDeb {
if args.DebArch == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("%w for %s", ErrorNoDebArch, v)
if err := createPackage(tmpDir, linuxPackageOptions{
edition: edition,
version: version,
grafanaDir: grafanaDir,
goArch: args.GoArch,
goArm: args.GoArm,
packageType: packageTypeDeb,
packageArch: args.DebArch,
homeDir: "/usr/share/grafana",
homeBinDir: "/usr/share/grafana/bin",
binPath: "/usr/sbin",
configDir: "/etc/grafana",
etcDefaultPath: "/etc/default",
etcDefaultFilePath: "/etc/default/grafana-server",
initdScriptFilePath: "/etc/init.d/grafana-server",
systemdServiceFilePath: "/usr/lib/systemd/system/grafana-server.service",
postinstSrc: filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "packaging", "deb", "control", "postinst"),
initdScriptSrc: filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "packaging", "deb", "init.d", "grafana-server"),
defaultFileSrc: filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "packaging", "deb", "default", "grafana-server"),
systemdFileSrc: filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "packaging", "deb", "systemd", "grafana-server.service"),
cliBinaryWrapperSrc: filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "packaging", "wrappers", "grafana-cli"),
depends: []string{"adduser", "libfontconfig1"},
}); err != nil {
return err
if !enableRpm {
return nil
if args.RPMArch == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("%w for %s", ErrorNoRPMArch, v)
if err := createPackage(tmpDir, linuxPackageOptions{
edition: edition,
version: version,
grafanaDir: grafanaDir,
goArch: args.GoArch,
packageType: packageTypeRpm,
packageArch: args.RPMArch,
homeDir: "/usr/share/grafana",
homeBinDir: "/usr/share/grafana/bin",
binPath: "/usr/sbin",
configDir: "/etc/grafana",
etcDefaultPath: "/etc/sysconfig",
etcDefaultFilePath: "/etc/sysconfig/grafana-server",
initdScriptFilePath: "/etc/init.d/grafana-server",
systemdServiceFilePath: "/usr/lib/systemd/system/grafana-server.service",
postinstSrc: filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "packaging", "rpm", "control", "postinst"),
initdScriptSrc: filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "packaging", "rpm", "init.d", "grafana-server"),
defaultFileSrc: filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "packaging", "rpm", "sysconfig", "grafana-server"),
systemdFileSrc: filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "packaging", "rpm", "systemd", "grafana-server.service"),
cliBinaryWrapperSrc: filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "packaging", "wrappers", "grafana-cli"),
// chkconfig is depended on since our systemd service wraps a SysV init script, and that requires chkconfig
depends: []string{"/sbin/service", "chkconfig", "fontconfig", "freetype", "urw-fonts"},
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// pluginManifest has details of an external plugin package.
type pluginManifest struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Checksum string `json:"checksum"`
// pluginsManifest represents a manifest of Grafana's external plugins.
type pluginsManifest struct {
Plugins []pluginManifest `json:"plugins"`
// packageVersion converts a Grafana version into the corresponding package version.
func packageVersion(options linuxPackageOptions) string {
verComponents := strings.Split(options.version, "-")
if len(verComponents) > 2 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Version string contains more than one hyphen: %q", options.version))
switch options.packageType {
case packageTypeDeb, packageTypeRpm:
if len(verComponents) > 1 {
// With Debian and RPM packages, it's customary to prefix any pre-release component with a ~, since this
// is considered of lower lexical value than the empty character, and this way pre-release versions are
// considered to be of a lower version than the final version (which lacks this suffix).
return fmt.Sprintf("%s~%s", verComponents[0], verComponents[1])
return options.version
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unrecognized package type %s", options.packageType))
type packageType int
func (pt packageType) String() string {
switch pt {
case packageTypeDeb:
return "Debian"
case packageTypeRpm:
return "RPM"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unrecognized package type %d", pt))
const (
packageTypeDeb packageType = iota
type linuxPackageOptions struct {
edition config.Edition
packageType packageType
version string
grafanaDir string
goArch config.Architecture
goArm string
packageArch config.Architecture
homeDir string
homeBinDir string
binPath string
configDir string
etcDefaultPath string
etcDefaultFilePath string
initdScriptFilePath string
systemdServiceFilePath string
postinstSrc string
initdScriptSrc string
defaultFileSrc string
systemdFileSrc string
cliBinaryWrapperSrc string
depends []string
// createArchive makes a distribution archive.
func createArchive(srcDir string, edition config.Edition, v config.Variant, version, grafanaDir string) error {
distDir := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "dist")
exists, err := fs.Exists(distDir)
if err != nil {
return err
if !exists {
log.Printf("directory %s doesn't exist - creating...", distDir)
if err := os.MkdirAll(distDir, 0o755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't create dist: %w", err)
sfx := ""
if edition == config.EditionEnterprise2 {
sfx = enterprise2Sfx
} else if edition == config.EditionEnterprise {
sfx = enterpriseSfx
if v != config.VariantWindowsAmd64 {
return createTarball(srcDir, version, string(v), sfx, grafanaDir)
return createZip(srcDir, version, string(v), sfx, grafanaDir)
func createZip(srcDir, version, variantStr, sfx, grafanaDir string) error {
fpath := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "dist", fmt.Sprintf("grafana%s-%s.%s.zip", sfx, version, variantStr))
tgt, err := os.Create(fpath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create %q: %w", fpath, err)
defer func() {
if err := tgt.Close(); err != nil {
if err := os.Chmod(fpath, 0664); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set permissions on %q: %w", fpath, err)
zipWriter := zip.NewWriter(tgt)
defer func() {
if err := zipWriter.Close(); err != nil {
for _, fname := range []string{"LICENSE", "README.md", "NOTICE.md"} {
fpath := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, fname)
fi, err := os.Lstat(fpath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't stat %q: %w", fpath, err)
hdr, err := zip.FileInfoHeader(fi)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open zip header: %w", err)
// Enable compression, as it's disabled by default
hdr.Method = zip.Deflate
hdr.Name = fmt.Sprintf("grafana-%s/%s", version, fname)
w, err := zipWriter.CreateHeader(hdr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing zip header: %w", err)
src, err := os.Open(fpath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open %q: %w", fname, err)
if _, err := io.Copy(w, src); err != nil {
if err := src.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing zip entry: %w", err)
if err := src.Close(); err != nil {
if err := filepath.Walk(srcDir, func(fpath string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if fpath == srcDir {
return nil
hdr, err := zip.FileInfoHeader(fi)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open zip header: %s", err)
// Enable compression, as it's disabled by default
hdr.Method = zip.Deflate
hdr.Name = fmt.Sprintf("grafana-%s/%s", version, strings.TrimPrefix(fpath, fmt.Sprintf("%s/", srcDir)))
if fi.IsDir() {
// A trailing slash means it's a directory
if hdr.Name[len(hdr.Name)-1] != '/' {
hdr.Name += "/"
w, err := zipWriter.CreateHeader(hdr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing zip header: %s", err)
if fi.IsDir() {
return nil
src, err := os.Open(fpath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open %q: %w", fpath, err)
if _, err := io.Copy(w, src); err != nil {
if err := src.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing zip entry: %w", err)
if err := src.Close(); err != nil {
return nil
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to traverse directory %q: %w", srcDir, err)
if err := zipWriter.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing %q: %w", fpath, err)
if err := tgt.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing %q: %w", fpath, err)
log.Printf("Successfully created %q", fpath)
return nil
// nolint
func createTarball(srcDir, version, variantStr, sfx, grafanaDir string) error {
fpath := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, "dist", fmt.Sprintf("grafana%s-%s.%s.tar.gz", sfx, version, variantStr))
tgt, err := os.Create(fpath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create %q: %w", fpath, err)
defer func() {
if err := tgt.Close(); err != nil {
if err := os.Chmod(fpath, 0664); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set permissions on %q: %w", fpath, err)
gzWriter, err := gzip.NewWriterLevel(tgt, gzip.BestCompression)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create gzip writer: %w", err)
defer func() {
if err := gzWriter.Close(); err != nil {
tarWriter := tar.NewWriter(gzWriter)
defer func() {
if err := tarWriter.Close(); err != nil {
for _, fname := range []string{"LICENSE", "README.md", "NOTICE.md"} {
fpath := filepath.Join(grafanaDir, fname)
fi, err := os.Lstat(fpath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't stat %q: %w", fpath, err)
hdr, err := tar.FileInfoHeader(fi, "")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed getting tar header: %w", err)
hdr.Name = fmt.Sprintf("grafana-%s/%s", version, fname)
if err := tarWriter.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing tar header: %w", err)
src, err := os.Open(fpath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open %q: %w", fname, err)
if _, err := io.Copy(tarWriter, src); err != nil {
if err := src.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing tar entry: %w", err)
if err := src.Close(); err != nil {
if err := filepath.Walk(srcDir, func(fpath string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if fpath == srcDir {
return nil
linkTgt := ""
if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
log.Printf("reading link '%s'", fpath)
linkTgt, err = os.Readlink(fpath)
if err != nil {
return err
linkTgt = fmt.Sprintf("grafana-%s/%s", version, linkTgt)
hdr, err := tar.FileInfoHeader(fi, linkTgt)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed getting tar header: %w", err)
hdr.Name = fmt.Sprintf("grafana-%s/%s", version, strings.TrimPrefix(fpath, fmt.Sprintf("%s/", srcDir)))
if err := tarWriter.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing tar header: %w", err)
if fi.IsDir() {
return nil
src, err := os.Open(fpath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open %q: %w", fpath, err)
if _, err := io.Copy(tarWriter, src); err != nil {
if err := src.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing tar entry: %w", err)
if err := src.Close(); err != nil {
return nil
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to traverse directory %q: %w", srcDir, err)
if err := tarWriter.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing %q: %w", fpath, err)
if err := gzWriter.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing %q: %w", fpath, err)
if err := tgt.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed writing %q: %w", fpath, err)
st, err := os.Stat(fpath)
if err != nil {
return err
perms := st.Mode() & os.ModePerm
log.Printf("Successfully created package %q (permissions: %o)", fpath, perms)
return nil