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synced 2024-11-25 18:30:41 -06:00
Some refactoring that will simplify next changes for dry-run PRs. This should be no-op as far as the created ngalert resources and database state, though it does change some logs. The key change here is to modify migrateOrg to return pairs of legacy struct + ngalert struct instead of actually persisting the alerts and alertmanager config. This will allow us to capture error information during dry-run migration. It also moves most persistence-related operations such as title deduplication and folder creation to the right before we persist. This will simplify eventual partial migrations (individual alerts, dashboards, channels, ...). Additionally it changes channel code to deal with PostableGrafanaReceiver instead of PostableApiReceiver (integration instead of contact point).
419 lines
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419 lines
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package migration
import (
migrationStore "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/migration/store"
ngmodels "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/models"
// It is defined in pkg/expr/service.go as "DatasourceType"
const expressionDatasourceUID = "__expr__"
// dashAlertSettings is a type for the JSON that is in the settings field of
// the alert table.
type dashAlertSettings struct {
NoDataState string `json:"noDataState"`
ExecutionErrorState string `json:"executionErrorState"`
Conditions []dashAlertCondition `json:"conditions"`
AlertRuleTags any `json:"alertRuleTags"`
Notifications []notificationKey `json:"notifications"`
// notificationKey is the object that represents the Notifications array in legacymodels.Alert.Settings.
// At least one of ID or UID should always be present, otherwise the legacy channel was invalid.
type notificationKey struct {
UID string `json:"uid,omitempty"`
ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"`
// dashAlertingConditionJSON is like classic.ClassicConditionJSON except that it
// includes the model property with the query.
type dashAlertCondition struct {
Evaluator evaluator `json:"evaluator"`
Operator struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"operator"`
Query struct {
Params []string `json:"params"`
DatasourceID int64 `json:"datasourceId"`
Model json.RawMessage
} `json:"query"`
Reducer struct {
// Params []any `json:"params"` (Unused)
Type string `json:"type"`
type evaluator struct {
Params []float64 `json:"params"`
Type string `json:"type"` // e.g. "gt"
func transConditions(ctx context.Context, l log.Logger, set dashAlertSettings, orgID int64, store migrationStore.ReadStore) (*condition, error) {
// TODO: needs a significant refactor to reduce complexity.
usr := getMigrationUser(orgID)
refIDtoCondIdx := make(map[string][]int) // a map of original refIds to their corresponding condition index
for i, cond := range set.Conditions {
if len(cond.Query.Params) != 3 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of query parameters in cond %v, want 3 got %v", i+1, len(cond.Query.Params))
refID := cond.Query.Params[0]
refIDtoCondIdx[refID] = append(refIDtoCondIdx[refID], i)
newRefIDstoCondIdx := make(map[string][]int) // a map of the new refIds to their coresponding condition index
refIDs := make([]string, 0, len(refIDtoCondIdx)) // a unique sorted list of the original refIDs
for refID := range refIDtoCondIdx {
refIDs = append(refIDs, refID)
newRefIDsToTimeRanges := make(map[string][2]string) // a map of new RefIDs to their time range string tuple representation
for _, refID := range refIDs {
condIdxes := refIDtoCondIdx[refID]
if len(condIdxes) == 1 {
// If the refID does not exist yet and the condition only has one reference, we can add it directly.
if _, exists := newRefIDstoCondIdx[refID]; !exists {
// If the refID is used in only condition, keep the letter a new refID
newRefIDstoCondIdx[refID] = append(newRefIDstoCondIdx[refID], condIdxes[0])
newRefIDsToTimeRanges[refID] = [2]string{set.Conditions[condIdxes[0]].Query.Params[1], set.Conditions[condIdxes[0]].Query.Params[2]}
// track unique time ranges within the same refID
timeRangesToCondIdx := make(map[[2]string][]int) // a map of the time range tuple to the condition index
for _, idx := range condIdxes {
timeParamFrom := set.Conditions[idx].Query.Params[1]
timeParamTo := set.Conditions[idx].Query.Params[2]
key := [2]string{timeParamFrom, timeParamTo}
timeRangesToCondIdx[key] = append(timeRangesToCondIdx[key], idx)
if len(timeRangesToCondIdx) == 1 {
// If the refID does not exist yet and the condition only has one reference, we can add it directly.
if _, exists := newRefIDstoCondIdx[refID]; !exists {
// if all shared time range, no need to create a new query with a new RefID
for i := range condIdxes {
newRefIDstoCondIdx[refID] = append(newRefIDstoCondIdx[refID], condIdxes[i])
newRefIDsToTimeRanges[refID] = [2]string{set.Conditions[condIdxes[i]].Query.Params[1], set.Conditions[condIdxes[i]].Query.Params[2]}
// This referenced query/refID has different time ranges, so new queries are needed for each unique time range.
timeRanges := make([][2]string, 0, len(timeRangesToCondIdx)) // a sorted list of unique time ranges for the query
for tr := range timeRangesToCondIdx {
timeRanges = append(timeRanges, tr)
sort.Slice(timeRanges, func(i, j int) bool {
switch {
case timeRanges[i][0] < timeRanges[j][0]:
return true
case timeRanges[i][0] > timeRanges[j][0]:
return false
return timeRanges[i][1] < timeRanges[j][1]
for _, tr := range timeRanges {
idxes := timeRangesToCondIdx[tr]
for i := 0; i < len(idxes); i++ {
newLetter, err := getNewRefID(newRefIDstoCondIdx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newRefIDstoCondIdx[newLetter] = append(newRefIDstoCondIdx[newLetter], idxes[i])
newRefIDsToTimeRanges[newLetter] = [2]string{set.Conditions[idxes[i]].Query.Params[1], set.Conditions[idxes[i]].Query.Params[2]}
newRefIDs := make([]string, 0, len(newRefIDstoCondIdx)) // newRefIds is a sorted list of the unique refIds of new queries
for refID := range newRefIDstoCondIdx {
newRefIDs = append(newRefIDs, refID)
newCond := &condition{}
condIdxToNewRefID := make(map[int]string) // a map of condition indices to the RefIDs of new queries
// build the new data source queries
for _, refID := range newRefIDs {
condIdxes := newRefIDstoCondIdx[refID]
for i, condIdx := range condIdxes {
condIdxToNewRefID[condIdx] = refID
if i > 0 {
// only create each unique query once
var queryObj map[string]any // copy the model
err := json.Unmarshal(set.Conditions[condIdx].Query.Model, &queryObj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var queryType string
if v, ok := queryObj["queryType"]; ok {
if s, ok := v.(string); ok {
queryType = s
// Could have an alert saved but datasource deleted, so can not require match.
ds, err := store.GetDatasource(ctx, set.Conditions[condIdx].Query.DatasourceID, usr)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, datasources.ErrDataSourceNotFound) {
return nil, err
queryObj["refId"] = refID
// See services/alerting/conditions/query.go's newQueryCondition
queryObj["maxDataPoints"] = interval.DefaultRes
simpleJson, err := simplejson.NewJson(set.Conditions[condIdx].Query.Model)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rawFrom := newRefIDsToTimeRanges[refID][0]
rawTo := newRefIDsToTimeRanges[refID][1]
// We check if the minInterval stored in the model is parseable. If it's not, we use "1s" instead.
// The reason for this is because of a bug in legacy alerting which allows arbitrary variables to be used
// as the min interval, even though those variables do not work and will cause the legacy alert
// to fail with `interval calculation failed: time: invalid duration`.
if _, err := interval.GetIntervalFrom(ds, simpleJson, time.Millisecond*1); err != nil {
l.Warn("failed to parse min interval from query model, using '1s' instead", "interval", simpleJson.Get("interval").MustString(), "err", err)
simpleJson.Set("interval", "1s")
calculatedInterval, err := calculateInterval(legacydata.NewDataTimeRange(rawFrom, rawTo), simpleJson, ds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
queryObj["intervalMs"] = calculatedInterval.Milliseconds()
encodedObj, err := json.Marshal(queryObj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rTR, err := getRelativeDuration(rawFrom, rawTo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
alertQuery := ngmodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: refID,
Model: encodedObj,
RelativeTimeRange: *rTR,
QueryType: queryType,
if ds != nil {
alertQuery.DatasourceUID = ds.UID
newCond.Data = append(newCond.Data, alertQuery)
// build the new classic condition pointing our new equivalent queries
conditions := make([]classicCondition, len(set.Conditions))
for i, cond := range set.Conditions {
newCond := classicCondition{}
newCond.Evaluator = evaluator{
Type: cond.Evaluator.Type,
Params: cond.Evaluator.Params,
newCond.Operator.Type = cond.Operator.Type
newCond.Query.Params = append(newCond.Query.Params, condIdxToNewRefID[i])
newCond.Reducer.Type = cond.Reducer.Type
conditions[i] = newCond
ccRefID, err := getNewRefID(newRefIDstoCondIdx) // get refID for the classic condition
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newCond.Condition = ccRefID // set the alert condition to point to the classic condition
newCond.OrgID = orgID
exprModel := struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
RefID string `json:"refId"`
Conditions []classicCondition `json:"conditions"`
exprModelJSON, err := json.Marshal(&exprModel)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ccAlertQuery := ngmodels.AlertQuery{
RefID: ccRefID,
Model: exprModelJSON,
DatasourceUID: expressionDatasourceUID,
newCond.Data = append(newCond.Data, ccAlertQuery)
sort.Slice(newCond.Data, func(i, j int) bool {
return newCond.Data[i].RefID < newCond.Data[j].RefID
return newCond, nil
type condition struct {
// Condition is the RefID of the query or expression from
// the Data property to get the results for.
Condition string `json:"condition"`
OrgID int64 `json:"-"`
// Data is an array of data source queries and/or server side expressions.
Data []ngmodels.AlertQuery `json:"data"`
// getNewRefID finds first capital letter in the alphabet not in use
// to use for a new RefID. It errors if it runs out of letters.
func getNewRefID(refIDs map[string][]int) (string, error) {
for _, r := range alpha {
sR := string(r)
if _, ok := refIDs[sR]; ok {
return sR, nil
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
sR := util.GenerateShortUID()
if _, ok := refIDs[sR]; ok {
return sR, nil
return "", errors.New("failed to generate unique RefID")
// getRelativeDuration turns the alerting durations for dashboard conditions
// into a relative time range.
func getRelativeDuration(rawFrom, rawTo string) (*ngmodels.RelativeTimeRange, error) {
fromD, err := getFrom(rawFrom)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
toD, err := getTo(rawTo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ngmodels.RelativeTimeRange{
From: ngmodels.Duration(fromD),
To: ngmodels.Duration(toD),
}, nil
func getFrom(from string) (time.Duration, error) {
fromRaw := strings.Replace(from, "now-", "", 1)
d, err := time.ParseDuration("-" + fromRaw)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return -d, err
func getTo(to string) (time.Duration, error) {
if to == "now" {
return 0, nil
} else if strings.HasPrefix(to, "now-") {
withoutNow := strings.Replace(to, "now-", "", 1)
d, err := time.ParseDuration("-" + withoutNow)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return -d, nil
d, err := time.ParseDuration(to)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return -d, nil
type classicCondition struct {
Evaluator evaluator `json:"evaluator"`
Operator struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"operator"`
Query struct {
Params []string `json:"params"`
} `json:"query"`
Reducer struct {
// Params []any `json:"params"` (Unused)
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"reducer"`
// Copied from services/alerting/conditions/query.go's calculateInterval
func calculateInterval(timeRange legacydata.DataTimeRange, model *simplejson.Json, dsInfo *datasources.DataSource) (time.Duration, error) {
// if there is no min-interval specified in the datasource or in the dashboard-panel,
// the value of 1ms is used (this is how it is done in the dashboard-interval-calculation too,
// see https://github.com/grafana/grafana/blob/9a0040c0aeaae8357c650cec2ee644a571dddf3d/packages/grafana-data/src/datetime/rangeutil.ts#L264)
defaultMinInterval := time.Millisecond * 1
// interval.GetIntervalFrom has two problems (but they do not affect us here):
// - it returns the min-interval, so it should be called interval.GetMinIntervalFrom
// - it falls back to model.intervalMs. it should not, because that one is the real final
// interval-value calculated by the browser. but, in this specific case (old-alert),
// that value is not set, so the fallback never happens.
minInterval, err := interval.GetIntervalFrom(dsInfo, model, defaultMinInterval)
if err != nil {
return time.Duration(0), err
calc := interval.NewCalculator()
intvl := calc.Calculate(timeRange, minInterval)
return intvl.Value, nil