Carl Bergquist 5d6ed6c45f
prom: add support for default step param (#9866)
Alerting for prometheus have been depending on the step parameter from each query.
In we changed the behavior for step in the
frontend which caused problems for alerting. This commit fixes that by introducing a default
min interval value so alerting always have something to depend on. 

closes #9777
2017-11-15 11:22:00 +01:00

159 lines
3.6 KiB

package influxdb
import (
var (
regexpOperatorPattern *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^\/.*\/$`)
regexpMeasurementPattern *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^\/.*\/$`)
func (query *Query) Build(queryContext *tsdb.TsdbQuery) (string, error) {
var res string
if query.UseRawQuery && query.RawQuery != "" {
res = query.RawQuery
} else {
res = query.renderSelectors(queryContext)
res += query.renderMeasurement()
res += query.renderWhereClause()
res += query.renderTimeFilter(queryContext)
res += query.renderGroupBy(queryContext)
calculator := tsdb.NewIntervalCalculator(&tsdb.IntervalOptions{})
interval := calculator.Calculate(queryContext.TimeRange, query.Interval)
res = strings.Replace(res, "$timeFilter", query.renderTimeFilter(queryContext), -1)
res = strings.Replace(res, "$interval", interval.Text, -1)
res = strings.Replace(res, "$__interval_ms", strconv.FormatInt(interval.Value.Nanoseconds()/int64(time.Millisecond), 10), -1)
res = strings.Replace(res, "$__interval", interval.Text, -1)
return res, nil
func (query *Query) renderTags() []string {
var res []string
for i, tag := range query.Tags {
str := ""
if i > 0 {
if tag.Condition == "" {
str += "AND"
} else {
str += tag.Condition
str += " "
//If the operator is missing we fall back to sensible defaults
if tag.Operator == "" {
if regexpOperatorPattern.Match([]byte(tag.Value)) {
tag.Operator = "=~"
} else {
tag.Operator = "="
textValue := ""
// quote value unless regex or number
if tag.Operator == "=~" || tag.Operator == "!~" {
textValue = tag.Value
} else if tag.Operator == "<" || tag.Operator == ">" {
textValue = tag.Value
} else {
textValue = fmt.Sprintf("'%s'", tag.Value)
res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf(`%s"%s" %s %s`, str, tag.Key, tag.Operator, textValue))
return res
func (query *Query) renderTimeFilter(queryContext *tsdb.TsdbQuery) string {
from := "now() - " + queryContext.TimeRange.From
to := ""
if queryContext.TimeRange.To != "now" && queryContext.TimeRange.To != "" {
to = " and time < now() - " + strings.Replace(queryContext.TimeRange.To, "now-", "", 1)
return fmt.Sprintf("time > %s%s", from, to)
func (query *Query) renderSelectors(queryContext *tsdb.TsdbQuery) string {
res := "SELECT "
var selectors []string
for _, sel := range query.Selects {
stk := ""
for _, s := range *sel {
stk = s.Render(query, queryContext, stk)
selectors = append(selectors, stk)
return res + strings.Join(selectors, ", ")
func (query *Query) renderMeasurement() string {
policy := ""
if query.Policy == "" || query.Policy == "default" {
policy = ""
} else {
policy = `"` + query.Policy + `".`
measurement := query.Measurement
if !regexpMeasurementPattern.Match([]byte(measurement)) {
measurement = fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, measurement)
return fmt.Sprintf(` FROM %s%s`, policy, measurement)
func (query *Query) renderWhereClause() string {
res := " WHERE "
conditions := query.renderTags()
if len(conditions) > 0 {
if len(conditions) > 1 {
res += "(" + strings.Join(conditions, " ") + ")"
} else {
res += conditions[0]
res += " AND "
return res
func (query *Query) renderGroupBy(queryContext *tsdb.TsdbQuery) string {
groupBy := ""
for i, group := range query.GroupBy {
if i == 0 {
groupBy += " GROUP BY"
if i > 0 && group.Type != "fill" {
groupBy += ", " //fill is so very special. fill is a creep, fill is a weirdo
} else {
groupBy += " "
groupBy += group.Render(query, queryContext, "")
return groupBy