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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Sandbox: Log a plugin loading inside the sandbox * Improve tracking of general sandbox errors * Fix import
133 lines
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133 lines
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import { isNearMembraneProxy } from '@locker/near-membrane-shared';
import React from 'react';
import { PluginSignatureType, PluginType } from '@grafana/data';
import { LogContext } from '@grafana/faro-web-sdk';
import {
logWarning as logWarningRuntime,
logError as logErrorRuntime,
logInfo as logInfoRuntime,
} from '@grafana/runtime';
import { getPluginSettings } from '../pluginSettings';
import { SandboxedPluginObject } from './types';
const monitorOnly = Boolean(config.featureToggles.frontendSandboxMonitorOnly);
export function isSandboxedPluginObject(value: unknown): value is SandboxedPluginObject {
return !!value && typeof value === 'object' && value?.hasOwnProperty('plugin');
export function assertNever(x: never): never {
throw new Error(`Unexpected object: ${x}. This should never happen.`);
export function isReactClassComponent(obj: unknown): obj is React.Component {
return obj instanceof React.Component;
export function logWarning(message: string, context?: LogContext) {
context = {
source: 'sandbox',
monitorOnly: String(monitorOnly),
logWarningRuntime(message, context);
export function logError(error: Error, context?: LogContext) {
context = {
source: 'sandbox',
monitorOnly: String(monitorOnly),
logErrorRuntime(error, context);
export function logInfo(message: string, context?: LogContext) {
context = {
source: 'sandbox',
monitorOnly: String(monitorOnly),
logInfoRuntime(message, context);
export async function isFrontendSandboxSupported({
}: {
isAngular?: boolean;
pluginId: string;
}): Promise<boolean> {
// Only if the feature is not enabled no support for sandbox
if (!Boolean(config.featureToggles.pluginsFrontendSandbox)) {
return false;
// no support for angular plugins
if (isAngular) {
return false;
// To fast test and debug the sandbox in the browser.
const sandboxDisableQueryParam = location.search.includes('nosandbox') && config.buildInfo.env === 'development';
if (sandboxDisableQueryParam) {
return false;
// if disabled by configuration
const isPluginExcepted = config.disableFrontendSandboxForPlugins.includes(pluginId);
if (isPluginExcepted) {
return false;
// no sandbox in test mode. it often breaks e2e tests
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
return false;
// we don't run grafana-own apps in the sandbox
const pluginMeta = await getPluginSettings(pluginId);
if (pluginMeta.type === PluginType.app && pluginMeta.signatureType === PluginSignatureType.grafana) {
return false;
return true;
function isRegex(value: unknown): value is RegExp {
return value?.constructor?.name === 'RegExp';
* Near membrane regex proxy objects behave just exactly the same as regular RegExp objects
* with only one difference: they are not `instanceof RegExp`.
* This function takes a structure and makes sure any regex that is a nearmembraneproxy
* and returns the same regex but in the bluerealm
export function unboxRegexesFromMembraneProxy(structure: unknown): unknown {
if (!structure) {
return structure;
// Proxy regexes loook and behave like proxies but they
// are not instanceof RegExp
if (isRegex(structure) && isNearMembraneProxy(structure)) {
return new RegExp(structure);
if (Array.isArray(structure)) {
return structure.map(unboxRegexesFromMembraneProxy);
if (typeof structure === 'object') {
return Object.keys(structure).reduce((acc, key) => {
Reflect.set(acc, key, unboxRegexesFromMembraneProxy(Reflect.get(structure, key)));
return acc;
}, {});
return structure;