George Robinson 3ca00f90b5
Contact point testing (#37308)
This commit adds contact point testing to ngalerts via a new API
endpoint. This endpoint accepts JSON containing a list of
receiver configurations which are validated and then tested
with a notification for a test alert. The endpoint returns JSON
for each receiver with a status and error message. It accepts
a configurable timeout via the Request-Timeout header (in seconds)
up to a maximum of 30 seconds.
2021-08-17 13:49:05 +01:00

108 lines
3.9 KiB

package api
import (
apimodels ""
// timeNow makes it possible to test usage of time
var timeNow = time.Now
type Scheduler interface {
AlertmanagersFor(orgID int64) []*url.URL
DroppedAlertmanagersFor(orgID int64) []*url.URL
type Alertmanager interface {
// Configuration
// temporary add orgID parameter; this will move to the Alertmanager wrapper when it will be available
SaveAndApplyConfig(orgID int64, config *apimodels.PostableUserConfig) error
// temporary add orgID parameter; this will move to the Alertmanager wrapper when it will be available
SaveAndApplyDefaultConfig(orgID int64) error
GetStatus() apimodels.GettableStatus
// Silences
CreateSilence(ps *apimodels.PostableSilence) (string, error)
DeleteSilence(silenceID string) error
GetSilence(silenceID string) (apimodels.GettableSilence, error)
ListSilences(filter []string) (apimodels.GettableSilences, error)
// Alerts
GetAlerts(active, silenced, inhibited bool, filter []string, receiver string) (apimodels.GettableAlerts, error)
GetAlertGroups(active, silenced, inhibited bool, filter []string, receiver string) (apimodels.AlertGroups, error)
// Testing
TestReceivers(ctx context.Context, c apimodels.TestReceiversConfigParams) (*notifier.TestReceiversResult, error)
// API handlers.
type API struct {
Cfg *setting.Cfg
DatasourceCache datasources.CacheService
RouteRegister routing.RouteRegister
DataService *tsdb.Service
QuotaService *quota.QuotaService
Schedule schedule.ScheduleService
RuleStore store.RuleStore
InstanceStore store.InstanceStore
AlertingStore store.AlertingStore
AdminConfigStore store.AdminConfigurationStore
DataProxy *datasourceproxy.DatasourceProxyService
Alertmanager Alertmanager
StateManager *state.Manager
// RegisterAPIEndpoints registers API handlers
func (api *API) RegisterAPIEndpoints(m *metrics.Metrics) {
logger := log.New("ngalert.api")
proxy := &AlertingProxy{
DataProxy: api.DataProxy,
// Register endpoints for proxying to Alertmanager-compatible backends.
NewLotexAM(proxy, logger),
AlertmanagerSrv{store: api.AlertingStore, am: api.Alertmanager, log: logger},
), m)
// Register endpoints for proxying to Prometheus-compatible backends.
NewLotexProm(proxy, logger),
PrometheusSrv{log: logger, manager: api.StateManager, store: api.RuleStore},
), m)
// Register endpoints for proxying to Cortex Ruler-compatible backends.
NewLotexRuler(proxy, logger),
RulerSrv{DatasourceCache: api.DatasourceCache, QuotaService: api.QuotaService, manager: api.StateManager, store: api.RuleStore, log: logger},
), m)
AlertingProxy: proxy,
Cfg: api.Cfg,
DataService: api.DataService,
DatasourceCache: api.DatasourceCache,
log: logger,
}, m)
store: api.AdminConfigStore,
log: logger,
scheduler: api.Schedule,
}, m)