mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Chore: upgrades rxjs to 7.3.0 * Chore: replaces toPromise with lastValueFrom * Chore: removes unused mock that caused test error * Chore: fixes build error in PieChartPanel * Chore: fixed build error in requestAllIndices * Chore: fixes comment * Chore: trying to reduce docs errors * Chore: searches for explicit api extractor warnings * Chore: updates rxjs-spy to 8.0.0 * Chore: reverts to main * Chore: upgrade rxjs and rxjs-spy
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432 lines
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import {
} from 'rxjs';
import { catchError, filter, map, mergeMap, retryWhen, share, takeUntil, tap, throwIfEmpty } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { fromFetch } from 'rxjs/fetch';
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
import { BackendSrv as BackendService, BackendSrvRequest, FetchError, FetchResponse } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { AppEvents, DataQueryErrorType } from '@grafana/data';
import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events';
import { getConfig } from 'app/core/config';
import { DashboardSearchHit } from 'app/features/search/types';
import { FolderDTO } from 'app/types';
import { coreModule } from 'app/core/core_module';
import { ContextSrv, contextSrv } from './context_srv';
import { parseInitFromOptions, parseResponseBody, parseUrlFromOptions } from '../utils/fetch';
import { isDataQuery, isLocalUrl } from '../utils/query';
import { FetchQueue } from './FetchQueue';
import { ResponseQueue } from './ResponseQueue';
import { FetchQueueWorker } from './FetchQueueWorker';
import { TokenRevokedModal } from 'app/features/users/TokenRevokedModal';
import { ShowModalReactEvent } from '../../types/events';
const CANCEL_ALL_REQUESTS_REQUEST_ID = 'cancel_all_requests_request_id';
export interface BackendSrvDependencies {
fromFetch: (input: string | Request, init?: RequestInit) => Observable<Response>;
appEvents: typeof appEvents;
contextSrv: ContextSrv;
logout: () => void;
export class BackendSrv implements BackendService {
private inFlightRequests: Subject<string> = new Subject<string>();
private noBackendCache: boolean;
private inspectorStream: Subject<FetchResponse | FetchError> = new Subject<FetchResponse | FetchError>();
private readonly fetchQueue: FetchQueue;
private readonly responseQueue: ResponseQueue;
private dependencies: BackendSrvDependencies = {
fromFetch: fromFetch,
appEvents: appEvents,
contextSrv: contextSrv,
logout: () => {
constructor(deps?: BackendSrvDependencies) {
if (deps) {
this.dependencies = {
this.noBackendCache = false;
this.internalFetch = this.internalFetch.bind(this);
this.fetchQueue = new FetchQueue();
this.responseQueue = new ResponseQueue(this.fetchQueue, this.internalFetch);
new FetchQueueWorker(this.fetchQueue, this.responseQueue, getConfig());
async request<T = any>(options: BackendSrvRequest): Promise<T> {
return await lastValueFrom(this.fetch<T>(options).pipe(map((response: FetchResponse<T>) => response.data)));
fetch<T>(options: BackendSrvRequest): Observable<FetchResponse<T>> {
// We need to match an entry added to the queue stream with the entry that is eventually added to the response stream
const id = uuidv4();
const fetchQueue = this.fetchQueue;
return new Observable((observer) => {
// Subscription is an object that is returned whenever you subscribe to an Observable.
// You can also use it as a container of many subscriptions and when it is unsubscribed all subscriptions within are also unsubscribed.
const subscriptions: Subscription = new Subscription();
// We're using the subscriptions.add function to add the subscription implicitly returned by this.responseQueue.getResponses<T>(id).subscribe below.
this.responseQueue.getResponses<T>(id).subscribe((result) => {
// The one liner below can seem magical if you're not accustomed to RxJs.
// Firstly, we're subscribing to the result from the result.observable and we're passing in the outer observer object.
// By passing the outer observer object then any updates on result.observable are passed through to any subscriber of the fetch<T> function.
// Secondly, we're adding the subscription implicitly returned by result.observable.subscribe(observer).
// Let the fetchQueue know that this id needs to start data fetching.
this.fetchQueue.add(id, options);
// This returned function will be called whenever the returned Observable from the fetch<T> function is unsubscribed/errored/completed/canceled.
return function unsubscribe() {
// Change status to Done moved here from ResponseQueue because this unsubscribe was called before the responseQueue produced a result
// When subscriptions is unsubscribed all the implicitly added subscriptions above are also unsubscribed.
private internalFetch<T>(options: BackendSrvRequest): Observable<FetchResponse<T>> {
if (options.requestId) {
options = this.parseRequestOptions(options);
const fromFetchStream = this.getFromFetchStream<T>(options);
const failureStream = fromFetchStream.pipe(this.toFailureStream<T>(options));
const successStream = fromFetchStream.pipe(
filter((response) => response.ok === true),
tap((response) => {
return merge(successStream, failureStream).pipe(
catchError((err: FetchError) => throwError(this.processRequestError(options, err))),
resolveCancelerIfExists(requestId: string) {
cancelAllInFlightRequests() {
async datasourceRequest(options: BackendSrvRequest): Promise<any> {
return lastValueFrom(this.fetch(options));
private parseRequestOptions(options: BackendSrvRequest): BackendSrvRequest {
const orgId = this.dependencies.contextSrv.user?.orgId;
// init retry counter
options.retry = options.retry ?? 0;
if (isLocalUrl(options.url)) {
if (orgId) {
options.headers = options.headers ?? {};
options.headers['X-Grafana-Org-Id'] = orgId;
if (options.url.startsWith('/')) {
options.url = options.url.substring(1);
if (options.headers?.Authorization) {
options.headers['X-DS-Authorization'] = options.headers.Authorization;
delete options.headers.Authorization;
if (this.noBackendCache) {
options.headers = options.headers ?? {};
options.headers['X-Grafana-NoCache'] = 'true';
if (options.hideFromInspector === undefined) {
// Hide all local non data query calls
options.hideFromInspector = isLocalUrl(options.url) && !isDataQuery(options.url);
return options;
private getFromFetchStream<T>(options: BackendSrvRequest): Observable<FetchResponse<T>> {
const url = parseUrlFromOptions(options);
const init = parseInitFromOptions(options);
return this.dependencies.fromFetch(url, init).pipe(
mergeMap(async (response) => {
const { status, statusText, ok, headers, url, type, redirected } = response;
const data = await parseResponseBody<T>(response, options.responseType);
const fetchResponse: FetchResponse<T> = {
config: options,
return fetchResponse;
share() // sharing this so we can split into success and failure and then merge back
private toFailureStream<T>(options: BackendSrvRequest): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<FetchResponse<T>> {
const { isSignedIn } = this.dependencies.contextSrv.user;
return (inputStream) =>
filter((response) => response.ok === false),
mergeMap((response) => {
const { status, statusText, data } = response;
const fetchErrorResponse: FetchError = { status, statusText, data, config: options };
return throwError(fetchErrorResponse);
retryWhen((attempts: Observable<any>) =>
mergeMap((error, i) => {
const firstAttempt = i === 0 && options.retry === 0;
if (error.status === 401 && isLocalUrl(options.url) && firstAttempt && isSignedIn) {
if (error.data?.error?.id === 'ERR_TOKEN_REVOKED') {
new ShowModalReactEvent({
component: TokenRevokedModal,
props: {
maxConcurrentSessions: error.data?.error?.maxConcurrentSessions,
return of({});
return from(this.loginPing()).pipe(
catchError((err) => {
if (err.status === 401) {
return throwError(err);
return throwError(err);
return throwError(error);
showApplicationErrorAlert(err: FetchError) {}
showSuccessAlert<T>(response: FetchResponse<T>) {
const { config } = response;
if (config.showSuccessAlert === false) {
// is showSuccessAlert is undefined we only show alerts non GET request, non data query and local api requests
if (
config.showSuccessAlert === undefined &&
(config.method === 'GET' || isDataQuery(config.url) || !isLocalUrl(config.url))
) {
const data: { message: string } = response.data as any;
if (data?.message) {
this.dependencies.appEvents.emit(AppEvents.alertSuccess, [data.message]);
showErrorAlert<T>(config: BackendSrvRequest, err: FetchError) {
if (config.showErrorAlert === false) {
// is showErrorAlert is undefined we only show alerts non data query and local api requests
if (config.showErrorAlert === undefined && (isDataQuery(config.url) || !isLocalUrl(config.url))) {
let description = '';
let message = err.data.message;
if (message.length > 80) {
description = message;
message = 'Error';
// Validation
if (err.status === 422) {
message = 'Validation failed';
this.dependencies.appEvents.emit(err.status < 500 ? AppEvents.alertWarning : AppEvents.alertError, [
* Processes FetchError to ensure "data" property is an object.
* @see DataQueryError.data
processRequestError(options: BackendSrvRequest, err: FetchError): FetchError<{ message: string; error?: string }> {
err.data = err.data ?? { message: 'Unexpected error' };
if (typeof err.data === 'string') {
err.data = {
message: err.data,
error: err.statusText,
response: err.data,
// If no message but got error string, copy to message prop
if (err.data && !err.data.message && typeof err.data.error === 'string') {
err.data.message = err.data.error;
// check if we should show an error alert
if (err.data.message) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (!err.isHandled) {
this.showErrorAlert(options, err);
}, 50);
return err;
private handleStreamCancellation(options: BackendSrvRequest): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<FetchResponse<any>> {
return (inputStream) =>
filter((requestId) => {
let cancelRequest = false;
if (options && options.requestId && options.requestId === requestId) {
// when a new requestId is started it will be published to inFlightRequests
// if a previous long running request that hasn't finished yet has the same requestId
// we need to cancel that request
cancelRequest = true;
cancelRequest = true;
return cancelRequest;
// when a request is cancelled by takeUntil it will complete without emitting anything so we use throwIfEmpty to identify this case
// in throwIfEmpty we'll then throw an cancelled error and then we'll return the correct result in the catchError or rethrow
throwIfEmpty(() => ({
type: DataQueryErrorType.Cancelled,
cancelled: true,
data: null,
statusText: 'Request was aborted',
config: options,
getInspectorStream(): Observable<FetchResponse<any> | FetchError> {
return this.inspectorStream;
async get<T = any>(url: string, params?: any, requestId?: string): Promise<T> {
return await this.request({ method: 'GET', url, params, requestId });
async delete(url: string) {
return await this.request({ method: 'DELETE', url });
async post(url: string, data?: any) {
return await this.request({ method: 'POST', url, data });
async patch(url: string, data: any) {
return await this.request({ method: 'PATCH', url, data });
async put(url: string, data: any) {
return await this.request({ method: 'PUT', url, data });
withNoBackendCache(callback: any) {
this.noBackendCache = true;
return callback().finally(() => {
this.noBackendCache = false;
loginPing() {
return this.request({ url: '/api/login/ping', method: 'GET', retry: 1 });
search(query: any): Promise<DashboardSearchHit[]> {
return this.get('/api/search', query);
getDashboardByUid(uid: string) {
return this.get(`/api/dashboards/uid/${uid}`);
getFolderByUid(uid: string) {
return this.get<FolderDTO>(`/api/folders/${uid}`);
coreModule.factory('backendSrv', () => backendSrv);
// Used for testing and things that really need BackendSrv
export const backendSrv = new BackendSrv();
export const getBackendSrv = (): BackendSrv => backendSrv;