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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
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package api
import (
const (
anonString = "Anonymous"
func isDashboardStarredByUser(c *models.ReqContext, dashID int64) (bool, error) {
if !c.IsSignedIn {
return false, nil
query := models.IsStarredByUserQuery{UserId: c.UserId, DashboardId: dashID}
if err := bus.DispatchCtx(c.Req.Context(), &query); err != nil {
return false, err
return query.Result, nil
func dashboardGuardianResponse(err error) response.Response {
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while checking dashboard permissions", err)
return response.Error(403, "Access denied to this dashboard", nil)
func (hs *HTTPServer) TrimDashboard(c *models.ReqContext, cmd models.TrimDashboardCommand) response.Response {
var err error
dash := cmd.Dashboard
meta := cmd.Meta
trimedResult := *dash
if !hs.LoadSchemaService.IsDisabled() {
trimedResult, err = hs.LoadSchemaService.DashboardTrimDefaults(*dash)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while exporting with default values removed", err)
dto := dtos.TrimDashboardFullWithMeta{
Dashboard: &trimedResult,
Meta: meta,
return response.JSON(200, dto)
func (hs *HTTPServer) GetDashboard(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
uid := c.Params(":uid")
dash, rsp := getDashboardHelper(c.Req.Context(), c.OrgId, 0, uid)
if rsp != nil {
return rsp
// When dash contains only keys id, uid that means dashboard data is not valid and json decode failed.
if dash.Data != nil {
isEmptyData := true
for k := range dash.Data.MustMap() {
if k != "id" && k != "uid" {
isEmptyData = false
if isEmptyData {
return response.Error(500, "Error while loading dashboard, dashboard data is invalid", nil)
guardian := guardian.New(dash.Id, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canView, err := guardian.CanView(); err != nil || !canView {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
canEdit, _ := guardian.CanEdit()
canSave, _ := guardian.CanSave()
canAdmin, _ := guardian.CanAdmin()
isStarred, err := isDashboardStarredByUser(c, dash.Id)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while checking if dashboard was starred by user", err)
// Finding creator and last updater of the dashboard
updater, creator := anonString, anonString
if dash.UpdatedBy > 0 {
updater = getUserLogin(c.Req.Context(), dash.UpdatedBy)
if dash.CreatedBy > 0 {
creator = getUserLogin(c.Req.Context(), dash.CreatedBy)
meta := dtos.DashboardMeta{
IsStarred: isStarred,
Slug: dash.Slug,
Type: models.DashTypeDB,
CanStar: c.IsSignedIn,
CanSave: canSave,
CanEdit: canEdit,
CanAdmin: canAdmin,
Created: dash.Created,
Updated: dash.Updated,
UpdatedBy: updater,
CreatedBy: creator,
Version: dash.Version,
HasAcl: dash.HasAcl,
IsFolder: dash.IsFolder,
FolderId: dash.FolderId,
Url: dash.GetUrl(),
FolderTitle: "General",
// lookup folder title
if dash.FolderId > 0 {
query := models.GetDashboardQuery{Id: dash.FolderId, OrgId: c.OrgId}
if err := bus.DispatchCtx(c.Req.Context(), &query); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, models.ErrFolderNotFound) {
return response.Error(404, "Folder not found", err)
return response.Error(500, "Dashboard folder could not be read", err)
meta.FolderUid = query.Result.Uid
meta.FolderTitle = query.Result.Title
meta.FolderUrl = query.Result.GetUrl()
svc := dashboards.NewProvisioningService(hs.SQLStore)
provisioningData, err := svc.GetProvisionedDashboardDataByDashboardID(dash.Id)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while checking if dashboard is provisioned", err)
if provisioningData != nil {
allowUIUpdate := hs.ProvisioningService.GetAllowUIUpdatesFromConfig(provisioningData.Name)
if !allowUIUpdate {
meta.Provisioned = true
meta.ProvisionedExternalId, err = filepath.Rel(
if err != nil {
// Not sure when this could happen so not sure how to better handle this. Right now ProvisionedExternalId
// is for better UX, showing in Save/Delete dialogs and so it won't break anything if it is empty.
hs.log.Warn("Failed to create ProvisionedExternalId", "err", err)
// make sure db version is in sync with json model version
dash.Data.Set("version", dash.Version)
// load library panels JSON for this dashboard
err = hs.LibraryPanelService.LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard(c, dash)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while loading library panels", err)
dto := dtos.DashboardFullWithMeta{
Dashboard: dash.Data,
Meta: meta,
return response.JSON(200, dto)
func getUserLogin(ctx context.Context, userID int64) string {
query := models.GetUserByIdQuery{Id: userID}
err := bus.DispatchCtx(ctx, &query)
if err != nil {
return anonString
return query.Result.Login
func getDashboardHelper(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, id int64, uid string) (*models.Dashboard, response.Response) {
var query models.GetDashboardQuery
if len(uid) > 0 {
query = models.GetDashboardQuery{Uid: uid, Id: id, OrgId: orgID}
} else {
query = models.GetDashboardQuery{Id: id, OrgId: orgID}
if err := bus.DispatchCtx(ctx, &query); err != nil {
return nil, response.Error(404, "Dashboard not found", err)
return query.Result, nil
func (hs *HTTPServer) DeleteDashboardBySlug(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
query := models.GetDashboardsBySlugQuery{OrgId: c.OrgId, Slug: c.Params(":slug")}
if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Failed to retrieve dashboards by slug", err)
if len(query.Result) > 1 {
return response.JSON(412, util.DynMap{"status": "multiple-slugs-exists", "message": models.ErrDashboardsWithSameSlugExists.Error()})
return hs.deleteDashboard(c)
func (hs *HTTPServer) DeleteDashboardByUID(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
return hs.deleteDashboard(c)
func (hs *HTTPServer) deleteDashboard(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
dash, rsp := getDashboardHelper(c.Req.Context(), c.OrgId, 0, c.Params(":uid"))
if rsp != nil {
return rsp
guardian := guardian.New(dash.Id, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardian.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
// disconnect all library elements for this dashboard
err := hs.LibraryElementService.DisconnectElementsFromDashboard(c, dash.Id)
if err != nil {
hs.log.Error("Failed to disconnect library elements", "dashboard", dash.Id, "user", c.SignedInUser.UserId, "error", err)
svc := dashboards.NewService(hs.SQLStore)
err = svc.DeleteDashboard(dash.Id, c.OrgId)
if err != nil {
var dashboardErr models.DashboardErr
if ok := errors.As(err, &dashboardErr); ok {
if errors.Is(err, models.ErrDashboardCannotDeleteProvisionedDashboard) {
return response.Error(dashboardErr.StatusCode, dashboardErr.Error(), err)
return response.Error(500, "Failed to delete dashboard", err)
if hs.Live != nil {
err := hs.Live.GrafanaScope.Dashboards.DashboardDeleted(c.OrgId, c.ToUserDisplayDTO(), dash.Uid)
if err != nil {
hs.log.Error("Failed to broadcast delete info", "dashboard", dash.Uid, "error", err)
return response.JSON(200, util.DynMap{
"title": dash.Title,
"message": fmt.Sprintf("Dashboard %s deleted", dash.Title),
"id": dash.Id,
func (hs *HTTPServer) PostDashboard(c *models.ReqContext, cmd models.SaveDashboardCommand) response.Response {
var err error
cmd.OrgId = c.OrgId
cmd.UserId = c.UserId
if cmd.FolderUid != "" {
folders := dashboards.NewFolderService(c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser, hs.SQLStore)
folder, err := folders.GetFolderByUID(cmd.FolderUid)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, models.ErrFolderNotFound) {
return response.Error(400, "Folder not found", err)
return response.Error(500, "Error while checking folder ID", err)
cmd.FolderId = folder.Id
dash := cmd.GetDashboardModel()
newDashboard := dash.Id == 0
if newDashboard {
limitReached, err := hs.QuotaService.QuotaReached(c, "dashboard")
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "failed to get quota", err)
if limitReached {
return response.Error(403, "Quota reached", nil)
svc := dashboards.NewProvisioningService(hs.SQLStore)
provisioningData, err := svc.GetProvisionedDashboardDataByDashboardID(dash.Id)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while checking if dashboard is provisioned", err)
allowUiUpdate := true
if provisioningData != nil {
allowUiUpdate = hs.ProvisioningService.GetAllowUIUpdatesFromConfig(provisioningData.Name)
// clean up all unnecessary library panels JSON properties so we store a minimum JSON
err = hs.LibraryPanelService.CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard(dash)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while cleaning library panels", err)
dashItem := &dashboards.SaveDashboardDTO{
Dashboard: dash,
Message: cmd.Message,
OrgId: c.OrgId,
User: c.SignedInUser,
Overwrite: cmd.Overwrite,
dashSvc := dashboards.NewService(hs.SQLStore)
dashboard, err := dashSvc.SaveDashboard(dashItem, allowUiUpdate)
if hs.Live != nil {
// Tell everyone listening that the dashboard changed
if dashboard == nil {
dashboard = dash // the original request
// This will broadcast all save requets only if a `gitops` observer exists.
// gitops is useful when trying to save dashboards in an environment where the user can not save
channel := hs.Live.GrafanaScope.Dashboards
liveerr := channel.DashboardSaved(c.SignedInUser.OrgId, c.SignedInUser.ToUserDisplayDTO(), cmd.Message, dashboard, err)
// When an error exists, but the value broadcast to a gitops listener return 202
if liveerr == nil && err != nil && channel.HasGitOpsObserver(c.SignedInUser.OrgId) {
return response.JSON(202, util.DynMap{
"status": "pending",
"message": "changes were broadcast to the gitops listener",
if liveerr != nil {
hs.log.Warn("unable to broadcast save event", "uid", dashboard.Uid, "error", err)
if err != nil {
return hs.dashboardSaveErrorToApiResponse(err)
if hs.Cfg.EditorsCanAdmin && newDashboard {
inFolder := cmd.FolderId > 0
err := dashSvc.MakeUserAdmin(cmd.OrgId, cmd.UserId, dashboard.Id, !inFolder)
if err != nil {
hs.log.Error("Could not make user admin", "dashboard", dashboard.Title, "user", c.SignedInUser.UserId, "error", err)
// connect library panels for this dashboard after the dashboard is stored and has an ID
err = hs.LibraryPanelService.ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard(c, dashboard)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while connecting library panels", err)
return response.JSON(200, util.DynMap{
"status": "success",
"slug": dashboard.Slug,
"version": dashboard.Version,
"id": dashboard.Id,
"uid": dashboard.Uid,
"url": dashboard.GetUrl(),
func (hs *HTTPServer) dashboardSaveErrorToApiResponse(err error) response.Response {
var dashboardErr models.DashboardErr
if ok := errors.As(err, &dashboardErr); ok {
if body := dashboardErr.Body(); body != nil {
return response.JSON(dashboardErr.StatusCode, body)
if dashboardErr.StatusCode != 400 {
return response.Error(dashboardErr.StatusCode, dashboardErr.Error(), err)
return response.Error(dashboardErr.StatusCode, dashboardErr.Error(), nil)
if errors.Is(err, models.ErrFolderNotFound) {
return response.Error(400, err.Error(), nil)
var validationErr alerting.ValidationError
if ok := errors.As(err, &validationErr); ok {
return response.Error(422, validationErr.Error(), err)
var pluginErr models.UpdatePluginDashboardError
if ok := errors.As(err, &pluginErr); ok {
message := fmt.Sprintf("The dashboard belongs to plugin %s.", pluginErr.PluginId)
// look up plugin name
if pluginDef := hs.PluginManager.GetPlugin(pluginErr.PluginId); pluginDef != nil {
message = fmt.Sprintf("The dashboard belongs to plugin %s.", pluginDef.Name)
return response.JSON(412, util.DynMap{"status": "plugin-dashboard", "message": message})
return response.Error(500, "Failed to save dashboard", err)
// GetHomeDashboard returns the home dashboard.
func (hs *HTTPServer) GetHomeDashboard(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
prefsQuery := models.GetPreferencesWithDefaultsQuery{User: c.SignedInUser}
homePage := hs.Cfg.HomePage
if err := hs.Bus.Dispatch(&prefsQuery); err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Failed to get preferences", err)
if prefsQuery.Result.HomeDashboardId == 0 && len(homePage) > 0 {
homePageRedirect := dtos.DashboardRedirect{RedirectUri: homePage}
return response.JSON(200, &homePageRedirect)
if prefsQuery.Result.HomeDashboardId != 0 {
slugQuery := models.GetDashboardRefByIdQuery{Id: prefsQuery.Result.HomeDashboardId}
err := hs.Bus.Dispatch(&slugQuery)
if err == nil {
url := models.GetDashboardUrl(slugQuery.Result.Uid, slugQuery.Result.Slug)
dashRedirect := dtos.DashboardRedirect{RedirectUri: url}
return response.JSON(200, &dashRedirect)
hs.log.Warn("Failed to get slug from database", "err", err)
filePath := hs.Cfg.DefaultHomeDashboardPath
if filePath == "" {
filePath = filepath.Join(hs.Cfg.StaticRootPath, "dashboards/home.json")
// It's safe to ignore gosec warning G304 since the variable part of the file path comes from a configuration
// variable
// nolint:gosec
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Failed to load home dashboard", err)
defer func() {
if err := file.Close(); err != nil {
hs.log.Warn("Failed to close dashboard file", "path", filePath, "err", err)
dash := dtos.DashboardFullWithMeta{}
dash.Meta.IsHome = true
dash.Meta.CanEdit = c.SignedInUser.HasRole(models.ROLE_EDITOR)
dash.Meta.FolderTitle = "General"
jsonParser := json.NewDecoder(file)
if err := jsonParser.Decode(&dash.Dashboard); err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Failed to load home dashboard", err)
hs.addGettingStartedPanelToHomeDashboard(c, dash.Dashboard)
return response.JSON(200, &dash)
func (hs *HTTPServer) addGettingStartedPanelToHomeDashboard(c *models.ReqContext, dash *simplejson.Json) {
// We only add this getting started panel for Admins who have not dismissed it,
// and if a custom default home dashboard hasn't been configured
if !c.HasUserRole(models.ROLE_ADMIN) ||
c.HasHelpFlag(models.HelpFlagGettingStartedPanelDismissed) ||
hs.Cfg.DefaultHomeDashboardPath != "" {
panels := dash.Get("panels").MustArray()
newpanel := simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{
"type": "gettingstarted",
"id": 123123,
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"x": 0,
"y": 3,
"w": 24,
"h": 9,
panels = append(panels, newpanel)
dash.Set("panels", panels)
// GetDashboardVersions returns all dashboard versions as JSON
func GetDashboardVersions(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
dashID := c.ParamsInt64(":dashboardId")
guardian := guardian.New(dashID, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardian.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
query := models.GetDashboardVersionsQuery{
OrgId: c.OrgId,
DashboardId: dashID,
Limit: c.QueryInt("limit"),
Start: c.QueryInt("start"),
if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
return response.Error(404, fmt.Sprintf("No versions found for dashboardId %d", dashID), err)
for _, version := range query.Result {
if version.RestoredFrom == version.Version {
version.Message = "Initial save (created by migration)"
if version.RestoredFrom > 0 {
version.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Restored from version %d", version.RestoredFrom)
if version.ParentVersion == 0 {
version.Message = "Initial save"
return response.JSON(200, query.Result)
// GetDashboardVersion returns the dashboard version with the given ID.
func GetDashboardVersion(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
dashID := c.ParamsInt64(":dashboardId")
guardian := guardian.New(dashID, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardian.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
query := models.GetDashboardVersionQuery{
OrgId: c.OrgId,
DashboardId: dashID,
Version: c.ParamsInt(":id"),
if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
return response.Error(500, fmt.Sprintf("Dashboard version %d not found for dashboardId %d", query.Version, dashID), err)
creator := anonString
if query.Result.CreatedBy > 0 {
creator = getUserLogin(c.Req.Context(), query.Result.CreatedBy)
dashVersionMeta := &models.DashboardVersionMeta{
Id: query.Result.Id,
DashboardId: query.Result.DashboardId,
Data: query.Result.Data,
ParentVersion: query.Result.ParentVersion,
RestoredFrom: query.Result.RestoredFrom,
Version: query.Result.Version,
Created: query.Result.Created,
Message: query.Result.Message,
CreatedBy: creator,
return response.JSON(200, dashVersionMeta)
// POST /api/dashboards/calculate-diff performs diffs on two dashboards
func CalculateDashboardDiff(c *models.ReqContext, apiOptions dtos.CalculateDiffOptions) response.Response {
guardianBase := guardian.New(apiOptions.Base.DashboardId, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardianBase.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
if apiOptions.Base.DashboardId != apiOptions.New.DashboardId {
guardianNew := guardian.New(apiOptions.New.DashboardId, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardianNew.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
options := dashdiffs.Options{
OrgId: c.OrgId,
DiffType: dashdiffs.ParseDiffType(apiOptions.DiffType),
Base: dashdiffs.DiffTarget{
DashboardId: apiOptions.Base.DashboardId,
Version: apiOptions.Base.Version,
UnsavedDashboard: apiOptions.Base.UnsavedDashboard,
New: dashdiffs.DiffTarget{
DashboardId: apiOptions.New.DashboardId,
Version: apiOptions.New.Version,
UnsavedDashboard: apiOptions.New.UnsavedDashboard,
result, err := dashdiffs.CalculateDiff(&options)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, models.ErrDashboardVersionNotFound) {
return response.Error(404, "Dashboard version not found", err)
return response.Error(500, "Unable to compute diff", err)
if options.DiffType == dashdiffs.DiffDelta {
return response.Respond(200, result.Delta).SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
return response.Respond(200, result.Delta).SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/html")
// RestoreDashboardVersion restores a dashboard to the given version.
func (hs *HTTPServer) RestoreDashboardVersion(c *models.ReqContext, apiCmd dtos.RestoreDashboardVersionCommand) response.Response {
dash, rsp := getDashboardHelper(c.Req.Context(), c.OrgId, c.ParamsInt64(":dashboardId"), "")
if rsp != nil {
return rsp
guardian := guardian.New(dash.Id, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardian.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
versionQuery := models.GetDashboardVersionQuery{DashboardId: dash.Id, Version: apiCmd.Version, OrgId: c.OrgId}
if err := bus.Dispatch(&versionQuery); err != nil {
return response.Error(404, "Dashboard version not found", nil)
version := versionQuery.Result
saveCmd := models.SaveDashboardCommand{}
saveCmd.RestoredFrom = version.Version
saveCmd.OrgId = c.OrgId
saveCmd.UserId = c.UserId
saveCmd.Dashboard = version.Data
saveCmd.Dashboard.Set("version", dash.Version)
saveCmd.Dashboard.Set("uid", dash.Uid)
saveCmd.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Restored from version %d", version.Version)
saveCmd.FolderId = dash.FolderId
return hs.PostDashboard(c, saveCmd)
func GetDashboardTags(c *models.ReqContext) {
query := models.GetDashboardTagsQuery{OrgId: c.OrgId}
err := bus.Dispatch(&query)
if err != nil {
c.JsonApiErr(500, "Failed to get tags from database", err)
c.JSON(200, query.Result)