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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
This commit better defines how we set states in resultNormal, resultAlerting, resultError and resultNoData. It changes the existing code to call methods such as SetAlerting, SetPending, SetNormal, SetError and NoData instead of assigning values to each individual field whenever the state is changed. This should make it easier to understand what fields should be set for which states and avoid cases where states are missing, or have additional unexpected fields.
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387 lines
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package state
import (
type State struct {
OrgID int64
AlertRuleUID string
// CacheID is a unique, opaque identifier for the state, and is used to find the state
// in the state cache. It tends to be derived from the state's labels.
CacheID string
// State represents the current state.
State eval.State
// StateReason is a textual description to explain why the state has its current state.
StateReason string
// Results contains the result of the current and previous evaluations.
Results []Evaluation
// Error is set if the current evaluation returned an error. If error is non-nil results
// can still contain the results of previous evaluations.
Error error
// Resolved is set to true if this state is the transitional state between Firing and Normal.
// All subsequent states will be false until the next transition from Firing to Normal.
Resolved bool
// Image contains an optional image for the state. It tends to be included in notifications
// as a visualization to show why the alert fired.
Image *models.Image
// Annotations contains the annotations from the alert rule. If an annotation is templated
// then the template is first evaluated to derive the final annotation.
Annotations map[string]string
// Labels contain the labels from the query and any custom labels from the alert rule.
// If a label is templated then the template is first evaluated to derive the final label.
Labels data.Labels
// Values contains the values of any instant vectors, reduce and math expressions, or classic
// conditions.
Values map[string]float64
StartsAt time.Time
EndsAt time.Time
LastSentAt time.Time
LastEvaluationString string
LastEvaluationTime time.Time
EvaluationDuration time.Duration
func (a *State) GetRuleKey() models.AlertRuleKey {
return models.AlertRuleKey{
OrgID: a.OrgID,
UID: a.AlertRuleUID,
func (a *State) GetAlertInstanceKey() (models.AlertInstanceKey, error) {
instanceLabels := models.InstanceLabels(a.Labels)
_, labelsHash, err := instanceLabels.StringAndHash()
if err != nil {
return models.AlertInstanceKey{}, err
return models.AlertInstanceKey{RuleOrgID: a.OrgID, RuleUID: a.AlertRuleUID, LabelsHash: labelsHash}, nil
// SetAlerting sets the state to Alerting. It changes both the start and end time.
func (a *State) SetAlerting(reason string, startsAt, endsAt time.Time) {
a.State = eval.Alerting
a.StateReason = reason
a.StartsAt = startsAt
a.EndsAt = endsAt
a.Error = nil
// SetPending the state to Pending. It changes both the start and end time.
func (a *State) SetPending(reason string, startsAt, endsAt time.Time) {
a.State = eval.Pending
a.StateReason = reason
a.StartsAt = startsAt
a.EndsAt = endsAt
a.Error = nil
// SetNoData sets the state to NoData. It changes both the start and end time.
func (a *State) SetNoData(reason string, startsAt, endsAt time.Time) {
a.State = eval.NoData
a.StateReason = reason
a.StartsAt = startsAt
a.EndsAt = endsAt
a.Error = nil
// SetError sets the state to Error. It changes both the start and end time.
func (a *State) SetError(err error, startsAt, endsAt time.Time) {
a.State = eval.Error
a.StateReason = models.StateReasonError
a.StartsAt = startsAt
a.EndsAt = endsAt
a.Error = err
// SetNormal sets the state to Normal. It changes both the start and end time.
func (a *State) SetNormal(reason string, startsAt, endsAt time.Time) {
a.State = eval.Normal
a.StateReason = reason
a.StartsAt = startsAt
a.EndsAt = endsAt
a.Error = nil
// Resolve sets the State to Normal. It updates the StateReason, the end time, and sets Resolved to true.
func (a *State) Resolve(reason string, endsAt time.Time) {
a.State = eval.Normal
a.StateReason = reason
a.Resolved = true
a.EndsAt = endsAt
// Maintain updates the end time using the most recent evaluation.
func (a *State) Maintain(interval int64, evaluatedAt time.Time) {
a.EndsAt = nextEndsTime(interval, evaluatedAt)
// StateTransition describes the transition from one state to another.
type StateTransition struct {
PreviousState eval.State
PreviousStateReason string
func (c StateTransition) Formatted() string {
return FormatStateAndReason(c.State.State, c.State.StateReason)
func (c StateTransition) PreviousFormatted() string {
return FormatStateAndReason(c.PreviousState, c.PreviousStateReason)
func (c StateTransition) Changed() bool {
return c.PreviousState != c.State.State || c.PreviousStateReason != c.State.StateReason
type Evaluation struct {
EvaluationTime time.Time
EvaluationState eval.State
// Values contains the RefID and value of reduce and math expressions.
// Classic conditions can have different values for the same RefID as they can include multiple conditions.
// For these, we use the index of the condition in addition RefID as the key e.g. "A0, A1, A2, etc.".
Values map[string]*float64
// Condition is the refID specified as the condition in the alerting rule at the time of the evaluation.
Condition string
// NewEvaluationValues returns the labels and values for each RefID in the capture.
func NewEvaluationValues(m map[string]eval.NumberValueCapture) map[string]*float64 {
result := make(map[string]*float64, len(m))
for k, v := range m {
result[k] = v.Value
return result
func resultNormal(state *State, _ *models.AlertRule, result eval.Result, logger log.Logger) {
if state.State == eval.Normal {
logger.Debug("Keeping state", "state", state.State)
} else {
logger.Debug("Changing state", "previous_state", state.State, "next_state", eval.Normal)
// Normal states have the same start and end timestamps
state.SetNormal("", result.EvaluatedAt, result.EvaluatedAt)
func resultAlerting(state *State, rule *models.AlertRule, result eval.Result, logger log.Logger) {
switch state.State {
case eval.Alerting:
logger.Debug("Keeping state", "state", state.State)
state.Maintain(rule.IntervalSeconds, result.EvaluatedAt)
case eval.Pending:
// If the previous state is Pending then check if the For duration has been observed
if result.EvaluatedAt.Sub(state.StartsAt) >= rule.For {
logger.Debug("Changing state", "previous_state", state.State, "next_state", eval.Alerting)
state.SetAlerting("", result.EvaluatedAt, nextEndsTime(rule.IntervalSeconds, result.EvaluatedAt))
if rule.For > 0 {
// If the alert rule has a For duration that should be observed then the state should be set to Pending
logger.Debug("Changing state", "previous_state", state.State, "next_state", eval.Pending)
state.SetPending("", result.EvaluatedAt, nextEndsTime(rule.IntervalSeconds, result.EvaluatedAt))
} else {
logger.Debug("Changing state", "previous_state", state.State, "next_state", eval.Alerting)
state.SetAlerting("", result.EvaluatedAt, nextEndsTime(rule.IntervalSeconds, result.EvaluatedAt))
func resultError(state *State, rule *models.AlertRule, result eval.Result, logger log.Logger) {
switch rule.ExecErrState {
case models.AlertingErrState:
logger.Debug("Execution error state is Alerting", "handler", "resultAlerting", "previous_handler", "resultError")
resultAlerting(state, rule, result, logger)
// This is a special case where Alerting and Pending should also have an error and reason
state.Error = result.Error
state.StateReason = "error"
case models.ErrorErrState:
if state.State == eval.Error {
logger.Debug("Keeping state", "state", state.State)
state.Maintain(rule.IntervalSeconds, result.EvaluatedAt)
} else {
// This is the first occurrence of an error
logger.Debug("Changing state", "previous_state", state.State, "next_state", eval.Error)
state.SetError(result.Error, result.EvaluatedAt, nextEndsTime(rule.IntervalSeconds, result.EvaluatedAt))
if result.Error != nil {
// If the evaluation failed because a query returned an error then add the Ref ID and
// Datasource UID as labels
var queryError expr.QueryError
if errors.As(state.Error, &queryError) {
for _, next := range rule.Data {
if next.RefID == queryError.RefID {
state.Labels["ref_id"] = next.RefID
state.Labels["datasource_uid"] = next.DatasourceUID
state.Annotations["Error"] = queryError.Error()
case models.OkErrState:
logger.Debug("Execution error state is Normal", "handler", "resultNormal", "previous_handler", "resultError")
resultNormal(state, rule, result, logger)
err := fmt.Errorf("unsupported execution error state: %s", rule.ExecErrState)
state.SetError(err, state.StartsAt, nextEndsTime(rule.IntervalSeconds, result.EvaluatedAt))
state.Annotations["Error"] = err.Error()
func resultNoData(state *State, rule *models.AlertRule, result eval.Result, _ log.Logger) {
state.Error = result.Error
if state.StartsAt.IsZero() {
state.StartsAt = result.EvaluatedAt
state.EndsAt = nextEndsTime(rule.IntervalSeconds, result.EvaluatedAt)
switch rule.NoDataState {
case models.Alerting:
state.State = eval.Alerting
case models.NoData:
state.State = eval.NoData
case models.OK:
state.State = eval.Normal
func (a *State) NeedsSending(resendDelay time.Duration) bool {
switch a.State {
case eval.Pending:
// We do not send notifications for pending states
return false
case eval.Normal:
// We should send a notification if the state is Normal because it was resolved
return a.Resolved
// We should send, and re-send notifications, each time LastSentAt is <= LastEvaluationTime + resendDelay
nextSent := a.LastSentAt.Add(resendDelay)
return nextSent.Before(a.LastEvaluationTime) || nextSent.Equal(a.LastEvaluationTime)
func (a *State) Equals(b *State) bool {
return a.AlertRuleUID == b.AlertRuleUID &&
a.OrgID == b.OrgID &&
a.CacheID == b.CacheID &&
a.Labels.String() == b.Labels.String() &&
a.State.String() == b.State.String() &&
a.StartsAt == b.StartsAt &&
a.EndsAt == b.EndsAt &&
a.LastEvaluationTime == b.LastEvaluationTime &&
data.Labels(a.Annotations).String() == data.Labels(b.Annotations).String()
func (a *State) TrimResults(alertRule *models.AlertRule) {
numBuckets := int64(alertRule.For.Seconds()) / alertRule.IntervalSeconds
if numBuckets == 0 {
numBuckets = 10 // keep at least 10 evaluations in the event For is set to 0
if len(a.Results) < int(numBuckets) {
newResults := make([]Evaluation, numBuckets)
copy(newResults, a.Results[len(a.Results)-int(numBuckets):])
a.Results = newResults
func nextEndsTime(interval int64, evaluatedAt time.Time) time.Time {
ends := ResendDelay
intv := time.Second * time.Duration(interval)
if intv > ResendDelay {
ends = intv
return evaluatedAt.Add(3 * ends)
func (a *State) GetLabels(opts ...models.LabelOption) map[string]string {
labels := a.Labels.Copy()
for _, opt := range opts {
return labels
func (a *State) GetLastEvaluationValuesForCondition() map[string]float64 {
if len(a.Results) <= 0 {
return nil
lastResult := a.Results[len(a.Results)-1]
r := make(map[string]float64, len(lastResult.Values))
for refID, value := range lastResult.Values {
if strings.Contains(refID, lastResult.Condition) {
if value != nil {
r[refID] = *value
r[refID] = math.NaN()
return r
// shouldTakeImage returns true if the state just has transitioned to alerting from another state,
// transitioned to alerting in a previous evaluation but does not have a screenshot, or has just
// been resolved.
func shouldTakeImage(state, previousState eval.State, previousImage *models.Image, resolved bool) bool {
return resolved ||
state == eval.Alerting && previousState != eval.Alerting ||
state == eval.Alerting && previousImage == nil
// takeImage takes an image for the alert rule. It returns nil if screenshots are disabled or
// the rule is not associated with a dashboard panel.
func takeImage(ctx context.Context, s ImageCapturer, r *models.AlertRule) (*models.Image, error) {
img, err := s.NewImage(ctx, r)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, screenshot.ErrScreenshotsUnavailable) ||
errors.Is(err, models.ErrNoDashboard) ||
errors.Is(err, models.ErrNoPanel) {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
return img, nil
func FormatStateAndReason(state eval.State, reason string) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%v", state)
if len(reason) > 0 {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" (%v)", reason)
return s