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synced 2024-11-29 12:14:08 -06:00
* Alerting: Refactor & fix unified alerting metrics structure Fixes and refactors the metrics structure we have for the ngalert service. Now, each component has its own metric struct that includes the JUST the metrics it uses. Additionally, I have fixed the configuration metrics and added new metrics to determine if we have discovered and started all the necessary configurations of an instance. This allows us to alert on `grafana_alerting_discovered_configurations - grafana_alerting_active_configurations != 0` to know whether an alertmanager instance did not start successfully.
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package notifier
import (
gokit_log "github.com/go-kit/kit/log"
apimodels "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/api/tooling/definitions"
func setupAMTest(t *testing.T) *Alertmanager {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(dir))
cfg := &setting.Cfg{
DataPath: dir,
m := metrics.NewAlertmanagerMetrics(prometheus.NewRegistry())
sqlStore := sqlstore.InitTestDB(t)
s := &store.DBstore{
BaseInterval: 10 * time.Second,
DefaultIntervalSeconds: 60,
SQLStore: sqlStore,
Logger: log.New("alertmanager-test"),
kvStore := newFakeKVStore(t)
am, err := newAlertmanager(1, cfg, s, kvStore, m)
require.NoError(t, err)
return am
func TestAlertmanager_ShouldUseDefaultConfigurationWhenNoConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
am := setupAMTest(t)
require.NoError(t, am.SyncAndApplyConfigFromDatabase())
require.NotNil(t, am.config)
func TestPutAlert(t *testing.T) {
am := setupAMTest(t)
startTime := time.Now()
endTime := startTime.Add(2 * time.Hour)
cases := []struct {
title string
postableAlerts apimodels.PostableAlerts
expAlerts func(now time.Time) []*types.Alert
expError *AlertValidationError
title: "Valid alerts with different start/end set",
postableAlerts: apimodels.PostableAlerts{
PostableAlerts: []models.PostableAlert{
{ // Start and end set.
Annotations: models.LabelSet{"msg": "Alert1 annotation"},
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert1"},
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url1",
StartsAt: strfmt.DateTime(startTime),
EndsAt: strfmt.DateTime(endTime),
}, { // Only end is set.
Annotations: models.LabelSet{"msg": "Alert2 annotation"},
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert2"},
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url2",
StartsAt: strfmt.DateTime{},
EndsAt: strfmt.DateTime(endTime),
}, { // Only start is set.
Annotations: models.LabelSet{"msg": "Alert3 annotation"},
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert3"},
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url3",
StartsAt: strfmt.DateTime(startTime),
EndsAt: strfmt.DateTime{},
}, { // Both start and end are not set.
Annotations: models.LabelSet{"msg": "Alert4 annotation"},
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert4"},
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url4",
StartsAt: strfmt.DateTime{},
EndsAt: strfmt.DateTime{},
expAlerts: func(now time.Time) []*types.Alert {
return []*types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"msg": "Alert1 annotation"},
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert1"},
StartsAt: startTime,
EndsAt: endTime,
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url1",
UpdatedAt: now,
}, {
Alert: model.Alert{
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"msg": "Alert2 annotation"},
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert2"},
StartsAt: endTime,
EndsAt: endTime,
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url2",
UpdatedAt: now,
}, {
Alert: model.Alert{
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"msg": "Alert3 annotation"},
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert3"},
StartsAt: startTime,
EndsAt: now.Add(defaultResolveTimeout),
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url3",
UpdatedAt: now,
Timeout: true,
}, {
Alert: model.Alert{
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"msg": "Alert4 annotation"},
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert4"},
StartsAt: now,
EndsAt: now.Add(defaultResolveTimeout),
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url4",
UpdatedAt: now,
Timeout: true,
}, {
title: "Removing empty labels and annotations",
postableAlerts: apimodels.PostableAlerts{
PostableAlerts: []models.PostableAlert{
Annotations: models.LabelSet{"msg": "Alert4 annotation", "empty": ""},
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert4", "emptylabel": ""},
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url1",
StartsAt: strfmt.DateTime{},
EndsAt: strfmt.DateTime{},
expAlerts: func(now time.Time) []*types.Alert {
return []*types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"msg": "Alert4 annotation"},
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert4"},
StartsAt: now,
EndsAt: now.Add(defaultResolveTimeout),
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url1",
UpdatedAt: now,
Timeout: true,
}, {
title: "Allow spaces in label and annotation name",
postableAlerts: apimodels.PostableAlerts{
PostableAlerts: []models.PostableAlert{
Annotations: models.LabelSet{"Dashboard URL": "http://localhost:3000"},
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert4", "Spaced Label": "works"},
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url1",
StartsAt: strfmt.DateTime{},
EndsAt: strfmt.DateTime{},
expAlerts: func(now time.Time) []*types.Alert {
return []*types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"Dashboard URL": "http://localhost:3000"},
Labels: model.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert4", "Spaced Label": "works"},
StartsAt: now,
EndsAt: now.Add(defaultResolveTimeout),
GeneratorURL: "http://localhost/url1",
UpdatedAt: now,
Timeout: true,
}, {
title: "Invalid labels",
postableAlerts: apimodels.PostableAlerts{
PostableAlerts: []models.PostableAlert{
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname$": "Alert1"},
expError: &AlertValidationError{
Alerts: []models.PostableAlert{
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname$": "Alert1"},
Errors: []error{errors.New("invalid label set: invalid name \"alertname$\"")},
}, {
title: "Invalid annotation",
postableAlerts: apimodels.PostableAlerts{
PostableAlerts: []models.PostableAlert{
Annotations: models.LabelSet{"msg$": "Alert4 annotation"},
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert1"},
expError: &AlertValidationError{
Alerts: []models.PostableAlert{
Annotations: models.LabelSet{"msg$": "Alert4 annotation"},
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": "Alert1"},
Errors: []error{errors.New("invalid annotations: invalid name \"msg$\"")},
}, {
title: "No labels after removing empty",
postableAlerts: apimodels.PostableAlerts{
PostableAlerts: []models.PostableAlert{
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": ""},
expError: &AlertValidationError{
Alerts: []models.PostableAlert{
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": ""},
Errors: []error{errors.New("at least one label pair required")},
}, {
title: "Start should be before end",
postableAlerts: apimodels.PostableAlerts{
PostableAlerts: []models.PostableAlert{
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": ""},
StartsAt: strfmt.DateTime(endTime),
EndsAt: strfmt.DateTime(startTime),
expError: &AlertValidationError{
Alerts: []models.PostableAlert{
Alert: models.Alert{
Labels: models.LabelSet{"alertname": ""},
StartsAt: strfmt.DateTime(endTime),
EndsAt: strfmt.DateTime(startTime),
Errors: []error{errors.New("start time must be before end time")},
for _, c := range cases {
var err error
t.Run(c.title, func(t *testing.T) {
r := prometheus.NewRegistry()
am.marker = types.NewMarker(r)
am.alerts, err = mem.NewAlerts(context.Background(), am.marker, 15*time.Minute, nil, gokit_log.NewLogfmtLogger(logging.NewWrapper(am.logger)))
require.NoError(t, err)
alerts := []*types.Alert{}
err := am.PutAlerts(c.postableAlerts)
if c.expError != nil {
require.Error(t, err)
require.Equal(t, c.expError, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(alerts))
require.NoError(t, err)
iter := am.alerts.GetPending()
defer iter.Close()
for a := range iter.Next() {
alerts = append(alerts, a)
// We take the "now" time from one of the UpdatedAt.
now := alerts[0].UpdatedAt
expAlerts := c.expAlerts(now)
require.Equal(t, expAlerts, alerts)