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// Package eval executes the condition for an alert definition, evaluates the condition results, and
// returns the alert instance states.
package eval
import (
type Evaluator struct {
Cfg *setting.Cfg
Log log.Logger
// invalidEvalResultFormatError is an error for invalid format of the alert definition evaluation results.
type invalidEvalResultFormatError struct {
refID string
reason string
err error
func (e *invalidEvalResultFormatError) Error() string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("invalid format of evaluation results for the alert definition %s: %s", e.refID, e.reason)
if e.err != nil {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", s, e.err.Error())
return s
func (e *invalidEvalResultFormatError) Unwrap() error {
return e.err
// ExecutionResults contains the unevaluated results from executing
// a condition.
type ExecutionResults struct {
Error error
// NoData contains the DatasourceUID for RefIDs that returned no data.
NoData map[string]string
Results data.Frames
// Results is a slice of evaluated alert instances states.
type Results []Result
// Result contains the evaluated State of an alert instance
// identified by its labels.
type Result struct {
Instance data.Labels
State State // Enum
// Error message for Error state. should be nil if State != Error.
Error error
EvaluatedAt time.Time
EvaluationDuration time.Duration
// EvaluationString is a string representation of evaluation data such
// as EvalMatches (from "classic condition"), and in the future from operations
// like SSE "math".
EvaluationString string
// Values contains the RefID and value of reduce and math expressions.
// It does not contain values for classic conditions as the values
// in classic conditions do not have a RefID.
Values map[string]NumberValueCapture
// State is an enum of the evaluation State for an alert instance.
type State int
const (
// Normal is the eval state for an alert instance condition
// that evaluated to false.
Normal State = iota
// Alerting is the eval state for an alert instance condition
// that evaluated to true (Alerting).
// Pending is the eval state for an alert instance condition
// that evaluated to true (Alerting) but has not yet met
// the For duration defined in AlertRule.
// NoData is the eval state for an alert rule condition
// that evaluated to NoData.
// Error is the eval state for an alert rule condition
// that evaluated to Error.
func (s State) String() string {
return [...]string{"Normal", "Alerting", "Pending", "NoData", "Error"}[s]
// AlertExecCtx is the context provided for executing an alert condition.
type AlertExecCtx struct {
OrgID int64
ExpressionsEnabled bool
Log log.Logger
Ctx context.Context
// GetExprRequest validates the condition and creates a expr.Request from it.
func GetExprRequest(ctx AlertExecCtx, data []models.AlertQuery, now time.Time) (*expr.Request, error) {
req := &expr.Request{
OrgId: ctx.OrgID,
Headers: map[string]string{
// Some data sources check this in query method as sometimes alerting needs special considerations.
"FromAlert": "true",
"X-Cache-Skip": "true",
for i := range data {
q := data[i]
model, err := q.GetModel()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get query model: %w", err)
interval, err := q.GetIntervalDuration()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve intervalMs from the model: %w", err)
maxDatapoints, err := q.GetMaxDatapoints()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve maxDatapoints from the model: %w", err)
req.Queries = append(req.Queries, expr.Query{
TimeRange: expr.TimeRange{
From: q.RelativeTimeRange.ToTimeRange(now).From,
To: q.RelativeTimeRange.ToTimeRange(now).To,
DatasourceUID: q.DatasourceUID,
JSON: model,
Interval: interval,
RefID: q.RefID,
MaxDataPoints: maxDatapoints,
QueryType: q.QueryType,
return req, nil
type NumberValueCapture struct {
Var string // RefID
Labels data.Labels
Value *float64
func executeCondition(ctx AlertExecCtx, c *models.Condition, now time.Time, exprService *expr.Service) ExecutionResults {
execResp, err := executeQueriesAndExpressions(ctx, c.Data, now, exprService)
if err != nil {
return ExecutionResults{Error: err}
// eval captures for the '__value_string__' annotation and the Value property of the API response.
captures := make([]NumberValueCapture, 0, len(execResp.Responses))
captureVal := func(refID string, labels data.Labels, value *float64) {
captures = append(captures, NumberValueCapture{
Var: refID,
Value: value,
Labels: labels.Copy(),
// datasourceUIDsForRefIDs is a short-lived lookup table of RefID to DatasourceUID
// for efficient lookups of the DatasourceUID when a RefID returns no data
datasourceUIDsForRefIDs := make(map[string]string)
for _, next := range c.Data {
datasourceUIDsForRefIDs[next.RefID] = next.DatasourceUID
// datasourceExprUID is a special DatasourceUID for expressions
datasourceExprUID := strconv.FormatInt(expr.DatasourceID, 10)
var result ExecutionResults
for refID, res := range execResp.Responses {
if len(res.Frames) == 0 {
// to ensure that NoData is consistent with Results we do not initialize NoData
// unless there is at least one RefID that returned no data
if result.NoData == nil {
result.NoData = make(map[string]string)
if s, ok := datasourceUIDsForRefIDs[refID]; ok && s != datasourceExprUID {
result.NoData[refID] = s
// for each frame within each response, the response can contain several data types including time-series data.
// For now, we favour simplicity and only care about single scalar values.
for _, frame := range res.Frames {
if len(frame.Fields) != 1 || frame.Fields[0].Type() != data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64 {
var v *float64
if frame.Fields[0].Len() == 1 {
v = frame.At(0, 0).(*float64) // type checked above
captureVal(frame.RefID, frame.Fields[0].Labels, v)
if refID == c.Condition {
result.Results = res.Frames
// add capture values as data frame metadata to each result (frame) that has matching labels.
for _, frame := range result.Results {
// classic conditions already have metadata set and only have one value, there's no need to add anything in this case.
if frame.Meta != nil && frame.Meta.Custom != nil {
if _, ok := frame.Meta.Custom.([]classic.EvalMatch); ok {
continue // do not overwrite EvalMatch from classic condition.
frame.SetMeta(&data.FrameMeta{}) // overwrite metadata
if len(frame.Fields) == 1 {
theseLabels := frame.Fields[0].Labels
for _, cap := range captures {
// matching labels are equal labels, or when one set of labels includes the labels of the other.
if theseLabels.Equals(cap.Labels) || theseLabels.Contains(cap.Labels) || cap.Labels.Contains(theseLabels) {
if frame.Meta.Custom == nil {
frame.Meta.Custom = []NumberValueCapture{}
frame.Meta.Custom = append(frame.Meta.Custom.([]NumberValueCapture), cap)
return result
func executeQueriesAndExpressions(ctx AlertExecCtx, data []models.AlertQuery, now time.Time, exprService *expr.Service) (resp *backend.QueryDataResponse, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
ctx.Log.Error("alert rule panic", "error", e, "stack", string(debug.Stack()))
panicErr := fmt.Errorf("alert rule panic; please check the logs for the full stack")
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("queries and expressions execution failed: %w; %v", err, panicErr.Error())
} else {
err = panicErr
queryDataReq, err := GetExprRequest(ctx, data, now)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return exprService.TransformData(ctx.Ctx, queryDataReq)
// evaluateExecutionResult takes the ExecutionResult which includes data.Frames returned
// from SSE (Server Side Expressions). It will create Results (slice of Result) with a State
// extracted from each Frame.
// If the ExecutionResults error property is not nil, a single Error result will be returned.
// If there is no error and no results then a single NoData state Result will be returned.
// Each non-empty Frame must be a single Field of type []*float64 and of length 1.
// Also, each Frame must be uniquely identified by its Field.Labels or a single Error result will be returned.
// Per Frame, data becomes a State based on the following rules:
// - Empty or zero length Frames result in NoData.
// - If a value:
// - 0 results in Normal.
// - Nonzero (e.g 1.2, NaN) results in Alerting.
// - nil results in noData.
// - unsupported Frame schemas results in Error.
func evaluateExecutionResult(execResults ExecutionResults, ts time.Time) Results {
evalResults := make([]Result, 0)
appendErrRes := func(e error) {
evalResults = append(evalResults, Result{
State: Error,
Error: e,
EvaluatedAt: ts,
EvaluationDuration: time.Since(ts),
appendNoData := func(labels data.Labels) {
evalResults = append(evalResults, Result{
State: NoData,
Instance: labels,
EvaluatedAt: ts,
EvaluationDuration: time.Since(ts),
if execResults.Error != nil {
return evalResults
if len(execResults.NoData) > 0 {
m := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, datasourceUID := range execResults.NoData {
if _, ok := m[datasourceUID]; !ok {
appendNoData(data.Labels{"datasource_uid": datasourceUID})
m[datasourceUID] = struct{}{}
return evalResults
if len(execResults.Results) == 0 {
return evalResults
for _, f := range execResults.Results {
rowLen, err := f.RowLen()
if err != nil {
appendErrRes(&invalidEvalResultFormatError{refID: f.RefID, reason: "unable to get frame row length", err: err})
if len(f.TypeIndices(data.FieldTypeTime, data.FieldTypeNullableTime)) > 0 {
appendErrRes(&invalidEvalResultFormatError{refID: f.RefID, reason: "looks like time series data, only reduced data can be alerted on."})
if rowLen == 0 {
if len(f.Fields) == 0 {
if len(f.Fields) == 1 {
if rowLen > 1 {
appendErrRes(&invalidEvalResultFormatError{refID: f.RefID, reason: fmt.Sprintf("unexpected row length: %d instead of 0 or 1", rowLen)})
if len(f.Fields) > 1 {
appendErrRes(&invalidEvalResultFormatError{refID: f.RefID, reason: fmt.Sprintf("unexpected field length: %d instead of 1", len(f.Fields))})
if f.Fields[0].Type() != data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64 {
appendErrRes(&invalidEvalResultFormatError{refID: f.RefID, reason: fmt.Sprintf("invalid field type: %s", f.Fields[0].Type())})
val := f.Fields[0].At(0).(*float64) // type checked by data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64 above
r := Result{
Instance: f.Fields[0].Labels,
EvaluatedAt: ts,
EvaluationDuration: time.Since(ts),
EvaluationString: extractEvalString(f),
Values: extractValues(f),
switch {
case val == nil:
r.State = NoData
case *val == 0:
r.State = Normal
r.State = Alerting
evalResults = append(evalResults, r)
seenLabels := make(map[string]bool)
for _, res := range evalResults {
labelsStr := res.Instance.String()
_, ok := seenLabels[labelsStr]
if ok {
return Results{
State: Error,
Instance: res.Instance,
EvaluatedAt: ts,
EvaluationDuration: time.Since(ts),
Error: &invalidEvalResultFormatError{reason: fmt.Sprintf("frame cannot uniquely be identified by its labels: has duplicate results with labels {%s}", labelsStr)},
seenLabels[labelsStr] = true
return evalResults
// AsDataFrame forms the EvalResults in Frame suitable for displaying in the table panel of the front end.
// It displays one row per alert instance, with a column for each label and one for the alerting state.
func (evalResults Results) AsDataFrame() data.Frame {
fieldLen := len(evalResults)
uniqueLabelKeys := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, evalResult := range evalResults {
for k := range evalResult.Instance {
uniqueLabelKeys[k] = struct{}{}
labelColumns := make([]string, 0, len(uniqueLabelKeys))
for k := range uniqueLabelKeys {
labelColumns = append(labelColumns, k)
labelColumns = sort.StringSlice(labelColumns)
frame := data.NewFrame("evaluation results")
for _, lKey := range labelColumns {
frame.Fields = append(frame.Fields, data.NewField(lKey, nil, make([]string, fieldLen)))
frame.Fields = append(frame.Fields, data.NewField("State", nil, make([]string, fieldLen)))
frame.Fields = append(frame.Fields, data.NewField("Info", nil, make([]string, fieldLen)))
for evalIdx, evalResult := range evalResults {
for lIdx, v := range labelColumns {
frame.Set(lIdx, evalIdx, evalResult.Instance[v])
frame.Set(len(labelColumns), evalIdx, evalResult.State.String())
switch {
case evalResult.Error != nil:
frame.Set(len(labelColumns)+1, evalIdx, evalResult.Error.Error())
case evalResult.EvaluationString != "":
frame.Set(len(labelColumns)+1, evalIdx, evalResult.EvaluationString)
return *frame
// ConditionEval executes conditions and evaluates the result.
func (e *Evaluator) ConditionEval(condition *models.Condition, now time.Time, expressionService *expr.Service) (Results, error) {
alertCtx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), e.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.EvaluationTimeout)
defer cancelFn()
alertExecCtx := AlertExecCtx{OrgID: condition.OrgID, Ctx: alertCtx, ExpressionsEnabled: e.Cfg.ExpressionsEnabled, Log: e.Log}
execResult := executeCondition(alertExecCtx, condition, now, expressionService)
evalResults := evaluateExecutionResult(execResult, now)
return evalResults, nil
// QueriesAndExpressionsEval executes queries and expressions and returns the result.
func (e *Evaluator) QueriesAndExpressionsEval(orgID int64, data []models.AlertQuery, now time.Time, expressionService *expr.Service) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) {
alertCtx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), e.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.EvaluationTimeout)
defer cancelFn()
alertExecCtx := AlertExecCtx{OrgID: orgID, Ctx: alertCtx, ExpressionsEnabled: e.Cfg.ExpressionsEnabled, Log: e.Log}
execResult, err := executeQueriesAndExpressions(alertExecCtx, data, now, expressionService)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to execute conditions: %w", err)
return execResult, nil