TechVest 1ffe858e06
chore: remove repetitive words (#86412)
Signed-off-by: TechVest <>
2024-04-17 13:08:00 +01:00

150 lines
5.0 KiB

import { AdHocVariableFilter } from '@grafana/data';
import { reportInteraction } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { LayoutType } from './ActionTabs/types';
import { TrailStepType } from './DataTrailsHistory';
import { ActionViewType } from './shared';
// prettier-ignore
type Interactions = {
// User selected a label to view its breakdown.
label_selected: {
label: string;
cause: (
// By clicking the "select" button on that label's breakdown panel
| 'breakdown_panel'
// By clicking the label link on the overview
| 'overview_link'
// By clicking on the label selector at the top of the breakdown
| 'selector'
// User changed a label filter.
label_filter_changed: {
label: string;
action: 'added' | 'removed' | 'changed';
cause: 'breakdown' | 'adhoc_filter';
// User changed the breakdown layout
breakdown_layout_changed: { layout: LayoutType };
// A metric exploration has started due to one of the following causes
exploration_started: {
cause: (
// a bookmark was clicked from the home page
| 'bookmark_clicked'
// a recent exploration was clicked from the home page
| 'recent_clicked'
// "new exploration" was clicked from the home page
| 'new_clicked'
// the page was loaded (or reloaded) from a URL which matches one of the recent explorations
| 'loaded_local_recent_url'
// the page was loaded from a URL which did not match one of the recent explorations, and is assumed shared
| 'loaded_shared_url'
// the exploration was opened from the dashboard panel menu and is embedded in a drawer
| 'dashboard_panel'
// A user has changed a bookmark
bookmark_changed: {
action: (
// Toggled on or off from the bookmark icon
| 'toggled_on'
| 'toggled_off'
// Deleted from the homepage bookmarks list
| 'deleted'
// User changes metric explore settings
settings_changed: { stickyMainGraph?: boolean };
// User clicks on history nodes to navigate exploration history
history_step_clicked: {
type: (
// One of the standard step types
| TrailStepType
// The special metric step type that is created when the user de-selects the current metric
| 'metric-clear'
// User clicks on tab to change the action view
metric_action_view_changed: { view: ActionViewType };
// User clicks on one of the action buttons associated with a selected metric
selected_metric_action_clicked: {
action: (
// Opens the metric queries in Explore
| 'open_in_explore'
// Clicks on the share URL button
| 'share_url'
// Deselects the current selected metrics by clicking the "Select new metric" button
| 'unselect'
// When in embedded mode, clicked to open the exploration from the embedded view
| 'open_from_embedded'
// User selects a metric
metric_selected: {
from: (
// By clicking "Select" on a metric panel when on the no-metric-selected metrics list view
| 'metric_list'
// By clicking "Select" on a metric panel when on the related metrics tab
| 'related_metrics'
// The number of search terms activated when the selection was made
searchTermCount: number | null;
const PREFIX = 'grafana_explore_metrics_';
export function reportExploreMetrics<E extends keyof Interactions, P extends Interactions[E]>(event: E, payload: P) {
reportInteraction(`${PREFIX}${event}`, payload);
/** Detect the single change in filters and report the event, assuming it came from manipulating the adhoc filter */
export function reportChangeInLabelFilters(newFilters: AdHocVariableFilter[], oldFilters: AdHocVariableFilter[]) {
if (newFilters.length === oldFilters.length) {
for (const oldFilter of oldFilters) {
for (const newFilter of newFilters) {
if (oldFilter.key === newFilter.key) {
if (oldFilter.value !== newFilter.value) {
reportExploreMetrics('label_filter_changed', {
label: oldFilter.key,
action: 'changed',
cause: 'adhoc_filter',
} else if (newFilters.length < oldFilters.length) {
for (const oldFilter of oldFilters) {
let foundOldLabel = false;
for (const newFilter of newFilters) {
if (oldFilter.key === newFilter.key) {
foundOldLabel = true;
if (!foundOldLabel) {
reportExploreMetrics('label_filter_changed', {
label: oldFilter.key,
action: 'removed',
cause: 'adhoc_filter',
} else {
for (const newFilter of newFilters) {
let foundNewLabel = false;
for (const oldFilter of oldFilters) {
if (oldFilter.key === newFilter.key) {
foundNewLabel = true;
if (!foundNewLabel) {
reportExploreMetrics('label_filter_changed', { label: newFilter.key, action: 'added', cause: 'adhoc_filter' });