Serge Zaitsev 6ddb8aeae3
Chore: Moving to slog (folders) (#87000)
* moving folders to slog

* trying to fix the tests

* fix per-logger filters in slog

* allow using slog.Default()

* bring cfg back to keep the pr small

* fix tests

* back to the roots
2024-05-02 09:14:12 +02:00

658 lines
20 KiB

package folderimpl
import (
type sqlStore struct {
db db.DB
log log.Logger
// sqlStore implements the store interface.
var _ store = (*sqlStore)(nil)
func ProvideStore(db db.DB) *sqlStore {
return &sqlStore{db: db, log: log.New("folder-store")}
func (ss *sqlStore) Create(ctx context.Context, cmd folder.CreateFolderCommand) (*folder.Folder, error) {
if cmd.UID == "" {
return nil, folder.ErrBadRequest.Errorf("missing UID")
var foldr *folder.Folder
version := 1
updatedBy := cmd.SignedInUser.UserID
createdBy := cmd.SignedInUser.UserID
var lastInsertedID int64
err := ss.db.WithDbSession(ctx, func(sess *db.Session) error {
var sql string
var args []any
if cmd.ParentUID == "" {
sql = "INSERT INTO folder(org_id, uid, title, description, created, updated) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
args = []any{cmd.OrgID, cmd.UID, cmd.Title, cmd.Description, time.Now(), time.Now()}
} else {
if cmd.ParentUID != folder.GeneralFolderUID {
if _, err := ss.Get(ctx, folder.GetFolderQuery{
UID: &cmd.ParentUID,
OrgID: cmd.OrgID,
}); err != nil {
return folder.ErrFolderNotFound.Errorf("parent folder does not exist")
sql = "INSERT INTO folder(org_id, uid, parent_uid, title, description, created, updated) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
args = []any{cmd.OrgID, cmd.UID, cmd.ParentUID, cmd.Title, cmd.Description, time.Now(), time.Now()}
var err error
lastInsertedID, err = sess.WithReturningID(ss.db.GetDialect().DriverName(), sql, args)
if err != nil {
return err
foldr, err = ss.Get(ctx, folder.GetFolderQuery{
ID: &lastInsertedID, // nolint:staticcheck
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return foldr.WithURL(), err
func (ss *sqlStore) Delete(ctx context.Context, UIDs []string, orgID int64) error {
if len(UIDs) == 0 {
return nil
return ss.db.WithDbSession(ctx, func(sess *db.Session) error {
// covered by UQE_folder_org_id_uid
s := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM folder WHERE org_id=? AND uid IN (%s)", strings.Repeat("?, ", len(UIDs)-1)+"?")
sqlArgs := make([]any, 0, len(UIDs)+2)
sqlArgs = append(sqlArgs, s, orgID)
for _, uid := range UIDs {
sqlArgs = append(sqlArgs, uid)
_, err := sess.Exec(sqlArgs...)
if err != nil {
return folder.ErrDatabaseError.Errorf("failed to delete folders: %w", err)
return nil
func (ss *sqlStore) Update(ctx context.Context, cmd folder.UpdateFolderCommand) (*folder.Folder, error) {
updated := time.Now()
uid := cmd.UID
var foldr *folder.Folder
if cmd.NewDescription == nil && cmd.NewTitle == nil && cmd.NewParentUID == nil {
return nil, folder.ErrBadRequest.Errorf("nothing to update")
err := ss.db.WithDbSession(ctx, func(sess *db.Session) error {
sql := strings.Builder{}
sql.WriteString("UPDATE folder SET ")
columnsToUpdate := []string{"updated = ?"}
args := []any{updated}
if cmd.NewDescription != nil {
columnsToUpdate = append(columnsToUpdate, "description = ?")
args = append(args, *cmd.NewDescription)
if cmd.NewTitle != nil {
columnsToUpdate = append(columnsToUpdate, "title = ?")
args = append(args, *cmd.NewTitle)
if cmd.NewParentUID != nil {
if *cmd.NewParentUID == "" {
columnsToUpdate = append(columnsToUpdate, "parent_uid = NULL")
} else {
columnsToUpdate = append(columnsToUpdate, "parent_uid = ?")
args = append(args, *cmd.NewParentUID)
if len(columnsToUpdate) == 0 {
return folder.ErrBadRequest.Errorf("no columns to update")
sql.WriteString(strings.Join(columnsToUpdate, ", "))
// covered by UQE_folder_org_id_uid
sql.WriteString(" WHERE uid = ? AND org_id = ?")
args = append(args, cmd.UID, cmd.OrgID)
args = append([]any{sql.String()}, args...)
res, err := sess.Exec(args...)
if err != nil {
return folder.ErrDatabaseError.Errorf("failed to update folder: %w", err)
affected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return folder.ErrInternal.Errorf("failed to get affected row: %w", err)
if affected == 0 {
return folder.ErrInternal.Errorf("no folders are updated: %w", folder.ErrFolderNotFound)
foldr, err = ss.Get(ctx, folder.GetFolderQuery{
UID: &uid,
OrgID: cmd.OrgID,
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return foldr.WithURL(), err
// If WithFullpath is true it computes also the full path of a folder.
// The full path is a string that contains the titles of all parent folders separated by a slash.
// For example, if the folder structure is:
// A
// └── B
// └── C
// The full path of C is "A/B/C".
// The full path of B is "A/B".
// The full path of A is "A".
// If a folder contains a slash in its title, it is escaped with a backslash.
// For example, if the folder structure is:
// A
// └── B/C
// The full path of C is "A/B\/C".
func (ss *sqlStore) Get(ctx context.Context, q folder.GetFolderQuery) (*folder.Folder, error) {
foldr := &folder.Folder{}
err := ss.db.WithDbSession(ctx, func(sess *db.Session) error {
exists := false
var err error
s := strings.Builder{}
s.WriteString("SELECT *")
if q.WithFullpath {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`, %s AS fullpath`, getFullpathSQL(ss.db.GetDialect())))
s.WriteString(" FROM folder f0")
if q.WithFullpath {
switch {
case q.UID != nil:
// covered UQE_folder_uid_org_id
s.WriteString(" WHERE f0.uid = ? AND f0.org_id = ?")
exists, err = sess.SQL(s.String(), q.UID, q.OrgID).Get(foldr)
// nolint:staticcheck
case q.ID != nil:
s.WriteString(" WHERE = ?")
// covered by primary key
exists, err = sess.SQL(s.String(), q.ID).Get(foldr)
case q.Title != nil:
// covered by UQE_folder_org_id_parent_uid_title
s.WriteString(" WHERE f0.title = ? AND f0.org_id = ?")
args := []any{*q.Title, q.OrgID}
if q.ParentUID != nil {
s.WriteString(" AND f0.parent_uid = ?")
args = append(args, *q.ParentUID)
} else {
s.WriteString(" AND f0.parent_uid IS NULL")
exists, err = sess.SQL(s.String(), args...).Get(foldr)
return folder.ErrBadRequest.Errorf("one of ID, UID, or Title must be included in the command")
if err != nil {
return folder.ErrDatabaseError.Errorf("failed to get folder: %w", err)
if !exists {
// embed dashboards.ErrFolderNotFound
return folder.ErrFolderNotFound.Errorf("%w", dashboards.ErrFolderNotFound)
return nil
foldr.Fullpath = strings.TrimLeft(foldr.Fullpath, "/")
return foldr.WithURL(), err
func (ss *sqlStore) GetParents(ctx context.Context, q folder.GetParentsQuery) ([]*folder.Folder, error) {
if q.UID == "" {
return []*folder.Folder{}, nil
var folders []*folder.Folder
// covered by UQE_folder_org_id_uid
recQuery := `
SELECT * FROM folder WHERE uid = ? AND org_id = ?
UNION ALL SELECT f.* FROM folder f INNER JOIN RecQry r ON f.uid = r.parent_uid and f.org_id = r.org_id
recursiveQueriesAreSupported, err := ss.db.RecursiveQueriesAreSupported()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch recursiveQueriesAreSupported {
case true:
if err := ss.db.WithDbSession(ctx, func(sess *db.Session) error {
err := sess.SQL(recQuery, q.UID, q.OrgID).Find(&folders)
if err != nil {
return folder.ErrDatabaseError.Errorf("failed to get folder parents: %w", err)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := concurrency.ForEachJob(ctx, len(folders), runtime.NumCPU(), func(ctx context.Context, idx int) error {
return nil
}); err != nil {
ss.log.Debug("failed to set URL to folders", "err", err)
ss.log.Debug("recursive CTE subquery is not supported; it fallbacks to the iterative implementation")
return ss.getParentsMySQL(ctx, q)
if len(folders) < 1 {
// the query is expected to return at least the same folder
// if it's empty it means that the folder does not exist
return nil, folder.ErrFolderNotFound.Errorf("folder not found")
return util.Reverse(folders[1:]), nil
func (ss *sqlStore) GetChildren(ctx context.Context, q folder.GetChildrenQuery) ([]*folder.Folder, error) {
var folders []*folder.Folder
err := ss.db.WithDbSession(ctx, func(sess *db.Session) error {
sql := strings.Builder{}
args := make([]any, 0, 2)
// covered by UQE_folder_org_id_parent_uid_title
if q.UID == "" {
sql.WriteString("SELECT * FROM folder WHERE parent_uid IS NULL AND org_id=?")
args = append(args, q.OrgID)
} else {
sql.WriteString("SELECT * FROM folder WHERE parent_uid=? AND org_id=?")
args = append(args, q.UID, q.OrgID)
if len(q.FolderUIDs) > 0 {
sql.WriteString(" AND uid IN (")
for i, uid := range q.FolderUIDs {
if i > 0 {
sql.WriteString(", ")
args = append(args, uid)
sql.WriteString(" ORDER BY title ASC")
if q.Limit != 0 {
var offset int64 = 0
if q.Page > 0 {
offset = q.Limit * (q.Page - 1)
sql.WriteString(ss.db.GetDialect().LimitOffset(q.Limit, offset))
err := sess.SQL(sql.String(), args...).Find(&folders)
if err != nil {
return folder.ErrDatabaseError.Errorf("failed to get folder children: %w", err)
if err := concurrency.ForEachJob(ctx, len(folders), runtime.NumCPU(), func(ctx context.Context, idx int) error {
return nil
}); err != nil {
ss.log.Debug("failed to set URL to folders", "err", err)
return nil
return folders, err
func (ss *sqlStore) getParentsMySQL(ctx context.Context, q folder.GetParentsQuery) (folders []*folder.Folder, err error) {
err = ss.db.WithDbSession(ctx, func(sess *db.Session) error {
uid := ""
// covered by UQE_folder_org_id_uid
ok, err := sess.SQL("SELECT parent_uid FROM folder WHERE org_id=? AND uid=?", q.OrgID, q.UID).Get(&uid)
if err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
return folder.ErrFolderNotFound.Errorf("folder not found")
for {
f := &folder.Folder{}
// covered by UQE_folder_org_id_uid
ok, err := sess.SQL("SELECT * FROM folder WHERE org_id=? AND uid=?", q.OrgID, uid).Get(f)
if err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
folders = append(folders, f.WithURL())
uid = f.ParentUID
if len(folders) > folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth {
return folder.ErrMaximumDepthReached.Errorf("failed to get parent folders iteratively")
return nil
return util.Reverse(folders), err
// TODO use a single query to get the height of a folder
func (ss *sqlStore) GetHeight(ctx context.Context, foldrUID string, orgID int64, parentUID *string) (int, error) {
height := -1
queue := []string{foldrUID}
for len(queue) > 0 && height <= folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth {
length := len(queue)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
ele := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
if parentUID != nil && *parentUID == ele {
return 0, folder.ErrCircularReference
folders, err := ss.GetChildren(ctx, folder.GetChildrenQuery{UID: ele, OrgID: orgID})
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, f := range folders {
queue = append(queue, f.UID)
if height > folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth {
ss.log.Warn("folder height exceeds the maximum allowed depth, You might have a circular reference", "uid", foldrUID, "orgId", orgID, "maxDepth", folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth)
return height, nil
// GetFolders returns org folders by their UIDs.
// If UIDs is empty, it returns all folders in the org.
// If WithFullpath is true it computes also the full path of a folder.
// The full path is a string that contains the titles of all parent folders separated by a slash.
// For example, if the folder structure is:
// A
// └── B
// └── C
// The full path of C is "A/B/C".
// The full path of B is "A/B".
// The full path of A is "A".
// If a folder contains a slash in its title, it is escaped with a backslash.
// For example, if the folder structure is:
// A
// └── B/C
// The full path of C is "A/B\/C".
// If FullpathUIDs is true it computes a string that contains the UIDs of all parent folders separated by slash.
// For example, if the folder structure is:
// A (uid: "uid1")
// └── B (uid: "uid2")
// └── C (uid: "uid3")
// The full path UIDs of C is "uid1/uid2/uid3".
// The full path UIDs of B is "uid1/uid2".
// The full path UIDs of A is "uid1".
func (ss *sqlStore) GetFolders(ctx context.Context, q getFoldersQuery) ([]*folder.Folder, error) {
if q.BatchSize == 0 {
var folders []*folder.Folder
if err := ss.db.WithDbSession(ctx, func(sess *db.Session) error {
return batch(len(q.UIDs), int(q.BatchSize), func(start, end int) error {
partialFolders := make([]*folder.Folder, 0, q.BatchSize)
partialUIDs := q.UIDs[start:min(end, len(q.UIDs))]
s := strings.Builder{}
s.WriteString(`SELECT, f0.org_id, f0.uid, f0.parent_uid, f0.title, f0.description, f0.created, f0.updated`)
// compute full path column if requested
if q.WithFullpath {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`, %s AS fullpath`, getFullpathSQL(ss.db.GetDialect())))
// compute full path UIDs column if requested
if q.WithFullpathUIDs {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`, %s AS fullpath_uids`, getFullapathUIDsSQL(ss.db.GetDialect())))
s.WriteString(` FROM folder f0`)
// join the same table multiple times to compute the full path of a folder
if q.WithFullpath || q.WithFullpathUIDs || len(q.ancestorUIDs) > 0 {
// covered by UQE_folder_org_id_uid
args := []any{}
if q.OrgID > 0 {
s.WriteString(` WHERE f0.org_id=?`)
args = []any{q.OrgID}
if len(partialUIDs) > 0 {
s.WriteString(` AND f0.uid IN (?` + strings.Repeat(", ?", len(partialUIDs)-1) + `)`)
for _, uid := range partialUIDs {
args = append(args, uid)
if len(q.ancestorUIDs) == 0 {
if q.OrderByTitle {
s.WriteString(` ORDER BY f0.title ASC`)
err := sess.SQL(s.String(), args...).Find(&partialFolders)
if err != nil {
return err
folders = append(folders, partialFolders...)
return nil
// filter out folders if they are not in the subtree of the given ancestor folders
if err := batch(len(q.ancestorUIDs), int(q.BatchSize), func(start2, end2 int) error {
s2, args2 := getAncestorsSQL(ss.db.GetDialect(), q.ancestorUIDs, start2, end2, s.String(), args)
if q.OrderByTitle {
s2 += " ORDER BY f0.title ASC"
err := sess.SQL(s2, args2...).Find(&partialFolders)
if err != nil {
return err
folders = append(folders, partialFolders...)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add URLs
for i, f := range folders {
f.Fullpath = strings.TrimLeft(f.Fullpath, "/")
f.FullpathUIDs = strings.TrimLeft(f.FullpathUIDs, "/")
folders[i] = f.WithURL()
return folders, nil
func (ss *sqlStore) GetDescendants(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, ancestor_uid string) ([]*folder.Folder, error) {
var folders []*folder.Folder
recursiveQueriesAreSupported, err := ss.db.RecursiveQueriesAreSupported()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch recursiveQueriesAreSupported {
case true:
// covered by UQE_folder_org_id_parent_uid_title
recQuery := `
SELECT * FROM folder WHERE parent_uid = ? AND org_id = ?
UNION ALL SELECT f.* FROM folder f INNER JOIN RecQry r ON f.parent_uid = r.uid and f.org_id = r.org_id
if err := ss.db.WithDbSession(ctx, func(sess *db.Session) error {
err := sess.SQL(recQuery, ancestor_uid, orgID).Find(&folders)
if err != nil {
return folder.ErrDatabaseError.Errorf("failed to get folder descendants: %w", err)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// this is suboptimal because results is full table scan on f0
// but it's the best we can do without recursive CTE
if err := ss.db.WithDbSession(ctx, func(sess *db.Session) error {
s := strings.Builder{}
args := make([]any, 0, 1+folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth)
args = append(args, orgID)
// covered by UQE_folder_org_id_uid
s.WriteString(`SELECT, f0.org_id, f0.uid, f0.parent_uid, f0.title, f0.description, f0.created, f0.updated`)
s.WriteString(` FROM folder f0`)
s.WriteString(` WHERE f0.org_id=?`)
s.WriteString(` AND (`)
for i := 1; i <= folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth; i++ {
if i > 1 {
s.WriteString(` OR `)
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`f%d.uid=?`, i))
args = append(args, ancestor_uid)
return sess.SQL(s.String(), args...).Find(&folders)
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add URLs
for i, f := range folders {
folders[i] = f.WithURL()
return folders, nil
func getFullpathSQL(dialect migrator.Dialect) string {
escaped := "\\/"
if dialect.DriverName() == migrator.MySQL {
escaped = "\\\\/"
concatCols := make([]string, 0, folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth)
concatCols = append(concatCols, fmt.Sprintf("COALESCE(REPLACE(f0.title, '/', '%s'), '')", escaped))
for i := 1; i <= folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth; i++ {
concatCols = append([]string{fmt.Sprintf("COALESCE(REPLACE(f%d.title, '/', '%s'), '')", i, escaped), "'/'"}, concatCols...)
return dialect.Concat(concatCols...)
func getFullapathUIDsSQL(dialect migrator.Dialect) string {
concatCols := make([]string, 0, folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth)
concatCols = append(concatCols, "COALESCE(f0.uid, '')")
for i := 1; i <= folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth; i++ {
concatCols = append([]string{fmt.Sprintf("COALESCE(f%d.uid, '')", i), "'/'"}, concatCols...)
return dialect.Concat(concatCols...)
// getFullpathJoinsSQL returns a SQL fragment that joins the same table multiple times to get the full path of a folder.
func getFullpathJoinsSQL() string {
joins := make([]string, 0, folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth)
for i := 1; i <= folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth; i++ {
// covered by UQE_folder_org_id_uid
joins = append(joins, fmt.Sprintf(` LEFT JOIN folder f%d ON f%d.org_id = f%d.org_id AND f%d.uid = f%d.parent_uid`, i, i, i-1, i, i-1))
return strings.Join(joins, "\n")
func getAncestorsSQL(dialect migrator.Dialect, ancestorUIDs []string, start int, end int, origSQL string, origArgs []any) (string, []any) {
s2 := strings.Builder{}
args2 := make([]any, 0, len(ancestorUIDs)*folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth)
args2 = append(args2, origArgs...)
partialAncestorUIDs := ancestorUIDs[start:min(end, len(ancestorUIDs))]
partialArgs := make([]any, 0, len(partialAncestorUIDs))
for _, uid := range partialAncestorUIDs {
partialArgs = append(partialArgs, uid)
s2.WriteString(` AND ( f0.uid IN (?` + strings.Repeat(", ?", len(partialAncestorUIDs)-1) + `)`)
args2 = append(args2, partialArgs...)
for i := 1; i <= folder.MaxNestedFolderDepth; i++ {
s2.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` OR f%d.uid IN (?`+strings.Repeat(", ?", len(partialAncestorUIDs)-1)+`)`, i))
args2 = append(args2, partialArgs...)
s2.WriteString(` )`)
return s2.String(), args2
func batch(count, batchSize int, eachFn func(start, end int) error) error {
if count == 0 {
if err := eachFn(0, 0); err != nil {
return err
return nil
for i := 0; i < count; {
end := i + batchSize
if end > count {
end = count
if err := eachFn(i, end); err != nil {
return err
i = end
return nil