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353 lines
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353 lines
13 KiB
package navtreeimpl
import (
ac "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/accesscontrol"
contextmodel "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/contexthandler/model"
func (s *ServiceImpl) addAppLinks(treeRoot *navtree.NavTreeRoot, c *contextmodel.ReqContext) error {
hasAccess := ac.HasAccess(s.accessControl, c)
appLinks := []*navtree.NavLink{}
pss, err := s.pluginSettings.GetPluginSettings(c.Req.Context(), &pluginsettings.GetArgs{OrgID: c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID()})
if err != nil {
return err
isPluginEnabled := func(plugin pluginstore.Plugin) bool {
if plugin.AutoEnabled {
return true
for _, ps := range pss {
if ps.PluginID == plugin.ID {
return ps.Enabled
return false
for _, plugin := range s.pluginStore.Plugins(c.Req.Context(), plugins.TypeApp) {
if !isPluginEnabled(plugin) {
if !hasAccess(ac.EvalPermission(pluginaccesscontrol.ActionAppAccess, pluginaccesscontrol.ScopeProvider.GetResourceScope(plugin.ID))) {
if appNode := s.processAppPlugin(plugin, c, treeRoot); appNode != nil {
appLinks = append(appLinks, appNode)
if len(appLinks) > 0 {
sort.SliceStable(appLinks, func(i, j int) bool {
return appLinks[i].Text < appLinks[j].Text
for _, appLink := range appLinks {
return nil
func (s *ServiceImpl) processAppPlugin(plugin pluginstore.Plugin, c *contextmodel.ReqContext, treeRoot *navtree.NavTreeRoot) *navtree.NavLink {
hasAccessToInclude := s.hasAccessToInclude(c, plugin.ID)
appLink := &navtree.NavLink{
Text: plugin.Name,
Id: "plugin-page-" + plugin.ID,
Img: plugin.Info.Logos.Small,
SubTitle: plugin.Info.Description,
SortWeight: navtree.WeightPlugin,
IsSection: true,
PluginID: plugin.ID,
Url: s.cfg.AppSubURL + "/a/" + plugin.ID,
for _, include := range plugin.Includes {
if !hasAccessToInclude(include) {
if include.Type == "page" {
link := &navtree.NavLink{
Text: include.Name,
Icon: include.Icon,
PluginID: plugin.ID,
if len(include.Path) > 0 {
link.Url = s.cfg.AppSubURL + include.Path
if include.DefaultNav && include.AddToNav {
appLink.Url = link.Url
} else {
link.Url = s.cfg.AppSubURL + "/plugins/" + plugin.ID + "/page/" + include.Slug
// Register standalone plugin pages to certain sections using the Grafana config
if pathConfig, ok := s.navigationAppPathConfig[include.Path]; ok {
if sectionForPage := treeRoot.FindById(pathConfig.SectionID); sectionForPage != nil {
link.Id = "standalone-plugin-page-" + include.Path
link.SortWeight = pathConfig.SortWeight
// Check if the section already has a page with the same URL, and in that case override it
// (This only happens if it is explicitly set by `navigation.app_standalone_pages` in the INI config)
isOverridingCorePage := false
for _, child := range sectionForPage.Children {
if child.Url == link.Url {
child.Id = link.Id
child.SortWeight = link.SortWeight
child.PluginID = link.PluginID
child.Children = []*navtree.NavLink{}
isOverridingCorePage = true
// Append the page to the section
if !isOverridingCorePage {
sectionForPage.Children = append(sectionForPage.Children, link)
// Register the page under the app
} else if include.AddToNav {
appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, link)
if include.Type == "dashboard" && include.AddToNav {
dboardURL := include.DashboardURLPath()
if dboardURL != "" {
link := &navtree.NavLink{
Url: path.Join(s.cfg.AppSubURL, dboardURL),
Text: include.Name,
PluginID: plugin.ID,
appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, link)
// Apps without any nav children are not part of navtree
if len(appLink.Children) == 0 {
return nil
// If we only have one child and it's the app default nav then remove it from children
if len(appLink.Children) == 1 && appLink.Children[0].Url == appLink.Url {
appLink.Children = []*navtree.NavLink{}
// Remove default nav child
childrenWithoutDefault := []*navtree.NavLink{}
for _, child := range appLink.Children {
if child.Url != appLink.Url {
childrenWithoutDefault = append(childrenWithoutDefault, child)
appLink.Children = childrenWithoutDefault
s.addPluginToSection(c, treeRoot, plugin, appLink)
return nil
func (s *ServiceImpl) addPluginToSection(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, treeRoot *navtree.NavTreeRoot, plugin pluginstore.Plugin, appLink *navtree.NavLink) {
// Handle moving apps into specific navtree sections
var alertingNodes []*navtree.NavLink
alertingNode := treeRoot.FindById(navtree.NavIDAlerting)
if alertingNode != nil {
alertingNodes = append(alertingNodes, alertingNode)
sectionID := navtree.NavIDApps
if navConfig, hasOverride := s.navigationAppConfig[plugin.ID]; hasOverride {
appLink.SortWeight = navConfig.SortWeight
sectionID = navConfig.SectionID
if len(navConfig.Text) > 0 {
appLink.Text = navConfig.Text
if len(navConfig.Icon) > 0 {
appLink.Icon = navConfig.Icon
if sectionID == navtree.NavIDRoot {
} else if navNode := treeRoot.FindById(sectionID); navNode != nil {
navNode.Children = append(navNode.Children, appLink)
} else {
switch sectionID {
case navtree.NavIDApps:
Text: "Apps",
Icon: "layer-group",
SubTitle: "App plugins that extend the Grafana experience",
Id: navtree.NavIDApps,
Children: []*navtree.NavLink{appLink},
SortWeight: navtree.WeightApps,
Url: s.cfg.AppSubURL + "/apps",
case navtree.NavIDMonitoring:
Text: "Observability",
Id: navtree.NavIDMonitoring,
SubTitle: "Observability and infrastructure apps",
Icon: "heart-rate",
SortWeight: navtree.WeightMonitoring,
Children: []*navtree.NavLink{appLink},
Url: s.cfg.AppSubURL + "/monitoring",
case navtree.NavIDInfrastructure:
Text: "Infrastructure",
Id: navtree.NavIDInfrastructure,
SubTitle: "Understand your infrastructure's health",
Icon: "heart-rate",
SortWeight: navtree.WeightInfrastructure,
Children: []*navtree.NavLink{appLink},
Url: s.cfg.AppSubURL + "/infrastructure",
case navtree.NavIDFrontend:
Text: "Frontend",
Id: navtree.NavIDFrontend,
SubTitle: "Gain real user monitoring insights",
Icon: "frontend-observability",
SortWeight: navtree.WeightFrontend,
Children: []*navtree.NavLink{appLink},
Url: s.cfg.AppSubURL + "/frontend",
case navtree.NavIDAlertsAndIncidents:
alertsAndIncidentsChildren := []*navtree.NavLink{}
for _, alertingNode := range alertingNodes {
alertsAndIncidentsChildren = append(alertsAndIncidentsChildren, alertingNode)
alertsAndIncidentsChildren = append(alertsAndIncidentsChildren, appLink)
Text: "Alerts & IRM",
Id: navtree.NavIDAlertsAndIncidents,
SubTitle: "Alerting and incident management apps",
Icon: "bell",
SortWeight: navtree.WeightAlertsAndIncidents,
Children: alertsAndIncidentsChildren,
Url: s.cfg.AppSubURL + "/alerts-and-incidents",
case navtree.NavIDTestingAndSynthetics:
Text: "Testing & synthetics",
Id: navtree.NavIDTestingAndSynthetics,
SubTitle: "Optimize performance with k6 and Synthetic Monitoring insights",
Icon: "k6",
SortWeight: navtree.WeightTestingAndSynthetics,
Children: []*navtree.NavLink{appLink},
Url: s.cfg.AppSubURL + "/testing-and-synthetics",
s.log.Error("Plugin app nav id not found", "pluginId", plugin.ID, "navId", sectionID)
func (s *ServiceImpl) hasAccessToInclude(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, pluginID string) func(include *plugins.Includes) bool {
hasAccess := ac.HasAccess(s.accessControl, c)
return func(include *plugins.Includes) bool {
useRBAC := s.features.IsEnabledGlobally(featuremgmt.FlagAccessControlOnCall) && include.RequiresRBACAction()
if useRBAC && !hasAccess(ac.EvalPermission(include.Action)) {
s.log.Debug("plugin include is covered by RBAC, user doesn't have access",
"plugin", pluginID,
"include", include.Name)
return false
} else if !useRBAC && !c.HasUserRole(include.Role) {
return false
return true
func (s *ServiceImpl) readNavigationSettings() {
s.navigationAppConfig = map[string]NavigationAppConfig{
"grafana-k8s-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDInfrastructure, SortWeight: 1, Text: "Kubernetes"},
"grafana-aws-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDInfrastructure, SortWeight: 2},
"grafana-app-observability-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDRoot, SortWeight: navtree.WeightApplication, Text: "Application", Icon: "graph-bar"},
"grafana-pyroscope-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDExplore, SortWeight: 1, Text: "Profiles"},
"grafana-lokiexplore-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDExplore, SortWeight: 2, Text: "Logs"},
"grafana-exploretraces-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDExplore, SortWeight: 3, Text: "Traces"},
"grafana-kowalski-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDRoot, SortWeight: navtree.WeightFrontend, Text: "Frontend", Icon: "frontend-observability"},
"grafana-synthetic-monitoring-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDTestingAndSynthetics, SortWeight: 2, Text: "Synthetics"},
"grafana-oncall-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDAlertsAndIncidents, SortWeight: 1, Text: "OnCall"},
"grafana-incident-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDAlertsAndIncidents, SortWeight: 2, Text: "Incidents"},
"grafana-ml-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDAlertsAndIncidents, SortWeight: 3, Text: "Machine Learning"},
"grafana-slo-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDAlertsAndIncidents, SortWeight: 4},
"grafana-cloud-link-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDCfg},
"grafana-costmanagementui-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDCfg, Text: "Cost management"},
"grafana-adaptive-metrics-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDCfg, Text: "Adaptive Metrics"},
"grafana-logvolumeexplorer-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDCfg, Text: "Log Volume Explorer"},
"grafana-easystart-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDRoot, SortWeight: navtree.WeightApps + 1, Text: "Connections", Icon: "adjust-circle"},
"k6-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDTestingAndSynthetics, SortWeight: 1, Text: "Performance"},
"grafana-asserts-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDRoot, SortWeight: navtree.WeightAsserts, Icon: "asserts"},
s.navigationAppPathConfig = map[string]NavigationAppConfig{
"/a/grafana-auth-app": {SectionID: navtree.NavIDCfg, SortWeight: 7},
appSections := s.cfg.Raw.Section("navigation.app_sections")
appStandalonePages := s.cfg.Raw.Section("navigation.app_standalone_pages")
for _, key := range appSections.Keys() {
pluginId := key.Name()
// Support <id> <weight> value
values := util.SplitString(appSections.Key(key.Name()).MustString(""))
appCfg := &NavigationAppConfig{SectionID: values[0]}
if len(values) > 1 {
if weight, err := strconv.ParseInt(values[1], 10, 64); err == nil {
appCfg.SortWeight = weight
// Only apply the new values, don't completely overwrite the entry if it exists
if entry, ok := s.navigationAppConfig[pluginId]; ok {
entry.SectionID = appCfg.SectionID
if appCfg.SortWeight != 0 {
entry.SortWeight = appCfg.SortWeight
s.navigationAppConfig[pluginId] = entry
} else {
s.navigationAppConfig[pluginId] = *appCfg
for _, key := range appStandalonePages.Keys() {
url := key.Name()
// Support <id> <weight> value
values := util.SplitString(appStandalonePages.Key(key.Name()).MustString(""))
appCfg := &NavigationAppConfig{SectionID: values[0]}
if len(values) > 1 {
if weight, err := strconv.ParseInt(values[1], 10, 64); err == nil {
appCfg.SortWeight = weight
s.navigationAppPathConfig[url] = *appCfg