mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* WIP * Set public_suffix to a pre Ruby 2.6 version * we don't need to install python * Stretch->Buster * Bump versions in lib.star * Manually update linter Sort of messy, but the .mod-file need to contain all dependencies that use 1.16+ features, otherwise they're assumed to be compiled with -lang=go1.16 and cannot access generics et al. Bingo doesn't seem to understand that, but it's possible to manually update things to get Bingo happy. * undo reformatting * Various lint improvements * More from the linter * goimports -w ./pkg/ * Disable gocritic * Add/modify linter exceptions * lint + flatten nested list Go 1.19 doesn't support nested lists, and there wasn't an obvious workaround. https://go.dev/doc/comment#lists
469 lines
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469 lines
12 KiB
package filestorage
import (
_ "gocloud.dev/blob/fileblob"
_ "gocloud.dev/blob/memblob"
const (
originalPathAttributeKey = "__gf_original_path__"
type cdkBlobStorage struct {
log log.Logger
bucket *blob.Bucket
func NewCdkBlobStorage(log log.Logger, bucket *blob.Bucket, rootFolder string, filter PathFilter) FileStorage {
return newWrapper(log, &cdkBlobStorage{
log: log,
bucket: bucket,
}, filter, rootFolder)
func (c cdkBlobStorage) Get(ctx context.Context, path string, options *GetFileOptions) (*File, bool, error) {
var err error
var contents []byte
if options.WithContents {
contents, err = c.bucket.ReadAll(ctx, strings.ToLower(path))
if err != nil {
if gcerrors.Code(err) == gcerrors.NotFound {
return nil, false, nil
return nil, false, err
} else {
contents = make([]byte, 0)
attributes, err := c.bucket.Attributes(ctx, strings.ToLower(path))
if err != nil {
if gcerrors.Code(err) == gcerrors.NotFound {
return nil, false, nil
return nil, false, err
var originalPath string
var props map[string]string
if attributes.Metadata != nil {
props = attributes.Metadata
if path, ok := attributes.Metadata[originalPathAttributeKey]; ok {
originalPath = path
delete(props, originalPathAttributeKey)
} else {
props = make(map[string]string)
originalPath = path
return &File{
Contents: contents,
FileMetadata: FileMetadata{
Name: getName(originalPath),
FullPath: originalPath,
Created: attributes.CreateTime,
Properties: props,
Modified: attributes.ModTime,
Size: attributes.Size,
MimeType: detectContentType(originalPath, attributes.ContentType),
}, true, nil
func (c cdkBlobStorage) Delete(ctx context.Context, filePath string) error {
exists, err := c.bucket.Exists(ctx, strings.ToLower(filePath))
if err != nil {
return err
if !exists {
return nil
err = c.bucket.Delete(ctx, strings.ToLower(filePath))
return err
func (c cdkBlobStorage) Upsert(ctx context.Context, command *UpsertFileCommand) error {
existing, _, err := c.Get(ctx, command.Path, &GetFileOptions{WithContents: true})
if err != nil {
return err
var contents []byte
var metadata map[string]string
if existing == nil {
if command.Contents == nil {
contents = make([]byte, 0)
} else {
contents = command.Contents
metadata = make(map[string]string)
if command.Properties != nil {
for k, v := range command.Properties {
metadata[k] = v
metadata[originalPathAttributeKey] = command.Path
return c.bucket.WriteAll(ctx, strings.ToLower(command.Path), contents, &blob.WriterOptions{
Metadata: metadata,
contents = existing.Contents
if command.Contents != nil {
contents = command.Contents
if command.Properties != nil {
metadata = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range command.Properties {
metadata[k] = v
} else {
metadata = existing.FileMetadata.Properties
metadata[originalPathAttributeKey] = existing.FullPath
return c.bucket.WriteAll(ctx, strings.ToLower(command.Path), contents, &blob.WriterOptions{
Metadata: metadata,
func (c cdkBlobStorage) convertFolderPathToPrefix(path string) string {
if path != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(path, Delimiter) {
return path + Delimiter
return path
func precedingFolders(path string) []string {
parts := strings.Split(path, Delimiter)
if len(parts) == 0 {
return []string{}
if len(parts) == 1 {
return []string{path}
currentDirPath := ""
firstPart := 0
if parts[0] == "" {
firstPart = 1
currentDirPath = Delimiter
res := make([]string, 0)
for i := firstPart; i < len(parts); i++ {
res = append(res, currentDirPath+parts[i])
currentDirPath += parts[i] + Delimiter
return res
func (c cdkBlobStorage) CreateFolder(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
c.log.Info("Creating folder", "path", path)
precedingFolders := precedingFolders(path)
folderToOriginalCasing := make(map[string]string)
foundFolderIndex := -1
for i := len(precedingFolders) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
currentFolder := precedingFolders[i]
att, err := c.bucket.Attributes(ctx, strings.ToLower(currentFolder+Delimiter+directoryMarker))
if err != nil {
if gcerrors.Code(err) != gcerrors.NotFound {
return err
folderToOriginalCasing[currentFolder] = currentFolder
if path, ok := att.Metadata[originalPathAttributeKey]; ok {
folderToOriginalCasing[currentFolder] = getParentFolderPath(path)
foundFolderIndex = i
} else {
folderToOriginalCasing[currentFolder] = currentFolder
for i := foundFolderIndex + 1; i < len(precedingFolders); i++ {
currentFolder := precedingFolders[i]
previousFolderOriginalCasing := ""
if i > 0 {
previousFolderOriginalCasing = folderToOriginalCasing[precedingFolders[i-1]] + Delimiter
metadata := make(map[string]string)
currentFolderWithOriginalCasing := previousFolderOriginalCasing + getName(currentFolder)
metadata[originalPathAttributeKey] = currentFolderWithOriginalCasing + Delimiter + directoryMarker
if err := c.bucket.WriteAll(ctx, strings.ToLower(metadata[originalPathAttributeKey]), make([]byte, 0), &blob.WriterOptions{
Metadata: metadata,
}); err != nil {
return err
c.log.Info("Created folder", "path", currentFolderWithOriginalCasing, "marker", metadata[originalPathAttributeKey])
return nil
func (c cdkBlobStorage) DeleteFolder(ctx context.Context, folderPath string, options *DeleteFolderOptions) error {
folderPrefix := strings.ToLower(c.convertFolderPathToPrefix(folderPath))
directoryMarkerPath := folderPrefix + directoryMarker
if !options.Force {
return c.bucket.Delete(ctx, directoryMarkerPath)
iterators := []*blob.ListIterator{c.bucket.List(&blob.ListOptions{
Prefix: folderPrefix,
Delimiter: Delimiter,
var pathsToDelete []string
for len(iterators) > 0 {
obj, err := iterators[0].Next(ctx)
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
iterators = iterators[1:]
if err != nil {
c.log.Error("force folder delete: failed to retrieve next object", "err", err)
return err
path := obj.Key
lowerPath := strings.ToLower(path)
if obj.IsDir {
iterators = append([]*blob.ListIterator{c.bucket.List(&blob.ListOptions{
Prefix: lowerPath,
Delimiter: Delimiter,
})}, iterators...)
pathsToDelete = append(pathsToDelete, lowerPath)
for _, path := range pathsToDelete {
if !options.AccessFilter.IsAllowed(path) {
c.log.Error("force folder delete: unauthorized access", "path", path)
return fmt.Errorf("force folder delete error, unauthorized access to %s", path)
var lastErr error
for _, path := range pathsToDelete {
if err := c.bucket.Delete(ctx, path); err != nil {
c.log.Error("force folder delete: failed while deleting a file", "err", err, "path", path)
lastErr = err
// keep going and delete remaining files
return lastErr
func (c cdkBlobStorage) list(ctx context.Context, folderPath string, paging *Paging, options *ListOptions) (*ListResponse, error) {
lowerRootPath := strings.ToLower(folderPath)
iterators := []*blob.ListIterator{c.bucket.List(&blob.ListOptions{
Prefix: lowerRootPath,
Delimiter: Delimiter,
recursive := options.Recursive
pageSize := paging.First
foundCursor := true
if paging.After != "" {
foundCursor = false
files := make([]*File, 0)
visitedFolders := map[string]bool{}
visitedFolders[lowerRootPath] = true
for len(iterators) > 0 && len(files) <= pageSize {
obj, err := iterators[0].Next(ctx)
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
iterators = iterators[1:]
if err != nil {
c.log.Error("Failed while iterating over files", "err", err)
return nil, err
path := obj.Key
lowerPath := strings.ToLower(path)
allowed := options.Filter.IsAllowed(lowerPath)
if obj.IsDir && recursive && !visitedFolders[lowerPath] {
iterators = append([]*blob.ListIterator{c.bucket.List(&blob.ListOptions{
Prefix: lowerPath,
Delimiter: Delimiter,
})}, iterators...)
visitedFolders[lowerPath] = true
if !foundCursor {
res := strings.Compare(strings.TrimSuffix(lowerPath, Delimiter), paging.After)
if res < 0 {
} else if res == 0 {
foundCursor = true
} else {
foundCursor = true
if obj.IsDir {
if options.WithFolders && allowed {
originalCasingPath := ""
dirMarkerPath := obj.Key + directoryMarker
attributes, err := c.bucket.Attributes(ctx, dirMarkerPath)
if err == nil && attributes != nil && attributes.Metadata != nil {
if path, ok := attributes.Metadata[originalPathAttributeKey]; ok {
originalCasingPath = getParentFolderPath(path)
var p string
if originalCasingPath != "" {
p = originalCasingPath
} else {
p = strings.TrimSuffix(obj.Key, Delimiter)
files = append(files, &File{
Contents: nil,
FileMetadata: FileMetadata{
MimeType: DirectoryMimeType,
Name: getName(p),
Properties: map[string]string{},
FullPath: p,
if strings.HasSuffix(obj.Key, directoryMarker) {
if options.WithFiles && allowed {
attributes, err := c.bucket.Attributes(ctx, strings.ToLower(path))
if err != nil {
if gcerrors.Code(err) == gcerrors.NotFound {
attributes, err = c.bucket.Attributes(ctx, path)
if err != nil {
c.log.Error("Failed while retrieving attributes", "path", path, "err", err)
return nil, err
} else {
c.log.Error("Failed while retrieving attributes", "path", path, "err", err)
return nil, err
if attributes.ContentType == "application/x-directory; charset=UTF-8" {
// S3 directory representation
if attributes.ContentType == "text/plain" && obj.Key == folderPath && attributes.Size == 0 {
// GCS directory representation
var originalPath string
var props map[string]string
if attributes.Metadata != nil {
props = attributes.Metadata
if path, ok := attributes.Metadata[originalPathAttributeKey]; ok {
originalPath = path
delete(props, originalPathAttributeKey)
} else {
props = make(map[string]string)
originalPath = strings.TrimSuffix(path, Delimiter)
var contents []byte
if options.WithContents {
c, err := c.bucket.ReadAll(ctx, lowerPath)
if err != nil && gcerrors.Code(err) != gcerrors.NotFound {
return nil, err
if c != nil {
contents = c
files = append(files, &File{
Contents: contents,
FileMetadata: FileMetadata{
Name: getName(originalPath),
FullPath: originalPath,
Created: attributes.CreateTime,
Properties: props,
Modified: attributes.ModTime,
Size: attributes.Size,
MimeType: detectContentType(originalPath, attributes.ContentType),
hasMore := false
if len(files) > pageSize {
hasMore = true
files = files[:pageSize]
lastPath := ""
if len(files) > 0 {
lastPath = files[len(files)-1].FullPath
return &ListResponse{
Files: files,
HasMore: hasMore,
LastPath: lastPath,
}, nil
func (c cdkBlobStorage) List(ctx context.Context, folderPath string, paging *Paging, options *ListOptions) (*ListResponse, error) {
prefix := c.convertFolderPathToPrefix(folderPath)
return c.list(ctx, prefix, paging, options)
func (c cdkBlobStorage) close() error {
return c.bucket.Close()