Levente Balogh a91033c025
Plugins: Add a new UI Extension type (#68600)
* feat: add a new UI extension type: component

* tests: add tests for checking if it is a react component

* fix: remove reference to not existing type

* chore: update betterer results

* review: remove unnecessary override function for components

* review: use a single type notation in import

* review: stop exporting `PluginExtensionBase`

* refactor: make extension config types more explicit

By using some repetition now these types are much easier to oversee.
2023-05-31 09:26:37 +02:00

136 lines
4.4 KiB

import type {
} from '@grafana/data';
import { isPluginExtensionLink } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { isPluginExtensionComponentConfig, isPluginExtensionLinkConfig, logWarning } from './utils';
export function assertPluginExtensionLink(
extension: PluginExtension | undefined,
errorMessage = 'extension is not a link extension'
): asserts extension is PluginExtensionLink {
if (!isPluginExtensionLink(extension)) {
throw new Error(errorMessage);
export function assertPluginExtensionLinkConfig(
extension: PluginExtensionLinkConfig,
errorMessage = 'extension is not a command extension config'
): asserts extension is PluginExtensionLinkConfig {
if (!isPluginExtensionLinkConfig(extension)) {
throw new Error(errorMessage);
export function assertLinkPathIsValid(pluginId: string, path: string) {
if (!isLinkPathValid(pluginId, path)) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid link extension. The "path" is required and should start with "/a/${pluginId}/" (currently: "${path}"). Skipping the extension.`
export function assertIsReactComponent(component: React.ComponentType) {
if (!isReactComponent(component)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid component extension, the "component" property needs to be a valid React component.`);
export function assertExtensionPointIdIsValid(extension: PluginExtensionConfig) {
if (!isExtensionPointIdValid(extension)) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid extension "${extension.title}". The extensionPointId should start with either "grafana/" or "plugins/" (currently: "${extension.extensionPointId}"). Skipping the extension.`
export function assertConfigureIsValid(extension: PluginExtensionLinkConfig) {
if (!isConfigureFnValid(extension)) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid extension "${extension.title}". The "configure" property must be a function. Skipping the extension.`
export function assertStringProps(extension: Record<string, unknown>, props: string[]) {
for (const prop of props) {
if (!isStringPropValid(extension[prop])) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid extension "${extension.title}". Property "${prop}" must be a string and cannot be empty. Skipping the extension.`
export function assertIsNotPromise(value: unknown, errorMessage = 'The provided value is a Promise.'): void {
if (isPromise(value)) {
throw new Error(errorMessage);
export function isLinkPathValid(pluginId: string, path: string) {
return Boolean(typeof path === 'string' && path.length > 0 && path.startsWith(`/a/${pluginId}/`));
export function isExtensionPointIdValid(extension: PluginExtensionConfig) {
return Boolean(
extension.extensionPointId?.startsWith('grafana/') || extension.extensionPointId?.startsWith('plugins/')
export function isConfigureFnValid(extension: PluginExtensionLinkConfig) {
return extension.configure ? typeof extension.configure === 'function' : true;
export function isStringPropValid(prop: unknown) {
return typeof prop === 'string' && prop.length > 0;
export function isPluginExtensionConfigValid(pluginId: string, extension: PluginExtensionConfig): boolean {
try {
assertStringProps(extension, ['title', 'description', 'extensionPointId']);
if (isPluginExtensionLinkConfig(extension)) {
if (!extension.path && !extension.onClick) {
logWarning(`Invalid extension "${extension.title}". Either "path" or "onClick" is required.`);
return false;
if (extension.path) {
assertLinkPathIsValid(pluginId, extension.path);
if (isPluginExtensionComponentConfig(extension)) {
return true;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
return false;
export function isPromise(value: unknown): value is Promise<unknown> {
return (
value instanceof Promise || (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && 'then' in value && 'catch' in value)
export function isReactComponent(component: unknown): component is React.ComponentType {
// We currently don't have any strict runtime-checking for this.
// (The main reason is that we don't want to start depending on React implementation details.)
return typeof component === 'function';