Torkel Ödegaard bd90a6e1be
Transformations: Add context parameter to transformDataFrame and operators (#60694)
* Transformations: Add context parameter to transformDataFrame and operators

* Remove unused queries prop

* Fixed test

* Fixed test
2023-01-05 17:34:09 +01:00

538 lines
14 KiB

import { map } from 'rxjs';
import {
} from '@grafana/data';
import { ScaleDistribution } from '@grafana/schema';
import { HeatmapCellLayout, HeatmapCalculationMode, HeatmapCalculationOptions } from './models.gen';
import { niceLinearIncrs, niceTimeIncrs } from './utils';
export interface HeatmapTransformerOptions extends HeatmapCalculationOptions {
/** the raw values will still exist in results after transformation */
keepOriginalData?: boolean;
export const heatmapTransformer: SynchronousDataTransformerInfo<HeatmapTransformerOptions> = {
id: DataTransformerID.heatmap,
name: 'Create heatmap',
description: 'calculate heatmap from source data',
defaultOptions: {},
operator: (options, ctx) => (source) =>
source.pipe(map((data) => heatmapTransformer.transformer(options, ctx)(data))),
transformer: (options: HeatmapTransformerOptions) => {
return (data: DataFrame[]) => {
const v = calculateHeatmapFromData(data, options);
if (options.keepOriginalData) {
return [v,];
return [v];
function parseNumeric(v?: string | null) {
return v === '+Inf' ? Infinity : v === '-Inf' ? -Infinity : +(v ?? 0);
export function sortAscStrInf(aName?: string | null, bName?: string | null) {
return parseNumeric(aName) - parseNumeric(bName);
export interface HeatmapRowsCustomMeta {
/** This provides the lookup values */
yOrdinalDisplay: string[];
yOrdinalLabel?: string[];
yMatchWithLabel?: string;
yMinDisplay?: string;
/** simple utility to get heatmap metadata from a frame */
export function readHeatmapRowsCustomMeta(frame?: DataFrame): HeatmapRowsCustomMeta {
return (frame?.meta?.custom ?? {}) as HeatmapRowsCustomMeta;
export function isHeatmapCellsDense(frame: DataFrame) {
let foundY = false;
for (let field of frame.fields) {
// dense heatmap frames can only have one of these fields
switch ( {
case 'y':
case 'yMin':
case 'yMax':
if (foundY) {
return false;
foundY = true;
return foundY;
export interface RowsHeatmapOptions {
frame: DataFrame;
value?: string; // the field value name
unit?: string;
decimals?: number;
layout?: HeatmapCellLayout;
/** Given existing buckets, create a values style frame */
// Assumes frames have already been sorted ASC and de-accumulated.
export function rowsToCellsHeatmap(opts: RowsHeatmapOptions): DataFrame {
// TODO: handle null-filling w/ fields[0].config.interval?
const xField = opts.frame.fields[0];
const xValues = xField.values.toArray();
const yFields = opts.frame.fields.filter((f, idx) => f.type === FieldType.number && idx > 0);
// similar to initBins() below
const len = xValues.length * yFields.length;
const xs = new Array(len);
const ys = new Array(len);
const counts2 = new Array(len);
const counts = => field.values.toArray().slice());
// transpose
counts.forEach((bucketCounts, bi) => {
for (let i = 0; i < bucketCounts.length; i++) {
counts2[counts.length * i + bi] = bucketCounts[i];
const bucketBounds = Array.from({ length: yFields.length }, (v, i) => i);
// fill flat/repeating array
for (let i = 0, yi = 0, xi = 0; i < len; yi = ++i % bucketBounds.length) {
ys[i] = bucketBounds[yi];
if (yi === 0 && i >= bucketBounds.length) {
xs[i] = xValues[xi];
// this name determines whether cells are drawn above, below, or centered on the values
let ordinalFieldName = yFields[0].labels?.le != null ? 'yMax' : 'y';
switch (opts.layout) {
case HeatmapCellLayout.le:
ordinalFieldName = 'yMax';
ordinalFieldName = 'yMin';
case HeatmapCellLayout.unknown:
ordinalFieldName = 'y';
const custom: HeatmapRowsCustomMeta = {
yOrdinalDisplay: => getFieldDisplayName(f, opts.frame)),
yMatchWithLabel: Object.keys(yFields[0].labels ?? {})[0],
if (custom.yMatchWithLabel) {
custom.yOrdinalLabel = => f.labels?.[custom.yMatchWithLabel!] ?? '');
if (custom.yMatchWithLabel === 'le') {
custom.yMinDisplay = '0.0';
// Format the labels as a value
// TODO: this leaves the internally prepended '0.0' without this formatting treatment
if (opts.unit?.length || opts.decimals != null) {
const fmt = getValueFormat(opts.unit ?? 'short');
if (custom.yMinDisplay) {
custom.yMinDisplay = formattedValueToString(fmt(0, opts.decimals));
custom.yOrdinalDisplay = => {
let num = +name;
if (!Number.isNaN(num)) {
return formattedValueToString(fmt(num, opts.decimals));
return name;
const valueCfg = {
if (valueCfg.displayNameFromDS) {
delete valueCfg.displayNameFromDS;
return {
length: xs.length,
refId: opts.frame.refId,
meta: {
type: DataFrameType.HeatmapCells,
fields: [
name: 'xMax',
type: xField.type,
values: new ArrayVector(xs),
config: xField.config,
name: ordinalFieldName,
type: FieldType.number,
values: new ArrayVector(ys),
config: {
unit: 'short', // ordinal lookup
name: opts.value?.length ? opts.value : 'Value',
type: FieldType.number,
values: new ArrayVector(counts2),
config: valueCfg,
display: yFields[0].display,
// Sorts frames ASC by numeric bucket name and de-accumulates values in each frame's Value field [1]
// similar to Prometheus result_transformer.ts -> transformToHistogramOverTime()
export function prepBucketFrames(frames: DataFrame[]): DataFrame[] {
frames = frames.slice();
// sort ASC by (Prometheus bucket bound)
// or use frame.fields[1].config.displayNameFromDS ?
frames.sort((a, b) => sortAscStrInf(,;
// cumulative counts
const counts = => frame.fields[1].values.toArray().slice());
// de-accumulate
counts.forEach((bucketCounts, bi) => {
if (bi < counts.length - 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < bucketCounts.length; i++) {
bucketCounts[i] -= counts[bi + 1][i];
return, i) => ({
fields: [
values: new ArrayVector(counts[i]),
export function calculateHeatmapFromData(frames: DataFrame[], options: HeatmapCalculationOptions): DataFrame {
// optimization
//let xMin = Infinity;
//let xMax = -Infinity;
let xField: Field | undefined = undefined;
let yField: Field | undefined = undefined;
let dataLen = 0;
// pre-allocate arrays
for (let frame of frames) {
// TODO: assumes numeric timestamps, ordered asc, without nulls
const x = frame.fields.find((f) => f.type === FieldType.time);
if (x) {
dataLen += frame.length;
let xs: number[] = Array(dataLen);
let ys: number[] = Array(dataLen);
let j = 0;
for (let frame of frames) {
// TODO: assumes numeric timestamps, ordered asc, without nulls
const x = frame.fields.find((f) => f.type === FieldType.time);
if (!x) {
if (!xField) {
xField = x; // the first X
const xValues = x.values.toArray();
for (let field of frame.fields) {
if (field !== x && field.type === FieldType.number) {
const yValues = field.values.toArray();
for (let i = 0; i < xValues.length; i++, j++) {
xs[j] = xValues[i];
ys[j] = yValues[i];
if (!yField) {
yField = field;
if (!xField || !yField) {
throw 'no heatmap fields found';
if (!xs.length || !ys.length) {
throw 'no values found';
const xBucketsCfg = options.xBuckets ?? {};
const yBucketsCfg = options.yBuckets ?? {};
if (xBucketsCfg.scale?.type === ScaleDistribution.Log) {
throw 'X axis only supports linear buckets';
const scaleDistribution = options.yBuckets?.scale ?? {
type: ScaleDistribution.Linear,
const heat2d = heatmap(xs, ys, {
xSorted: true,
xTime: xField.type === FieldType.time,
xMode: xBucketsCfg.mode,
xBucketsCfg.mode === HeatmapCalculationMode.Size
? durationToMilliseconds(parseDuration(xBucketsCfg.value ?? ''))
: xBucketsCfg.value
? +xBucketsCfg.value
: undefined,
yMode: yBucketsCfg.mode,
ySize: yBucketsCfg.value ? +yBucketsCfg.value : undefined,
yLog: scaleDistribution?.type === ScaleDistribution.Log ? (scaleDistribution?.log as any) : undefined,
const frame = {
length: heat2d.x.length,
name: getFieldDisplayName(yField),
meta: {
type: DataFrameType.HeatmapCells,
fields: [
name: 'xMin',
type: xField.type,
values: new ArrayVector(heat2d.x),
config: xField.config,
name: 'yMin',
type: FieldType.number,
values: new ArrayVector(heat2d.y),
config: {
...yField.config, // keep units from the original source
custom: {
name: 'Count',
type: FieldType.number,
values: new ArrayVector(heat2d.count),
config: {
unit: 'short', // always integer
return frame;
interface HeatmapOpts {
// default is 10% of data range, snapped to a "nice" increment
xMode?: HeatmapCalculationMode;
yMode?: HeatmapCalculationMode;
xSize?: number;
ySize?: number;
// use Math.ceil instead of Math.floor for bucketing
xCeil?: boolean;
yCeil?: boolean;
// log2 or log10 buckets
xLog?: 2 | 10;
yLog?: 2 | 10;
xTime?: boolean;
yTime?: boolean;
// optimization hints for known data ranges (sorted, pre-scanned, etc)
xMin?: number;
xMax?: number;
yMin?: number;
yMax?: number;
xSorted?: boolean;
ySorted?: boolean;
// TODO: handle NaN, Inf, -Inf, null, undefined values in xs & ys
function heatmap(xs: number[], ys: number[], opts?: HeatmapOpts) {
let len = xs.length;
let xSorted = opts?.xSorted ?? false;
let ySorted = opts?.ySorted ?? false;
// find x and y limits to pre-compute buckets struct
let minX = xSorted ? xs[0] : Infinity;
let minY = ySorted ? ys[0] : Infinity;
let maxX = xSorted ? xs[len - 1] : -Infinity;
let maxY = ySorted ? ys[len - 1] : -Infinity;
let yExp = opts?.yLog;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!xSorted) {
minX = Math.min(minX, xs[i]);
maxX = Math.max(maxX, xs[i]);
if (!ySorted) {
if (!yExp || ys[i] > 0) {
minY = Math.min(minY, ys[i]);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, ys[i]);
//let scaleX = opts?.xLog === 10 ? Math.log10 : opts?.xLog === 2 ? Math.log2 : (v: number) => v;
//let scaleY = opts?.yLog === 10 ? Math.log10 : opts?.yLog === 2 ? Math.log2 : (v: number) => v;
let xBinIncr = opts?.xSize ?? 0;
let yBinIncr = opts?.ySize ?? 0;
let xMode = opts?.xMode;
let yMode = opts?.yMode;
// fall back to 10 buckets if invalid settings
if (!Number.isFinite(xBinIncr) || xBinIncr <= 0) {
xMode = HeatmapCalculationMode.Count;
xBinIncr = 20;
if (!Number.isFinite(yBinIncr) || yBinIncr <= 0) {
yMode = HeatmapCalculationMode.Count;
yBinIncr = 10;
if (xMode === HeatmapCalculationMode.Count) {
// TODO: optionally use view range min/max instead of data range for bucket sizing
let approx = (maxX - minX) / Math.max(xBinIncr - 1, 1);
// nice-ify
let xIncrs = opts?.xTime ? niceTimeIncrs : niceLinearIncrs;
let xIncrIdx = xIncrs.findIndex((bucketSize) => bucketSize > approx) - 1;
xBinIncr = xIncrs[Math.max(xIncrIdx, 0)];
if (yMode === HeatmapCalculationMode.Count) {
// TODO: optionally use view range min/max instead of data range for bucket sizing
let approx = (maxY - minY) / Math.max(yBinIncr - 1, 1);
// nice-ify
let yIncrs = opts?.yTime ? niceTimeIncrs : niceLinearIncrs;
let yIncrIdx = yIncrs.findIndex((bucketSize) => bucketSize > approx) - 1;
yBinIncr = yIncrs[Math.max(yIncrIdx, 0)];
// console.log({
// yBinIncr,
// xBinIncr,
// });
let binX = opts?.xCeil ? (v: number) => incrRoundUp(v, xBinIncr) : (v: number) => incrRoundDn(v, xBinIncr);
let binY = opts?.yCeil ? (v: number) => incrRoundUp(v, yBinIncr) : (v: number) => incrRoundDn(v, yBinIncr);
if (yExp) {
yBinIncr = 1 / (opts?.ySize ?? 1); // sub-divides log exponents
let yLog = yExp === 2 ? Math.log2 : Math.log10;
binY = opts?.yCeil ? (v: number) => incrRoundUp(yLog(v), yBinIncr) : (v: number) => incrRoundDn(yLog(v), yBinIncr);
let minXBin = binX(minX);
let maxXBin = binX(maxX);
let minYBin = binY(minY);
let maxYBin = binY(maxY);
let xBinQty = Math.round((maxXBin - minXBin) / xBinIncr) + 1;
let yBinQty = Math.round((maxYBin - minYBin) / yBinIncr) + 1;
let [xs2, ys2, counts] = initBins(xBinQty, yBinQty, minXBin, xBinIncr, minYBin, yBinIncr, yExp);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (yExp && ys[i] <= 0) {
const xi = (binX(xs[i]) - minXBin) / xBinIncr;
const yi = (binY(ys[i]) - minYBin) / yBinIncr;
const ci = xi * yBinQty + yi;
return {
x: xs2,
y: ys2,
count: counts,
function initBins(xQty: number, yQty: number, xMin: number, xIncr: number, yMin: number, yIncr: number, yExp?: number) {
const len = xQty * yQty;
const xs = new Array<number>(len);
const ys = new Array<number>(len);
const counts = new Array<number>(len);
for (let i = 0, yi = 0, x = xMin; i < len; yi = ++i % yQty) {
counts[i] = 0;
if (yExp) {
ys[i] = yExp ** (yMin + yi * yIncr);
} else {
ys[i] = yMin + yi * yIncr;
if (yi === 0 && i >= yQty) {
x += xIncr;
xs[i] = x;
return [xs, ys, counts];