mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Update API controller - add validation of rules API model - add function to calculate changes between the submitted alerts and existing alerts - update RoutePostNameRulesConfig to validate input models, calculate changes and apply in a transaction * Update DBStore - delete unused storage method. All the logic is moved upstream. - upsert to not modify fields of new by values from the existing alert - if rule has UID do not try to pull it from db. (it is done upstream) * Add rule generator
470 lines
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470 lines
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package store
import (
models2 "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/models"
amv2 "github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models"
func NewFakeRuleStore(t *testing.T) *FakeRuleStore {
return &FakeRuleStore{
t: t,
Rules: map[int64]map[string]map[string][]*models.AlertRule{},
Hook: func(interface{}) error {
return nil
// FakeRuleStore mocks the RuleStore of the scheduler.
type FakeRuleStore struct {
t *testing.T
mtx sync.Mutex
Rules map[int64]map[string]map[string][]*models.AlertRule
Hook func(cmd interface{}) error // use Hook if you need to intercept some query and return an error
RecordedOps []interface{}
// PutRule puts the rule in the Rules map. If there are existing rule in the same namespace, they will be overwritten
func (f *FakeRuleStore) PutRule(_ context.Context, rules ...*models.AlertRule) {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
for _, r := range rules {
rgs, ok := f.Rules[r.OrgID]
if !ok {
f.Rules[r.OrgID] = map[string]map[string][]*models.AlertRule{}
rg, ok := rgs[r.RuleGroup]
if !ok {
f.Rules[r.OrgID][r.RuleGroup] = map[string][]*models.AlertRule{}
_, ok = rg[r.NamespaceUID]
if !ok {
f.Rules[r.OrgID][r.RuleGroup][r.NamespaceUID] = []*models.AlertRule{}
for idx, rulePtr := range f.Rules[r.OrgID][r.RuleGroup][r.NamespaceUID] {
if rulePtr.UID == r.UID {
f.Rules[r.OrgID][r.RuleGroup][r.NamespaceUID][idx] = r
continue mainloop
f.Rules[r.OrgID][r.RuleGroup][r.NamespaceUID] = append(f.Rules[r.OrgID][r.RuleGroup][r.NamespaceUID], r)
// GetRecordedCommands filters recorded commands using predicate function. Returns the subset of the recorded commands that meet the predicate
func (f *FakeRuleStore) GetRecordedCommands(predicate func(cmd interface{}) (interface{}, bool)) []interface{} {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
result := make([]interface{}, 0, len(f.RecordedOps))
for _, op := range f.RecordedOps {
cmd, ok := predicate(op)
if !ok {
result = append(result, cmd)
return result
func (f *FakeRuleStore) DeleteAlertRuleByUID(_ context.Context, _ int64, _ string) error { return nil }
func (f *FakeRuleStore) DeleteNamespaceAlertRules(_ context.Context, _ int64, _ string) ([]string, error) {
return []string{}, nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) DeleteRuleGroupAlertRules(_ context.Context, _ int64, _ string, _ string) ([]string, error) {
return []string{}, nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) DeleteAlertInstancesByRuleUID(_ context.Context, _ int64, _ string) error {
return nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) GetAlertRuleByUID(_ context.Context, q *models.GetAlertRuleByUIDQuery) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.RecordedOps = append(f.RecordedOps, *q)
if err := f.Hook(*q); err != nil {
return err
rgs, ok := f.Rules[q.OrgID]
if !ok {
return nil
for _, rg := range rgs {
for _, rules := range rg {
for _, r := range rules {
if r.UID == q.UID {
q.Result = r
return nil
// For now, we're not implementing namespace filtering.
func (f *FakeRuleStore) GetAlertRulesForScheduling(_ context.Context, q *models.ListAlertRulesQuery) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.RecordedOps = append(f.RecordedOps, *q)
if err := f.Hook(*q); err != nil {
return err
for _, rg := range f.Rules {
for _, n := range rg {
for _, r := range n {
q.Result = append(q.Result, r...)
return nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) GetOrgAlertRules(_ context.Context, q *models.ListAlertRulesQuery) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.RecordedOps = append(f.RecordedOps, *q)
return nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) GetNamespaceAlertRules(_ context.Context, q *models.ListNamespaceAlertRulesQuery) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.RecordedOps = append(f.RecordedOps, *q)
return nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) GetRuleGroupAlertRules(_ context.Context, q *models.ListRuleGroupAlertRulesQuery) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.RecordedOps = append(f.RecordedOps, *q)
if err := f.Hook(*q); err != nil {
return err
rgs, ok := f.Rules[q.OrgID]
if !ok {
return nil
rg, ok := rgs[q.RuleGroup]
if !ok {
return nil
if q.NamespaceUID != "" {
r, ok := rg[q.NamespaceUID]
if !ok {
return nil
q.Result = r
return nil
for _, r := range rg {
q.Result = append(q.Result, r...)
return nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) GetNamespaces(_ context.Context, _ int64, _ *models2.SignedInUser) (map[string]*models2.Folder, error) {
return nil, nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) GetNamespaceByTitle(_ context.Context, _ string, _ int64, _ *models2.SignedInUser, _ bool) (*models2.Folder, error) {
return nil, nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) GetOrgRuleGroups(_ context.Context, q *models.ListOrgRuleGroupsQuery) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.RecordedOps = append(f.RecordedOps, *q)
if err := f.Hook(*q); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) UpsertAlertRules(_ context.Context, q []UpsertRule) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.RecordedOps = append(f.RecordedOps, q)
if err := f.Hook(q); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) UpdateRuleGroup(_ context.Context, cmd UpdateRuleGroupCmd) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.RecordedOps = append(f.RecordedOps, cmd)
if err := f.Hook(cmd); err != nil {
return err
rgs, ok := f.Rules[cmd.OrgID]
if !ok {
f.Rules[cmd.OrgID] = map[string]map[string][]*models.AlertRule{}
rg, ok := rgs[cmd.RuleGroupConfig.Name]
if !ok {
f.Rules[cmd.OrgID][cmd.RuleGroupConfig.Name] = map[string][]*models.AlertRule{}
_, ok = rg[cmd.NamespaceUID]
if !ok {
f.Rules[cmd.OrgID][cmd.RuleGroupConfig.Name][cmd.NamespaceUID] = []*models.AlertRule{}
rules := []*models.AlertRule{}
for _, r := range cmd.RuleGroupConfig.Rules {
// TODO: Not sure why this is not being set properly, where is the code that sets this?
for i := range r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data {
r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data[i].DatasourceUID = "-100"
new := &models.AlertRule{
OrgID: cmd.OrgID,
Title: r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Title,
Condition: r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Condition,
Data: r.GrafanaManagedAlert.Data,
UID: util.GenerateShortUID(),
IntervalSeconds: int64(time.Duration(cmd.RuleGroupConfig.Interval).Seconds()),
NamespaceUID: cmd.NamespaceUID,
RuleGroup: cmd.RuleGroupConfig.Name,
NoDataState: models.NoDataState(r.GrafanaManagedAlert.NoDataState),
ExecErrState: models.ExecutionErrorState(r.GrafanaManagedAlert.ExecErrState),
Version: 1,
if r.ApiRuleNode != nil {
new.For = time.Duration(r.ApiRuleNode.For)
new.Annotations = r.ApiRuleNode.Annotations
new.Labels = r.ApiRuleNode.Labels
if new.NoDataState == "" {
new.NoDataState = models.NoData
if new.ExecErrState == "" {
new.ExecErrState = models.AlertingErrState
err := new.PreSave(time.Now)
require.NoError(f.t, err)
rules = append(rules, new)
f.Rules[cmd.OrgID][cmd.RuleGroupConfig.Name][cmd.NamespaceUID] = rules
return nil
func (f *FakeRuleStore) InTransaction(ctx context.Context, fn func(c context.Context) error) error {
return fn(ctx)
type FakeInstanceStore struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
RecordedOps []interface{}
func (f *FakeInstanceStore) GetAlertInstance(_ context.Context, q *models.GetAlertInstanceQuery) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.RecordedOps = append(f.RecordedOps, *q)
return nil
func (f *FakeInstanceStore) ListAlertInstances(_ context.Context, q *models.ListAlertInstancesQuery) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.RecordedOps = append(f.RecordedOps, *q)
return nil
func (f *FakeInstanceStore) SaveAlertInstance(_ context.Context, q *models.SaveAlertInstanceCommand) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.RecordedOps = append(f.RecordedOps, *q)
return nil
func (f *FakeInstanceStore) FetchOrgIds(_ context.Context) ([]int64, error) { return []int64{}, nil }
func (f *FakeInstanceStore) DeleteAlertInstance(_ context.Context, _ int64, _, _ string) error {
return nil
func NewFakeAdminConfigStore(t *testing.T) *FakeAdminConfigStore {
return &FakeAdminConfigStore{Configs: map[int64]*models.AdminConfiguration{}}
type FakeAdminConfigStore struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
Configs map[int64]*models.AdminConfiguration
func (f *FakeAdminConfigStore) GetAdminConfiguration(orgID int64) (*models.AdminConfiguration, error) {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
return f.Configs[orgID], nil
func (f *FakeAdminConfigStore) GetAdminConfigurations() ([]*models.AdminConfiguration, error) {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
acs := make([]*models.AdminConfiguration, 0, len(f.Configs))
for _, ac := range f.Configs {
acs = append(acs, ac)
return acs, nil
func (f *FakeAdminConfigStore) DeleteAdminConfiguration(orgID int64) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
delete(f.Configs, orgID)
return nil
func (f *FakeAdminConfigStore) UpdateAdminConfiguration(cmd UpdateAdminConfigurationCmd) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
f.Configs[cmd.AdminConfiguration.OrgID] = cmd.AdminConfiguration
return nil
type FakeExternalAlertmanager struct {
t *testing.T
mtx sync.Mutex
alerts amv2.PostableAlerts
Server *httptest.Server
func NewFakeExternalAlertmanager(t *testing.T) *FakeExternalAlertmanager {
am := &FakeExternalAlertmanager{
t: t,
alerts: amv2.PostableAlerts{},
am.Server = httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(am.Handler()))
return am
func (am *FakeExternalAlertmanager) URL() string {
return am.Server.URL
func (am *FakeExternalAlertmanager) AlertNamesCompare(expected []string) bool {
n := []string{}
alerts := am.Alerts()
if len(expected) != len(alerts) {
return false
for _, a := range am.Alerts() {
for k, v := range a.Alert.Labels {
if k == model.AlertNameLabel {
n = append(n, v)
return assert.ObjectsAreEqual(expected, n)
func (am *FakeExternalAlertmanager) AlertsCount() int {
defer am.mtx.Unlock()
return len(am.alerts)
func (am *FakeExternalAlertmanager) Alerts() amv2.PostableAlerts {
defer am.mtx.Unlock()
return am.alerts
func (am *FakeExternalAlertmanager) Handler() func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
require.NoError(am.t, err)
a := amv2.PostableAlerts{}
require.NoError(am.t, json.Unmarshal(b, &a))
am.alerts = append(am.alerts, a...)
func (am *FakeExternalAlertmanager) Close() {
type FakeAnnotationsRepo struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
Items []*annotations.Item
func NewFakeAnnotationsRepo() *FakeAnnotationsRepo {
return &FakeAnnotationsRepo{
Items: make([]*annotations.Item, 0),
func (repo *FakeAnnotationsRepo) Len() int {
defer repo.mtx.Unlock()
return len(repo.Items)
func (repo *FakeAnnotationsRepo) Delete(params *annotations.DeleteParams) error {
return nil
func (repo *FakeAnnotationsRepo) Save(item *annotations.Item) error {
defer repo.mtx.Unlock()
repo.Items = append(repo.Items, item)
return nil
func (repo *FakeAnnotationsRepo) Update(item *annotations.Item) error {
return nil
func (repo *FakeAnnotationsRepo) Find(query *annotations.ItemQuery) ([]*annotations.ItemDTO, error) {
annotations := []*annotations.ItemDTO{{Id: 1}}
return annotations, nil
func (repo *FakeAnnotationsRepo) FindTags(query *annotations.TagsQuery) (annotations.FindTagsResult, error) {
result := annotations.FindTagsResult{
Tags: []*annotations.TagsDTO{},
return result, nil