Matthew Jacobson c006df375a
Alerting: Create endpoints for exporting in provisioning file format (#58623)
This adds provisioning endpoints for downloading alert rules and alert rule groups in a 
format that is compatible with file provisioning. Each endpoint supports both json and 
yaml response types via Accept header as well as a query parameter 
download=true/false that will set Content-Disposition to recommend initiating a download 
or inline display.

This also makes some package changes to keep structs with potential to drift closer 
together. Eventually, other alerting file structs should also move into this new file 
package, but the rest require some refactoring that is out of scope for this PR.
2023-01-27 11:39:16 -05:00

314 lines
7.8 KiB

package response
import (
jsoniter ""
contextmodel ""
// Response is an HTTP response interface.
type Response interface {
// WriteTo writes to a context.
WriteTo(ctx *contextmodel.ReqContext)
// Body gets the response's body.
Body() []byte
// Status gets the response's status.
Status() int
func CreateNormalResponse(header http.Header, body []byte, status int) *NormalResponse {
return &NormalResponse{
header: header,
body: bytes.NewBuffer(body),
status: status,
type NormalResponse struct {
status int
body *bytes.Buffer
header http.Header
errMessage string
err error
// Write implements http.ResponseWriter
func (r *NormalResponse) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return r.body.Write(b)
// Header implements http.ResponseWriter
func (r *NormalResponse) Header() http.Header {
return r.header
// WriteHeader implements http.ResponseWriter
func (r *NormalResponse) WriteHeader(statusCode int) {
r.status = statusCode
// Status gets the response's status.
func (r *NormalResponse) Status() int {
return r.status
// Body gets the response's body.
func (r *NormalResponse) Body() []byte {
return r.body.Bytes()
// Err gets the response's err.
func (r *NormalResponse) Err() error {
return r.err
// ErrMessage gets the response's errMessage.
func (r *NormalResponse) ErrMessage() string {
return r.errMessage
func (r *NormalResponse) WriteTo(ctx *contextmodel.ReqContext) {
if r.err != nil {
v := map[string]interface{}{}
traceID := tracing.TraceIDFromContext(ctx.Req.Context(), false)
if err := json.Unmarshal(r.body.Bytes(), &v); err == nil {
v["traceID"] = traceID
if b, err := json.Marshal(v); err == nil {
r.body = bytes.NewBuffer(b)
logger := ctx.Logger.Error
var gfErr *errutil.Error
if errors.As(r.err, &gfErr) {
logger = gfErr.LogLevel.LogFunc(ctx.Logger)
logger(r.errMessage, "error", r.err, "remote_addr", ctx.RemoteAddr(), "traceID", traceID)
header := ctx.Resp.Header()
for k, v := range r.header {
header[k] = v
if _, err := ctx.Resp.Write(r.body.Bytes()); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error("Error writing to response", "err", err)
func (r *NormalResponse) SetHeader(key, value string) *NormalResponse {
r.header.Set(key, value)
return r
// StreamingResponse is a response that streams itself back to the client.
type StreamingResponse struct {
body interface{}
status int
header http.Header
// Status gets the response's status.
// Required to implement api.Response.
func (r StreamingResponse) Status() int {
return r.status
// Body gets the response's body.
// Required to implement api.Response.
func (r StreamingResponse) Body() []byte {
return nil
// WriteTo writes the response to the provided context.
// Required to implement api.Response.
func (r StreamingResponse) WriteTo(ctx *contextmodel.ReqContext) {
header := ctx.Resp.Header()
for k, v := range r.header {
header[k] = v
// Use a configuration that's compatible with the standard library
// to minimize the risk of introducing bugs. This will make sure
// that map keys is ordered.
jsonCfg := jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary
enc := jsonCfg.NewEncoder(ctx.Resp)
if err := enc.Encode(r.body); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error("Error writing to response", "err", err)
// RedirectResponse represents a redirect response.
type RedirectResponse struct {
location string
// WriteTo writes to a response.
func (r *RedirectResponse) WriteTo(ctx *contextmodel.ReqContext) {
// Status gets the response's status.
// Required to implement api.Response.
func (*RedirectResponse) Status() int {
return http.StatusFound
// Body gets the response's body.
// Required to implement api.Response.
func (r *RedirectResponse) Body() []byte {
return nil
// JSON creates a JSON response.
func JSON(status int, body interface{}) *NormalResponse {
return Respond(status, body).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
// JSONStreaming creates a streaming JSON response.
func JSONStreaming(status int, body interface{}) StreamingResponse {
header := make(http.Header)
header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
return StreamingResponse{
body: body,
status: status,
header: header,
// JSONDownload creates a JSON response indicating that it should be downloaded.
func JSONDownload(status int, body interface{}, filename string) *NormalResponse {
return JSON(status, body).
SetHeader("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`attachment;filename="%s"`, filename))
// YAML creates a YAML response.
func YAML(status int, body interface{}) *NormalResponse {
b, err := yaml.Marshal(body)
if err != nil {
return Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "body yaml marshal", err)
// As of now, application/yaml is downloaded by default in chrome regardless of Content-Disposition, so we use text/yaml instead.
return Respond(status, b).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/yaml")
// YAMLDownload creates a YAML response indicating that it should be downloaded.
func YAMLDownload(status int, body interface{}, filename string) *NormalResponse {
return YAML(status, body).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/yaml").
SetHeader("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`attachment;filename="%s"`, filename))
// Success create a successful response
func Success(message string) *NormalResponse {
resp := make(map[string]interface{})
resp["message"] = message
return JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
// Error creates an error response.
func Error(status int, message string, err error) *NormalResponse {
data := make(map[string]interface{})
switch status {
case 404:
data["message"] = "Not Found"
case 500:
data["message"] = "Internal Server Error"
if message != "" {
data["message"] = message
if err != nil {
if setting.Env != setting.Prod {
data["error"] = err.Error()
resp := JSON(status, data)
if err != nil {
resp.errMessage = message
resp.err = err
return resp
// Err creates an error response based on an errutil.Error error.
func Err(err error) *NormalResponse {
grafanaErr := &errutil.Error{}
if !errors.As(err, grafanaErr) {
return Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected error type [%s]: %w", reflect.TypeOf(err), err))
resp := JSON(grafanaErr.Reason.Status().HTTPStatus(), grafanaErr.Public())
resp.errMessage = string(grafanaErr.Reason.Status())
resp.err = grafanaErr
return resp
// ErrOrFallback uses the information in an errutil.Error if available
// and otherwise falls back to the status and message provided as
// arguments.
// The signature is equivalent to that of Error which allows us to
// rename this to Error when we're confident that that would be safe to
// do.
func ErrOrFallback(status int, message string, err error) *NormalResponse {
grafanaErr := &errutil.Error{}
if errors.As(err, grafanaErr) {
return Err(err)
return Error(status, message, err)
// Empty creates an empty NormalResponse.
func Empty(status int) *NormalResponse {
return Respond(status, nil)
// Respond creates a response.
func Respond(status int, body interface{}) *NormalResponse {
var b []byte
switch t := body.(type) {
case []byte:
b = t
case string:
b = []byte(t)
var err error
if b, err = json.Marshal(body); err != nil {
return Error(500, "body json marshal", err)
return &NormalResponse{
status: status,
body: bytes.NewBuffer(b),
header: make(http.Header),
func Redirect(location string) *RedirectResponse {
return &RedirectResponse{location: location}