Yuri Tseretyan 52a0f59706
Alerting: introduce AlertQuery in definitions package (#63825)
* copy AlertQuery from ngmodels to the definition package
* replaces usages of ngmodels.AlertQuery in API models
* create a converter between models of AlertQuery

Co-authored-by: Alex Moreno <>
2023-03-27 11:55:13 -04:00

219 lines
7.1 KiB

package api
import (
contextmodel ""
apimodels ""
ngmodels ""
type TestingApiSrv struct {
DatasourceCache datasources.CacheService
log log.Logger
accessControl accesscontrol.AccessControl
evaluator eval.EvaluatorFactory
cfg *setting.UnifiedAlertingSettings
backtesting *backtesting.Engine
featureManager featuremgmt.FeatureToggles
func (srv TestingApiSrv) RouteTestGrafanaRuleConfig(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, body apimodels.TestRulePayload) response.Response {
if body.Type() != apimodels.GrafanaBackend || body.GrafanaManagedCondition == nil {
return errorToResponse(backendTypeDoesNotMatchPayloadTypeError(apimodels.GrafanaBackend, body.Type().String()))
queries := AlertQueriesFromApiAlertQueries(body.GrafanaManagedCondition.Data)
if !authorizeDatasourceAccessForRule(&ngmodels.AlertRule{Data: queries}, func(evaluator accesscontrol.Evaluator) bool {
return accesscontrol.HasAccess(srv.accessControl, c)(accesscontrol.ReqSignedIn, evaluator)
}) {
return errorToResponse(fmt.Errorf("%w to query one or many data sources used by the rule", ErrAuthorization))
evalCond := ngmodels.Condition{
Condition: body.GrafanaManagedCondition.Condition,
Data: queries,
ctx := eval.Context(c.Req.Context(), c.SignedInUser)
conditionEval, err := srv.evaluator.Create(ctx, evalCond)
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusBadRequest, err, "invalid condition")
now := body.GrafanaManagedCondition.Now
if now.IsZero() {
now = timeNow()
evalResults, err := conditionEval.Evaluate(c.Req.Context(), now)
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(500, err, "Failed to evaluate the rule")
frame := evalResults.AsDataFrame()
return response.JSONStreaming(http.StatusOK, util.DynMap{
"instances": []*data.Frame{&frame},
func (srv TestingApiSrv) RouteTestRuleConfig(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, body apimodels.TestRulePayload, datasourceUID string) response.Response {
if body.Type() != apimodels.LoTexRulerBackend {
return errorToResponse(backendTypeDoesNotMatchPayloadTypeError(apimodels.LoTexRulerBackend, body.Type().String()))
ds, err := getDatasourceByUID(c, srv.DatasourceCache, apimodels.LoTexRulerBackend)
if err != nil {
return errorToResponse(err)
var path string
switch ds.Type {
case "loki":
path = "loki/api/v1/query"
case "prometheus":
path = "api/v1/query"
// this should not happen because getDatasourceByUID would not return the data source
return errorToResponse(unexpectedDatasourceTypeError(ds.Type, "loki, prometheus"))
t := timeNow()
queryURL, err := url.Parse(path)
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to parse url")
params := queryURL.Query()
params.Set("query", body.Expr)
params.Set("time", strconv.FormatInt(t.Unix(), 10))
queryURL.RawQuery = params.Encode()
return srv.withReq(
func (srv TestingApiSrv) RouteEvalQueries(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, cmd apimodels.EvalQueriesPayload) response.Response {
queries := AlertQueriesFromApiAlertQueries(cmd.Data)
if !authorizeDatasourceAccessForRule(&ngmodels.AlertRule{Data: queries}, func(evaluator accesscontrol.Evaluator) bool {
return accesscontrol.HasAccess(srv.accessControl, c)(accesscontrol.ReqSignedIn, evaluator)
}) {
return ErrResp(http.StatusUnauthorized, fmt.Errorf("%w to query one or many data sources used by the rule", ErrAuthorization), "")
cond := ngmodels.Condition{
Condition: "",
Data: queries,
if len(cmd.Data) > 0 {
cond.Condition = cmd.Data[0].RefID
evaluator, err := srv.evaluator.Create(eval.Context(c.Req.Context(), c.SignedInUser), cond)
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusBadRequest, err, "Failed to build evaluator for queries and expressions")
now := cmd.Now
if now.IsZero() {
now = timeNow()
evalResults, err := evaluator.EvaluateRaw(c.Req.Context(), now)
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "Failed to evaluate queries and expressions")
return response.JSONStreaming(http.StatusOK, evalResults)
func (srv TestingApiSrv) BacktestAlertRule(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, cmd apimodels.BacktestConfig) response.Response {
if !srv.featureManager.IsEnabled(featuremgmt.FlagAlertingBacktesting) {
return ErrResp(http.StatusNotFound, nil, "Backgtesting API is not enabled")
if cmd.From.After(cmd.To) {
return ErrResp(400, nil, "From cannot be greater than To")
noDataState, err := ngmodels.NoDataStateFromString(string(cmd.NoDataState))
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(400, err, "")
forInterval := time.Duration(cmd.For)
if forInterval < 0 {
return ErrResp(400, nil, "Bad For interval")
intervalSeconds, err := validateInterval(srv.cfg, time.Duration(cmd.Interval))
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(400, err, "")
queries := AlertQueriesFromApiAlertQueries(cmd.Data)
if !authorizeDatasourceAccessForRule(&ngmodels.AlertRule{Data: queries}, func(evaluator accesscontrol.Evaluator) bool {
return accesscontrol.HasAccess(srv.accessControl, c)(accesscontrol.ReqSignedIn, evaluator)
}) {
return errorToResponse(fmt.Errorf("%w to query one or many data sources used by the rule", ErrAuthorization))
rule := &ngmodels.AlertRule{
// ID: 0,
// Updated: time.Time{},
// Version: 0,
// NamespaceUID: "",
// DashboardUID: nil,
// PanelID: nil,
// RuleGroup: "",
// RuleGroupIndex: 0,
// ExecErrState: "",
Title: cmd.Title,
// prefix backtesting- is to distinguish between executions of regular rule and backtesting in logs (like expression engine, evaluator, state manager etc)
UID: "backtesting-" + util.GenerateShortUID(),
OrgID: c.OrgID,
Condition: cmd.Condition,
Data: queries,
IntervalSeconds: intervalSeconds,
NoDataState: noDataState,
For: forInterval,
Annotations: cmd.Annotations,
Labels: cmd.Labels,
result, err := srv.backtesting.Test(c.Req.Context(), c.SignedInUser, rule, cmd.From, cmd.To)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, backtesting.ErrInvalidInputData) {
return ErrResp(400, err, "Failed to evaluate")
return ErrResp(500, err, "Failed to evaluate")
body, err := data.FrameToJSON(result, data.IncludeAll)
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(500, err, "Failed to convert frame to JSON")
return response.JSON(http.StatusOK, body)