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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* AuthN: Update signature of redirect client and RedirectURL function * OAuth: use authn.Service to perform oauth authentication and login if feature toggle is enabled * AuthN: register oauth clients * AuthN: set auth module metadata * AuthN: add logs for failed login attempts * AuthN: Don't use enable disabled setting * OAuth: only run hooks when authnService feature toggle is disabled * OAuth: Add function to handle oauth errors from authn.Service
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package clients
import (
const (
hostedDomainParamName = "hd"
codeVerifierParamName = "code_verifier"
codeChallengeParamName = "code_challenge"
codeChallengeMethodParamName = "code_challenge_method"
codeChallengeMethod = "S256"
oauthStateQueryName = "state"
oauthStateCookieName = "oauth_state"
oauthPKCECookieName = "oauth_code_verifier"
var (
errOAuthGenPKCE = errutil.NewBase(errutil.StatusInternal, "auth.oauth.pkce.internal", errutil.WithPublicMessage("An internal error occurred"))
errOAuthMissingPKCE = errutil.NewBase(errutil.StatusBadRequest, "auth.oauth.pkce.missing", errutil.WithPublicMessage("Missing required pkce cookie"))
errOAuthGenState = errutil.NewBase(errutil.StatusInternal, "auth.oauth.state.internal", errutil.WithPublicMessage("An internal error occurred"))
errOAuthMissingState = errutil.NewBase(errutil.StatusBadRequest, "auth.oauth.state.missing", errutil.WithPublicMessage("Missing saved oauth state"))
errOAuthInvalidState = errutil.NewBase(errutil.StatusUnauthorized, "auth.oauth.state.invalid", errutil.WithPublicMessage("Provided state does not match stored state"))
errOAuthTokenExchange = errutil.NewBase(errutil.StatusInternal, "auth.oauth.token.exchange", errutil.WithPublicMessage("Failed to get token from provider"))
errOAuthMissingRequiredEmail = errutil.NewBase(errutil.StatusUnauthorized, "auth.oauth.email.missing")
errOAuthEmailNotAllowed = errutil.NewBase(errutil.StatusUnauthorized, "auth.oauth.email.not-allowed")
var _ authn.RedirectClient = new(OAuth)
func ProvideOAuth(
name string, cfg *setting.Cfg, oauthCfg *social.OAuthInfo,
connector social.SocialConnector, httpClient *http.Client,
) *OAuth {
return &OAuth{
name, fmt.Sprintf("oauth_%s", strings.TrimPrefix(name, "auth.client.")),
log.New(name), cfg, oauthCfg, connector, httpClient,
type OAuth struct {
name string
moduleName string
log log.Logger
cfg *setting.Cfg
oauthCfg *social.OAuthInfo
connector social.SocialConnector
httpClient *http.Client
func (c *OAuth) Name() string {
return c.name
func (c *OAuth) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, r *authn.Request) (*authn.Identity, error) {
r.SetMeta(authn.MetaKeyAuthModule, c.moduleName)
// get hashed state stored in cookie
stateCookie, err := r.HTTPRequest.Cookie(oauthStateCookieName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errOAuthMissingState.Errorf("missing state cookie")
if stateCookie.Value == "" {
return nil, errOAuthMissingState.Errorf("missing state value in state cookie")
// get state returned by the idp and hash it
stateQuery := hashOAuthState(r.HTTPRequest.URL.Query().Get(oauthStateQueryName), c.cfg.SecretKey, c.oauthCfg.ClientSecret)
// compare the state returned by idp against the one we stored in cookie
if stateQuery != stateCookie.Value {
return nil, errOAuthInvalidState.Errorf("provided state did not match stored state")
var opts []oauth2.AuthCodeOption
// if pkce is enabled for client validate we have the cookie and set it as url param
if c.oauthCfg.UsePKCE {
pkceCookie, err := r.HTTPRequest.Cookie(oauthPKCECookieName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errOAuthMissingPKCE.Errorf("no pkce cookie found: %w", err)
opts = append(opts, oauth2.SetAuthURLParam(codeVerifierParamName, pkceCookie.Value))
clientCtx := context.WithValue(ctx, oauth2.HTTPClient, c.httpClient)
// exchange auth code to a valid token
token, err := c.connector.Exchange(clientCtx, r.HTTPRequest.URL.Query().Get("code"), opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
token.TokenType = "Bearer"
userInfo, err := c.connector.UserInfo(c.connector.Client(clientCtx, token), token)
if err != nil {
return nil, errOAuthTokenExchange.Errorf("failed to exchange code to token: %w", err)
if userInfo.Email == "" {
return nil, errOAuthMissingRequiredEmail.Errorf("required attribute email was not provided")
if !c.connector.IsEmailAllowed(userInfo.Email) {
return nil, errOAuthEmailNotAllowed.Errorf("provided email is not allowed")
return &authn.Identity{
Login: userInfo.Login,
Name: userInfo.Name,
Email: userInfo.Email,
IsGrafanaAdmin: userInfo.IsGrafanaAdmin,
AuthModule: c.moduleName,
AuthID: userInfo.Id,
Groups: userInfo.Groups,
OAuthToken: token,
OrgRoles: getOAuthOrgRole(userInfo, c.cfg),
ClientParams: authn.ClientParams{
SyncUser: true,
SyncTeamMembers: true,
AllowSignUp: c.connector.IsSignupAllowed(),
LookUpParams: login.UserLookupParams{Email: &userInfo.Email},
}, nil
func (c *OAuth) RedirectURL(ctx context.Context, r *authn.Request) (*authn.Redirect, error) {
var opts []oauth2.AuthCodeOption
if c.oauthCfg.HostedDomain != "" {
opts = append(opts, oauth2.SetAuthURLParam(hostedDomainParamName, c.oauthCfg.HostedDomain))
var plainPKCE string
if c.oauthCfg.UsePKCE {
pkce, hashedPKCE, err := genPKCECode()
if err != nil {
return nil, errOAuthGenPKCE.Errorf("failed to generate pkce: %w", err)
plainPKCE = pkce
opts = append(opts,
oauth2.SetAuthURLParam(codeChallengeParamName, hashedPKCE),
oauth2.SetAuthURLParam(codeChallengeMethodParamName, codeChallengeMethod),
state, hashedSate, err := genOAuthState(c.cfg.SecretKey, c.oauthCfg.ClientSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, errOAuthGenState.Errorf("failed to generate state: %w", err)
return &authn.Redirect{
URL: c.connector.AuthCodeURL(state, opts...),
Extra: map[string]string{
authn.KeyOAuthState: hashedSate,
authn.KeyOAuthPKCE: plainPKCE,
}, nil
// genPKCECode returns a random URL-friendly string and it's base64 URL encoded SHA256 digest.
func genPKCECode() (string, string, error) {
// IETF RFC 7636 specifies that the code verifier should be 43-128
// characters from a set of unreserved URI characters which is
// almost the same as the set of characters in base64url.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636#section-4.1
// It doesn't hurt to generate a few more bytes here, we generate
// 96 bytes which we then encode using base64url to make sure
// they're within the set of unreserved characters.
// 96 is chosen because 96*8/6 = 128, which means that we'll have
// 128 characters after it has been base64 encoded.
raw := make([]byte, 96)
_, err := rand.Read(raw)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
ascii := make([]byte, 128)
base64.RawURLEncoding.Encode(ascii, raw)
shasum := sha256.Sum256(ascii)
pkce := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(shasum[:])
return string(ascii), pkce, nil
func genOAuthState(secret, seed string) (string, string, error) {
rnd := make([]byte, 32)
if _, err := rand.Read(rnd); err != nil {
return "", "", err
state := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(rnd)
return state, hashOAuthState(state, secret, seed), nil
func hashOAuthState(state, secret, seed string) string {
hashBytes := sha256.Sum256([]byte(state + secret + seed))
return hex.EncodeToString(hashBytes[:])
func getOAuthOrgRole(userInfo *social.BasicUserInfo, cfg *setting.Cfg) map[int64]org.RoleType {
orgRoles := make(map[int64]org.RoleType, 0)
if cfg.OAuthSkipOrgRoleUpdateSync {
return orgRoles
if userInfo.Role == "" || !userInfo.Role.IsValid() {
return orgRoles
orgID := int64(1)
if cfg.AutoAssignOrg && cfg.AutoAssignOrgId > 0 {
orgID = int64(cfg.AutoAssignOrgId)
orgRoles[orgID] = userInfo.Role
return orgRoles