Andrej Ocenas ae09ccbf79
Trace UI demo (#20297)
* Add integration with Jeager
Add Jaeger datasource and modify derived fields in loki to allow for opening a trace in Jager in separate split.
Modifies build so that this branch docker images are pushed to docker hub
Add a traceui dir with docker-compose and provision files for demoing.:wq

* Enable docker logger plugin to send logs to loki

* Add placeholder zipkin datasource

* Fixed rebase issues, added enhanceDataFrame to non-legacy code path

* Trace selector for jaeger query field

* Fix logs default mode for Loki

* Fix loading jaeger query field services on split

* Updated grafana image in traceui/compose file

* Fix prettier error

* Hide behind feature flag, clean up unused code.

* Fix tests

* Fix tests

* Cleanup code and review feedback

* Remove traceui directory

* Remove circle build changes

* Fix feature toggles object

* Fix merge issues

* Fix some null errors

* Fix test after strict null changes

* Review feedback fixes

* Fix toggle name

Co-authored-by: David Kaltschmidt <>
2020-03-25 12:25:39 +01:00
grafana-data Trace UI demo (#20297) 2020-03-25 12:25:39 +01:00
grafana-e2e DevEnv: update frontend dependencies - apache arrow, bizcharts, commander (#22994) 2020-03-25 11:01:02 +01:00
grafana-runtime Trace UI demo (#20297) 2020-03-25 12:25:39 +01:00
grafana-toolkit DevEnv: update frontend dependencies - apache arrow, bizcharts, commander (#22994) 2020-03-25 11:01:02 +01:00
grafana-ui Trace UI demo (#20297) 2020-03-25 12:25:39 +01:00 Packages: stable release tags update (#20417) 2019-11-17 19:51:57 +01:00

Grafana frontend packages

This document contains information about Grafana frontend package versioning and releases.


We use Lerna for packages versioning and releases.

All packages are versioned according to the current Grafana version:

  • Grafana v6.3.0-alpha1 -> @grafana/* packages @ 6.3.0-alpha.1
  • Grafana v6.2.5 -> @grafana/* packages @ 6.2.5
  • Grafana - master branch version (based on package.json, i.e. 6.4.0-pre) -> @grafana/* packages @ 6.4.0-pre- (see details below about packages publishing channels)

Please note that @grafana/toolkit, @grafana/ui, @grafana/data, and @grafana/runtime packages are considered ALPHA even though they are not released as alpha versions.

Stable releases

Even though packages are released under a stable version, they are considered ALPHA until further notice!

Stable releases are published under the latest tag on npm. If there was alpha/beta version released previously, the next tag is updated to stable version.

Alpha and beta releases

Alpha and beta releases are published under the next tag on npm.

Automatic prereleases

Every commit to master that has changes within the packages directory is a subject of npm packages release. ALL packages must be released under version from lerna.json file with commit SHA added to it:

<lerna.json version>-<COMMIT_SHA>

Automatic prereleases are published under the canary dist tag.

Manual release

All of the steps below must be performed on a release branch, according to Grafana Release Guide.

Make sure you are logged in to npm in your terminal and that you are a part of Grafana org on npm.

  1. Run yarn packages:prepare script from the root directory. This performs tests on the packages and prompts for the version of the packages. The version should be the same as the one being released.

    • Make sure you use semver convention. So, place a dot between prerelease id and prerelease number, i.e. 6.3.0-alpha.1
    • Make sure you confirm the version bump when prompted!
  2. Commit changes (lerna.json and package.json files) - "Packages version update: <VERSION>"

  3. Run yarn packages:build script that prepares distribution packages in packages/grafana-*/dist. These directories are going to be published to npm.

  4. Depending whether or not it's a prerelease:

    • When releasing a prerelease run packages:publishNext to publish new versions.
    • When releasing a stable version run packages:publishLatest to publish new versions.
  5. Push version commit to the release branch.

Building individual packages

To build individual packages, run:

grafana-toolkit package:build --scope=<ui|toolkit|runtime|data>