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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
586 lines
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586 lines
17 KiB
package accesscontrol
import (
ac "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/accesscontrol"
var dashboardPermissionTranslation = map[dashboards.PermissionType][]string{
dashboards.PERMISSION_VIEW: {
dashboards.PERMISSION_EDIT: {
dashboards.PERMISSION_ADMIN: {
var folderPermissionTranslation = map[dashboards.PermissionType][]string{
dashboards.PERMISSION_VIEW: append(dashboardPermissionTranslation[dashboards.PERMISSION_VIEW], []string{
dashboards.PERMISSION_EDIT: append(dashboardPermissionTranslation[dashboards.PERMISSION_EDIT], []string{
dashboards.PERMISSION_ADMIN: append(dashboardPermissionTranslation[dashboards.PERMISSION_ADMIN], []string{
func AddDashboardPermissionsMigrator(mg *migrator.Migrator) {
mg.AddMigration("dashboard permissions", &dashboardPermissionsMigrator{})
mg.AddMigration("dashboard permissions uid scopes", &dashboardUidPermissionMigrator{})
mg.AddMigration("drop managed folder create actions", &managedFolderCreateAction{})
var _ migrator.CodeMigration = new(dashboardPermissionsMigrator)
type dashboardPermissionsMigrator struct {
type dashboard struct {
ID int64 `xorm:"id"`
FolderID int64 `xorm:"folder_id"`
OrgID int64 `xorm:"org_id"`
IsFolder bool
HasAcl bool `xorm:"has_acl"`
func (m dashboardPermissionsMigrator) Exec(sess *xorm.Session, migrator *migrator.Migrator) error {
m.sess = sess
m.dialect = migrator.Dialect
var dashs []dashboard
if err := m.sess.SQL("SELECT id, is_folder, folder_id, org_id, has_acl FROM dashboard").Find(&dashs); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to list dashboards: %w", err)
var acl []dashboards.DashboardACL
if err := m.sess.Find(&acl); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to list dashboard ACL: %w", err)
aclMap := make(map[int64][]dashboards.DashboardACL, len(acl))
for _, p := range acl {
aclMap[p.DashboardID] = append(aclMap[p.DashboardID], p)
if err := m.migratePermissions(dashs, aclMap, migrator); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to migrate permissions: %w", err)
return nil
func (m dashboardPermissionsMigrator) migratePermissions(dashes []dashboard, aclMap map[int64][]dashboards.DashboardACL, migrator *migrator.Migrator) error {
permissionMap := map[int64]map[string][]*ac.Permission{}
for _, d := range dashes {
if d.ID == -1 {
acls := aclMap[d.ID]
if permissionMap[d.OrgID] == nil {
permissionMap[d.OrgID] = map[string][]*ac.Permission{}
if (d.IsFolder || d.FolderID == 0) && len(acls) == 0 && !d.HasAcl {
permissionMap[d.OrgID]["managed:builtins:editor:permissions"] = append(
m.mapPermission(d.ID, dashboards.PERMISSION_EDIT, d.IsFolder)...,
permissionMap[d.OrgID]["managed:builtins:viewer:permissions"] = append(
m.mapPermission(d.ID, dashboards.PERMISSION_VIEW, d.IsFolder)...,
} else {
for _, a := range deduplicateAcl(acls) {
roleName := getRoleName(a)
permissionMap[d.OrgID][roleName] = append(
m.mapPermission(d.ID, a.Permission, d.IsFolder)...,
var allRoles []*ac.Role
rolesToCreate := []*ac.Role{}
for orgID, roles := range permissionMap {
for name := range roles {
role, err := m.findRole(orgID, name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find role %s: %w", name, err)
if role.ID == 0 {
rolesToCreate = append(rolesToCreate, &ac.Role{OrgID: orgID, Name: name})
} else {
allRoles = append(allRoles, &role)
migrator.Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("bulk-creating roles %v", rolesToCreate))
createdRoles, err := m.bulkCreateRoles(rolesToCreate)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to bulk-create roles: %w", err)
allRoles = append(allRoles, createdRoles...)
if err := m.bulkAssignRoles(createdRoles); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to bulk-assign roles: %w", err)
return m.setPermissions(allRoles, permissionMap, migrator)
func (m dashboardPermissionsMigrator) setPermissions(allRoles []*ac.Role, permissionMap map[int64]map[string][]*ac.Permission, migrator *migrator.Migrator) error {
now := time.Now()
for _, role := range allRoles {
migrator.Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("setting permissions for role %s with ID %d in org %d", role.Name, role.ID, role.OrgID))
if _, err := m.sess.Exec("DELETE FROM permission WHERE role_id = ? AND (action LIKE ? OR action LIKE ?)", role.ID, "dashboards%", "folders%"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to clear dashboard and folder permissions for role: %w", err)
var permissions []ac.Permission
mappedPermissions := permissionMap[role.OrgID][role.Name]
for _, p := range mappedPermissions {
permissions = append(permissions, ac.Permission{
RoleID: role.ID,
Action: p.Action,
Scope: p.Scope,
Updated: now,
Created: now,
err := batch(len(permissions), batchSize, func(start, end int) error {
migrator.Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("inserting permissions %v", permissions[start:end]))
if _, err := m.sess.InsertMulti(permissions[start:end]); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create permissions for role: %w", err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m dashboardPermissionsMigrator) mapPermission(id int64, p dashboards.PermissionType, isFolder bool) []*ac.Permission {
if isFolder {
actions := folderPermissionTranslation[p]
scope := dashboards.ScopeFoldersProvider.GetResourceScope(strconv.FormatInt(id, 10))
permissions := make([]*ac.Permission, 0, len(actions))
for _, action := range actions {
permissions = append(permissions, &ac.Permission{Action: action, Scope: scope})
return permissions
actions := dashboardPermissionTranslation[p]
scope := ac.Scope("dashboards", "id", strconv.FormatInt(id, 10))
permissions := make([]*ac.Permission, 0, len(actions))
for _, action := range actions {
permissions = append(permissions, &ac.Permission{Action: action, Scope: scope})
return permissions
func getRoleName(p dashboards.DashboardACL) string {
if p.UserID != 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("managed:users:%d:permissions", p.UserID)
if p.TeamID != 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("managed:teams:%d:permissions", p.TeamID)
return fmt.Sprintf("managed:builtins:%s:permissions", strings.ToLower(string(*p.Role)))
func deduplicateAcl(acl []dashboards.DashboardACL) []dashboards.DashboardACL {
output := make([]dashboards.DashboardACL, 0, len(acl))
uniqueACL := map[string]dashboards.DashboardACL{}
for _, item := range acl {
// acl items with userID or teamID is enforced to be unique by sql constraint, so we can skip those
if item.UserID > 0 || item.TeamID > 0 {
output = append(output, item)
// better to make sure so we don't panic
if item.Role == nil {
current, ok := uniqueACL[string(*item.Role)]
if !ok {
uniqueACL[string(*item.Role)] = item
if current.Permission < item.Permission {
uniqueACL[string(*item.Role)] = item
for _, item := range uniqueACL {
output = append(output, item)
return output
var _ migrator.CodeMigration = new(dashboardUidPermissionMigrator)
type dashboardUidPermissionMigrator struct {
func (d *dashboardUidPermissionMigrator) SQL(dialect migrator.Dialect) string {
return "code migration"
func (d *dashboardUidPermissionMigrator) Exec(sess *xorm.Session, migrator *migrator.Migrator) error {
if err := d.migrateWildcards(sess); err != nil {
return err
return d.migrateIdScopes(sess)
func (d *dashboardUidPermissionMigrator) migrateWildcards(sess *xorm.Session) error {
if _, err := sess.Exec("DELETE FROM permission WHERE action = 'dashboards:create' AND scope LIKE 'dashboards%'"); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := sess.Exec("UPDATE permission SET scope = 'dashboards:uid:*' WHERE scope = 'dashboards:id:*'"); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := sess.Exec("UPDATE permission SET scope = 'folders:uid:*' WHERE scope = 'folders:id:*'"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *dashboardUidPermissionMigrator) migrateIdScopes(sess *xorm.Session) error {
type dashboard struct {
ID int64 `xorm:"id"`
UID string `xorm:"uid"`
IsFolder bool
var dashboards []dashboard
if err := sess.SQL("SELECT id, uid, is_folder FROM dashboard").Find(&dashboards); err != nil {
return err
for _, d := range dashboards {
var idScope string
var uidScope string
if d.IsFolder {
idScope = ac.Scope("folders", "id", strconv.FormatInt(d.ID, 10))
uidScope = ac.Scope("folders", "uid", d.UID)
} else {
idScope = ac.Scope("dashboards", "id", strconv.FormatInt(d.ID, 10))
uidScope = ac.Scope("dashboards", "uid", d.UID)
if _, err := sess.Exec("UPDATE permission SET scope = ? WHERE scope = ?", uidScope, idScope); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type managedFolderCreateAction struct {
func (m *managedFolderCreateAction) SQL(dialect migrator.Dialect) string {
return CodeMigrationSQL
func (m *managedFolderCreateAction) Exec(sess *xorm.Session, migrator *migrator.Migrator) error {
if _, err := sess.Exec("DELETE FROM permission WHERE action = 'folders:create' AND scope LIKE 'folders:uid:%'"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
const managedFolderAlertActionsMigratorID = "managed folder permissions alert actions migration"
func AddManagedFolderAlertActionsMigration(mg *migrator.Migrator) {
mg.AddMigration(managedFolderAlertActionsMigratorID, &managedFolderAlertActionsMigrator{})
type managedFolderAlertActionsMigrator struct {
func (m *managedFolderAlertActionsMigrator) SQL(dialect migrator.Dialect) string {
return CodeMigrationSQL
func (m *managedFolderAlertActionsMigrator) Exec(sess *xorm.Session, mg *migrator.Migrator) error {
var ids []any
if err := sess.SQL("SELECT id FROM role WHERE name LIKE 'managed:%'").Find(&ids); err != nil {
return err
if len(ids) == 0 {
return nil
var permissions []ac.Permission
if err := sess.SQL("SELECT role_id, action, scope FROM permission WHERE role_id IN(?"+strings.Repeat(" ,?", len(ids)-1)+") AND scope LIKE 'folders:%'", ids...).Find(&permissions); err != nil {
return err
mapped := make(map[int64]map[string][]ac.Permission, len(ids)-1)
for _, p := range permissions {
if mapped[p.RoleID] == nil {
mapped[p.RoleID] = make(map[string][]ac.Permission)
mapped[p.RoleID][p.Scope] = append(mapped[p.RoleID][p.Scope], p)
var toAdd []ac.Permission
now := time.Now()
for id, a := range mapped {
for scope, p := range a {
if hasFolderView(p) {
toAdd = append(toAdd, ac.Permission{
RoleID: id,
Updated: now,
Created: now,
Scope: scope,
Action: ac.ActionAlertingRuleRead,
if hasFolderAdmin(p) || hasFolderEdit(p) {
toAdd = append(
RoleID: id,
Updated: now,
Created: now,
Scope: scope,
Action: ac.ActionAlertingRuleCreate,
RoleID: id,
Updated: now,
Created: now,
Scope: scope,
Action: ac.ActionAlertingRuleDelete,
RoleID: id,
Updated: now,
Created: now,
Scope: scope,
Action: ac.ActionAlertingRuleUpdate,
if len(toAdd) == 0 {
return nil
err := batch(len(toAdd), batchSize, func(start, end int) error {
if _, err := sess.InsertMulti(toAdd[start:end]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
const managedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigratorID = "managed folder permissions alert actions repeated migration"
AddManagedFolderAlertActionsMigration has to be run after AddDashboardPermissionsMigrator, as it is only effective if dashboard permissions have already been migrated.
AddManagedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigrator ensures that alerting permissions that have already been added won't get added twice.
func AddManagedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigration(mg *migrator.Migrator) {
mg.AddMigration(managedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigratorID, &managedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigrator{})
const managedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigratorFixedID = "managed folder permissions alert actions repeated fixed migration"
AddManagedFolderAlertActionsRepeatFixedMigration is a fixed version of AddManagedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigration.
func AddManagedFolderAlertActionsRepeatFixedMigration(mg *migrator.Migrator) {
mg.AddMigration(managedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigratorFixedID, &managedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigrator{})
type managedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigrator struct {
func (m *managedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigrator) SQL(dialect migrator.Dialect) string {
return CodeMigrationSQL
func (m *managedFolderAlertActionsRepeatMigrator) Exec(sess *xorm.Session, mg *migrator.Migrator) error {
var ids []any
if err := sess.SQL("SELECT id FROM role WHERE name LIKE 'managed:%'").Find(&ids); err != nil {
return err
if len(ids) == 0 {
return nil
var permissions []ac.Permission
if err := sess.SQL("SELECT role_id, action, scope FROM permission WHERE role_id IN(?"+strings.Repeat(" ,?", len(ids)-1)+") AND scope LIKE 'folders:%'", ids...).Find(&permissions); err != nil {
return err
mapped := make(map[int64]map[string][]ac.Permission, len(ids)-1)
for _, p := range permissions {
if mapped[p.RoleID] == nil {
mapped[p.RoleID] = make(map[string][]ac.Permission)
mapped[p.RoleID][p.Scope] = append(mapped[p.RoleID][p.Scope], p)
var toAdd []ac.Permission
now := time.Now()
for id, a := range mapped {
for scope, p := range a {
// previous migration added this permission, but it was not added to the toAdd slice
// because we were checking all permissions on top of folders, not just the scoped ones
// what we had:
// if !hasAction(ac.<Action>, permissions) {
// should have been:
// if !hasAction(ac.<Action>, p) {
// see PR for explanation: https://github.com/grafana/grafana/pull/58054
if hasFolderView(p) {
if !hasAction(ac.ActionAlertingRuleRead, p) {
toAdd = append(toAdd, ac.Permission{
RoleID: id,
Updated: now,
Created: now,
Scope: scope,
Action: ac.ActionAlertingRuleRead,
if hasFolderAdmin(p) || hasFolderEdit(p) {
if !hasAction(ac.ActionAlertingRuleCreate, p) {
toAdd = append(toAdd, ac.Permission{
RoleID: id,
Updated: now,
Created: now,
Scope: scope,
Action: ac.ActionAlertingRuleCreate,
if !hasAction(ac.ActionAlertingRuleDelete, p) {
toAdd = append(toAdd, ac.Permission{
RoleID: id,
Updated: now,
Created: now,
Scope: scope,
Action: ac.ActionAlertingRuleDelete,
if !hasAction(ac.ActionAlertingRuleUpdate, p) {
toAdd = append(toAdd, ac.Permission{
RoleID: id,
Updated: now,
Created: now,
Scope: scope,
Action: ac.ActionAlertingRuleUpdate,
if len(toAdd) == 0 {
return nil
err := batch(len(toAdd), batchSize, func(start, end int) error {
if _, err := sess.InsertMulti(toAdd[start:end]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func hasFolderAdmin(permissions []ac.Permission) bool {
return hasActions(folderPermissionTranslation[dashboards.PERMISSION_ADMIN], permissions)
func hasFolderEdit(permissions []ac.Permission) bool {
return hasActions(folderPermissionTranslation[dashboards.PERMISSION_EDIT], permissions)
func hasFolderView(permissions []ac.Permission) bool {
return hasActions(folderPermissionTranslation[dashboards.PERMISSION_VIEW], permissions)
func hasActions(actions []string, permissions []ac.Permission) bool {
var contains int
for _, action := range actions {
for _, p := range permissions {
if action == p.Action {
return contains >= len(actions)
func hasAction(action string, permissions []ac.Permission) bool {
return hasActions([]string{action}, permissions)