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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
Adding support for backend plugin client middlewares. This allows headers in outgoing backend plugin and HTTP requests to be modified using client middlewares. The following client middlewares added: Forward cookies: Will forward incoming HTTP request Cookies to outgoing plugins.Client and HTTP requests if the datasource has enabled forwarding of cookies (keepCookies). Forward OAuth token: Will set OAuth token headers on outgoing plugins.Client and HTTP requests if the datasource has enabled Forward OAuth Identity (oauthPassThru). Clear auth headers: Will clear any outgoing HTTP headers that was part of the incoming HTTP request and used when authenticating to Grafana. The current suggested way to register client middlewares is to have a separate package, pluginsintegration, responsible for bootstrap/instantiate the backend plugin client with middlewares and/or longer term bootstrap/instantiate plugin management. Fixes #54135 Related to #47734 Related to #57870 Related to #41623 Related to #57065
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package query
import (
const (
HeaderPluginID = "X-Plugin-Id" // can be used for routing
HeaderDatasourceUID = "X-Datasource-Uid" // can be used for routing/ load balancing
HeaderDashboardUID = "X-Dashboard-Uid" // mainly useful for debuging slow queries
HeaderPanelID = "X-Panel-Id" // mainly useful for debuging slow queries
func ProvideService(
cfg *setting.Cfg,
dataSourceCache datasources.CacheService,
expressionService *expr.Service,
pluginRequestValidator models.PluginRequestValidator,
dataSourceService datasources.DataSourceService,
pluginClient plugins.Client,
) *Service {
g := &Service{
cfg: cfg,
dataSourceCache: dataSourceCache,
expressionService: expressionService,
pluginRequestValidator: pluginRequestValidator,
dataSourceService: dataSourceService,
pluginClient: pluginClient,
log: log.New("query_data"),
g.log.Info("Query Service initialization")
return g
type Service struct {
cfg *setting.Cfg
dataSourceCache datasources.CacheService
expressionService *expr.Service
pluginRequestValidator models.PluginRequestValidator
dataSourceService datasources.DataSourceService
pluginClient plugins.Client
log log.Logger
// Run Service.
func (s *Service) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
return ctx.Err()
// QueryData processes queries and returns query responses. It handles queries to single or mixed datasources, as well as expressions.
func (s *Service) QueryData(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, skipCache bool, reqDTO dtos.MetricRequest) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) {
// Parse the request into parsed queries grouped by datasource uid
parsedReq, err := s.parseMetricRequest(ctx, user, skipCache, reqDTO)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If there are expressions, handle them and return
if parsedReq.hasExpression {
return s.handleExpressions(ctx, user, parsedReq)
// If there is only one datasource, query it and return
if len(parsedReq.parsedQueries) == 1 {
return s.handleQuerySingleDatasource(ctx, user, parsedReq)
// If there are multiple datasources, handle their queries concurrently and return the aggregate result
return s.executeConcurrentQueries(ctx, user, skipCache, reqDTO, parsedReq.parsedQueries)
// executeConcurrentQueries executes queries to multiple datasources concurrently and returns the aggregate result.
func (s *Service) executeConcurrentQueries(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, skipCache bool, reqDTO dtos.MetricRequest, queriesbyDs map[string][]parsedQuery) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) {
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
g.SetLimit(8) // arbitrary limit to prevent too many concurrent requests
rchan := make(chan backend.Responses, len(queriesbyDs))
// Create panic recovery function for loop below
recoveryFn := func(queries []*simplejson.Json) {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
var err error
s.log.Error("query datasource panic", "error", r, "stack", log.Stack(1))
if theErr, ok := r.(error); ok {
err = theErr
} else if theErrString, ok := r.(string); ok {
err = fmt.Errorf(theErrString)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected error, see the server log for details")
// Due to the panic, there is no valid response for any query for this datasource. Append an error for each one.
rchan <- buildErrorResponses(err, queries)
// Query each datasource concurrently
for _, queries := range queriesbyDs {
rawQueries := make([]*simplejson.Json, len(queries))
for i := 0; i < len(queries); i++ {
rawQueries[i] = queries[i].rawQuery
g.Go(func() error {
subDTO := reqDTO.CloneWithQueries(rawQueries)
// Handle panics in the datasource qery
defer recoveryFn(subDTO.Queries)
subResp, err := s.QueryData(ctx, user, skipCache, subDTO)
if err == nil {
rchan <- subResp.Responses
} else {
// If there was an error, return an error response for each query for this datasource
rchan <- buildErrorResponses(err, subDTO.Queries)
return nil
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp := backend.NewQueryDataResponse()
for result := range rchan {
for refId, dataResponse := range result {
resp.Responses[refId] = dataResponse
return resp, nil
// buildErrorResponses applies the provided error to each query response in the list. These queries should all belong to the same datasource.
func buildErrorResponses(err error, queries []*simplejson.Json) backend.Responses {
er := backend.Responses{}
for _, query := range queries {
er[query.Get("refId").MustString("A")] = backend.DataResponse{
Error: err,
return er
// handleExpressions handles POST /api/ds/query when there is an expression.
func (s *Service) handleExpressions(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, parsedReq *parsedRequest) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) {
exprReq := expr.Request{
Queries: []expr.Query{},
if user != nil { // for passthrough authentication, SSE does not authenticate
exprReq.User = adapters.BackendUserFromSignedInUser(user)
exprReq.OrgId = user.OrgID
for _, pq := range parsedReq.getFlattenedQueries() {
if pq.datasource == nil {
return nil, ErrMissingDataSourceInfo.Build(errutil.TemplateData{
Public: map[string]interface{}{
"RefId": pq.query.RefID,
exprReq.Queries = append(exprReq.Queries, expr.Query{
JSON: pq.query.JSON,
Interval: pq.query.Interval,
RefID: pq.query.RefID,
MaxDataPoints: pq.query.MaxDataPoints,
QueryType: pq.query.QueryType,
DataSource: pq.datasource,
TimeRange: expr.AbsoluteTimeRange{
From: pq.query.TimeRange.From,
To: pq.query.TimeRange.To,
qdr, err := s.expressionService.TransformData(ctx, time.Now(), &exprReq) // use time now because all queries have absolute time range
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expression request error: %w", err)
return qdr, nil
// handleQuerySingleDatasource handles one or more queries to a single datasource
func (s *Service) handleQuerySingleDatasource(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, parsedReq *parsedRequest) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) {
queries := parsedReq.getFlattenedQueries()
ds := queries[0].datasource
if err := s.pluginRequestValidator.Validate(ds.Url, nil); err != nil {
return nil, datasources.ErrDataSourceAccessDenied
// ensure that each query passed to this function has the same datasource
for _, pq := range queries {
if ds.Uid != pq.datasource.Uid {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("all queries must have the same datasource - found %s and %s", ds.Uid, pq.datasource.Uid)
instanceSettings, err := adapters.ModelToInstanceSettings(ds, s.decryptSecureJsonDataFn(ctx))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req := &backend.QueryDataRequest{
PluginContext: backend.PluginContext{
OrgID: ds.OrgId,
PluginID: ds.Type,
User: adapters.BackendUserFromSignedInUser(user),
DataSourceInstanceSettings: instanceSettings,
Headers: map[string]string{},
Queries: []backend.DataQuery{},
for _, q := range queries {
req.Queries = append(req.Queries, q.query)
return s.pluginClient.QueryData(ctx, req)
// parseRequest parses a request into parsed queries grouped by datasource uid
func (s *Service) parseMetricRequest(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, skipCache bool, reqDTO dtos.MetricRequest) (*parsedRequest, error) {
if len(reqDTO.Queries) == 0 {
return nil, ErrNoQueriesFound
timeRange := legacydata.NewDataTimeRange(reqDTO.From, reqDTO.To)
req := &parsedRequest{
hasExpression: false,
parsedQueries: make(map[string][]parsedQuery),
dsTypes: make(map[string]bool),
// Parse the queries and store them by datasource
datasourcesByUid := map[string]*datasources.DataSource{}
for _, query := range reqDTO.Queries {
ds, err := s.getDataSourceFromQuery(ctx, user, skipCache, query, datasourcesByUid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ds == nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidDatasourceID
datasourcesByUid[ds.Uid] = ds
if expr.IsDataSource(ds.Uid) {
req.hasExpression = true
} else {
req.dsTypes[ds.Type] = true
if _, ok := req.parsedQueries[ds.Uid]; !ok {
req.parsedQueries[ds.Uid] = []parsedQuery{}
s.log.Debug("Processing metrics query", "query", query)
modelJSON, err := query.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.parsedQueries[ds.Uid] = append(req.parsedQueries[ds.Uid], parsedQuery{
datasource: ds,
query: backend.DataQuery{
TimeRange: backend.TimeRange{
From: timeRange.GetFromAsTimeUTC(),
To: timeRange.GetToAsTimeUTC(),
RefID: query.Get("refId").MustString("A"),
MaxDataPoints: query.Get("maxDataPoints").MustInt64(100),
Interval: time.Duration(query.Get("intervalMs").MustInt64(1000)) * time.Millisecond,
QueryType: query.Get("queryType").MustString(""),
JSON: modelJSON,
rawQuery: query,
_ = req.validateRequest(ctx)
return req, nil // TODO req.validateRequest()
func (s *Service) getDataSourceFromQuery(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, skipCache bool, query *simplejson.Json, history map[string]*datasources.DataSource) (*datasources.DataSource, error) {
var err error
uid := query.Get("datasource").Get("uid").MustString()
// before 8.3 special types could be sent as datasource (expr)
if uid == "" {
uid = query.Get("datasource").MustString()
// check cache value
ds, ok := history[uid]
if ok {
return ds, nil
if expr.IsDataSource(uid) {
return expr.DataSourceModel(), nil
if uid == grafanads.DatasourceUID {
return grafanads.DataSourceModel(user.OrgID), nil
// use datasourceId if it exists
id := query.Get("datasourceId").MustInt64(0)
if id > 0 {
ds, err = s.dataSourceCache.GetDatasource(ctx, id, user, skipCache)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ds, nil
if uid != "" {
ds, err = s.dataSourceCache.GetDatasourceByUID(ctx, uid, user, skipCache)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ds, nil
return nil, ErrInvalidDatasourceID
func (s *Service) decryptSecureJsonDataFn(ctx context.Context) func(ds *datasources.DataSource) (map[string]string, error) {
return func(ds *datasources.DataSource) (map[string]string, error) {
return s.dataSourceService.DecryptedValues(ctx, ds)