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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Alerting: Add single rule checks to alert rule access control Modifies ruler api single rule read to no longer fetch entire groups and instead use the new single rule ac check. Simplifies provisioning api getAlertRuleAuthorized logic to always load a single rule instead of conditionally loading the entire group when provisioning permissions are not present. * Swap out Has/AuthorizeAccessToRule for Has/AuthorizeAccessInFolder
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package api
import (
contextmodel "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/contexthandler/model"
authz "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/accesscontrol"
apimodels "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/api/tooling/definitions"
ngmodels "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/models"
type ConditionValidator interface {
// Validate validates that the condition is correct. Returns nil if the condition is correct. Otherwise, error that describes the failure
Validate(ctx eval.EvaluationContext, condition ngmodels.Condition) error
type AMConfigStore interface {
GetLatestAlertmanagerConfiguration(ctx context.Context, orgID int64) (*ngmodels.AlertConfiguration, error)
type AMRefresher interface {
ApplyConfig(ctx context.Context, orgId int64, dbConfig *ngmodels.AlertConfiguration) error
type RulerSrv struct {
xactManager provisioning.TransactionManager
provenanceStore provisioning.ProvisioningStore
store RuleStore
QuotaService quota.Service
log log.Logger
cfg *setting.UnifiedAlertingSettings
conditionValidator ConditionValidator
authz RuleAccessControlService
amConfigStore AMConfigStore
amRefresher AMRefresher
featureManager featuremgmt.FeatureToggles
var (
errProvisionedResource = errors.New("request affects resources created via provisioning API")
// ignore fields that are not part of the rule definition
var ignoreFieldsForValidate = [...]string{"RuleGroupIndex"}
// RouteDeleteAlertRules deletes all alert rules the user is authorized to access in the given namespace
// or, if non-empty, a specific group of rules in the namespace.
// Returns http.StatusForbidden if user does not have access to any of the rules that match the filter.
// Returns http.StatusBadRequest if all rules that match the filter and the user is authorized to delete are provisioned.
func (srv RulerSrv) RouteDeleteAlertRules(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, namespaceUID string, group string) response.Response {
namespace, err := srv.store.GetNamespaceByUID(c.Req.Context(), namespaceUID, c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), c.SignedInUser)
if err != nil {
return toNamespaceErrorResponse(err)
userNamespace, id := c.SignedInUser.GetNamespacedID()
var loggerCtx = []any{
if group != "" {
loggerCtx = append(loggerCtx, "group", group)
logger := srv.log.New(loggerCtx...)
provenances, err := srv.provenanceStore.GetProvenances(c.Req.Context(), c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), (&ngmodels.AlertRule{}).ResourceType())
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to fetch provenances of alert rules")
err = srv.xactManager.InTransaction(c.Req.Context(), func(ctx context.Context) error {
deletionCandidates := map[ngmodels.AlertRuleGroupKey]ngmodels.RulesGroup{}
if group != "" {
key := ngmodels.AlertRuleGroupKey{
OrgID: c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(),
NamespaceUID: namespace.UID,
RuleGroup: group,
rules, err := srv.getAuthorizedRuleGroup(ctx, c, key)
if err != nil {
return err
deletionCandidates[key] = rules
} else {
var totalGroups int
deletionCandidates, totalGroups, err = srv.searchAuthorizedAlertRules(ctx, authorizedRuleGroupQuery{
User: c.SignedInUser,
NamespaceUIDs: []string{namespace.UID},
if err != nil {
return err
if totalGroups > 0 && len(deletionCandidates) == 0 {
return authz.NewAuthorizationErrorGeneric("delete any existing rules in the namespace due to missing data source query permissions")
rulesToDelete := make([]string, 0)
provisioned := false
auth := true
for groupKey, rules := range deletionCandidates {
if containsProvisionedAlerts(provenances, rules) {
logger.Debug("Alert group cannot be deleted because it is provisioned", "group", groupKey.RuleGroup)
provisioned = true
// XXX: Currently delete requires data source query access to all rules in the group.
if err := srv.authz.AuthorizeDatasourceAccessForRuleGroup(ctx, c.SignedInUser, rules); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, authz.ErrAuthorizationBase) {
logger.Debug("User is not authorized to delete rules in the group", "group", groupKey.RuleGroup)
auth = false
} else {
return err
uid := make([]string, 0, len(rules))
for _, rule := range rules {
uid = append(uid, rule.UID)
rulesToDelete = append(rulesToDelete, uid...)
if len(rulesToDelete) > 0 {
err := srv.store.DeleteAlertRulesByUID(ctx, c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), rulesToDelete...)
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Info("Alert rules were deleted", "ruleUid", strings.Join(rulesToDelete, ","))
return nil
// if none rules were deleted return an error.
// Check whether provisioned check failed first because if it is true, then all rules that the user can access (actually read via GET API) are provisioned.
if provisioned {
return errProvisionedResource
// If auth is false, then the user is not authorized to delete any of the rules.
if !auth {
return authz.NewAuthorizationErrorGeneric("delete any existing rules in the namespace")
logger.Info("No alert rules were deleted")
return nil
if err != nil {
if errors.As(err, &errutil.Error{}) {
return response.Err(err)
if errors.Is(err, errProvisionedResource) {
return ErrResp(http.StatusBadRequest, err, "failed to delete rule group")
return ErrResp(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to delete rule group")
return response.JSON(http.StatusAccepted, util.DynMap{"message": "rules deleted"})
// RouteGetNamespaceRulesConfig returns all rules in a specific folder that user has access to
func (srv RulerSrv) RouteGetNamespaceRulesConfig(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, namespaceUID string) response.Response {
namespace, err := srv.store.GetNamespaceByUID(c.Req.Context(), namespaceUID, c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), c.SignedInUser)
if err != nil {
return toNamespaceErrorResponse(err)
ruleGroups, _, err := srv.searchAuthorizedAlertRules(c.Req.Context(), authorizedRuleGroupQuery{
User: c.SignedInUser,
NamespaceUIDs: []string{namespace.UID},
if err != nil {
return errorToResponse(err)
provenanceRecords, err := srv.provenanceStore.GetProvenances(c.Req.Context(), c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), (&ngmodels.AlertRule{}).ResourceType())
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to get provenance for rule group")
result := apimodels.NamespaceConfigResponse{}
for groupKey, rules := range ruleGroups {
result[namespace.Fullpath] = append(result[namespace.Fullpath], toGettableRuleGroupConfig(groupKey.RuleGroup, rules, provenanceRecords))
return response.JSON(http.StatusAccepted, result)
// RouteGetRulesGroupConfig returns rules that belong to a specific group in a specific namespace (folder).
// If user does not have access to at least one of the rule in the group, returns status 403 Forbidden
func (srv RulerSrv) RouteGetRulesGroupConfig(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, namespaceUID string, ruleGroup string) response.Response {
namespace, err := srv.store.GetNamespaceByUID(c.Req.Context(), namespaceUID, c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), c.SignedInUser)
if err != nil {
return toNamespaceErrorResponse(err)
rules, err := srv.getAuthorizedRuleGroup(c.Req.Context(), c, ngmodels.AlertRuleGroupKey{
OrgID: c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(),
RuleGroup: ruleGroup,
NamespaceUID: namespace.UID,
if err != nil {
return errorToResponse(err)
provenanceRecords, err := srv.provenanceStore.GetProvenances(c.Req.Context(), c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), (&ngmodels.AlertRule{}).ResourceType())
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to get group alert rules")
result := apimodels.RuleGroupConfigResponse{
// nolint:staticcheck
GettableRuleGroupConfig: toGettableRuleGroupConfig(ruleGroup, rules, provenanceRecords),
return response.JSON(http.StatusAccepted, result)
// RouteGetRulesConfig returns all alert rules that are available to the current user
func (srv RulerSrv) RouteGetRulesConfig(c *contextmodel.ReqContext) response.Response {
namespaceMap, err := srv.store.GetUserVisibleNamespaces(c.Req.Context(), c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), c.SignedInUser)
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to get namespaces visible to the user")
result := apimodels.NamespaceConfigResponse{}
if len(namespaceMap) == 0 {
srv.log.Debug("User has no access to any namespaces")
return response.JSON(http.StatusOK, result)
namespaceUIDs := make([]string, len(namespaceMap))
for k := range namespaceMap {
namespaceUIDs = append(namespaceUIDs, k)
dashboardUID := c.Query("dashboard_uid")
panelID, err := getPanelIDFromQuery(c.Req.URL.Query())
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusBadRequest, err, "invalid panel_id")
if dashboardUID == "" && panelID != 0 {
return ErrResp(http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New("panel_id must be set with dashboard_uid"), "")
configs, _, err := srv.searchAuthorizedAlertRules(c.Req.Context(), authorizedRuleGroupQuery{
User: c.SignedInUser,
NamespaceUIDs: namespaceUIDs,
DashboardUID: dashboardUID,
PanelID: panelID,
if err != nil {
return errorToResponse(err)
provenanceRecords, err := srv.provenanceStore.GetProvenances(c.Req.Context(), c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), (&ngmodels.AlertRule{}).ResourceType())
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to get alert rules")
for groupKey, rules := range configs {
folder, ok := namespaceMap[groupKey.NamespaceUID]
if !ok {
userNamespace, id := c.SignedInUser.GetNamespacedID()
srv.log.Error("Namespace not visible to the user", "user", id, "userNamespace", userNamespace, "namespace", groupKey.NamespaceUID)
result[folder.Fullpath] = append(result[folder.Fullpath], toGettableRuleGroupConfig(groupKey.RuleGroup, rules, provenanceRecords))
return response.JSON(http.StatusOK, result)
// RouteGetRuleByUID returns the alert rule with the given UID
func (srv RulerSrv) RouteGetRuleByUID(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, ruleUID string) response.Response {
ctx := c.Req.Context()
orgID := c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID()
rule, err := srv.getAuthorizedRuleByUid(ctx, c, ruleUID)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ngmodels.ErrAlertRuleNotFound) {
return response.Empty(http.StatusNotFound)
return response.ErrOrFallback(http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to get rule by UID", err)
provenance, err := srv.provenanceStore.GetProvenance(ctx, &rule, orgID)
if err != nil {
return response.ErrOrFallback(http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to get rule provenance", err)
result := toGettableExtendedRuleNode(rule, map[string]ngmodels.Provenance{rule.ResourceID(): provenance})
return response.JSON(http.StatusOK, result)
func (srv RulerSrv) RoutePostNameRulesConfig(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, ruleGroupConfig apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig, namespaceUID string) response.Response {
namespace, err := srv.store.GetNamespaceByUID(c.Req.Context(), namespaceUID, c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), c.SignedInUser)
if err != nil {
return toNamespaceErrorResponse(err)
if err := srv.checkGroupLimits(ruleGroupConfig); err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusBadRequest, err, "")
rules, err := ValidateRuleGroup(&ruleGroupConfig, c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), namespace.UID, RuleLimitsFromConfig(srv.cfg, srv.featureManager))
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusBadRequest, err, "")
groupKey := ngmodels.AlertRuleGroupKey{
OrgID: c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(),
NamespaceUID: namespace.UID,
RuleGroup: ruleGroupConfig.Name,
return srv.updateAlertRulesInGroup(c, groupKey, rules)
func (srv RulerSrv) checkGroupLimits(group apimodels.PostableRuleGroupConfig) error {
if srv.cfg.RulesPerRuleGroupLimit > 0 && int64(len(group.Rules)) > srv.cfg.RulesPerRuleGroupLimit {
srv.log.Warn("Large rule group was edited. Large groups are discouraged and may be rejected in the future.",
"limit", srv.cfg.RulesPerRuleGroupLimit,
"actual", len(group.Rules),
"group", group.Name,
return nil
// updateAlertRulesInGroup calculates changes (rules to add,update,delete), verifies that the user is authorized to do the calculated changes and updates database.
// All operations are performed in a single transaction
func (srv RulerSrv) updateAlertRulesInGroup(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, groupKey ngmodels.AlertRuleGroupKey, rules []*ngmodels.AlertRuleWithOptionals) response.Response {
var finalChanges *store.GroupDelta
var dbConfig *ngmodels.AlertConfiguration
err := srv.xactManager.InTransaction(c.Req.Context(), func(tranCtx context.Context) error {
userNamespace, id := c.SignedInUser.GetNamespacedID()
logger := srv.log.New("namespace_uid", groupKey.NamespaceUID, "group",
groupKey.RuleGroup, "org_id", groupKey.OrgID, "user_id", id, "userNamespace", userNamespace)
groupChanges, err := store.CalculateChanges(tranCtx, srv.store, groupKey, rules)
if err != nil {
return err
if groupChanges.IsEmpty() {
finalChanges = groupChanges
logger.Info("No changes detected in the request. Do nothing")
return nil
err = srv.authz.AuthorizeRuleChanges(c.Req.Context(), c.SignedInUser, groupChanges)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := validateQueries(c.Req.Context(), groupChanges, srv.conditionValidator, c.SignedInUser); err != nil {
return err
newOrUpdatedNotificationSettings := groupChanges.NewOrUpdatedNotificationSettings()
if len(newOrUpdatedNotificationSettings) > 0 {
dbConfig, err = srv.amConfigStore.GetLatestAlertmanagerConfiguration(c.Req.Context(), groupChanges.GroupKey.OrgID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest configuration: %w", err)
cfg, err := notifier.Load([]byte(dbConfig.AlertmanagerConfiguration))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse configuration: %w", err)
validator := notifier.NewNotificationSettingsValidator(&cfg.AlertmanagerConfig)
for _, s := range newOrUpdatedNotificationSettings {
if err := validator.Validate(s); err != nil {
return errors.Join(ngmodels.ErrAlertRuleFailedValidation, err)
if err := verifyProvisionedRulesNotAffected(c.Req.Context(), srv.provenanceStore, c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), groupChanges); err != nil {
return err
finalChanges = store.UpdateCalculatedRuleFields(groupChanges)
logger.Debug("Updating database with the authorized changes", "add", len(finalChanges.New), "update", len(finalChanges.New), "delete", len(finalChanges.Delete))
// Delete first as this could prevent future unique constraint violations.
if len(finalChanges.Delete) > 0 {
UIDs := make([]string, 0, len(finalChanges.Delete))
for _, rule := range finalChanges.Delete {
UIDs = append(UIDs, rule.UID)
if err = srv.store.DeleteAlertRulesByUID(tranCtx, c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), UIDs...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete rules: %w", err)
if len(finalChanges.Update) > 0 {
updates := make([]ngmodels.UpdateRule, 0, len(finalChanges.Update))
for _, update := range finalChanges.Update {
logger.Debug("Updating rule", "rule_uid", update.New.UID, "diff", update.Diff.String())
updates = append(updates, ngmodels.UpdateRule{
Existing: update.Existing,
New: *update.New,
err = srv.store.UpdateAlertRules(tranCtx, updates)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update rules: %w", err)
if len(finalChanges.New) > 0 {
inserts := make([]ngmodels.AlertRule, 0, len(finalChanges.New))
for _, rule := range finalChanges.New {
inserts = append(inserts, *rule)
added, err := srv.store.InsertAlertRules(tranCtx, inserts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to add rules: %w", err)
if len(added) != len(finalChanges.New) {
logger.Error("Cannot match inserted rules with final changes", "insertedCount", len(added), "changes", len(finalChanges.New))
} else {
for i, newRule := range finalChanges.New {
newRule.ID = added[i].ID
newRule.UID = added[i].UID
if len(finalChanges.New) > 0 {
userID, _ := identity.UserIdentifier(c.SignedInUser.GetNamespacedID())
limitReached, err := srv.QuotaService.CheckQuotaReached(tranCtx, ngmodels.QuotaTargetSrv, "a.ScopeParameters{
OrgID: c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(),
UserID: userID,
}) // alert rule is table name
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get alert rules quota: %w", err)
if limitReached {
return ngmodels.ErrQuotaReached
return nil
if err != nil {
if errors.As(err, &errutil.Error{}) {
return response.Err(err)
} else if errors.Is(err, ngmodels.ErrAlertRuleNotFound) {
return ErrResp(http.StatusNotFound, err, "failed to update rule group")
} else if errors.Is(err, ngmodels.ErrAlertRuleFailedValidation) || errors.Is(err, errProvisionedResource) {
return ErrResp(http.StatusBadRequest, err, "failed to update rule group")
} else if errors.Is(err, ngmodels.ErrQuotaReached) {
return ErrResp(http.StatusForbidden, err, "")
} else if errors.Is(err, store.ErrOptimisticLock) {
return ErrResp(http.StatusConflict, err, "")
return ErrResp(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to update rule group")
if srv.featureManager.IsEnabled(c.Req.Context(), featuremgmt.FlagAlertingSimplifiedRouting) && dbConfig != nil {
// This isn't strictly necessary since the alertmanager config is periodically synced.
err := srv.amRefresher.ApplyConfig(c.Req.Context(), groupKey.OrgID, dbConfig)
if err != nil {
srv.log.Warn("Failed to refresh Alertmanager config for org after change in notification settings", "org", c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(), "error", err)
return changesToResponse(finalChanges)
func changesToResponse(finalChanges *store.GroupDelta) response.Response {
body := apimodels.UpdateRuleGroupResponse{
Message: "rule group updated successfully",
Created: make([]string, 0, len(finalChanges.New)),
Updated: make([]string, 0, len(finalChanges.Update)),
Deleted: make([]string, 0, len(finalChanges.Delete)),
if finalChanges.IsEmpty() {
body.Message = "no changes detected in the rule group"
} else {
for _, r := range finalChanges.New {
body.Created = append(body.Created, r.UID)
for _, r := range finalChanges.Update {
body.Updated = append(body.Updated, r.Existing.UID)
for _, r := range finalChanges.Delete {
body.Deleted = append(body.Deleted, r.UID)
return response.JSON(http.StatusAccepted, body)
func toGettableRuleGroupConfig(groupName string, rules ngmodels.RulesGroup, provenanceRecords map[string]ngmodels.Provenance) apimodels.GettableRuleGroupConfig {
ruleNodes := make([]apimodels.GettableExtendedRuleNode, 0, len(rules))
var interval time.Duration
if len(rules) > 0 {
interval = time.Duration(rules[0].IntervalSeconds) * time.Second
for _, r := range rules {
ruleNodes = append(ruleNodes, toGettableExtendedRuleNode(*r, provenanceRecords))
return apimodels.GettableRuleGroupConfig{
Name: groupName,
Interval: model.Duration(interval),
Rules: ruleNodes,
func toGettableExtendedRuleNode(r ngmodels.AlertRule, provenanceRecords map[string]ngmodels.Provenance) apimodels.GettableExtendedRuleNode {
provenance := ngmodels.ProvenanceNone
if prov, exists := provenanceRecords[r.ResourceID()]; exists {
provenance = prov
gettableExtendedRuleNode := apimodels.GettableExtendedRuleNode{
GrafanaManagedAlert: &apimodels.GettableGrafanaRule{
ID: r.ID,
OrgID: r.OrgID,
Title: r.Title,
Condition: r.Condition,
Data: ApiAlertQueriesFromAlertQueries(r.Data),
Updated: r.Updated,
IntervalSeconds: r.IntervalSeconds,
Version: r.Version,
NamespaceUID: r.NamespaceUID,
RuleGroup: r.RuleGroup,
NoDataState: apimodels.NoDataState(r.NoDataState),
ExecErrState: apimodels.ExecutionErrorState(r.ExecErrState),
Provenance: apimodels.Provenance(provenance),
IsPaused: r.IsPaused,
NotificationSettings: AlertRuleNotificationSettingsFromNotificationSettings(r.NotificationSettings),
Record: ApiRecordFromModelRecord(r.Record),
forDuration := model.Duration(r.For)
gettableExtendedRuleNode.ApiRuleNode = &apimodels.ApiRuleNode{
For: &forDuration,
Annotations: r.Annotations,
Labels: r.Labels,
return gettableExtendedRuleNode
func toNamespaceErrorResponse(err error) response.Response {
if errors.Is(err, ngmodels.ErrCannotEditNamespace) {
return ErrResp(http.StatusForbidden, err, err.Error())
if errors.Is(err, dashboards.ErrDashboardIdentifierNotSet) {
return ErrResp(http.StatusBadRequest, err, err.Error())
return apierrors.ToFolderErrorResponse(err)
// verifyProvisionedRulesNotAffected check that neither of provisioned alerts are affected by changes.
// Returns errProvisionedResource if there is at least one rule in groups affected by changes that was provisioned.
func verifyProvisionedRulesNotAffected(ctx context.Context, provenanceStore provisioning.ProvisioningStore, orgID int64, ch *store.GroupDelta) error {
provenances, err := provenanceStore.GetProvenances(ctx, orgID, (&ngmodels.AlertRule{}).ResourceType())
if err != nil {
return err
errorMsg := strings.Builder{}
for group, alertRules := range ch.AffectedGroups {
if !containsProvisionedAlerts(provenances, alertRules) {
if errorMsg.Len() > 0 {
if errorMsg.Len() == 0 {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("%w: alert rule group [%s]", errProvisionedResource, errorMsg.String())
func validateQueries(ctx context.Context, groupChanges *store.GroupDelta, validator ConditionValidator, user identity.Requester) error {
if len(groupChanges.New) > 0 {
for _, rule := range groupChanges.New {
err := validator.Validate(eval.NewContext(ctx, user), rule.GetEvalCondition())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w '%s': %s", ngmodels.ErrAlertRuleFailedValidation, rule.Title, err.Error())
if len(groupChanges.Update) > 0 {
for _, upd := range groupChanges.Update {
if !shouldValidate(upd) {
err := validator.Validate(eval.NewContext(ctx, user), upd.New.GetEvalCondition())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w '%s' (UID: %s): %s", ngmodels.ErrAlertRuleFailedValidation, upd.New.Title, upd.New.UID, err.Error())
return nil
// shouldValidate returns true if the rule is not paused and there are changes in the rule that are not ignored
func shouldValidate(delta store.RuleDelta) bool {
for _, diff := range delta.Diff {
if !slices.Contains(ignoreFieldsForValidate[:], diff.Path) {
return true
// TODO: consider also checking if rule will be paused after the update
return false
// getAuthorizedRuleByUid fetches the rule by uid and checks whether the user is authorized to read it.
// Returns rule identified by provided UID or ErrAuthorization if user is not authorized to access the rule.
func (srv RulerSrv) getAuthorizedRuleByUid(ctx context.Context, c *contextmodel.ReqContext, ruleUID string) (ngmodels.AlertRule, error) {
q := ngmodels.GetAlertRuleByUIDQuery{
UID: ruleUID,
OrgID: c.SignedInUser.GetOrgID(),
var err error
rule, err := srv.store.GetAlertRuleByUID(ctx, &q)
if err != nil {
return ngmodels.AlertRule{}, err
if err := srv.authz.AuthorizeAccessInFolder(ctx, c.SignedInUser, rule); err != nil {
return ngmodels.AlertRule{}, err
return *rule, nil
// getAuthorizedRuleGroup fetches rules that belong to the specified models.AlertRuleGroupKey and validate user's authorization.
// Returns models.RuleGroup if authorization passed or ErrAuthorization if user is not authorized to access the rule.
func (srv RulerSrv) getAuthorizedRuleGroup(ctx context.Context, c *contextmodel.ReqContext, ruleGroupKey ngmodels.AlertRuleGroupKey) (ngmodels.RulesGroup, error) {
q := ngmodels.ListAlertRulesQuery{
OrgID: ruleGroupKey.OrgID,
NamespaceUIDs: []string{ruleGroupKey.NamespaceUID},
RuleGroup: ruleGroupKey.RuleGroup,
rules, err := srv.store.ListAlertRules(ctx, &q)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := srv.authz.AuthorizeAccessToRuleGroup(ctx, c.SignedInUser, rules); err != nil {
return nil, err
return rules, nil
type authorizedRuleGroupQuery struct {
User identity.Requester
NamespaceUIDs []string
DashboardUID string
PanelID int64
// searchAuthorizedAlertRules fetches rules according to the filters, groups them by models.AlertRuleGroupKey and filters out groups that the current user is not authorized to access.
// Returns groups that user is authorized to access, and total count of groups returned by query
func (srv RulerSrv) searchAuthorizedAlertRules(ctx context.Context, q authorizedRuleGroupQuery) (map[ngmodels.AlertRuleGroupKey]ngmodels.RulesGroup, int, error) {
query := ngmodels.ListAlertRulesQuery{
OrgID: q.User.GetOrgID(),
NamespaceUIDs: q.NamespaceUIDs,
DashboardUID: q.DashboardUID,
PanelID: q.PanelID,
rules, err := srv.store.ListAlertRules(ctx, &query)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
byGroupKey := ngmodels.GroupByAlertRuleGroupKey(rules)
totalGroups := len(byGroupKey)
for groupKey, rulesGroup := range byGroupKey {
if ok, err := srv.authz.HasAccessToRuleGroup(ctx, q.User, rulesGroup); !ok || err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
delete(byGroupKey, groupKey)
return byGroupKey, totalGroups, nil