Hugo Häggmark a4d287d2e1
Tests: Adds end-to-end tests skeleton and basic smoke test scenario (#16901)
* Chore: Adds neccessary packages

* Wip: Initial dummy test in place

* Feature: Downloads Chromium if needed

* Fix: Adds global config object

* Refactor: Adds basic e2eScenario

* Build: Adds end to end tests to config

* Build: Changes end to end job

* Build: Adds browsers to image

* Build: Adds failing test

* Refactor: Adds first e2e-test scenario

* Fix: Ignores test output in gitignore

* Refactor: Adds compare screenshots ability

* Refactor: Removes unnecessary code

* Build: Removes jest-puppeteer

* Fix: Replaces test snapshots

* Refactor: Creates output dir if missing

* Refactor: Changes aria-labels to be more consistent

* Docs: Adds section about end to end tests

* Fix: Fixes snapshots

* Docs: Adds information about ENV variables
2019-05-08 16:50:21 +02:00

45 lines
1.1 KiB

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