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// Copyright 2015 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package xorm
import (
// Engine is the major struct of xorm, it means a database manager.
// Commonly, an application only need one engine
type Engine struct {
db *core.DB
dialect core.Dialect
ColumnMapper core.IMapper
TableMapper core.IMapper
TagIdentifier string
Tables map[reflect.Type]*core.Table
mutex *sync.RWMutex
Cacher core.Cacher
showSQL bool
showExecTime bool
logger core.ILogger
TZLocation *time.Location // The timezone of the application
DatabaseTZ *time.Location // The timezone of the database
tagHandlers map[string]tagHandler
defaultContext context.Context
// CondDeleted returns the conditions whether a record is soft deleted.
func (engine *Engine) CondDeleted(col *core.Column) builder.Cond {
var cond = builder.NewCond()
if col.SQLType.IsNumeric() {
cond = builder.Eq{col.Name: 0}
if col.Nullable {
cond = cond.Or(builder.IsNull{col.Name})
return cond
// ShowSQL show SQL statement or not on logger if log level is great than INFO
func (engine *Engine) ShowSQL(show ...bool) {
if len(show) == 0 {
engine.showSQL = true
} else {
engine.showSQL = show[0]
// ShowExecTime show SQL statement and execute time or not on logger if log level is great than INFO
func (engine *Engine) ShowExecTime(show ...bool) {
if len(show) == 0 {
engine.showExecTime = true
} else {
engine.showExecTime = show[0]
// SetLogger set the new logger
func (engine *Engine) SetLogger(logger core.ILogger) {
engine.logger = logger
engine.showSQL = logger.IsShowSQL()
// DriverName return the current sql driver's name
func (engine *Engine) DriverName() string {
return engine.dialect.DriverName()
// DataSourceName return the current connection string
func (engine *Engine) DataSourceName() string {
return engine.dialect.DataSourceName()
// SetMapper set the name mapping rules
func (engine *Engine) SetMapper(mapper core.IMapper) {
// SetTableMapper set the table name mapping rule
func (engine *Engine) SetTableMapper(mapper core.IMapper) {
engine.TableMapper = mapper
// SetColumnMapper set the column name mapping rule
func (engine *Engine) SetColumnMapper(mapper core.IMapper) {
engine.ColumnMapper = mapper
// SupportInsertMany If engine's database support batch insert records like
// "insert into user values (name, age), (name, age)".
// When the return is ture, then engine.Insert(&users) will
// generate batch sql and exeute.
func (engine *Engine) SupportInsertMany() bool {
return engine.dialect.SupportInsertMany()
func (engine *Engine) quoteColumns(columnStr string) string {
columns := strings.Split(columnStr, ",")
for i := 0; i < len(columns); i++ {
columns[i] = engine.Quote(strings.TrimSpace(columns[i]))
return strings.Join(columns, ",")
// Quote Use QuoteStr quote the string sql
func (engine *Engine) Quote(value string) string {
value = strings.TrimSpace(value)
if len(value) == 0 {
return value
buf := strings.Builder{}
engine.QuoteTo(&buf, value)
return buf.String()
// QuoteTo quotes string and writes into the buffer
func (engine *Engine) QuoteTo(buf *strings.Builder, value string) {
if buf == nil {
value = strings.TrimSpace(value)
if value == "" {
quoteTo(buf, engine.dialect.Quote(""), value)
func quoteTo(buf *strings.Builder, quotePair string, value string) {
if len(quotePair) < 2 { // no quote
_, _ = buf.WriteString(value)
prefix, suffix := quotePair[0], quotePair[1]
i := 0
for i < len(value) {
// start of a token; might be already quoted
if value[i] == '.' {
_ = buf.WriteByte('.')
} else if value[i] == prefix || value[i] == '`' {
// Has quotes; skip/normalize `name` to prefix+name+sufix
var ch byte
if value[i] == prefix {
ch = suffix
} else {
ch = '`'
_ = buf.WriteByte(prefix)
for ; i < len(value) && value[i] != ch; i++ {
_ = buf.WriteByte(value[i])
_ = buf.WriteByte(suffix)
} else {
// Requires quotes
_ = buf.WriteByte(prefix)
for ; i < len(value) && value[i] != '.'; i++ {
_ = buf.WriteByte(value[i])
_ = buf.WriteByte(suffix)
func (engine *Engine) quote(sql string) string {
return engine.dialect.Quote(sql)
// SetConnMaxLifetime sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.
func (engine *Engine) SetConnMaxLifetime(d time.Duration) {
// SetMaxOpenConns is only available for go 1.2+
func (engine *Engine) SetMaxOpenConns(conns int) {
// SetMaxIdleConns set the max idle connections on pool, default is 2
func (engine *Engine) SetMaxIdleConns(conns int) {
// NewDB provides an interface to operate database directly
func (engine *Engine) NewDB() (*core.DB, error) {
return core.OpenDialect(engine.dialect)
// DB return the wrapper of sql.DB
func (engine *Engine) DB() *core.DB {
return engine.db
// Dialect return database dialect
func (engine *Engine) Dialect() core.Dialect {
return engine.dialect
// NewSession New a session
func (engine *Engine) NewSession() *Session {
session := &Session{engine: engine}
return session
// Close the engine
func (engine *Engine) Close() error {
return engine.db.Close()
// Ping tests if database is alive
func (engine *Engine) Ping() error {
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
return session.Ping()
// SQL method let's you manually write raw SQL and operate
// For example:
// engine.SQL("select * from user").Find(&users)
// This code will execute "select * from user" and set the records to users
func (engine *Engine) SQL(query any, args ...any) *Session {
session := engine.NewSession()
session.isAutoClose = true
return session.SQL(query, args...)
func (engine *Engine) loadTableInfo(table *core.Table) error {
colSeq, cols, err := engine.dialect.GetColumns(table.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, name := range colSeq {
indexes, err := engine.dialect.GetIndexes(table.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
table.Indexes = indexes
for _, index := range indexes {
for _, name := range index.Cols {
if col := table.GetColumn(name); col != nil {
col.Indexes[index.Name] = index.Type
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown col %s in index %v of table %v, columns %v", name, index.Name, table.Name, table.ColumnsSeq())
return nil
// DBMetas Retrieve all tables, columns, indexes' informations from database.
func (engine *Engine) DBMetas() ([]*core.Table, error) {
tables, err := engine.dialect.GetTables()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, table := range tables {
if err = engine.loadTableInfo(table); err != nil {
return nil, err
return tables, nil
// Where method provide a condition query
func (engine *Engine) Where(query any, args ...any) *Session {
session := engine.NewSession()
session.isAutoClose = true
return session.Where(query, args...)
// ID method provoide a condition as (id) = ?
func (engine *Engine) ID(id any) *Session {
session := engine.NewSession()
session.isAutoClose = true
return session.ID(id)
// Before apply before Processor, affected bean is passed to closure arg
func (engine *Engine) Before(closures func(any)) *Session {
session := engine.NewSession()
session.isAutoClose = true
return session.Before(closures)
// After apply after insert Processor, affected bean is passed to closure arg
func (engine *Engine) After(closures func(any)) *Session {
session := engine.NewSession()
session.isAutoClose = true
return session.After(closures)
// Charset set charset when create table, only support mysql now
func (engine *Engine) Charset(charset string) *Session {
session := engine.NewSession()
session.isAutoClose = true
return session.Charset(charset)
// StoreEngine set store engine when create table, only support mysql now
func (engine *Engine) StoreEngine(storeEngine string) *Session {
session := engine.NewSession()
session.isAutoClose = true
return session.StoreEngine(storeEngine)
// Table temporarily change the Get, Find, Update's table
func (engine *Engine) Table(tableNameOrBean any) *Session {
session := engine.NewSession()
session.isAutoClose = true
return session.Table(tableNameOrBean)
func (engine *Engine) autoMapType(v reflect.Value) (*core.Table, error) {
t := v.Type()
defer engine.mutex.Unlock()
table, ok := engine.Tables[t]
if !ok {
var err error
table, err = engine.mapType(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
engine.Tables[t] = table
if engine.Cacher != nil {
if v.CanAddr() {
} else {
return table, nil
// GobRegister register one struct to gob for cache use
func (engine *Engine) GobRegister(v any) *Engine {
return engine
// Table table struct
type Table struct {
Name string
func addIndex(indexName string, table *core.Table, col *core.Column, indexType int) {
if index, ok := table.Indexes[indexName]; ok {
col.Indexes[index.Name] = indexType
} else {
index := core.NewIndex(indexName, indexType)
col.Indexes[index.Name] = indexType
// TableName table name interface to define customerize table name
type TableName interface {
TableName() string
var (
tpTableName = reflect.TypeOf((*TableName)(nil)).Elem()
func (engine *Engine) mapType(v reflect.Value) (*core.Table, error) {
t := v.Type()
table := core.NewEmptyTable()
table.Type = t
table.Name = getTableName(engine.TableMapper, v)
var idFieldColName string
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
tag := t.Field(i).Tag
ormTagStr := tag.Get(engine.TagIdentifier)
var col *core.Column
fieldValue := v.Field(i)
fieldType := fieldValue.Type()
if ormTagStr != "" {
col = &core.Column{
FieldName: t.Field(i).Name,
Nullable: true,
IsPrimaryKey: false,
IsAutoIncrement: false,
MapType: core.TWOSIDES,
Indexes: make(map[string]int),
DefaultIsEmpty: true,
tags := splitTag(ormTagStr)
if len(tags) > 0 {
if tags[0] == "-" {
var ctx = tagContext{
table: table,
col: col,
fieldValue: fieldValue,
indexNames: make(map[string]int),
engine: engine,
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToUpper(tags[0]), "EXTENDS") {
pStart := strings.Index(tags[0], "(")
if pStart > -1 && strings.HasSuffix(tags[0], ")") {
var tagPrefix = strings.TrimFunc(tags[0][pStart+1:len(tags[0])-1], func(r rune) bool {
return r == '\'' || r == '"'
ctx.params = []string{tagPrefix}
if err := ExtendsTagHandler(&ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
for j, key := range tags {
if ctx.ignoreNext {
ctx.ignoreNext = false
k := strings.ToUpper(key)
ctx.tagName = k
ctx.params = []string{}
pStart := strings.Index(k, "(")
if pStart == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("( could not be the first character")
if pStart > -1 {
if !strings.HasSuffix(k, ")") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("field %s tag %s cannot match ) character", col.FieldName, key)
ctx.tagName = k[:pStart]
ctx.params = strings.Split(key[pStart+1:len(k)-1], ",")
if j > 0 {
ctx.preTag = strings.ToUpper(tags[j-1])
if j < len(tags)-1 {
ctx.nextTag = tags[j+1]
} else {
ctx.nextTag = ""
if h, ok := engine.tagHandlers[ctx.tagName]; ok {
if err := h(&ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if strings.HasPrefix(key, "'") && strings.HasSuffix(key, "'") {
col.Name = key[1 : len(key)-1]
} else {
col.Name = key
if col.SQLType.Name == "" {
col.SQLType = core.Type2SQLType(fieldType)
if col.Length == 0 {
col.Length = col.SQLType.DefaultLength
if col.Length2 == 0 {
col.Length2 = col.SQLType.DefaultLength2
if col.Name == "" {
col.Name = engine.ColumnMapper.Obj2Table(t.Field(i).Name)
if ctx.isUnique {
ctx.indexNames[col.Name] = core.UniqueType
} else if ctx.isIndex {
ctx.indexNames[col.Name] = core.IndexType
for indexName, indexType := range ctx.indexNames {
addIndex(indexName, table, col, indexType)
} else {
var sqlType core.SQLType
if fieldValue.CanAddr() {
if _, ok := fieldValue.Addr().Interface().(core.Conversion); ok {
sqlType = core.SQLType{Name: core.Text}
if _, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(core.Conversion); ok {
sqlType = core.SQLType{Name: core.Text}
} else {
sqlType = core.Type2SQLType(fieldType)
col = core.NewColumn(engine.ColumnMapper.Obj2Table(t.Field(i).Name),
t.Field(i).Name, sqlType, sqlType.DefaultLength,
sqlType.DefaultLength2, true)
if fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 && (strings.ToUpper(col.FieldName) == "ID" || strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToUpper(col.FieldName), ".ID")) {
idFieldColName = col.Name
if col.IsAutoIncrement {
col.Nullable = false
} // end for
if idFieldColName != "" && len(table.PrimaryKeys) == 0 {
col := table.GetColumn(idFieldColName)
col.IsPrimaryKey = true
col.IsAutoIncrement = true
col.Nullable = false
table.PrimaryKeys = append(table.PrimaryKeys, col.Name)
table.AutoIncrement = col.Name
return table, nil
// IsTableExist if a table is exist
func (engine *Engine) IsTableExist(beanOrTableName any) (bool, error) {
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
return session.IsTableExist(beanOrTableName)
// Sync the new struct changes to database, this method will automatically add
// table, column, index, unique. but will not delete or change anything.
// If you change some field, you should change the database manually.
func (engine *Engine) Sync(beans ...any) error {
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
for _, bean := range beans {
v := rValue(bean)
tableNameNoSchema := engine.TableName(bean)
table, err := engine.autoMapType(v)
if err != nil {
return err
isExist, err := session.Table(bean).isTableExist(tableNameNoSchema)
if err != nil {
return err
if !isExist {
err = session.createTable(bean)
if err != nil {
return err
var isEmpty bool
if isEmpty {
err = session.dropTable(bean)
if err != nil {
return err
err = session.createTable(bean)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
for _, col := range table.Columns() {
isExist, err := engine.dialect.IsColumnExist(tableNameNoSchema, col.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
if !isExist {
if err := session.statement.setRefBean(bean); err != nil {
return err
err = session.addColumn(col.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
for name, index := range table.Indexes {
if err := session.statement.setRefBean(bean); err != nil {
return err
if index.Type == core.UniqueType {
isExist, err := session.isIndexExist2(tableNameNoSchema, index.Cols, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if !isExist {
if err := session.statement.setRefBean(bean); err != nil {
return err
err = session.addUnique(tableNameNoSchema, name)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if index.Type == core.IndexType {
isExist, err := session.isIndexExist2(tableNameNoSchema, index.Cols, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if !isExist {
if err := session.statement.setRefBean(bean); err != nil {
return err
err = session.addIndex(tableNameNoSchema, name)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
return errors.New("unknow index type")
return nil
// Sync2 synchronize structs to database tables
func (engine *Engine) Sync2(beans ...any) error {
s := engine.NewSession()
defer s.Close()
return s.Sync2(beans...)
// Exec raw sql
func (engine *Engine) Exec(sqlOrArgs ...any) (sql.Result, error) {
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
return session.Exec(sqlOrArgs...)
// Insert one or more records
func (engine *Engine) Insert(beans ...any) (int64, error) {
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
return session.Insert(beans...)
// Find retrieve records from table, condiBeans's non-empty fields
// are conditions. beans could be []Struct, []*Struct, map[int64]Struct
// map[int64]*Struct
func (engine *Engine) Find(beans any, condiBeans ...any) error {
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
return session.Find(beans, condiBeans...)
// nowTime return current time
func (engine *Engine) nowTime(col *core.Column) (any, time.Time) {
t := time.Now()
var tz = engine.DatabaseTZ
if !col.DisableTimeZone && col.TimeZone != nil {
tz = col.TimeZone
return engine.formatTime(col.SQLType.Name, t.In(tz)), t.In(engine.TZLocation)
func (engine *Engine) formatColTime(col *core.Column, t time.Time) (v any) {
if t.IsZero() {
if col.Nullable {
return nil
return ""
if col.TimeZone != nil {
return engine.formatTime(col.SQLType.Name, t.In(col.TimeZone))
return engine.formatTime(col.SQLType.Name, t.In(engine.DatabaseTZ))
// formatTime format time as column type
func (engine *Engine) formatTime(sqlTypeName string, t time.Time) (v any) {
switch sqlTypeName {
case core.Time:
s := t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") // time.RFC3339
v = s[11:19]
case core.Date:
v = t.Format("2006-01-02")
case core.DateTime, core.TimeStamp, core.Varchar: // !DarthPestilane! format time when sqlTypeName is core.Varchar.
v = t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
case core.TimeStampz:
v = t.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
case core.BigInt, core.Int:
v = t.Unix()
v = t