Sergey Kostrukov 9bfb7e1f0b
Azure Monitor: Azure routes from Grafana Azure SDK (#82043)
Prometheus: Azure routes from Grafana Azure SDK
2024-02-08 10:42:20 +00:00

737 lines
22 KiB

package metrics
import (
azTime ""
// AzureMonitorDatasource calls the Azure Monitor API - one of the four API's supported
type AzureMonitorDatasource struct {
Proxy types.ServiceProxy
Logger log.Logger
var (
// Used to convert the aggregation value to the Azure enum for deep linking
aggregationTypeMap = map[string]int{"None": 0, "Total": 1, "Minimum": 2, "Maximum": 3, "Average": 4, "Count": 7}
resourceNameLandmark = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)(/(?P<resourceName>[\w-\.]+)/providers/Microsoft\.Insights/metrics)`)
const AzureMonitorAPIVersion = "2021-05-01"
func (e *AzureMonitorDatasource) ResourceRequest(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cli *http.Client) (http.ResponseWriter, error) {
return e.Proxy.Do(rw, req, cli)
// executeTimeSeriesQuery does the following:
// 1. build the AzureMonitor url and querystring for each query
// 2. executes each query by calling the Azure Monitor API
// 3. parses the responses for each query into data frames
func (e *AzureMonitorDatasource) ExecuteTimeSeriesQuery(ctx context.Context, originalQueries []backend.DataQuery, dsInfo types.DatasourceInfo, client *http.Client, url string) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) {
result := backend.NewQueryDataResponse()
queries, err := e.buildQueries(originalQueries, dsInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, query := range queries {
res, err := e.executeQuery(ctx, query, dsInfo, client, url)
if err != nil {
result.Responses[query.RefID] = backend.DataResponse{Error: err}
result.Responses[query.RefID] = *res
return result, nil
func (e *AzureMonitorDatasource) buildQueries(queries []backend.DataQuery, dsInfo types.DatasourceInfo) ([]*types.AzureMonitorQuery, error) {
azureMonitorQueries := []*types.AzureMonitorQuery{}
for _, query := range queries {
var target string
queryJSONModel := dataquery.AzureMonitorQuery{}
err := json.Unmarshal(query.JSON, &queryJSONModel)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode the Azure Monitor query object from JSON: %w", err)
azJSONModel := queryJSONModel.AzureMonitor
// Legacy: If only MetricDefinition is set, use it as namespace
if azJSONModel.MetricDefinition != nil && *azJSONModel.MetricDefinition != "" &&
azJSONModel.MetricNamespace != nil && *azJSONModel.MetricNamespace == "" {
azJSONModel.MetricNamespace = azJSONModel.MetricDefinition
azJSONModel.DimensionFilters = MigrateDimensionFilters(azJSONModel.DimensionFilters)
alias := ""
if azJSONModel.Alias != nil {
alias = *azJSONModel.Alias
azureURL := ""
if queryJSONModel.Subscription != nil {
azureURL = BuildSubscriptionMetricsURL(*queryJSONModel.Subscription)
filterInBody := true
resourceIDs := []string{}
resourceMap := map[string]dataquery.AzureMonitorResource{}
if hasOne, resourceGroup, resourceName := hasOneResource(queryJSONModel); hasOne {
ub := urlBuilder{
ResourceURI: azJSONModel.ResourceUri,
// Alternative, used to reconstruct resource URI if it's not present
DefaultSubscription: &dsInfo.Settings.SubscriptionId,
Subscription: queryJSONModel.Subscription,
ResourceGroup: resourceGroup,
MetricNamespace: azJSONModel.MetricNamespace,
ResourceName: resourceName,
// Construct the resourceURI (for legacy query objects pre Grafana 9)
resourceUri, err := ub.buildResourceURI()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// POST requests are only supported at the subscription level
filterInBody = false
if resourceUri != nil {
azureURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/providers/microsoft.insights/metrics", *resourceUri)
resourceMap[*resourceUri] = dataquery.AzureMonitorResource{ResourceGroup: resourceGroup, ResourceName: resourceName}
} else {
for _, r := range azJSONModel.Resources {
ub := urlBuilder{
DefaultSubscription: &dsInfo.Settings.SubscriptionId,
Subscription: queryJSONModel.Subscription,
ResourceGroup: r.ResourceGroup,
MetricNamespace: azJSONModel.MetricNamespace,
ResourceName: r.ResourceName,
resourceUri, err := ub.buildResourceURI()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resourceUri != nil {
resourceMap[*resourceUri] = r
resourceIDs = append(resourceIDs, fmt.Sprintf("Microsoft.ResourceId eq '%s'", *resourceUri))
// old model
dimension := ""
if azJSONModel.Dimension != nil {
dimension = strings.TrimSpace(*azJSONModel.Dimension)
dimensionFilter := ""
if azJSONModel.DimensionFilter != nil {
dimensionFilter = strings.TrimSpace(*azJSONModel.DimensionFilter)
dimSB := strings.Builder{}
if dimension != "" && dimensionFilter != "" && dimension != "None" && len(azJSONModel.DimensionFilters) == 0 {
dimSB.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s eq '%s'", dimension, dimensionFilter))
} else {
for i, filter := range azJSONModel.DimensionFilters {
if len(filter.Filters) == 0 {
dimSB.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s eq '*'", *filter.Dimension))
} else {
if i != len(azJSONModel.DimensionFilters)-1 {
dimSB.WriteString(" and ")
filterString := strings.Join(resourceIDs, " or ")
if dimSB.String() != "" {
if filterString != "" {
filterString = fmt.Sprintf("(%s) and (%s)", filterString, dimSB.String())
} else {
filterString = dimSB.String()
params, err := getParams(azJSONModel, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
target = params.Encode()
sub := ""
if queryJSONModel.Subscription != nil {
sub = *queryJSONModel.Subscription
query := &types.AzureMonitorQuery{
URL: azureURL,
Target: target,
Params: params,
RefID: query.RefID,
Alias: alias,
TimeRange: query.TimeRange,
Dimensions: azJSONModel.DimensionFilters,
Resources: resourceMap,
Subscription: sub,
if filterString != "" {
if filterInBody {
query.BodyFilter = filterString
} else {
query.Params.Add("$filter", filterString)
azureMonitorQueries = append(azureMonitorQueries, query)
return azureMonitorQueries, nil
func getParams(azJSONModel *dataquery.AzureMetricQuery, query backend.DataQuery) (url.Values, error) {
params := url.Values{}
timeGrain := azJSONModel.TimeGrain
timeGrains := azJSONModel.AllowedTimeGrainsMs
if timeGrain != nil && *timeGrain == "auto" {
var err error
timeGrain, err = azTime.SetAutoTimeGrain(query.Interval.Milliseconds(), timeGrains)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
params.Add("api-version", AzureMonitorAPIVersion)
params.Add("timespan", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", query.TimeRange.From.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), query.TimeRange.To.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)))
if timeGrain != nil {
params.Add("interval", *timeGrain)
if azJSONModel.Aggregation != nil {
params.Add("aggregation", *azJSONModel.Aggregation)
if azJSONModel.MetricName != nil {
params.Add("metricnames", *azJSONModel.MetricName)
if azJSONModel.CustomNamespace != nil && *azJSONModel.CustomNamespace != "" {
params.Add("metricnamespace", *azJSONModel.CustomNamespace)
} else if azJSONModel.MetricNamespace != nil {
params.Add("metricnamespace", *azJSONModel.MetricNamespace)
if azJSONModel.Region != nil && *azJSONModel.Region != "" {
params.Add("region", *azJSONModel.Region)
if azJSONModel.Top != nil && *azJSONModel.Top != "" {
params.Add("top", *azJSONModel.Top)
return params, nil
func (e *AzureMonitorDatasource) retrieveSubscriptionDetails(cli *http.Client, ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, baseUrl string, dsId int64, orgId int64) (string, error) {
req, err := e.createRequest(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s/subscriptions/%s", baseUrl, subscriptionId))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve subscription details for subscription %s: %s", subscriptionId, err)
values := req.URL.Query()
values.Add("api-version", "2022-12-01")
req.URL.RawQuery = values.Encode()
_, span := tracing.DefaultTracer().Start(ctx, "azuremonitor subscription query", trace.WithAttributes(
attribute.String("subscription", subscriptionId),
attribute.Int64("datasource_id", dsId),
attribute.Int64("org_id", orgId),
defer span.End()
res, err := cli.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to request subscription details: %s", err)
defer func() {
if err := res.Body.Close(); err != nil {
e.Logger.Warn("Failed to close response body", "err", err)
body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to read response body: %s", err)
if res.StatusCode/100 != 2 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("request failed, status: %s, error: %s", res.Status, string(body))
var data types.SubscriptionsResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &data)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal subscription detail response. error: %s, status: %s, body: %s", err, res.Status, string(body))
return data.DisplayName, nil
func (e *AzureMonitorDatasource) executeQuery(ctx context.Context, query *types.AzureMonitorQuery, dsInfo types.DatasourceInfo, cli *http.Client, url string) (*backend.DataResponse, error) {
req, err := e.createRequest(ctx, url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.URL.Path = path.Join(req.URL.Path, query.URL)
req.URL.RawQuery = query.Params.Encode()
if query.BodyFilter != "" {
req.Method = http.MethodPost
req.Body = io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf(`{"filter": "%s"}`, query.BodyFilter)))
_, span := tracing.DefaultTracer().Start(ctx, "azuremonitor query", trace.WithAttributes(
attribute.String("target", query.Target),
attribute.Int64("from", query.TimeRange.From.UnixNano()/int64(time.Millisecond)),
attribute.Int64("until", query.TimeRange.To.UnixNano()/int64(time.Millisecond)),
attribute.Int64("datasource_id", dsInfo.DatasourceID),
attribute.Int64("org_id", dsInfo.OrgID),
defer span.End()
res, err := cli.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err := res.Body.Close(); err != nil {
e.Logger.Warn("Failed to close response body", "err", err)
data, err := e.unmarshalResponse(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
subscription, err := e.retrieveSubscriptionDetails(cli, ctx, query.Subscription, dsInfo.Routes["Azure Monitor"].URL, dsInfo.DatasourceID, dsInfo.OrgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
frames, err := e.parseResponse(data, query, dsInfo.Routes["Azure Portal"].URL, subscription)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dataResponse := backend.DataResponse{Frames: frames}
return &dataResponse, nil
func (e *AzureMonitorDatasource) createRequest(ctx context.Context, url string) (*http.Request, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, url, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", "failed to create request", err)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
return req, nil
func (e *AzureMonitorDatasource) unmarshalResponse(res *http.Response) (types.AzureMonitorResponse, error) {
body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
return types.AzureMonitorResponse{}, err
if res.StatusCode/100 != 2 {
return types.AzureMonitorResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("request failed, status: %s, error: %s", res.Status, string(body))
var data types.AzureMonitorResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &data)
if err != nil {
return types.AzureMonitorResponse{}, err
return data, nil
func (e *AzureMonitorDatasource) parseResponse(amr types.AzureMonitorResponse, query *types.AzureMonitorQuery, azurePortalUrl string, subscription string) (data.Frames, error) {
if len(amr.Value) == 0 {
return nil, nil
frames := data.Frames{}
for _, series := range amr.Value[0].Timeseries {
labels := data.Labels{}
for _, md := range series.Metadatavalues {
labels[md.Name.LocalizedValue] = md.Value
frame := data.NewFrameOfFieldTypes("", len(series.Data), data.FieldTypeTime, data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64)
frame.Meta = &data.FrameMeta{Type: data.FrameTypeTimeSeriesMulti, TypeVersion: data.FrameTypeVersion{0, 1}}
frame.RefID = query.RefID
timeField := frame.Fields[0]
timeField.Name = data.TimeSeriesTimeFieldName
dataField := frame.Fields[1]
dataField.Name = amr.Value[0].Name.LocalizedValue
dataField.Labels = labels
if amr.Value[0].Unit != "Unspecified" {
Unit: toGrafanaUnit(amr.Value[0].Unit),
resourceIdLabel := "microsoft.resourceid"
resourceID, ok := labels[resourceIdLabel]
if !ok {
resourceIdLabel = "Microsoft.ResourceId"
resourceID = labels[resourceIdLabel]
resourceIDSlice := strings.Split(resourceID, "/")
resourceName := ""
if len(resourceIDSlice) > 1 {
resourceName = resourceIDSlice[len(resourceIDSlice)-1]
} else {
// Deprecated: This is for backward compatibility, the URL should contain
// the resource ID
resourceName = extractResourceNameFromMetricsURL(query.URL)
resourceID = extractResourceIDFromMetricsURL(query.URL)
if _, ok := labels[resourceIdLabel]; ok {
delete(labels, resourceIdLabel)
labels["resourceName"] = resourceName
if query.Alias != "" {
displayName := formatAzureMonitorLegendKey(query, resourceID, &amr, labels, subscription)
if dataField.Config != nil {
dataField.Config.DisplayName = displayName
} else {
DisplayName: displayName,
requestedAgg := query.Params.Get("aggregation")
for i, point := range series.Data {
var value *float64
switch requestedAgg {
case "Average":
value = point.Average
case "Total":
value = point.Total
case "Maximum":
value = point.Maximum
case "Minimum":
value = point.Minimum
case "Count":
value = point.Count
value = point.Count
frame.SetRow(i, point.TimeStamp, value)
queryUrl, err := getQueryUrl(query, azurePortalUrl, resourceID, resourceName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
frameWithLink := loganalytics.AddConfigLinks(*frame, queryUrl, nil)
frames = append(frames, &frameWithLink)
return frames, nil
// Gets the deep link for the given query
func getQueryUrl(query *types.AzureMonitorQuery, azurePortalUrl, resourceID, resourceName string) (string, error) {
aggregationType := aggregationTypeMap["Average"]
aggregation := query.Params.Get("aggregation")
if aggregation != "" {
if aggType, ok := aggregationTypeMap[aggregation]; ok {
aggregationType = aggType
timespan, err := json.Marshal(map[string]any{
"absolute": struct {
Start string `json:"startTime"`
End string `json:"endTime"`
Start: query.TimeRange.From.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
End: query.TimeRange.To.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
if err != nil {
return "", err
escapedTime := url.QueryEscape(string(timespan))
var filters []types.AzureMonitorDimensionFilterBackend
var grouping map[string]any
if len(query.Dimensions) > 0 {
for _, dimension := range query.Dimensions {
var dimensionInt int
dimensionFilters := dimension.Filters
// Only the first dimension determines the splitting shown in the Azure Portal
if grouping == nil {
grouping = map[string]any{
"dimension": dimension.Dimension,
"sort": 2,
"top": 10,
if len(dimension.Filters) == 0 {
if dimension.Dimension == nil {
if dimension.Operator == nil {
filter := types.AzureMonitorDimensionFilterBackend{
Key: *dimension.Dimension,
Operator: 0,
Values: dimensionFilters,
filters = append(filters, filter)
switch *dimension.Operator {
case "eq":
dimensionInt = 0
case "ne":
dimensionInt = 1
case "sw":
dimensionInt = 3
filter := types.AzureMonitorDimensionFilterBackend{
Key: *dimension.Dimension,
Operator: dimensionInt,
Values: dimensionFilters,
filters = append(filters, filter)
chart := map[string]any{
"metrics": []types.MetricChartDefinition{
ResourceMetadata: map[string]string{
"id": resourceID,
Name: query.Params.Get("metricnames"),
AggregationType: aggregationType,
Namespace: query.Params.Get("metricnamespace"),
MetricVisualization: types.MetricVisualization{
DisplayName: query.Params.Get("metricnames"),
ResourceDisplayName: resourceName,
if filters != nil {
chart["filterCollection"] = map[string]any{
"filters": filters,
if grouping != nil {
chart["grouping"] = grouping
chartDef, err := json.Marshal(map[string]any{
"v2charts": []any{
if err != nil {
return "", err
escapedChart := url.QueryEscape(string(chartDef))
// Azure Portal will timeout if the chart definition includes a space character encoded as '+'.
// url.QueryEscape encodes spaces as '+'.
// Note: this will not encode '+' literals as those are already encoded as '%2B' by url.QueryEscape
escapedChart = strings.ReplaceAll(escapedChart, "+", "%20")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_MonitoringMetrics/Metrics.ReactView/Referer/MetricsExplorer/TimeContext/%s/ChartDefinition/%s", azurePortalUrl, escapedTime, escapedChart), nil
// formatAzureMonitorLegendKey builds the legend key or timeseries name
// Alias patterns like {{resourcename}} are replaced with the appropriate data values.
func formatAzureMonitorLegendKey(query *types.AzureMonitorQuery, resourceId string, amr *types.AzureMonitorResponse, labels data.Labels, subscription string) string {
alias := query.Alias
subscriptionId := query.Subscription
resource := query.Resources[resourceId]
metricName := amr.Value[0].Name.LocalizedValue
namespace := amr.Namespace
// Could be a collision problem if there were two keys that varied only in case, but I don't think that would happen in azure.
lowerLabels := data.Labels{}
for k, v := range labels {
lowerLabels[strings.ToLower(k)] = v
keys := make([]string, 0, len(labels))
for k := range lowerLabels {
keys = append(keys, k)
result := types.LegendKeyFormat.ReplaceAllFunc([]byte(alias), func(in []byte) []byte {
metaPartName := strings.Replace(string(in), "{{", "", 1)
metaPartName = strings.Replace(metaPartName, "}}", "", 1)
metaPartName = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(metaPartName))
if metaPartName == "subscriptionid" {
return []byte(subscriptionId)
if metaPartName == "subscription" {
if subscription == "" {
return []byte{}
return []byte(subscription)
if metaPartName == "resourcegroup" && resource.ResourceGroup != nil {
return []byte(*resource.ResourceGroup)
if metaPartName == "namespace" {
return []byte(namespace)
if metaPartName == "resourcename" && resource.ResourceName != nil {
return []byte(*resource.ResourceName)
if metaPartName == "metric" {
return []byte(metricName)
if metaPartName == "dimensionname" {
if len(keys) == 0 {
return []byte{}
return []byte(keys[0])
if metaPartName == "dimensionvalue" {
if len(keys) == 0 {
return []byte{}
return []byte(lowerLabels[keys[0]])
if v, ok := lowerLabels[metaPartName]; ok {
return []byte(v)
return in
return string(result)
// Map values from:
// to
func toGrafanaUnit(unit string) string {
switch unit {
case "BitsPerSecond":
return "bps"
case "Bytes":
return "decbytes" // or ICE
case "BytesPerSecond":
return "Bps"
case "Count":
return "short" // this is used for integers
case "CountPerSecond":
return "cps"
case "Percent":
return "percent"
case "MilliSeconds":
return "ms"
case "Seconds":
return "s"
return unit // this will become a suffix in the display
// "ByteSeconds", "Cores", "MilliCores", and "NanoCores" all both:
// 1. Do not have a corresponding unit in Grafana's current list.
// 2. Do not have the unit listed in any of Azure Monitor's supported metrics anyways.
func extractResourceNameFromMetricsURL(url string) string {
matches := resourceNameLandmark.FindStringSubmatch(url)
resourceName := ""
if matches == nil {
return resourceName
for i, name := range resourceNameLandmark.SubexpNames() {
if name == "resourceName" {
resourceName = matches[i]
return resourceName
func extractResourceIDFromMetricsURL(url string) string {
return strings.Split(url, "/providers/microsoft.insights/metrics")[0]
func hasOneResource(query dataquery.AzureMonitorQuery) (bool, *string, *string) {
azJSONModel := query.AzureMonitor
if len(azJSONModel.Resources) > 1 {
return false, nil, nil
if len(azJSONModel.Resources) == 1 {
return true, azJSONModel.Resources[0].ResourceGroup, azJSONModel.Resources[0].ResourceName
if (azJSONModel.ResourceGroup != nil && *azJSONModel.ResourceGroup != "") || (azJSONModel.ResourceName != nil && *azJSONModel.ResourceName != "") {
// Deprecated, Resources should be used instead
return true, azJSONModel.ResourceGroup, azJSONModel.ResourceName
return false, nil, nil